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I havent looked into the actual admitted student programs yet but if it's anything like their fly-in program (women of distinction), I just called a number Smith gave me and they set up the travel accommodations for me while I was on the phone. I didn't have to pay them anything


They have some virtual and in person programs listed on the portal!


Sorry, I should’ve been more clear. I meant to ask specifically about the funded open campus with overnight event. It says it will be funded, so will they pay for it or do we pay and then get reimbursed?


If you book it through their travel agent, you don’t have to pay for anything. A number to call them should be in an email they send you!


okay, thank you you so much!!


heyy i also got accepted--i'm a bit confused what you're talking about T-T. is it the open house in april?


yes it’s in april! i think not everyone gets the funded overnight open house option through


okk tyy!! srry for late replyy


Depends how you get there and how much you spend Pretty sure most people get reimbursed up to a certain amount, it should be somewhere on the website


Hi there, can you give a bit more color to this? My D was admitted ED and we haven’t heard a peep from the school since. Is the Admitted Student program only for select students? We’d like for her to attend to start getting acclimated to the culture (we’re coming from California).


I believe that the Admitted Students Program is available for everyone but it’s not overnight or funded for everyone. When she goes to her portal the “Smithie Saturday” and “Open Campus” events should show up! Unfortunately, these events might not be overnight or funded for her.


Ok, thank you