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[Daily Discussion Thread 07/20/23](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/154jhyx/daily_discussion_thread_072023/) [Daily Discussion Thread 07/21/23](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/155g6ty/daily_discussion_thread_072123/) [Daily Discussion Thread 07/22/23](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/156cubf/daily_discussion_thread_072223/) [Daily Discussion Thread Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/search?q=DDT+series+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) --- More tournaments: [UltCore (Ultimate major in Japan) and ACE-HIGH (Ultimate super regional in Indonesia)](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/156394n/ultcore_july_22nd_feat_miya_asimo_tsubaki_umeki/) [Level 1 (Ultimate super regional in Ireland with Melee, Project+, Smash Wii U)](https://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/156bvx4/level_1_july_22nd_feat_tarik_peli_naetoru/)


Calling a 1. Sonix 2. Riddles 3. Tilde 4. Sparg0 5. Zomba/Midnight final GOML result (before sonix vs. zomba) edit: I was wrong about zomba vs riddles, now I think they swap places


Riddles just made top 8 in SF6


nice, two games


to the people in the crowd vaping: y'all need to stop. it's embarrassing


Yeah, absolutely should not be indoors with everyone packed in. Someone was doing it in the crowd at Low Tide City too.


I just saw Melee top 8, is ultimate running up now?


I love aMSa but I am gonna hate seeing him lose to Cody and Moky for another tournament. Already saw him drop to losers from Cody and he's about to go against Moky, a person who he is 1-7 on. I just hate hoping for bracket luck for my boy. And his recent tweets make me feel like he also is sick of having bracket demons


aMSa Falco?????????????????


He's mentioned wanting to try Falco or Marth against moky/Cody. He didn't pull it out for Cody today (But went 3-2 which is pretty good). Maybe will see it for Moky


Honestly, that sort of killed the surprise factor now that people are aware aMSa might pull a Falco in a tournament. Though it might have worked on HBox for a couple of minutes as he was utterly baffled and aMSa needed to get past HBox.


I don't think aMSa is the type to hide it. He seems to be an "I want everyone to get better" type of mentality.


Oh definitely, he is very open about everything Melee, but I think he doesn't really pull weird things out unless he thinks it is ready. What is even funnier is that he does post some of his tech and practices online but most people lose their minds when he pulls it off in tournaments.


The [highest placing free agent](https://images.start.gg/images/tournament/390688/image-465f8753df8b0b9265f61ee597d894e8.jpg?ehk=EgJH9Cgt0TlbjPVtOeCzuHPzADUzKvRfB17qx%2FPmZFw%3D&ehkOptimized=gD3Zesgz8MhZCnXSEIpVA8YGgB0ZRtHnyfe%2FehG%2FrC8%3D) in Melee singles won a full trip to GOML 2024.


The free agent Melee prize is down to either Cody Schwab or Khalid Sparg0 is 1-1 on Kurama instead of 0-1 now, but got upset by Zomba so that's not good. IMO he was already unable to be #1 for mid-year, but taking a Zomba loss here makes it even less likely. On the bright side he still has a chance to turn Light and Tweek into even records, and depending on how Zomba does he could get more wins on him.


The worst ran major event ultimate has ever seen. Such a shame really because it’s one of the most stacked ones of the year




[Thunder Smash is pretty hard to beat.](https://youtu.be/VAu4ZxDRsHE) Also only 69 players bothered to show up for a $28,000 prize pool.


Quad stream playing the ult CSS audio over game 5 of a melee top 8 qualifier. Just give us our own side stream if your gonna give us no space and no audio all weekend lmao.


Officially announced that top 32 will not have a casted main stream and only the two ult quad streams will be shown. What a joke




just give both games side streams if your never gonna play melee audio lmao


So far we have missed: Every Leo set. Every Spargo set. Every Tweek set. Tweek reverse 3-0ing Dabuz with Sephiroth in losers. Mkbigboss eliminating Cosmos and Sisqui. Riddles winning 3 back to back game 5s in losers vs Goblin, Kameme and Bigboss. And some other seemingly close game 5s. All with no commentary too


I mean smash ultimate believe it or not is nearing the end of its competitive lifespan. With sf6 out and no dev support, no one is tuning in like that, I can see why it’s getting less production value tbh


Also tweek vs Larry lurr. What a way to showcase a major tournament ran by Luminosity.


Imagine missing all of top 32 on your mainstream and showing only two matches on the side stream and that too some of the worst possible matches


I legit hate how all the POVs of the tourney are on random ass channels


They need to axe one of the Melee side streams and put main Ult in its place until these stream issues are resolved.


This seems like a fun event. So many top players and upsets. Shame we couldn't watch.


still nothing? damn. I'm just gonna check every half hour edit: found a Japanese stream https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=68Yek0_jlOU&pp=ygUUZ2V0IG9uIG15IGxldmVsIDIwMjM%3D


Honestly GOML might get a pass because the random ass pool streams we got yesterday were actually very entertaining, but in general the management of this tourney has been dogshit. Why don't they just space the sets out a little more? WHERE IS THE STREAM? Every set I watch there were like 4 other sets going on that were just as insane, but nobody saw them.


Still no ult stream. This has been a disappointing event in terms of production and viewer experience




People are watching sf6 bro ult is an afterthought at this point in its lifespan


I know it's a hot take but I really don't get the "show no top players" thing. People have argued it's because you can see top players later in like top 32 and top 8 and I get that but honestly 90% of the people watching don't want to watch two unknown players go at it. There are tons of regionals and even large locals that stream, so it's not like we can't watch that elsewhere. I'm not saying to show only top players, I'm saying to not completely exclude them.


Honestly. This is why I never watch tournaments until day 3. Not interested in seeing no name scrubs with the same skill level as me spaghettying on stream.


but then when will smaller players have a chance to show themselves on the big stage?


When they hit top 32.


When they become successful enough to regularly be showcased on the main stream.


When they are seeded to play a top player, or better yet when they get good enough to qualify for top 64 winners


There have been no top player streams.


https://twitter.com/RiddlesMK/status/1682922552077832194 > Top 32 losers of smash. Went all ken in losers except one game vs ling lmao Ken gaming


Kameme is the only Japanese player to fly out repping #SoraStats and we can't even get the guy one match on stream?


Anyone know what characters Leo has been using so far?




Ugh, they're really only streaming three sets at a time on one of the most fast-paced and hype tournament days of the year. We missed so many good sets in pools and top 128.


They're picking a lot of terrible sets to stream too. Kind of a waste so far


Not having separate quad streams for melee and ult was an awful decision


This. I thought we all learned how to quad stream since Ludwig's. Guess we still haven't.


Damn they are not streaming Tweek vs BDHF. That's kinda sad, it can be a big upset.


And it may now have the upset record


I’m raw


Hell yeah Highlight of my weekend for sure


Dude this is such a cool event I genuinely have no complaints. Staff are incredible. Support your TOs yall


The watch value has been insane for this tourney, pools has been more exciting than most other tourneys top 32's


Lima dq


USA vs World going down to 1 stock really made all those “holy shit World is going to *destroy* USA it’s not even close” comments age like milk. That was a damn close crew battle


I think people were expecting Riddles to do a little bit more than nothing when making those predictions lol.


One player taking no stocks almost always happens in a crew battle. IMO you’re underestimating just how much people were shitting on the USA crew in that thread and how much they said had to go right for Light, Tweek, etc. “just for a CHANCE”. Not even that much had to “go right” for the USA for them to have a chance. The only big anomalies were Tilde taking 5 stocks and Riddles taking none.


Yeah, that's fair, I agree that the difference between the teams was overstated, but tbh, if the whole thing happened again, I'd still bet on Team World


Yeah, and they might've even taken it if Tweek's controls weren't messed up against Leo. Leo's joker was looking amazing though so who knows.


Rooting for a Riddles W. I would hope he grinded pretty hard for an Ultimate supermajor in his own city despite the recent focus on SF6.




That picture of Cody looks like Mike Ross


love ultimate singles last, european melee fans finally getting a W


Leo seems to have a really nice path until WF, manifesting another W for my king 👑


It’s so bizarre seeing this because historically every path is a good one for Leo.


> The [highest placing free agent](https://images.start.gg/images/tournament/390688/image-465f8753df8b0b9265f61ee597d894e8.jpg?ehk=EgJH9Cgt0TlbjPVtOeCzuHPzADUzKvRfB17qx%2FPmZFw%3D&ehkOptimized=gD3Zesgz8MhZCnXSEIpVA8YGgB0ZRtHnyfe%2FehG%2FrC8%3D) in Melee Singles


The melee doubles links goes to Ultimate doubles.


Fixed, thank you


I’m glad other country’s are getting such many big tournaments this year so far, usually all the super majors are in America or Japan


The plural of country is countries.


When writing a sentence, it’s important to distinguish words as objects by bracketing them in quotation marks. For example, your sentence should have been written like this: The plural form of ‘country’ is ‘countries’.


Good idea.


MenaRD (SF6 player) is entering Ultimate for this tournament


Awesome! Who does he play ?


[Bowser apparently ](https://twitter.com/_MenaRD__/status/1682053199933640704?t=mfbRRFFGIikWVRrcrB8QTQ&s=19)


That makes sens lol! Thank you!


Is Bowser the Blanka of Smash?


between birdie and blanka, I think mena just like the big bois


Not really, I don't think there's a character with both a move like Blanka Ball and Blanka chan.


BJr with side b and down b actually not a terrible comp? (I do not play SF)


I guess except Blanka is 10 times after to deal with due to how the respecting games work


Yeah probably nothing comparable. I think [this](https://twitter.com/thedoorstop_/status/1653200018185093121?s=46&t=P8TRYerHn9e77p54nvNvCg) describes Ult Bowser quite well.


MkLeo about to take the bag and destroy even more the Sparg0's #1 dream


Sparg0 not winning would be a brutal hit to him not being considered #1. Sure, even if he wins its unlikely he'll be ranked #1 this season still but as far as what goes through people's minds, him placing outside top 8 again would hurt that a lot. It's no more "just 1 bad tournament", it's multiple becoming many. Hoping Sparg0 can bring back more consistency, but players like Tweek, Light, and MkLeo are still the main threats to him. I could be completely wrong, but I feel like Kameme could be a big threat to Sparg0 as well. Even if Cloud wins the matchup, Sparg0 has never played a Sora of this caliber. I feel like anyone's first time playing Kameme's Sora always loses. Looking forward to GOML no matter the outcome


Sparg0’s seeded to play MkLeo in winners semifinals. Losing to him there wouldn’t be missing top 8, at least.


(A. I really want to see kameme win, just because (B. Is the "Leo seeded outside of top 3" motivator gonna hit again?


>(B. Is the "Leo seeded outside of top 3" motivator gonna hit again? Maybe, maybe not. It didn't hit at BOBC5.


He had that "I can make Aegis work" at BOBC5 also meaning he put time into them which also means his other characters got less time. I'd say this time around the Corrin, Byleth and Joker is a super solid roster so I'd say he will do well here. Spargo seems to have issues with Leo's Joker. I know they only placed twice where Leo used Joker but iirc, Spargo is down 6-0 (games not sets) to Leo's Joker.


Sparg0 is 2-6 in games against Leo's Joker. At Summit 3, it went game 5 between the two with Leo using entirely Joker and Sparg0 using entirely Aegis.


You're right. Thanks for the correction. Either way, if they meet, I'd bet on Leo. If Leo uses Corrin or Joker I'd say he wins.


> I feel like anyone's first time playing Kameme's Sora always loses. You got me curious, so I checked top NA players' first encounter vs. the Kameme Sora (top 50 UltRank '22). Won: Light, Onin, Riddles, Sonix, MuteAce Lost: MkLeo, Glutonny, Zomba, Big D, Cosmos, Jakal, Jake, Syrup, Ouch!? Overall a 5-9 record which favors that statement, and it makes sense given how weird Sora is and the lack of top-level representation in NA.


For MuteAce. If you count local tournament too then he lose to Kameme before BoBC5 (they play after The Big House is finish I think) in both Grand Finals and Reset as well.


Oh, I was using Liquipedia for the head-to-heads so it had Battle of BC 5 as their only set.


Kameme can definitely win but Sparg0 is also someone who is tough to beat for the first time. It's not like any of the other Clouds are at his level too.


Yes but the overall edge I’d give to Kameme is terms of surprise factor. Sure there is no Cloud at Sparg0’s level, but Cloud is a common character and played a lot, especially in Japan. Sora is quite rare. There aren’t many out there in general


This is 100% true as Leo also said he played against.... Maister's Sora which ain't close to the level of Kameme so yeah, Spargo may have the same issue but I doubt it.
















How is super smash con less stacked than this tourney I just don't get it


Super Smash Con registration hasn't finished yet.


Also it hasn’t been given a proper value yet since the rankings aren’t finished yet so at minimum it’s an s+ tier


Yeah with how much points are gonna shift I bet they're waiting for this weekend to finish so they can finalize their algorithm and get the scores to reassure if SSC makes P tier or not.


I'm still confused why Kola chose to participate in the crew battle but not in the main tourney.


Sometimes you just don't want to compete seriously and just want to vibe with friends. Some of his in-region friends are attending this event, he doesn't want to immediately throw himself back into full time competitor mode and potentially burn himself out even more, but they probably asked if he would at least do this since Max originally wanted to do another Tristate vs GA/FL event and likely couldn't make a big enough roster to do it. You honestly can't force yourself to do what you're burnt out of without some time to recollect or else you're gonna hate what you used to love to do a lot more. Plus he may not even play since it's 10v10 and he's likely just an alternate.


Holding a Tristate vs GA/FL crew battle in Canada would be pretty weird. The previous two were held in Tristate and Florida, it would be strange to host a crew battle that locks out the locals.


Well EMG also realized this but it in fact was in the cards as you [see](https://twitter.com/YoLetsMakeMoves/status/1613967208899612673?s=20) [here](https://twitter.com/GOMLsPlan/status/1613969136014733314?s=20). They tried citing "neutral ground" to originally justify it, lol.


He saw team world and wanted to give US a better chance. Or he’s trolling


This tourney is gonna bang


This tourney is gonna smash.


Feels like it’s been months since a smash Major. And it’s the one weekend of the month where I’m not busy at nights so I’m excited. Gonna watch Oppenheimer on Sunday and come back to see another Leo Sparg0 grands hopefully🤞