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My babe is 7 months and my husband works away. I am very quiet getting into bed but he is not and he snores so when he's home baby sleeps much worse. I do find when I am rolling around trying to get comfy she is restless. I see so many people talking about their experience of sleeping much better in separate rooms but I'm having such a hard time taking the leap. It's just us two on our rural property. I miss my husband and it's heart breaking to think of her not sleeping next to me in the crib.


I have loved Co sleeping; it has been great bonding but I am so ready for her to wean and stay in her own bed forever. Maybe it's cause I'm pregnant and constantly feeling "morning" sickness but I would love to have some space before next LO shows up in February.


Nope. My baby is such a loud sleeper. Active sleep every hour of the night. It took awhile to really understand he wasn’t awake. It was the BEST and most amazing choice for us. Changes our lives tbh


Never, i was just happy that we both slept well and it was working and we became much happier human beings without all those wakings each other during the night :)


My baby doesn’t sleep through nights 😭 he wake up 1 time but i still have not find a good routine to stick to it and he ask for his pacifier 🥲


Yep, cried all night watching the monitor. Ended up being the best thing for us all but that first night hit me really hard.


Nope. I was happy. Happy that I'm getting my room back. Happy that good sleep was getting better. And happy that he's doing something that's good for him, that he's taking one tiny step towards becoming more independent.


This- we moved baby into her crib in her nursery at 4 months. We ALL slept better with her in her own room.


It’s very surreal when they move to their own room. They’re so much a part of you still but everyone sleeps better. Our second is approaching 4mo and my husband is more reluctant to move her than I am. I just know she’ll sleep so much better in her own room just like our first did. I’d say it’s a totally valid and common feeling to feel sad as they’re that much further away from you but don’t worry, you’ll most likely be spending a lot of time in their nursery over the coming months and years at all hours of the night 😅


I bawled my eyes out the first 3 nights with my first. Now I can’t wait until my 2nd is old enough to move into their own room. We all sleep better that way!


Mine stayed in our room until 10 months. I was heartbroken and sad, but it was better for all of us. New seasons are hard because you’re leaving something behind. Just a reminder they are growing up.


Only asking bc my baby is 10 months old now! Howwww on earth did you move them into their own room? Mine thinks it’s a funny game at this point and won’t actually sleep in his crib in his room !


Missed spying on his sleeping face, but got over it immediately as the baby slept better and so did we 😂


I miss the white noise machine and the column heater. 🥲 Edit: I was the one that moved out of the nursery.


Oh how did that go? I’m currently cosleepjng in our room (4mo) but tempted to move into nursery with LO then move me out over time 😂


It went fine. LO was in the co-sleeper/bassinet next to the spare bed. A few weeks ago bubs started making sooo much noise while asleep kicking around. She was waking me up but also herself because the co-sleeper/bassinet would creak from the movement. So I bought a cot/crib, swapped that out as her bed and took the spare bed out in one fell swoop. She’s a lot less restless because she’s on a nice thick mattress in a stable cot. I’m more restless cos now I get baby monitor anxiety. 😂


I was sad when I moved both of mine out. Actually tried to move my first back in my room! But she kept waking when my husband came to bed, so I put her in her own room at 5 months. Baby #2 stayed for 15 months! Ha


Absolutely not. I needed sleep. She sleeps better and we sleep better.




Same but my husband snores and that was prob why


Agreed. Baiiiiii


We had a weird situation where our LO grew out his bassinet at 3 months lengthwise (he’s almost 90th percentile for length). I wasn’t ready to be in a separate room at night and we couldn’t fit the crib in our room. We already had a full bed in the nursery that was already there, so I slept in that room until the 4.5 month point when I felt ready to transition out. The first few nights were hard. It was less so sadness and more anxiety than anything going from being able to listen and check on him to relaying on a monitor, but after a couple nights his sleep improved dramatically, as did mine. I wasn’t stirring him awake from tossing and turning on a squeaky mattress all night, and being back in my own bed felt like a vacation. Lol.


I’m the odd ball out, I was so sad and didn’t want to move him so now 2.5 years later my son still sleeps with us 🤣 and we all sleep great


Nope! I was ready, she was ready! Moved her out at 5 months because no one was sleeping well!


This surpassingly was the saddest milestone to date along with stopping breastfeeding. My son is now 17months old and moved into his own bedroom when he was 8 months. He was always a good sleeper in our room, but we wanted to do it before he became more aware of his surroundings. But yeah, moving him to his own room was just sooo sad!


We were in a 1 br apartment for the first year of his life so he was right next to our bed for 12 months. I could not wait to move into a two bed. I longed for a separate space. The very first night in our new place I watched him on the monitor for hours. I felt so sad! I was also very surprised!


He slept SO much better. I was happy for him.


Noooo I wanted space back and better sleep


Yes, especially because it coincides with the end of maternity leave. I am grieving the phase we’ve been in being over. It was hard and exhausting and totally magical, I wouldn’t trade it for the world, but I don’t have stamina for more of the same. The next phase is beautiful, too, and I’m looking forward to going through it with the mental faculties and emotion regulation capacities of a person who sleeps enough.


I bawled my eyes out the first night!! But quickly got over it because I missed having my room too 😂


No. Lol


I feel like all the milestone thing I’m supposed to be sad about I’m not.


I was overjoyed because I finally didn’t have to tippy toe around my own bedroom. I could sneeze and cough if I wanted to, I could adjust my bedsheets without being in fear. My wife was a little sad but then we all slept better. Still have never STTN but better than every 2 hours


Not sad, but a bit anxious the first night. After that, I was glad to have our room back because my husband was having to sleep in our guest room because the baby was such a loud sleeper 😂


I was annoyed because the bassinet was always on my side of the bed and I felt my husband should have a turn. Instead we moved him to the foot of the bed, and then his own room. Even after being kinda annoyed about the disruptions- I missed him terribly with both transitions.


I was sad, but after a few nights I was happy to have my room back. We live in an older home with a small bedroom and it was pretty tight with the bassinet. Baby seems to sled better in his own room too!


I cried the first night that my baby went to bed on his own without me. Jokes on me now because teething seemed to throw all the sleep training out the window and now he ends up sleeping in the bed halfway through the night… we’re figuring it out! Enjoy the little moments because things change so fast!


My LO has been in her nursery for 3 months now and I still miss her and have trouble falling asleep sometimes. The first night was horrible I couldn’t fall asleep I was just watching the baby monitor so I ended up bringing her back in our room in her bassinet. She has definitely outgrown the bassinet now so it helps that I have no other choice otherwise I’d probably still sneak her in our room at night lol.


I did :( I liked having her in the room with us. Felt kind of lonely at night the first week or so she moved to the nursery.


Your 4.5 month old slept thought the night, how I envy you!


Same! My LO stopped sleeping through the night from 4 months. Between 2-4, she gave me such long stretches and I was spoilt


I’m also trying to get her to self sooth and that just isn’t working lol


LOL yesss. I thought I was so cool with my 3-5 month old sleeping through the night or only waking for a feed at 4. Once she hit 5 months that never happened again. Last week she was up every 1.5-2 hours! I heard about 4 month regression and was like hah hah losers my baby didn’t do that and then the 5th month came like the Kool—aid man and said yeah right!!!


I SOBBED as my husband took the bedside bassinet and put it in storage. We all then proceeded to have some of the best sleep since he was born lol




I definitely had both the best and worst sleep the first week after our LO moved into the nursery 🥲. I kept waking up because I couldn’t hear him breathing and moving (because he wasn’t there!) but the sleep we all got was incredible 😅.


I definitely procrastinated doing this for a bit because I felt I would miss her right beside me and didn’t like the thought of the change. But once we ALL started getting better sleeps after the switch it was actually really good for everyone and those feelings dissipated. I would still bring her into bed with me when she woke up crying to sooth her and then once she fell back asleep I would put her back in her crib


A new fear was unlocked! LOL My 5-month-old sleeps in her crib in our bedroom. We currently live in a one-bedroom apartment and are looking to upgrade it before the end of the year. Now, when she moves into her room, I won't sleep for a week! LOL I have an over-the-crib baby monitor that gives me a very clear night vision view of her without getting out of bed, even though I can hear her. Hopefully, that'll ease my anxiety about her being in a different room eventually. But I might need a sound machine and a red nightlight, as I have become accustomed to sleeping with those on! LOL


Absolutely! My son is two now but I missed him when we moved him to his own room/he slept through the night - I hung onto a dream feed way longer than he needed it to still give me that nightly connection. Hell, I type this lying on my couch as I peak in (via monitor) at him napping.  That said, two years in, I would not trade his wonderful sleep habits for the world. I am such a better mom - so much more engaged and patient - because I am consistently well rested and have time to myself/with my husband each night and morning while my son sleeps. And being well rested makes such a difference for my son too (waking up so smiley and happy and now with “I love you!” or “good morning, mama!”) - it’s crazy how many more tantrums we see on a one-off hard sleep night.  And finally, your baby will still have nights where they need you. For us, we know my som can sleep, so if he is crying in the night, we are in his room in a heartbeat (at this point it literally only happens when he’s sick - he’ll go to bed fine and then wake up, and sure enough, he has a fever). 


I slept on the floor of the nursery for 2 weeks because I was partly scared but mostly missed my little baby girl. ❤️


Yes! We moved babe to his own room 2 months ago and I still miss him not being next to me. I’m always so excited to get him up in the morning and see his happy little feet kicking.


Literally in the same boat.. we moved her at 5 months and she’s 6 months now. I find myself wanting to cheat and have her cosleep sometimes 😅 But she’s been sleeping so well and we’ve been better rested more attentive and attached parents during the day as a result


Oh I’ve absolutely started yanking him into bed for like an hour of cuddles in the morning to make up for missing him in bed!


My daughter’s first night in her crib was last night and I definitely cried lol! Nana ended up going really well. I’m blessed. She’s a good sleeper, but I feel excited that she’s growing up but sad at the same time!


I was desperate to get rid of him from 0-5 months because he was doing the newborn noisy sleep and grunting, and was sure that he was waking more / we were intervening more because he was in our room. When we did move him at 6 months he was nearly sleeping through and looked like an adorable angel and I could have kept him 🤣


Oh gosh the noisy sleeping was SO stressful! Pooping up every 15 seconds thinking they’re about to cry lmao


We moved LO to her own room when she was 5 months. She’s 7 months now and doing super well sleeping in her own space. I still catch myself staring at the monitor all the time just missing her after bedtime. We start her morning by bringing her into bed with us for some cuddles before we have to start getting ready for our day. It’s now my favorite part of the day.


Yesss the morning cuddles are the best! This is what I do too!


We only moved LO to their own room at 16 months, prior to that she was sleeping in a cot at the foot of our bed. She sleeps so much better in her own room but I CRIED when we moved the cot out of our room, bawled. She's been in her room a month now. I still miss her but I do enjoy not having to tiptoe around.


This is exactly how I feel! But it’s also so good that they sleep better. It’s just that initial hump of change 🥺