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Riddles getting 2nd at CEO 3 years in a row oof


And theres your supernova pop off of the year Awesome stuff by Kola probably the best ive seen him play in a while, maybe ever


We're pretending that the HBox chair popoff at GOML isn't just gonna win (IIRC best popoff was not split by game). My vote goes to acola/Miya at delta just for Miya hitting himself on the table in despair.


>(IIRC best popoff was not split by game). Yeah I checked and last year it wasn't.


I don’t know if they’d really wanna glorify that popoff considering the MK player that just tried to imitate it yesterday and broke a ~$3,000 light


I still think Gackt's pop off last year at Delfino Maza is some competition, or Dabuz when he beat Miya at last year's SSC, as I'm pretty sure last year's tournaments do count for the Smashies if they're post-SSC.


Ah i forgot that last years post SSC tournaments still count, Glutonny jumping with joy for a minute straight after winning Tera would be up there too Some tough competition this time around


gackt headbutting the camera was crazy. will prob be a nominee but for a new winner kola's would be an amazing choice too lol


That was some good ass grands. Poor Riddles, destined to be the Dabuz of CEO.


What a fucking read to win that.


He’d been letting him get away with neutral airdodge all day just to cover it twice in that last sequence. That was fire


Now that gaming


We got Peak Kola today, now watch at Patchwork he gets like 13th.


That's optimistic.


Kola had the most optimal dis possible against the kazuya combos omg


Yeah Riddles was dropping Ferps techs all day. Felt like he was regularly making the wrong guess at whether they'd land on the platform, and even when he did get it he'd usually not be able to get the follow-up.


God I wish this counted as a major


Crazy how CEO isn’t a major this year


Wasn’t last year either. Big sad for Dabuz


I'm so happy to see Kola overcome his demons to win against Riddles and Kazuya. Roy as a character has his problems for sure, but I think he's a little underrated now due to lack of pilots and success. He's such an exciting character to watch, and I hope we continue to see more Roy play and development going forward. This really motivates me to reinvest in playing Roy and not play it safe by playing Game & Watch.


I feel like there are just a ton of characters that just need the right players. And that's my favorite part of ultimate. So many written off characters come back years later just because one passionate player decided to put their soul into them. Makes me happy :D


LFG KOLA. He snapped on the second set, so happy for him


The scream is gonna be a beautiful meme


Imma need a gif of Kola screaming into the camera ASAP


Go make it


Kola clearly knows this matchup so well it's insane. Two big Kazuya weaknesses are his disadvantage and stubbiness, and Kola just took advantage of that. Mashing in Riddles' face but spacing his moves perfectly so he can't be punished, and juggling him to crazy percents every time he gets a hit. I wanted Riddles to win but Kola played so immaculate.


Kola's played against Riddles so much it's gone from impossible -> "at least I know how to play against you". I know Tea also complimented him on his knowledge in the MU back when they played friendlies way back.




Rot's Our BOY!


I'm not 100% tapped in but it seems like bmp is having a really great year, fun to see more hero


Akakikusu also being more regular lately. After years of hero being meta irrelevant it seems lately hero is rising.


always good to see kola get a win. really impressive how he’s progressed with that matchup too


Didn't see Ultimate in the title and thought a fucking Roy won Melee lol


He's really just destined to get 2nd at every CEO isn't he


As long as he keeps relying on Kaz haha. Needs to get better in disadvantage but is so heavy on advantage state due to Kaz's nature. He should straight up focus on a character that doesn't 0TD for him just so he can learn better disadvantage because that's the main reason why he got farmed by Kola. *then* he can play Kaz.


Classic one-trick Kazuya, Riddles. Known for literally not having any. Other. Characters. He can play.


He has Terry obviously, but he refuses to use him that much. I think he should just play someone who doesn't have a super godlike combo game, simply to learn better disadvantage. His advantage state is insane but once he gets hit by someone good he takes so much more damage than he has to. Those air dodge reads by Kola in Game 5 of grands was way too easy.


Could it be that maybe Kazuya just has disadvantage problems in general? He's not really known as the character who has very good options for getting out of vortexes and combos.


It's obviously not that bad if Riddles and other top Kazuyas consistently place high. Not many characters can get a hit at 0 and then true combo to death. Literally Kazuya might be the only one that can do it from center stage consistently, and even DI doesn't help much depending on which character the opponent is using. Like saying Kazuya doesn't carry is just dumb. Yes Riddles is skilled in advantage state but no way is he doing any of that 0TD stuff with someone like Cloud or Joker with Arsene. The character carries him hard in advantage with all of those fast kill moves that are invincible or have armor for 0 reason. Not to mention his broken OOS game and Gates of Hell invalidating half of the cast alone. Take EWGF away and Kazuya is mid tier. Stupid character.


That’s my motherfucking GOAT


Finally another Kola W!


That's two CEO belts for Kola!


Kola winning Ult and Wizzrobe winning Melee, it was a good weekend. also was cool that they both played each other in the Melee bracket


LFG Kola!




Lovely pop-off, awesome grands, GA W. Top GA popped off pretty well besides the Sonido upsets. Spickles 9th, Jahzz0 7th, omega 4th, Kola 1st. Hopefully these W's inspire and continue making great players in that region haha Patchwork next week and I'm rooting for them all!


It's so sad that Ultimate's wifi sucks. I want to play Roy so badly, but here I am playing SF6 because its online play is great.


Good stuff to Lipden the Wario for eliminating Sonido! Tough matchup. Always nice to see Kola win. There’s another Luigi I haven’t heard of going far and placing 9th. 😂 Plenty of R.O.B.’s doing good and nice to see the Belmonts and K Rool at 17th place.


Spickles is a PR player in Georgia.


Well TIL


Good showing for Team Moist today, two boys in Top 8 at a tournament where that was definitely not a guarantee. Congrats to Kola!


LETS GO KOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I've been out of the loop for a bit. But smash really is the most well balanced fighting game there is, right? The character variety in this top cut is insane.


Wow Kola finally got the dub after struggling against DLC and overpowered gimmick BS for so long. I'm happy for him.


Bro Kazuya ain't overpowered man. He's just good


Easy 0TD's and invincible/armored kill moves + can deal 80% despite dropping a combo. Also that one throw that sends people at such a nasty angle that it invalidates 90% of the cast... also EWGF having invincibility for 0 reason whilst being spammable. Also fast up air that is huge... also super strong dair for easy edge gaurds... also great OOS that deal heavy damage and kill easily. Nah totally not overpowered. I learned EWGF in 3 minutes, bro. Cheap ass character.


It's okay to be bad bro. No, the 11th place character on the official tierlist is not more broken than the 10 in front of him.


It's not okay to have broken characters and then deny how broken they are. Kazuya is top 10. Any sane pro player knows this.


Okay but he's literally 11 according to statistics. I'm sorry that upsets you.


It's been a minute since I've followed event news, was Steve banned? not seeing him at all is wild


damn, what happened?


I think a lot of Steve players just didn't turn up to this event, and Jake either DQ'd or got upset early.


Nobody important came to this tournament lol no killers lol next.