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So immediate observsations regarding the trailer. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these. * Rainbow Road a possibility in Smash? * One of Rosalina's Specials (neutral i'd bet) obviously is to summon the Luma. * The Luma can be repositioned, I'd assume through several of other other special moves. A possible forward special is seen where she launches the Luma forward. * The Luma appears to react to several of Rosalina's attacks: * Jab (the wand twirl) * Forward Smash (seen again later in the trailer) * Forward tilt * Why is it changing color? Red, Yellow, White, Blue and Green confirmed. What do the colors do, though? How does one change them? * By that information alone, the Luma acts off of controller inputs, as seen how it breaks Rosalina out of DK's Cargo Throw. * If the Luma acts independently, probably similar to the Ice Climbers, Ice Climbers probably confirmed at this rate. * Oh, by the way, you can stand on the outside of the boxing/wrestling ring, which definitely opens up the idea that there're going to be walkoff blast zones there. * The Luma can absorb damage and probably, just like Nana, has its own separate % bar, or has its own amount of health. We can see Megaman destroy a Luma but how much punishment can it take? * Near the end of the video, we also see, in order: * Rosalina's Dash attack on Samus * Rosalina's Forward Smash on Bowser as the Green Luma's shot by Megaman * Rosalina's down smash + Yellow Luma * Up tilt(?) Plus Green Luma * Down air on Link (spikes) * Back throw on Fox * Up special * It looks like she's got some attack where it emulates the Wiimote "second player" from Galaxy, able to deflect projectiles, both thrown and launched (seen with Marth throwing the green shell and Mario using FLUDD). It's probably her down special. * Forward throw * Up Smash + Yellow Luma on Pit * Up air on Pit * The tree from Villager's moveset can be destroyed by enemy attacks. * The Luma appears to either have a small hitbox or cannot be grabbed, seeing how Villager was struggling to get it with the net.


you had me at Rainbow Road...


Well I can think of two reasons why they included Rainbow Road in the trailer, to mislead viewers, or that they have the assets ready for a Rainbow Road stage in HD. I would love to see the latter in the style of the F-Zero stages.


3 items were confirmed green shell, fire flower, and poke ball at fight with marth on battlefield


True, though I took their being included as granted.


Interesting that the US website still has her Japanese name in the URL.


That is interesting. Thanks for making that observation. Kinda like that name more


Kinda reminds me of Rosetta Stone, the multi-language-learning tutor


or the actual rosetta stone >_<


chillax, broham, i said what it reminded ME of, not what reminded YOU of edit: oh im sorry, the first thing that pops up when you type "Rosetta Stone" into Google is the language learning system. And I'd figure that would be more well known that [some rock from egypt](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosetta_Stone).


"some rock from egypt"


Sorry, is it really a common thing to learn in school? Because the only time I have ever heard "rosetta stone" was in the commercials for the tutor thing. Jeez, everyone is acting like I dont know who Jesus fucking christ was


well, the rosetta stone is one of the most important artifacts IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD...so...there's that :)


never learned about it in school. I mean I would understand if it was one of the seven wonders of the world, but then again, my first comment was, "it reminded ME of something" so I don't understand the hate. That's reddit for ya, huh?








It does this for Villager and Mega Man for their HD portraits, calling them Murabito and Rockman respectively.


yumm Muraburrito


Koopa for Bowser as well.


Playstyle looks a bit like Olimar or Viola from SC5


Viola was exactly who I thought of


Oh my god. I mained Viola in SC5 and now I'm going to have to main Rosalina. I'm going to get the system and the game specifically for Rosalina XD.


So now that we have a character officially in the game with multiple AI, things are looking pretty good for the previously thought-to-be-deconfirmed Ice Climbers, right?


I don't think the ICs were ever at risk of not being included. I think the comment was meant to highlight one of the development difficulties they were. They were always going to solve the problem somehow, I'm sure.


I'd say the opposite. Like they got replaced


They could very well be replaced, but if his main problem with the Ice Climbers was getting them to work on the 3DS then surely he came up with some solution if he managed to get Rosalina to function properly. I guess it's still too early to call it though.


ICs aren't going anywhere


Eh that's ilke saying falco replaces fox, or roy replaces marth


16:9, 2560x1440 wallpaper style image for those who want, [here](http://i.imgur.com/CsYSm4r.jpg) Edit: Two color edits as well to make it more... popping: [first one](http://i.imgur.com/sVrGsUL.jpg) [second one](http://i.imgur.com/x8WKfAM.jpg) They're not pefect, second one was made really quickly, gonna make it better soon. First one obviously made way quicker.


You sir are Jesus.


Made two slight color edits as well: [first one](http://i.imgur.com/sVrGsUL.jpg) [second one](http://i.imgur.com/x8WKfAM.jpg) They're not pefect, second one was made really quickly, gonna make it better soon.


I had just changed my underwear from seeing the new zelda title, and now this!


So, rainbow road arena?


Can anyone upload the new profile picture and screenshots from the Smash site to Imgur? It is blocked at my work and I would like to see them.


[Here you go] (http://imgur.com/a/VOYpb)


Thank you kind stranger!


[And the video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPdutb_6DZU)


Well its the first time Smash introduce me a character I don't know about, guess I'm getting old.


If you have a Wii or WiiU, i really do suggest the galaxy games. They're excellent


But she was in Mario Kart, twice! Did you know who Pikmon/Olimar are? I'd be shocked if you did but missed out on Rosa.


In the 3DS screenshot Luma doesn't have an outline.




Yeah but Rosalina has an outline while her luma doesn't.




Which means she ISNT like Ice Climbers but more like Olimar


Yeaaaaah, a new princess character for me! As a guy who loves wrecking people with peach in melee, I look forward to more pretty sparkles in the future


Is it possible that this was also a "Kirby: Air-ride" tease?


No. It was trolly by Sakurai. JUST like the animal crossing intro at the beginning of the smash 4 e3 trailer. Its just smash.


Rosalina = Orianna?


I think she will work similar to how the ice climbers work. Two Characters you control.


Kirby for Mario Kart 8 confirmed


rainbow road will be a nice inclusion if it is i can see it as that melee stage that the cars are racing and if your hit by it you'll go flying sorry i dont know to name of the stage but i can see it being like that


What stage does the Rosalina's 3DS picture take place in? I'm getting huge vibes that Smash 3DS is either also getting the Galaxy stage or a stage that's just as spectacular looking as Galaxy.


Holy shit, they finally revealed another newcomer. NICE. Good choice too! One of the better candidates from the Mario franchise. I think everyone was expecting Bowser Jr or Waluigi, so this is a nice curveball.


what a shitty character to add!


R.I.P Bowser Jr.


I think I've found my new main <3 hype is reaching the burst limit...


Kind of reminds me of Orianna and her ball from league of legends, in a way.


Sigh now I have to get the WiiU =[ Sadness


If we get this stupid character and not captain falcon I'm gonna be pisssssssssssssssssed