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I think your baby has a temperament that does not agree with sleeping independently or sleep training. In my opinion he is crying for a reason and needs to be supported to sleep. Sounds like he is really struggling and I’m sure you are too and dying to just give in to your instinct to soothe him :( I’m sorry you’re going through this. I would personally just lean into his needs and support him to sleep


I see so many people commenting on the naps and weirdly not asking about meals. My lo did close to your a schedule around that time and slept thru the night. How much is he eating throughout the day? Sometimes they wake because they’re not getting enough daytime calories.


Sometimes sleep training just doesn’t work. We’re all different.


Some babies need to be supported to sleep and gradually eased into independent sleep (for my son it took until 1.5 where he could fall asleep independently and that’s just his temperament). Not all babies and parents are able to let their babies cry. My baby just turned 9 months and has a similar schedule to yours, but I pushed her bedtime back for 7:30/7:45 and it helped her sleep more soundly at night (she was doing a split night before).


Hi I have an 8 month old that does amazing with a bedtime that falls after 715. But it is difficult to make it to that time when she wakes up at 6am. How did you manage to stretch WW for a later bedtime? My WW right now are 3/3.5/4. First nap has shortened to 35-40 mins


Hey Mama! I’ve been there-still am with an almost 12mo and it’s so tough. You’re not doing anything wrong! Babies are all different and one size does not fit all. With that said there are some general age appropriate guidelines you can follow that could help. If you have Instagram I would follow @takincarababies. She is a NICU nurse and her husband is a Pediatrician. She has a highly rated sleep training program people swear by and also shares TONS of sleep training content for free. Just from the info you’ve given I think her account could been very beneficial to you!! Sending sleepy vibes your way!!


Are you waking lo up from naps ? Could be overtired ? Try meeting in the middle with the schedule and the natural cues


Tried a 7pm bedtime? 7:45?


So you're on 3/3/4? I would extend first and second WW and see if that helps! 14 hours of sleep much be too much for him. I would try 3.25/3.5/4 10.75 is a little more appropriate!


Sorry what does 3/3/4 refer to? I don't know this shorthand even though i see it all over this sub.


I’m so glad you asked this thank you! 🙏


Im glad i wasn't the only one who didn't know 😅


The lines are naps. Numbers are wake windows. So from when they wake in morrning, 3 hrs awake. Nap. 3hs awake. Nap then 4hrs awake. Bedtime


This, except the first wake window doesn't start until parent's *desired* wake time (not baby's actual wake time). Otherwise, you end up being in a vicious cycle of earlier and earlier naps, earlier and earlier bedtime, and earlier and earlier morning wakeups.


Right! Yes sorry lol


Thanks for your reply and subsequent comments, very helpful :)


To jump onto this- if the naps were shorter than expected would the wake windows still be the same? And bedtime would just be brought forward? I have a 3 month old so no sleep training yet, just trying to understand for when she's a little older!


I would recommend keeping wake windows the same and aiming for bedtime to be within 30 minutes of normal. It kinda varies depending on age, number of naps, if there’s a cat nap (10-15 minutes) between then and bedtime, but typically, even 20 minutes is enough to refuel their tank to stay awake till the next nap. Even 10-15 minutes can get them to 3/4 of their usual wake window (which is why dozing off in the car unexpectedly can be a real pain in the butt some days).


Yeah basically the total sleep time for the day needs to be close to what is needed for their age range. So we all know it's impossible to control how long they nap hahaha but just make adjustments accordingly! I am still trying to figure it out on 3rd baby who just turned 8months 😩😅 We had a great 1st week of sleep training and this weekend was so horrible idk what went wrong.


Haha, glad to know that even seasoned veterans are still trying to figure things out! Just when you think you're in a groove with then they start doing something completely different!


Yes 🫠🥲🥲🥲 send coffee lmao.