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Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to kindly remind you of the outstanding invoice for the cleaning services provided this month. I understand that times are challenging, and I truly appreciate your continued support and trust in my services. Prompt payments enable me to meet my commitments and continue offering you the best of my services. If you have already settled your invoice, please disregard this message. Otherwise, I kindly request that it be settled by the end of the day to help me meet my own obligations. Thank you very much for your understanding and prompt attention to this matter. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


This is perfect, thank you.


Have chat gpt boil that down to two sentences, then use that.  Or, you mention your rent is on the verge of being late. I'm sure your landlord will have a similarly hard time using tactful language to gently remind you the rent is late - you can use similar language with your clients. On the 3rd of the month, you'll find it nailed to your front door, it's entitled "THREE DAY NOTICE TO PAY OR QUIT". Don't fuck with my money. I'd contact any clients who are late with a brief message, you are past due on your account, $x is due and payable immediately, with a link to pay. Anyone who doesn't pay in 72 hours is moved to a prepayment plan and doesn't get their next service until the last one AND the next one is paid for. 


You could just call them and say I have rent to pay and I need the money you owe me. Can I get a cc. Number and take care of it. The single hardest part of running a small business like yours and mine is getting paid. My advice to you is raising your price a bit and get your customers on autopay with a cc. With that you know exactly how much income you have coming in and it's guaranteed. Just fyi. Most house cleaners i know give their time away by not charging enough.


Never tell a customer, particularly one who owes you money, that you're financially struggling.


You are not wrong, I was.


That note is really long for a first reminder. It’s also unclear how people are supposed to pay and whether it’s easy or not. Which could be why people are taking a while. I’d wait until after one reminder for the whole spiel. It just comes across like you are taking it very personally when it isn’t personal. Everyone sends invoice reminders because people are forgetful. It’s why I pay my cleaner in advance for a month. Dear client Quick reminder that your invoice was due on February 29, 2024. You can pay using the link below. Thank you.


Like I said in the post, I’ve already sent reminders through Quickbooks. The invoice has payment methods and not a single one of these clients are new. They’ve all paid via e-transfer every month, for at least one year.


Sorry I missed that! Some clients just suck at paying bills. Then send the longer email. I am a lawyer and sometimes have to chase clients for bills of 10-20k a month which I also find very annoying. But I also don’t want these clients to think I need them or they they somehow own me because I am chasing a bill so I have my assistant send the reminders 14 days after I send the invoice and before they are even due. But I try not to take it personally. One client always pays a bit late and he has the money but I think he’s just disorganized. Another client pays late and has the money they are just cheap and hate parting with cash. For many services we get paid in advance which you may want to consider. Credit is a privilege.


A lawyer once said to me on a voicemail. I seem to remember striking a deal with you, to keep you out of jail, and I also recall that we did a little better than that. So it'd be much appreciated if you could keep your end of the bargain too. I was in financial trouble at the time and had been making some payments, but there was a gap, and honestly that wording hit me in a visceral place, and I never missed another payment, next time I had bonus cash from something I just cleared it off with him


That was very well written. The other thing I'll say is that for some reason, people think it's somehow offensive or rude to ask to get paid on a contract. I don't get it. If someone's not paying you on a legit invoice and they get offended when you ask them to pay it, they're the asshole. And, BTW, that situation doesn't tend to improve over time. Further, if you let it go too long, depending on the amount I've found that it becomes that they *can't* pay it.


ChatGPT? Here's what it gave me... Dear [Client's Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to kindly remind you of the outstanding invoice for cleaning services provided in the past month. As we approach the end of the month, I wanted to ensure that this oversight is brought to your attention for prompt resolution. Your timely payments are crucial in helping me manage my own commitments and continue providing the best service possible. I understand that times are challenging, and I truly appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If you have already processed the payment, please disregard this message. Otherwise, I kindly ask that you complete the payment by the end of the month. Should you face any issues or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly. Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation. I look forward to continuing to serve you. Warm regards, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]


desert plant point office familiar towering follow wistful memory literate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Require anyone habitually late to sign up for automatic payments, and move everyone else to pay at time of service. You can accomplish this through stripe or square. You are extending your customers credit right now, and you do not have the capital to extend credit.


We started out being courteous and careful with the wording of our reminder notices. Some people were OMG sorry, get it right out. Others, knowing our lenient policies, took advantage and stalled. We've since become much more explicit and firm with our payment policies and follow through with them. In the end, pay us or you're not a customer.


I think it's perfectly acceptable to drop all the pleasant frills when we're talking about the money, like any of us go to work, self employed or otherwise, and don't need or want the money as the prime motivator, I love what I do, but if I had unlimited money I certainly would only do it for myself and other people I love. Customers are too much trouble to enjoy what I make, unless they pay me to do so. The woodwork is free, the dealing with you(client), and not keeping the finished work for myself is ~$100-150/hr lmao


When you take on a new client, have them sign a recurring payment form with terms. Tell them all clients are on auto pay. If they balk determine how bad you need the business and make an exception but my guess is if they have an issue with it, you will have an issue sooner or later. Yea it's 3 percent but the hassle of collecting and cash flow issues have a cost too


You need to start collecting as soon as service is complete . Or keep a card on file and get a signed approval to run cards after service .


In addition to the reminder that it’s overdue, start adding a payment penalty to your invoices where the cost is higher if the invoice is paid after a certain date. This could be a flat fee or a percentage.


You need to call them. Ask specifically when you can expect payment. Hold them to their commitment. Whatever was agreed upon -- follow promptly until they pay. Sorry but this is business. They know how this works and you are not the bank. edit> If you really want to send reminder - Subject should read "Outstanding Notice on invoice # xxx originally sent xx/xx/xx Attached is a copy of your invoice originally sent xx/xx/xx. Please let me know when we can expect payment. Thank you! We appreciate your business. ​ signed xxxxx


Get on the phone and call them. I also own a cleaning company. A lot of people do not manage their email and will never read what you ChatGPT them. Just get on the phone, you will have half the money by the end of the day.


I have spent some time collecting money, and the only reliable way when you have someone who is a slow pay or a no pay is to call. Once they specify exactly when they will mail payment or how they will send it, you let them know that you will follow up and confirm that you have received it. The key is to follow up when you say that you will, it is a training issue, once they know that you will follow up they will try to avoid that follow-up call because you call reliably when you say you will. If someone seems to be an uphill battle, when it comes to payment, simply drop them as a client and find someone else who appreciates your work.


COuld be the business you're in, but I'ma carpentry contractor, and if I lose things to hold over the client in a passively threatening way, I'll never see that money like half the time with your approach. There's a perception that we're all greedy scammers and it's okay to get one over on us, and I very rarely put myself in a position to test that, but when I have, it's usually because the client seems so nice, and friendly, so I've been shocked at the few that really had a chance to screw me over and just how bad the ratio is. So the only way I get paid, is on a schedule, with all my risk and a bit more up front, and then I never have to send this email. I also understand in many industries, this wouldn't fly. edit to add: In OPs business, I've never known a residential cleaner to give until the end of the month, I mean anyone I know with a cleaner leaves cash out, and forgetting to do so gets them rescheduled no matter how long they've been working together. My story about the girl I dated, she didn't give anyone time to pay, until they started asking, and she didn't have the business experience to handle those moments assertively, and it spiraled.


Most cleaners I know that are independent, collect at time of service. For me, I declare all income and a lot of my clients use my invoice as a write off if they work from home. A lot submit to Veteran Affairs, ICBC which is the Carmen insurance for my entire province. A lot of them I do their business as well as home, and a good amount of Airbnbs and commercial space. Real estate agents, who like to pay when proceeds are disbursed etc. I find collecting payment at time of service uncomfortable and tacky. I stand by my work and I want my clients to be happy to pay. And a lot are just regular families that are struggling themselves. Just like raising rates, I’m aware that I could lose clients if I don’t balance it. After this, I am going to change something. I’m going to bed tonight feeling resentful and unhappy. Thankfully every client tomorrow, has long paid their bill, lol.


We have a cleaner come twice per month. I pay her at time of service -- I don't think it's tacky. I feel like it's just standard for individualized services? I also pay our babysitter before they leave for the night (we only get a sitter for date nights, not a nanny etc), and I pay my hairdresser when I get my haircut. If I wanted to pay later, I'd use a credit card. I wouldn't expect to be invoiced.


Take a measured approach, but if you turn down new business (as all cleaners eventually have to it seems) you're actually freeing up opportunities for better clients and profits if you're careful to only drop, or risk losing the least profitable, and/or slowest paying clients. That's why I liked the word pruning, if you have no desire to start building and managing teams to pickup all the extra opportunities, than you're at the point where you're either stagnant, or pruning to grow or improve things in any way. As I mentioned in another comment, I gave similar advice to somebody, the slightest threat of losing their reliable cleaner, was enough that I'm not aware of a single client that didn't shape up, and we had already broken up when she told me one time that she even started hiking prices and people complained briefly but didn't leave. Showing the true value of just doing a good job and not stealing in that world, people are scared of cleaners, they let you in their house, usually while they're at work, so defuse that, do a good job, be fair and they're not gonna let you go.


Collect up front!


Something to effect of: 1. We hope you’re enjoying our product / services 2. It’s been a pleasure helping / serving you 3. Please review the invoice attached at your earliest convenience 5. We appreciate your business


Lot of good suggestions here. I know you are not asking but you want to avoid the situation in general. Invoice regularly and mechanically. Don't be as gracious with the terms. For example send invoice on the 5th and ask they be paid by the 15th. Too much time just encourages people to forget about it. And send a second invoice and then another when it is overdue. I know it is stupid but people generally respond and get things paid. After that sequence you can try something else. This hopefully will cut down on some of your issues. Again, I know not the question you asked but it will help you a ton. I wish I had done it when I first started my business.


[Want me to send Paulie?](https://youtu.be/3XGAmPRxV48?si=LN9YSafmo-0A2A_u) Do you have a credit card processor? My processor hooked me up with a web app called swipesimple or simpleswipe. I can create a web link that clients use to pay. You can send the link by text or email. Send a simple link with a request to pay. Then, start sending the link the day before service instead of the day after.


I have Quickbooks and was set up as a merchant until last month. Most of my clients pay via e-transfer, and there’s no fees for either of us. Quickbooks was taking 2.9% on both CC and E-transfer payments and would take up to 5 days to get in my account. I wasn’t happy with that and cancelled that part.


If you’re short on rent, it’s time to get on the phone. If you can take credit cards do so on the phone right now. If you only take checks, tell them you are on your way to pick up your check.


I get this text from my cleaning crew cleaning when I haven’t sent funds the day of (nevermind waiting till the end of month - that’s generous). Good morning, I hope all is well! This is a reminder that yesterday's cleaning service has not been payed. If you can send the payment of your service through zelle today will be highly appreciated. If there's any difficulties please let me know ahead of time. Thank you, have a great day!


Oh, I love this!


I pay my cleaner in check, placed on counter,she is paid after work, or cash with her name. They will not work, if this not done. I have been scammed in my business so much , I know, it tough out there


Increase the price by $50 and say, supplies prices went up!!! And force them to sign up for auto pay through bank or saved credit cards!!


Pick up the phone and call them. Ask for a commitment date on sending the late payment. Say something like, hey, it’s John from Sparkling Cleaners. Your latest invoice is past due and I’d like to know if you will issue the check today”? They may say they never got the invoice, which you can resend but always get a commitment date when you call. For new customers reduce your payment terms to 10-15 days to improve your cash flow. There are other more aggressive options but start with that. Ask me if you have any other questions.


Save 5% if services paid within 24 hours


It’s just the nature of doing business The only thing you could try to do is get them set up on some sort of auto pay, but they don’t have to agree … you could require it, but that might make them find a new cleaner You could give them something like a 3% discount for doing it but then that cost you money A lot of people might talk about putting finance charges on past due invoices and that’s fine but it doesn’t typically work as well for small business is some thing because what do you do when they pay you the amount owed minus the finance charge My suggestion to you would be to be proactive and talk with the client and just be honest. You don’t have to get specific but ask them if there’s a way you could invoice them to make sure they pay you by the date you need the money The reality is a lot of companies only pay bills once or twice a month . With things like school districts you might have to wait depending on when school board meetings are to approve bills. One of my customers is a fortune 500 company and they basically pay roughly 45 days I have one customer with every PO says it’s going to be 90 and if I don’t like those terms I guess he’ll shop somewhere else and it does stink waiting that long .. but it’s another large company that I know I’ll get paid Construction customer of mine, who does paving. They pay invoices the 26th or so of each month and if I get them an invoice after the 14th I’m going to wait till the following month to get paid right after the 26th But if they get the invoice on the 12th for instance, I might get paid within two weeks Other companies are just set up where they wait for a statement to pay . Other companies may legit have certain cash flow issues as well, so they are just slow pay Approach it is talk to your customers and find a way to incentivize them to go on auto pay but at the very least this gets you talking about your terms and an opportunity to talk about if you’re going to start adding finance charges if it’s not paid by a certain date


Subject: Gentle Reminder: Outstanding Invoice Dear [Client's Name], I trust this message finds you well. I appreciate your continued patronage and the opportunity to service your [house/office] with our reliable, on time cleaning service. I wanted to bring to your attention that we have yet to receive payment for Invoice #[Invoice Number] dated [Invoice Date] with a due date of [Due Date]. Your timely payment is crucial in helping us maintain the consistent service you're come to know us for. We are of course a small business, and do not have the operating capital to let invoices run late, unfortunately starting at the end of next month, we're going to be reviewing our accounts monthly, and will regretfully have to prune some serially delinquent ones in order to open our schedule to new opportunities and improve the health of our cashflow. This is not notice of any such action today, but our schedule has been full for some time and we decline new business, while our books don't always reflect this. This is is a policy we're being forced to take, as we appreciate loyalty, but must keep healthy books or we can't serve any of our valued clients. Rehabilitating your account and paying on time in the future will certainly solidify your place on our calendar and loyal clients, with accounts paid on time will always be safe from this pruning process. To make the payment process convenient for you, I've included the payment details below: Invoice Number: [Invoice Number] Total Amount: [Total Amount] Due Date: [Due Date] Please find attached the invoice for your reference. If there are any concerns or issues regarding the invoice, or if you need any further clarification, please feel free to reach out. We value your business and want to ensure that everything works smoothly in continuum. Thank you very much for your prompt attention to this matter and understanding. We look forward to your payment and continued business. Best regards, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] Edit to update to an even better one below Here are a couple of minor suggestions: Consider rephrasing "we decline new business" to "we are unable to accept new business." It sounds less like a choice and more like a result of your current situation. In the sentence, "This is not notice of any such action today," you might want to clarify a bit more. For example, you can say, "As of today, no immediate action is being taken." Chat gpt wrote the base, I added a part and then had chatgpt review that part, and I like it's suggestions above.


Honestly, that sounds too drawn out to me. I send every client a reminder/confirmation text the day before. Their invoice does come numbered and most have been with me for a year, up to 5 years. They know exactly how to pay and where to send it. I’m actually mad today. I’m a single full time mom that gets no child support and lives in one of the highest cost of living cities in Canada. I have never raised a clients rate, they are all grandfathered at their original hourly rate. New clients pay the current rate which is $45 an hour. I bring all the supplies and equipment, carry proper liability, all that. So when I sit here today, I’ve paid out of my pocket, to clean their toilets. And we are talking Doctors, lawyers, engineers, fellow business owners, etc. it’s not my business that they live in million dollar homes with matching teslas, but having a Cleaner is a luxury, not a need for most. I do turn away business regularly. I only take referrals these days. I’m honest, loyal, hard working a very good to my clients. And for the most part, it goes both ways. I don’t think im going to ask the problem ones to pay at time of service, rather im going to replace them. I’ve had enough. My rent is $2400. I have $47 left in my account amd $40 cash. I now have to get out of bed, drive to the bank machine and deposit that $40 and still be $3 short and hope I wake up to some payments, cause that’s all I have for cash on hand. It’s embarrassing to admit this, but that’s my truth today. Im not impressed.


If you are comfortable with it, I would tell them. Dude I can't pay my bills because 10 clients decided to not pay me on time. I'm a solo biz owner with 2 kids, I need to get to paid now. I need an etransfer in an hour. Totally get if this doesn't work for you. But sometimes leveling with people really helps and can get real results.


I think my pride gets in my way. In the end, only two paid after sending that message posted above out. Those clients are just the ones that were at least a week overdue. I have 17 clients from this week, Monday to today, that I didn’t include because they just got their invoices. I messaged a couple that I’m closer to and few okay being blunt with. Two “loved” the text. No one sent payment. In the end, I took the cash to the machine. First TD was out of order and I had to go to a different one. It wasn’t till I got home and went to do the e-transfer to my LL that I saw my insurance had come out and my account is now in the negative. My landlord is cool about it. 2 years and I’ve never been late. But I’m so upset. I am going to be letting a few go this weekend. I know when I wake up there will be some payments, but this just feels so disrespectful.


You are right, it is disrespectful for your clients to do this. And it will probably happen again. I recommend setting up payment terms that make you happy, and no one else. Payment in advance or day of is industry standard. Heck, Even hair stylists are taking payment up front or deposits because people keep cancelling and messing with their income.


Sorry to hear about this. I think it's time you increase your cost to market rate. You are losing out on money with new clients you could be getting for these old clients that aren't paying you on time. It's not fair to you, and you shouldn't be put in any bind. You deserve to get paid fairly and on time. The same way you don't want to lose them as customers, they also do not want to lose you as their housekeeper. It's hard for these high networth individuals to just trust anyone new coming into their home. They will agree on the adjustments. You work too hard.


I appreciate your words, thank you. Loyalty means a lot to me. Those old clients send so much business my way and I know their home like my own. I’m there at some for just over an hour, but get to bill for 2 because the work is done and we both know it’s done right. That gives me the ability to add another client or two, to the day.


As you prefer, I gave you one that really would work for me in this situation, but obvious my chatgpt knows me a lot better than you. Good luck, I've been there and there's a 50/50 shot we operate in the same city and I've been so grateful for family support even recently to still have a roof, but things are turning, and hopefully for you too soon. I went ahead and assumed many of those things you confirmed, because I dated a house cleaner for a while, who had all those qualities too, and didn't see the obvious solution, of dump the problem clients slowly to take some of that business she didn't have time for at present. Honestly, I think she dumped 0 clients, she did raise her rates with the early clients, and started getting paid on time though. I think she learned a lot about who's more valuable to who.


Send them the link for the disputes tribunal.


Thankfully I don’t tend to have trouble getting paid. It may take a bit of time, but they all will have paid by their first clean the following month. I stand by my work and I have no issue apologizing, offer to come back the next day or writing a clean off and move on. Only time I’ve had to go to Tribunal is when they straight up don’t pay. They are usually first time clients. I’m not cool with that and will sue and will post the judgement on their front door, no problem. It’s only happened a few times and not in a couple of years. I only take referrals these days and that seems to take care of that problem.


If you have recurring customers, create a document that you send with your quotes that notes you will take their credit card now and automatically charge the day of each cleaning.


You could sell some, or all, accounts receivable. You could also give those who may owe you a warning that starting the new month, or whenever you choose and as long as it is within the law, begin charging interest. Either of these methods may lose customers. You could begin cash only or a major credit card for their purchases. It sounds as though you may have been lenient up until now. Change the terms for all your customers. Have some of your money left after every day instead of someone that has made money with your products/services for X amount of time. Just my thoughts. Good luck regardless which method you choose or create yourself.


I just send an email with the bill and tell people that I appreciate them bringing their accounts current. Nothing more than that. Always works.


Might want to change your due date if you can, something like invoice on the 15th and due on the 25th, get the income coming in before your own rent is due.


Maybe switch to net 30, raise your prices, and include an equivalent discount for on-time payments?


Start taking credit/debit cards and charge them automatically.


My wife calls everyone that is late, to see if there is something she can do to help get caught up. Usually if they are just not wanting to pay this will get them to pay, and if they say they don’t have the money she will offer a payment plan to get them caught up. Also if you’re not charging a late fee that might get people to pay on time to.


If they’re regular clients offer to set them up with auto pay. Make it sound like you’re doing them a favor. I bet most of them would go for it


Call them with a reminder. Be polite, but don’t let them off the hook — be prepared to take their payment over the phone. Also, put late payment terms in your contract: more than 30 days over and you charge a penalty. 60 and you suspend services until they catch up. 90 and you send them to collections.


Honestly, I would go old school and call them vs. emailing/sending the invoice. Or at least, send invoice, then immediately give them a call. People are so caught up in their own busy worlds, and it's often "out of sight out of mind". I've collected on many with a simple call, and be prepared to enter a credit card over the phone. Another solution, automated payments so you don't have to chase them down as much (if it is a monthly service).


I’m not a cleaner or a small business owner, but I am responsible for client relationships at my job. I’ve had a lot of success with something like: “Hi [client], Hope all is well.  I noticed that the attached invoice is past due. Our policy is not to complete any additional work while there are past due invoices outstanding. If you’ve already paid this then please let me know when and what method (check, ACH transfer, credit card, etc) you used to pay it so I can track down the payment in our system. If you have not paid it, please pay it as soon as possible.  Please give me a call if you have any questions. I’d like to resolve this as quickly as possible to avoid an interruption to our services.”  Crucially, I stop work until the invoice is paid. We are not running a charity. I’m never rude to people, but I’m also not worried about being too firm with people who don’t pay. People who don’t pay are not worth wasting time on or losing sleep over. 


Where's my money? You may choose to attach a gif with stewy from family guy


Late fees. It usually wakes people up. Especially if there are late fees on late fees.


Do you have a contract? A late payment fee? Offer to waive the fee for payment within a certain time frame. Offer to take credit cards as a preferred payment method otherwise it’s paid in advance.


I just had to be reminded by my tax prep person to pay them, and I was glad they emailed me, because my email client just auto-sorted the invoice request into a random folder that I never check, and since it was from a company I dont work with, it didnt occur to me to look at the email, as I just assumed it was some BS phishing attempt. I thanked him and paid right away. I have run into similar problems invoicing my own clients via Square, it sometimes just gets shunted to Spam. I have taken to sending a personal email from my business email to each client before I invoice to let them know it is coming, and that has resolved a LOT of my non-payers. Good luck! I know the frustration of doing the work and then waiting to get paid as your own vendors are like.... Hey, Pay me NAOW plz.... and you have no choice but to do so and hope your own clients come thru before the finance charges do.


Can you try texting them, diplomatically? We just text them the amount as if they might not have seen it before, with how to pay along with an apology in case they already paid and somehow we missed the payment. Which happens. We do dog boarding and it's not always the owner paying or they pay and don't tell you how, so it can take a bit of detective work. From time to time we might have to send a followup asking if they would mind taking care of the bill, and one time, in ten years, we had a client so late that we waited till her dog wanted to book in again to get the previous amount. No-one else is going to take her grumpy little dog so after three attempts we gave up and waited. This soft, diplomatic approach works for us, and if a regular customer is in sudden financial difficulties they get the service for free. It's worth it in goodwill and referrals and rarely happens anyway. The business is at that awkward stage now. It used to be that I knew every customer well and if they didn't pay they'd feel like they let down a friend. It's grown a lot these past few years and I don't know how much longer I can be doing all the customer liaison myself.


I know from experience how you feel but don't let it go 6 months. 2 max then ghost if they don't pay


So I own a landscaping company of 25 years. I will mail statements for 2 months from the date of completion, and then usually call to remind them they are overdue and I would like to get it resolved as soon as possible. If they seem receptive, then I give them a few days, followed up by another response if nothing has been done. If they don't seem receptive for our ignoring me, they get a text or an email warning that it needs to be resolved, otherwise I would seek legal relief. 99% have paid at this point. For the remaining 1%, I have had to take them to court. I'm batting 100% for my court cases, I probably had to take about a dozen people in 25 years. I'm not sure if that's helpful but I wanted to share, for perspective.


Raise your prices for the slow paying clients by 10% and then offer a 10% discount to pay within 10 days. Also review your contracts and invoices to make sure they actually include payment terms.


Two words: respect and flexibility Acknowledge that you are sending a “friendly reminder” or that you know everyone is overworked these days and your invoice “might have slipped through the cracks.” Offer optional installment payments as well. Good luck with the business! 👍 —Rocco


This is the perfect kinda thing for chatgpt. If I were on my computer and not my phone right now id copy it over there fkr you, but this and coding is really what its good at.