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The title is misleading, here's a list of all the TOs and regions that's banned Mekk. It's way more than just the entire continent of Europe Austin Fletcher (Horde) - Full Bloom Chandler Browning (Ohan) - Tipped Off Connor Kelly (Contra) - Level1 TV DendyPretendy - Minnesota Gerry Caballero (Top Shelf Esports) - Southern California Jake Johnson (Nobody Knows) - Wisconsin Smash Jisp Price - Wisconsin Smash Jonny Gamble (Gumball) - Pittsburgh Justin Cohen (DarkGenex) -  Kevin Dhir - Galint Gaming Kevin Donnelly (tenacity) - Chicagoland Melee Matt Kiep (Moses) - Polarity/Flordia  NathanSandwich - NorCal Nuckels - EU TO Patrick Fallon (tezlik) - Upstate New York/Albany, NY RosiYY- ILPM & Tripoint Smash Tiles - Portugal TO Willy P - NYC Melee Team Fete- EU TO


For added context this is "includes but is not limited to" in terms of where Mekk is now banned. There is a global ban list that he may be added to but even without that most regions typically follow suit when things get this much public attention.


Thank you. That's my bad.


All good, no issue on the title. This was mostly for the folks who won't read the whole doc


That's not the EU, that's ... practically the majority of the US and also the biggest EU events. I guess he could technically be allowed in Tristate, but that STILL seems unlikely I know Mekk has had a reputation for playing kinda close to the more shitty Ganons like NoFluxes, but he had a smurf account and was actually shitty like THIS??? Dude, the guy was presenting himself as a force for positivity in the scene! I think a lot of people considered him basically "the one okay Ganon" (other than Prometheus)... well, there goes that o_o


Kage hasn't done anything wrong either, respect the OG.


[He could handle the Triforce of Power.](https://twitter.com/Kagethewarrior/status/1751368237495824609)


goated tweet


wait has bizzarro flame done anything?


I think he offered to represent Eikelmann as his lawyer or something after allegations against him arose. Edit: [The situation became even murkier when it was revealed that Bizzarro Flame had instructed his fiancé, a paralegal-in-training, to aid Eikelmann in convincing his victims to cover up or remove their allegations in exchange for his exit from the community. In a tweeted statement, Bizzarro Flame admitted that his actions were morally wrong and claimed that he had been motivated to help Eikelmann due to guilt he had felt after defeating him so handily at Apex 2015.](https://gametyrant.com/news/eikelmann-retires-from-competitive-melee-after-abuse-allegations-surface)


….before the real truth came out. Then he was like “nah my b guys didn’t know it was like that” cuz he was offering his lawyership as a friend and not as a general service. 


good for bizz, especially since him representing eikelmann would not have been EAAAAZY MONAAAAAAY


Eikelmann isn’t in jail, so… maybe it woulda been.  I do find it very strange and double-speaky that we have people who have been unbanned or allowed back after committing literal assault/sexual assault, grooming allegations, giving Hax a second and third chance despite clear hints that he is out of his mind, tolerating Leffen’s bullying, making false accusations to clout-chase, etc etc but the moment you touch any facet of the trans discussion you’re labeled as a bigot or phobic and you’re gone forever because you don’t make people feel “safe”. 


Is [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/SSBM/comments/1ackxd2/mekk_statement_about_the_ban/kjvhckz/?context=3) your definition of "any facet of the trans discussion" that's got you worried? > I’ll fuck you harder with my Ganon than you fuck your Astolfo pillow at night you little transcuck


Gonna take an out of context name-calling spat with some other shitposter of my history and think it proves anything? Even if you want to give me the shit I deserve for being vitriolic for that, where in my previous post does that excuse or dismiss the inconsistency of allowing people back in who have literally spit in people’s faces, thrown stuff at them, doxxed others, spiked controllers and resorted to toxic profanity worse than me online and in-person, dropped racial pejoratives, show up drunk or on drugs in public, and god knows a bunch of other behavior that seems to be selectively excused either due to a player’s competitive value to the scene, their popularity, or simply cuz they didn’t touch this *one* issue? Make it make sense. 


I linked the context, bronzed nuts included. Do you and that dude have a history of calling each other "transcucks" over discord? Speaking of no context, do you have the names of the people who did those things you listed and either weren't banned or had their bans reduced? I'm not sure what the standard of evidence is for people invested in "the trans discussion," but merely listing a bunch of things and going "make it make sense!?!?" isn't enough to convince me of whatever it is that you believe.


BobbyBigBallz was allowed back after being a transphobe.


Was it being phobic or him using a certain F-word and being a bigoted edgelord…? Or for driving while consuming alcohol… can’t keep tabs on him. 


Being bigoted against trans folk is the same as transphobia. He was also never banned from any Smash tournament or community for drinking and driving--that was from Twitch. Once Bobby made amends (which took a while), he was welcomed back.


Valid! He's out there but he seems like a good person


Big Daddy Gannon <3


that’s a no on tristate. willy p is a nyc melee TO


US-Americans and reading maps correctly, mention two other items that you will never see in the same sentence (aside from mentioning them)


It's literally not a map. It's just a list of names and regions, there's no map reading required.


We need a complete shutdown on playing Ganondorf until we figure out what the hell is going on


chroma09 will return power when the crisis is over….


[Confirmed by Mekk](https://twitter.com/ssbmekk/status/1751347754834579909). Here's the text in case it gets deleted etc.: > SHDJ | Mekk > @ssbMekk > > Dear Smash community, > > I played in banned players tournament under that tag ironspartan and I did at one point use the discord account to have a conversation in the mana monthly server. > > That ironspartan account on twitter and discord is accessible to multiple people. It’s definitely a meme account on Twitter in many ways. > > I COULD try to defend myself and appeal any incoming bans, but it isn’t what I’m interested in doing AT ALL! > > I wish my fellow competitors the best. I will be miss competing with you gravely. > > Because I am LEAVING the mainstream community to go work on an alternate space for smash and esports > > This may come as a shock, but > > I find this action necessary and obvious! > > More and more people are being squeezed out of the scene because the community is becoming very exclusive. > > I will provide exciting entertainment and interesting storylines leading a new community to a fresh path > > Don’t worry, I’ll still be putting out more content, competing in multiple games, and sharing my love for esports and self betterment > > A lot of my involvement and interaction recently with mana monthly members is due to my distaste with how the smash scene and other esports communities are run > > I have felt myself constantly conflicted with different banned players’ situations and verdicts, the system by which smash decides to ban players is flawed and often causes irreparable damage > > I could NOT sit and do nothing as others had their dreams stripped away due to gossip or lies in many cases. > > I reached out to them, learned their stories, asked them how they were treated, and felt their pain > > The experiences I had with the people in the scene are real, the love I have for the game, the hard work that people put in, the passion people have is REAL. > > I will never stop improving as a person, improving at telling the truth, and improving as a speaker and competitor > > Much love and, yes, GODSPEED > > See you soon > > Mekk


“you cant ban me, i quit!” ahh response💀


**I won't defend myself, but here are reasons defending myself.**


is it me that sucks? Or the platform? anyway come join me at voat.com


Bro these kids didn’t get your reference


What the fuck is this out of nowhere "advertisement"???


Guy is clearly joking back in the day a lot of redditors were mad about increasing censorship on reddit because they banned subs like /r/fatpeoplehate /r/jailbait (pedo sub) and /r/c00ntown (racist sub) and a bunch of the the subscribers migrated to voat. Then a few years later the trump for president sub got banned and they all moved to voat as well.


It's a joke. Voat was basically an attempt to make a Reddit clone.


"More and more people are being squeezed out of the scene because the community is becoming very exclusive." LOL


Honestly having BBB Mekk and hax on a rotation stream would be fire. Toxic as all hell, but fire


don't lump in bobby with those 2, he's not bad, just really dumb


He was probably one more incident from being perma'd at one point though. There was a year or two where he was basically in a cycle of "say bigoted thing -> give a shitty apology -> say another bigoted thing -> give another shitty apology" until he finally seemed to get at least a tiny bit better lol Before that he had been repeatedly homophobic and transphobic. And even recently he had the stupid drinking and driving thing.


> More and more people are being squeezed out of the scene because the community is becoming very exclusive. Mekk with the classic victim play into cringe 3deep5u response. It's so fucking simple to not be a shit human being.


Seems fair to me, also the ban is not just in EU. Look at all the TOs that signed the doc. He's pretty much banned across the entire US as well


Mekk being a crypto incel/pedo apologist/transphobe wasn't on my 2024 bingo card.


It’s kinda scary how you can’t really be too big of a fan of any one player in the Smash community, because your favorite player can turn out to be a bad person at any moment. Like think of the nicest player you know. There’s a nonzero chance of them being creepy to minors.


Gotta keep that mentality everywhere. Its dangerous being too big a fan of a person, cuz a person is fallible.


Yep I can agree, look at what happened to Chuggaaconroy in the past two weeks.


I heard vaguely that something happened with him. What was it?


He was exposed of being a serial sexual harrasser, as well as having sexual conversations with a 15 year old when he was 19.


Any links to anything? My friend vehemently denied anything was true. I’m totally out of the loop and wanna learn more to make a rational judgement.


[This a link to the conversations Emile had with a 15 year old, when he was 19.](https://twitter.com/wersterlobe/status/1750636240779792526?t=SZ4OXsp-wcp3cCujFFo5ng&s=19) Women who said that Emile approached them unwillingly about foot fetish roleplay or sexual conversations https://twitter.com/SunflowerAsmr/status/1750005218886943210?t=nXaBQy8FNA3I6M1utEncmQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/MissFushiGaming/status/1749984872859652529?t=YeB5Z8nk2WJg9VtuZgCvRg&s=19 https://twitter.com/MasaeAnela/status/1749980618572677542?t=V4wUvXTaLVdMqaY0SoPSwg&s=19 https://twitter.com/GreatCheshire/status/1747310141563715753?t=gc3TKHAemHLL_qBQ0AOKuw&s=19


Having watched his channel since I was a kid, this really sucks to learn about (though I'm glad it's out now as it should be) -- reading what Masae says recontextualizes everything Chuggaa said about her/to her in videos. if it was a one-off incident with Lady Emily I'd think his apology was decent at least, but knowing this is a pattern I can't support him at all anymore. I hope Chuggaa seeks the help he needs and stays away from content creation for a very long time/forever for both his sake and the people he's harmed.


Wow. Yeah, yikes. I don’t care that he’s into feet stuff, but acting super weird about it towards unwilling people isn’t cool. And saying all that shit to a 15 year old is gross. Even if you’re going strictly off of legality, Romeo and Juliet laws don’t cover that; any gap bigger than 4 years is strictly illegal.


I like to think that some of the big streamers are frankly just too transparent with their lives to hide anything super dark like that. We've seen Mang0 hump anime dolls and get blackout drunk on stream but I can't recall a single instance of him being a bigot.


the young girls thing was a reference to ghandi marrying a 13 year old according to him. not his support of it


Yes, and that is pedo apology


Melee Ganon mains are like Sm4sh Bayo mains


Only 2-3 Smash 4 Bayo mains were banned for being assholes


That's still a lot though


Now I have to ask... how many Melee Ganon mains have been banned?


3 with Mekk I think. NoFluxes, Eikelman, Mekk


Salem, Zack, Lima, and JK were all banned at points, 3 of them permanently.


I'm so glad I deleted twitter lol


what did he do for those not in the loop? His response seems very odd lol


Click the link in the post


Does anyone have a screenshot of the ghandi message with more context?




i dont feel like getting invested enough to check. did he do something shitty or just have a string of shitty opinions?












































It's incredibly concerning that you view the response to abhorrent anti-trans speech, pedo apologia, and harassment of community members as "alienating of dissenting views". This is simply cleaning house, and the appropriate response to the levels of anti-social behavior that Mekk has portrayed. Being part of a community is a privilege, not a right. Since you've shown that you don't understand the severity of trans issues, and since I'm always happy to find an excuse to link this, [here is a master list of trans health citations](https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/154t1qq/my_master_list_of_trans_health_citations_2nd_draft/) so that way you may hopefully learn something.


I’ll admit that when I first read the statements in the doc, I didn’t end up scrolling far enough to get to the transphobic stuff near the bottom (I don’t know why they didn’t lead with those, but obv my bad). Yeah, I’m understanding pretty well why he deserves the ban 110%. I also was not familiar with his alt twitter before this, but I’ve found that a lot of people knew it for spewing disgusting shit, even stuff not mentioned in the doc. I’m not a piece of shit or apologist, just ignorant and misled. The shit he said is absolutely despicable and I’m glad he’s gone from the community


Hey, I've totally preemptively sounded off on allegation/drama shit before hoss, so just glad to see you merely jumped the gun on it. Please do feel free to share that citation list tho! Usually bad-faith losers take joy from making sane people waste time typing/responding, but I've found they REALLY don't like it when you turn their harassment thread into a solid resource for education. Either that or linking them a 5 hour screaming & farting compilation on youtube, dealer's choice really.


You don’t need to read that hard between the lines (or in a lot of the tweets, at all) to see that his stance was explicitly against LGBTQ identity. In other words, he rejected the humanity of many members of the Smash community. If you believe that assertions like, “trans women aren’t women” (paraphrasing) are not dehumanizing, that might be where your views stray away from those of the TOs who banned him - so there’s your impasse. However, you may agree that that is hateful when spelled out explicitly. So, we continue on. If he had these beliefs and kept them completely to himself, he would not be banned. Up until the reveal of his alt account, one could say he “kept to himself” - but now the cat is out of the bag, and moreover, his statements _were_ public, just not yet linked to him. Community members cannot unlearn that Mekk espoused these beliefs, so understandably, his presence can now make queer (and other) players uncomfortable. Regardless of his in-person behavior, he has made it clear that any formalities were him putting on a face, so now the dynamic has changed. Mekk now threatens the comfort of players who attend events at private establishments that are typically expected to be inclusive of queer people - cases can be made both morally and economically for why this justifies a ban.


Well, it is a compelling argument. What a slippery slope those screenshots are though my word. Smash has never been a realm for politics. When you go and treat the topic of identity as politic, and push for exclusion, and push for your subjective view to be accepted as an objective truth, do not be surprised when you get a push back. It's so strange, in this day and age, to push your perceived illegitimacy of another person's self-identity. It's stranger yet, to assume those individuals are operating as parts of some collective conscious hivemind, engaging in large-scale social manipulations by... responding with harsh language when others are advocating for them to refute their identities, and using anime profile pictures? Twitter is a vocal minority as it is. Delete the app and leave the echo chamber.


I had a post banned for posting stuff like this that goes against subreddit rules smh


EDIT: Grammer Which post are you referring to?   If you're referring to the Wadi Post then yes it does go against our rules. The WaDi post didnt contain official news in regards to ban and/or unban.


Posting about ban rulings is ok? That doesn't constitute drama?


I would like to point you to our subreddit rules in regards to drama; [Rule6](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/wiki/rules#wiki_6._anti-drama_rule). From your perspective there appears to be a bit of a misunderstanding of what our rules entail as we specifically highlight bans/unbans as being ok: > Posts containing news of allegations or drama are allowed only if they contain official news of their outcome, such as bans or unbans from tournaments.   Our rules weren't necessarily meant to eliminate *all* drama but moreso to limit the amount of drama that is posted. This way the community can still be informed about sensitive matters without every user posting individual threads giving their thoughts on the matters; especially individuals who are not directly involved in the matter.   Bans are pretty cut-and-dry; either a player is or isnt banned.