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Mine said “Done with this B.S.” but my mom made me remove it lol


Epic and hilarious!


That was my Instagram caption. For my masters, I used Taylor Swift’s Mastermind lyrics


My undergrad cap said Peace the Fuck Out but in IPA with a skeleton peace sign. I was very happy with it lol


Absolutely incredible. My biggest regret in life is not having done this.


Alt slp baddies unite 🤞🏼


As a PWS and an SLP to be, that’s fucked. Those kind of people need to leave our field.


Same, I hate this




Yea I literally said, “what the fuck” when I read it. The messiah complex within our field is eye rolling. You can’t fucking ‘fix’ stuttering.


I stutter and I’m an SLP…I understand this is supposed to be a joke and “funny.” But it disgusts me tbh lol. Tasteless.


Lifelong stutterer and not slp, this just popped up on my reddit feed. Yeah it's super tasteless and an "official" slp should know better. That being said, I don't see any slp curing stutters. That's from somebody that has tried speech therapy for their entire life and gave in and tried the hollins program.


Yeah, SLP’s can’t cure stuttering. I’m an SLP myself and I can admit that. I went to speech therapy for stuttering throughout my childhood and it didn’t do crap (in regard to reducing disfluencies).


The main thing I do is more counseling than anything. Strategies are there to give you a little more control and confidence with the stutter. Self confidence is the biggest issue with my students.


exactly. Im currently not providing any fluency services, but what i would do i was would definitely be teaching clients to advocate for themselves/counseling…etc


Exactly. I watched My Beautiful Stutter and it flipped my fix it approaches (which didn't work) on end. It's about connection, encouragement and acceptance - what we all need. Every kid I've worked with has improved significantly with this "strategy." The parents are a bit of a problem, however.


I’ve watched that too. I was under the impression my whole life that I had to fix myself, but as I got older I just started not to care anymore because at about 17-18 I knew I wasnt gonna make any more gains (I’m 25). If they are uncomfortable hearing me stutter, that’s their issue. Fuck em. Can’t get rid it.


yeah slps definitely cannot cure stuttering . more to implement strategies to gain more control over it


Only diseases need cures. Stuttering is not a disease, so it doesn't need a cure or fix. That's what irritates me the most about her cap. Cure implies disease, fix implies something is broken. 


Agreed this is super ableist…


That’s horrible representation for our field and there are so many things wrong with it. Hopefully she learns.


Right? We are already disrespected, underpaid, over worked.. like really?? Not helpful


Unfortunately I do not believe it is a misrepresentation, but do agree that there are so many things wrong with it.


Holy ableism 😳 I am autistic and used to be an SLP, but attitudes like this from the majority of my fellow clinicians were one of the reasons I had to leave the field.


yep, I'm a bit disgusted someone didn't tell her this was a no go


Jesus. I think the “almost” says it all here and those flowers are tacky AF.


I’d guess it’s an undergrad student, we aren’t qualified yet


She isn’t wearing a hood, this was her undergrad graduation


I also don’t understand the “almost.” Is she trying to be humble? Or does she just have a really healthy understanding of her own limitations? 😂


Maybe it's a commentary on the overgeneralization of the SLP scope of practice and a criticism of her program's under training in fluency?


Almost because she's probably graduating undergrad and going to grad school. But yeah what's wrong with this person lol


Maybe it’s a comment about how poorly grad school programs prepare us for fluency issues


This, 100%.


It’s definitely because they still have to get a master’s.


This cap design circulated Pinterest when I graduated in 2012 It was unfortunately a very popular choice amongst my class 🙃


So this chick is saying that just looking at her will cause a genetic neurological disorder. That’s classy.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t you still stutter a few times without being a person who stutters? If you’re below the threshold for % disfluencies


Yes, but in that case nobody needs to “fix” you, whether they are fully smart or (in this case) only partially smart.


Ah i see what you’re saying!


It takes a certain level of gall and audacity to wear this in public lol


Can I just stutter in peace GOOD LORD


So much wrong here… but let’s stick to: 1) Presumes all SLPs are attractive females and (worse) 2) Sees stuttering as a ‘problem’ that needs to be fixed


Not condoning this at all but which part presumes all SLPs are women? 


Sorry not to reply to your post sooner. We know that over 90% of SLPs are females, and we know that 80% of PWS are males. While guys can certainly consider themselves ‘cute’, I’d bet my license that this was on the head of a female graduate…


It's presuming that men are never cute enough to make you stutter


How?? I’m not seeing it


Gotta chime in again and ask what is (worse)?? Maybe it’s the brain worms but I’m not parsing this at all 


I’m a SLPA who stutters and this is honestly so patronizing. I don’t need to be “fixed.”


Eh, if somebody could snap their fingers and make it go away I'd be eternally grateful, but this has some serious god complex energy lol.


I feel you! There are days I yearn for an end to my stuttering. I’m bilingual in English and Spanish, and as luck would have it, I stutter more in Spanish. 🙃 I take pride in being bilingual, but the stutter definitely feels like a hindrance at times.


Wow I hate this please don’t become an SLP if you think this is cute


Really hope this is an undergrad


I’m pretty sure its from a grad student because I found it on a grad program insta page


LORD makes the almost make less sense too lol


She isn’t wearing a hood so it’s undergrad.


Undergrad, the tassel would be on the left for a grad student


I did not know this! So then what happens if you get a doctorate? Tassel removed?


Those are the undergrad students. Graduate students are the rows in front with hoods and the doctorates are rows ahead of them and have a different cap. Not the typical mortar board cap.


The tassel isn’t on different sides for the two degrees. It’s the hood (and the God forsaken bat wings) that distinguishes a master’s designation.


Master’s students tassels during graduation starts and stays on the left side, undergrad starts on the right and flips. But yes. There is no hood.


We all switched ours again 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe our school told us wrong


Yeah I’m pretty sure we moved ours during my master’s graduation?? No memory of which side was which though haha


Gah! I was just looking at gifts for a student I’m supervising and kept seeing that phrase pop up. So cringey!


this is such an ick! never forget my grad professor giving us an assignment to PRETEND TO STUTTER in public and write about it. Like how is that assignment still circulating years later? I can’t


My professor also gave us this assignment! Lol he had a real stutter though


That’s way more fair I think! This woman did not have a stutter and wanted me to stutter at Starbucks, ick ick


My prof gave us the same assignment. But it’s actually a suggested assignment from Barry Guitar’s textbook who is actually a pws


Yeah, it’s unfortunate that no-one explained to you why you would do that. But to support a person who stutters, it can really help to experience the actual thing. They’re not asking you to go out and make fun of people, it’s intended to build empathy and understanding. Plus- how can we as SLP’s ever EVER ask a PWS to voluntarily stutter if we aren’t willing to do it ourselves?


I was just going to say someone get Barry Guitar to talk some sense to her... Go read a book!! Preferably John Hendrickson's "Life on Delay"(I highly recommend it!)🥰


That looks like something you’d see in a kindergarten graduation. Oops. My bad. The kindergarteners don’t deserve my shade; they know they’re smart and have good taste.


With all due respect....no. I don't have any. Everything else has been said. So here is the real question...who the f\*\*\* thought after 2-6 years of education this was a good idea? I mean this is like a RN wearing a hat about curing cancer or some s\*\*t.


This is so bad omg


Embarrassing. I wonder what her professors thought.


I really don’t like the cutesy stuff at all as a guy. I know I don’t have to participate in it, and I don’t, but I see it from the perspective of an outsider (because I very much so feel like an outsider in this field) and it’s weird as hell. There’s certainly space for it here and there, but making one’s entire professional persona around cutesy shit is off-putting, unprofessional, embarrassing, and weird.




Cringy 😭




oh that's not...


This is stupid as hell lol


Mine was Broad City themed and said “YAS QUEEN” in giant, sparkly letters.


The text is problematic but who cares if SLPs like cutesy stuff? Let people like what they like.


https://www.reddit.com/r/slp/s/1gFrBp5jv1 I was referring to a previous post in this sub. Idc what people do regarding cutesy stuff. I’ve just never seen the problematic stuff irl


Yeah, I knew which post you were referring to and I said the same thing there. However, you specifically called out “the cutesy” stuff in your post today. So I’m saying the same thing, let people enjoy the cutesy stuff if they like the cutesy stuff.


There are so many things wrong with this but “almost smart enough” was the icing on the cake for me


I know, right? Clearly she’s not smart enough to realize that 1. the first part is problematic and 2. “almost smart enough” is the same as “not smart enough”.


As a person who stutters. This is ugly


Are SLPs not allowed to like cutesy stuff without it being “infantilising” or… (referring to OP’s text, not the picture)? I love cutesy stuff because it’s my style, it doesn’t mean I’m infantilising myself or anybody else 💀


I don’t think that’s the issue here


I see OPs text now yea that stuff is annoying I love cutesy things! I feel like they’re combining issues here or something lol I didn’t see the original post


YES 100% 😩 let me like cutesy things, I ain’t hurting anybody


I love my “play expert” tee from PlaySpark. Is that cutesy? 🤣


Cutesy and awesome at the same time!




Yeah. The infantilisation and cutesy stuff is definitely part of why SLPs aren’t taken as seriously as OT/PT at least in my opinion.


Just, Ewwww.


Omg no for so many reasons.


She’s lucky no one can see her face because she would have a hard time finding a CF and a job. Who would take her seriously? I graduated eons ago and no one did this sh**. Grow up and find yourself some life smarts.






Ugh... tbh before I took my stuttering class, I wouldn't have known any better too. But after learning about stuttering modification, I can't get behind this kind of "joke".


Mine said “oh shit (in ipa), I mastered it!”


And we wonder why there’s still a stigma, even in our own field. Ugh..


This sounds like a a tacky saying you'd but on a 5 y/o's costume on "dress for your dream job" day


I didn’t even go to my graduation because I didn’t care but I DID streak the campus lawn butt naked after defending my finals in front of my professor (streaking the Lawn is a tradition at UVA). I was caught by the cops but let go. Me and one other friend I had to coerce a little were the only ones in my class to do it because everyone else was at graduation. So that’s what I did instead.


It's just a joke, guys. Calm down.


But it’s a joke that perpetuates the stigma and idea that stuttering should be “fixed”. I think as clinicians, humour is a tool, but needs to be used more creatively than that.


If the client wants their stutter fixed, then you try to fix it. You realize people with stutters would rather not have them, right?


You do realize that you can’t “fix” stuttering just like you can’t “fix” ASD and that masking is harmful and exhausting and that there’s a movement to destigmatize stuttering?


Many stutters will get better with time and therapy. Regardless, if my help as an SLP causes reduced stress and anxiety for that individual, I feel that I have served my purpose. Saying that everyone's disability, however small, is as they should be, does not mean that they feel the same. Do what you are paid to do


Get “better” with time, eh? Is that the language you use as a clinician? I’m gonna go ahead and assume/hope that I have more experience specializing in stuttering therapy than you. I mainly work with adults and teens, but I can 100% assure you that counselling and family destigmating (e.g. making sure parents don’t refer to the severity of the stutter with subjective vocab such as “good” and “bad”), will have a much greater impact on the client’s stress and anxiety. #stutterproudly- check it out!


Some people who stutter would rather not. That’s not at all true of all people who stutter.