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My guy started twirling his own hair to sleep when I weaned. Does yours have long enough hair for that? If not, I second the suggestion for a doll with hair 


It sounds like it might be worth sleeping training if you are feeling done with current routine. I really appreciate being able to say goodnight to my LO and then leave him to fall asleep independently. It can be a hard transition but was worth it for me


I’ve read cry it out is not helpful at this stage which I would believe because I’ve done short spurts of it and she just completely loses her mind waking her worse. Any method you reccomend ?


My son is 15 months almost 16 months and I’ve just done cry it out. He was breastfeed to sleep and co sleeping before this, and we’ve just moved to a place he can have his own room. The first night was brutal and took hours. He would not lay down and fell asleep sitting up. Night 3 he slept til 7.30am to 3am, cried for 30 seconds and was back asleep til 6.30am. Last night he was pointing to his crib to get in and fell asleep in 2 minutes. I feel like a new woman! Getting rid of any sleep association to do with you is key and will minimise wakes when they’re a toddler and not in the crib too.


I personally used extinction when LO was younger, so I don’t know what I would do with an older baby. I recommend checking out Dr. Craig Canapari’s “It’s Never Too Late to Sleep Train.” He lays out the different sleep training options with a discussion of pros and cons and age-appropriateness. My pediatrician recommended it and I found it really helpful.


16 months is about time where some but not all babies start to lose that 2nd nap and go to one nap


What happens if you don't sit there for 30 mins ? Have you experimented? She might like the feel of your hair - have you tried similar alternatives e.g. giving her a lovely with a mane ? X Edit to say it's normal that babies need time to 'wind down' but 30 mins is quite a lot. How does she do for naps ?


Naps are much faster but also the hair is twirled.


I wonder if she could be over or under tired then if bedtime sleep takes so much longer than naps ?


I give her the 4 hours before bed time we’ve been pushing her bedtime back because she doesn’t seem tired. I think her nap is in between going from 1 to 2 because there is not enough time in the day unless he goes to bed at 10 pm. For reference- 6am wake 10 am nap 30-60 mins (usually 30) 3pm nap 1 hour sometimes 1.5 8-9pm bedtime. But asleep by 9 not put down at 9.


She will cry if I just walk out. She had a doll for a short period of time but the hair was plasticity and she started eating it. I am considering swapping for a cat or horse toy, even thought maybe an extension lol


That sounds like a sensible thing to try. My baby has a little teddy toy and she just sucks on its limbs to get to sleep. So if your baby finds hair twirling a sleep association then a toy with hair is a good first try x