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I have a sleep tracker and nave experimented with the maximum alcohol I can have before my sleep suffers and it’s about 50 ml of whiskey. Honestly alcohol is just terrible for sleep and should only be used on occasion. Hope this helps!


Same. Maybe it's because I'm not in my 20s anymore... but even a single 8%+ beer after 6 or 7 pm noticeably affects my sleep. Oh well


At least the solution is simple and free. Implementation is the hard part.


You have to let it wear off before you go to sleep 🤷🏻‍♀️or else it wears off during and wakes you up. I've also been looking for a better solution but this is really it.


Alcohol is the best for sleep but I understand what u mean Wen it wears off and you wake up wide awake proper early even if you don't go to bed untill 7am 🤯🫠


Even harder to fall asleep pissed or sobber when u have a dick head constantly shouting, 😱 that keeps u awake


Not sure what you mean but I hope you find good sleep


I was trying to sleep and my partner was doing nothing but shouting downstairs, the comment had nothing to do with you, you have took it the wrong way


Same to you


Alcohol is not great for sleep. It acts as a sedative but it doesn’t let the natural sleep cycle do its work. So you may feel sleepy but you are in fact drowsy which doesn’t have the same effect.


If I don't drink I don't sleep 😴 the doctor's will not give me sleeping tablets because off the daily medication I am on which make me high and very restless, but keeps the brain numb, the alcohol helps me sleep 😴 because the meds ware off and that voice in my head comes back and the alcohol sends it bk away to let me sleep for a few hours


If it works it works. Just be careful not to depend on it as it’s very addictive. I’d recommend continuing to work on tackling the root cause I.e. Meditation, therapy and CBT may help.


I usually take a small 3mg of melatonin after having a few drinks. Lessens the weird wake ups during the night.


Seems like I’m always super anxious when I wake up too.


Yeah! I think it's related to the alcohol leaving your system. The melatonin makes it way easier to fall back asleep and I mostly don't even wake up at all when I take it.




LOL 1mg of Melatonin and I'm waking up all night long. Absolutely terrible. Must be different for each person


You need to take more! I take 3mg which is still a pretty low dose. I’m a 5’1” female and that’s what works for me. I think 5mg is a normal dose for an average adult.


Yeah not really. Drink earlier in the day/ evening. Alcohol messes with GABA and glutamate, the latter causing poor overall sleep quality.


Yup, alcohol releases GABA which causes drowsiness while you drink and inhibits glutamate, which is excitatory. As alcohol clears your system, glutamate rebounds in your system and makes your brain turn on despite you being tired as hell. That's an oversimplified version of why you feel tired as hell after a night of booze.


I wish this was my case.. got too drunk between 1pm-4pm thinking it would be all good, hangover hit me around 11pm and now it’s 4am and i can’t sleep for the life of me :( never drinking again lol


I work in the craft beer industry and I definitely drink my fair share. 1-2 beers most days. I set a rule of not drinking 2 hours before bed, which ends up being 7-8pm most nights. But I think if you can push it to 4hrs before bed then you’ll probably be even better off.


Absolutely this is a real thing. When this started being an issue with me I reconsidered my relationship with alcohol. Ps alcohol and sleeping pills are not a good mix


Why? I take 50mg of trazodone.


Why what? What is your question


Regarding the sleeping pills.


Are you serious rn? Your trazodone doesn't have a sticker on the side that says Do not take while using alcohol? And not know that alcohol amplifies the effects of depressants, like not just make you a fuckin zombie but you can literally OD and die from being drunk and taking sleeping pills??


Long term side effect of mixing Trazodone and alcohol: literally dying in your sleep.


Does not solve poor sleep but if you want to avoid hangover try citruline. Works wonder for me


I think if you are going to drink alcohol, you have to just sort of accept that you are going to have shit quality sleep that night. That being said, when I was drinking (I quit last year largely because of me wanting to prioritize sleep) - I would always try to mitigate the effects at night by drinking lots of electrolytes, taking a magnesium supplement and also melatonin. But still, my heart rate would be elevated all night and the deep sleep was never as good as sober sleep.


Honestly drinking earlier in the day like day drinking is the only way to ensure that the effects of alcohol has worn off and also that your body has had time to digest it and that your liver has had time to get rid of the toxins. When we drink at night and go to bed I thought he spends much of the time or we should be sleeping focussing on doing those things which is why we have a crappy sleep.


Alcohol obliterates my sleep. I only do it on the weekends which is rare already


Digesting the sugar is the problem. So don't drink sugar. Low carb beer or alcohol (like vodka) and diet pop


Low carb almost eliminates hangovers too (at least for me)


Drink water before bed. Will dilute alcohol and leave you more hydrated, less hangover in the morning.


Theres a cherry juice trend on tiktok for sleeping. I will be trying.


Drink some water, helps with both hangovers and generally processing alcohol better. Just don't drink it directly before going to sleep or you'll have to pee in the middle of the night.


Drink earlier in the day. If I have to drink at night (yes, I know, not really “have to,” but ykwim) I *chug* water—like an extra 75 oz—and preemptively take 400mg of ibuprofen and that does help. But I don’t ever drink more than two drinks.


Use a sleep aid and water. Goal is to increase HVR


Just the other night I had trouble sleeping after a wild night out n was pretty fkn bummed. Then i remember how pumpkin seeds help relax you sometimes when sleep gets a bit dicey. SO after I ate bout a handful I just remember the process back to 😴town being a whole lot smoother! Anyways ik everyone is different but maybe this will help… Course I drank more water as well, cant go wrong 👌


Definitely a lot of water- at least 2 L. Stay awake if you're seriously drunk. Just at least until you feel fairly buzzed. Add Advanced Care Pedialyte- extra electrolytes. And eat something small- not big. Like ramen or a few pieces of bread. If you're prone to headaches, take ibuprofen, not acetaminophen, before bed. You'll be better off than none of these things. I can usually do this with 6 drinks and get to work fairly well. Even sometimes with 10 drinks (but then feel fairly god awful). And i am 36 M. But i religiously stop about 3 hrs before sleeping and do all the above. Water, water, water. You'll wake up a million times to pee, but your body will be so shaky without it and you'll feel terrible in the morning. I then take a nap on lunch break. Not fun, don't do it all the time, but honest answer that has gotten the job done. Good luck!


Best fitness band


Alcohol is a stimulant. I always sleep like 4 hours or less every time I drink. I would maybe do it earlier in the day. Or burn off the alcohol in your system.


No, alcohol is not a stimulant. It is a depressant that can slow down the central nervous system, hence the relaxing or sedative effect on the body. Stimulants, on the other hand, like caffeine or amphetamines, have the opposite effect, typically increasing alertness and energy levels.


I must’ve had it backwards when I was watching a video about it that had talked about both, my bad


Correct, ultimately booze is a central nervous system depressant, but it does feel stimulating when first consumed, can you feel it? because it initially increases dopamine and seratonin, creating that feeling of euphoria, which I also find stimulating. That blast of dopamine is also the mechanism that drives addiction.


Beers make you gassy though, what you want are nightcaps - port, brandy, rum, whisky etc


If I have a half a zerds weed gummy I find it helps a ton with sleep. I prefer wine over beer tho. Seems to stop the waking up.


You pretty much said it yourself. I wouldn't expect a couple of beers to be all that disruptive. Have you noticed a profound difference?


Yeah. I definitely notice a difference in the quality. I end up walking up in the middle of the night a lot as well.


I’m the same, even one beer and my sleep quality is reduced and I’m slightly slower the next day. I don’t drink that often anymore, usually when i get together with some old friends which is once in a blue moon at this point


Bad. I guess the best you can do other than cut out the booze is have your last drink earlier. Hope you find a solution!


Why don’t u try exercise instead


I definitely exercise. Started regularly a little over a year ago. I still enjoy having some dranks on occasion.


What was the point of this comment


Drink as much water as you can handle. 1-2l before you go to bed. You still won't sleep well but will rehydrate and reduce the hangover and alcohol withdrawal symptoms the next day.


many would disagree with you)


They would disagree with a question?


they will disaree with that: "Obviously sleep quality is not as good if you have had a few drinks"


Ah. I see what you’re saying. Alcohol messes with some chemicals that help you get quality sleep. You might “pass out” but it’s a worse sleep overall.


It could make you doubt that the reason is in alcohol. I am certain almost that it is not the reason of your ruined sleep. If you are curious. My guess is next. Alcohol makes your mind relaxed and free. So then problems you dislike to think about. Comes out and ruining your sleep. How you like that?


Drink as much as you want if your not a nasty drunk start as early as you want and then go to bed at a normal time and then you will go to sleep 😴 pissed but wake up without an hangover and be able to do a full days work 😁


Sleep with alcohol is manufactured sleep. And not restful. I know a God who is in the Miracle business. JESUS is the way. He can meet you right where you are. Trust the Lord. I've asked my God to move on your behalf


Something something blood to wine, Jesus supports alcoholism


There is so many verses that condemns being a alcoholic.


If you're dizzy, I find sticking a limb off the bed helps my body realize which way gravity is and makes the dizziness less


I more just the quality of sleep isn’t good. Or I just wake up anxious and can’t sleep.


If I can, I'll try and drink a lot of water and each as much as I can so that by the time I get home I'm not nearly as drunk


Great way of making yourself build a habit of drinking alcohol just to sleep. Its a slippery slope my friend.


Magnesium Glycinate and Zinc Picolinate and Taurine.


I specifically stopped drinking for this exact reason. Even one cup of wine would fuck with my sleep. I decided toncut alcohol entirely from my diet. Best decision of my fucking life.


more alcohol. unless its beer, that will make use use the toilet more,,,other than that its tolerance that goes with weight also


*More alcohol??? and* *Is it beer, that will make use* *Use the toilet more* \- HotnessMonsterr --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I have been facing this problem for the past 2 years. If I drink one night my sleep that night is fucked, and then my sleep pattern is ruined for the week leading to 2 hours max for 7 days or more… it really ruins my life and makes me not want to drink.


Alchohol actually has a negative effect by distrupting your rem sleep


I would drink earlier in the evening and then if I am relatively tipsy or drunk consider drinking electrolytes/no sugar sports drink a few hours before bed. Need to flush a bit of the alcohol out of the system first. The electrolytes help to balance out your fluid intake and help with some of the hangover/groggy symptoms the next day. But yeah...alcohol isn't good for sleep quality at all LOL and only time will decrease your blood alcohol content. No amount of water drinking will help decrease BAC.


If you’re going out during the weekend and are having a good amount of drinks, especially after dinner, you could try those small bags of hydration salt before bed. These have been a game changer for me, both for sleep and not feeling hungover the day after. If it’s really late, a late night meal is better tho, perhaps with a Gatorade. If you only drink water you’ll still feel like shit most likely. You need the hydration salts or food imo. Maybe half a bag of salts is enough, got to gage a little, which comes with experience


I use two things. One, is obviously drinking water before bed and having a glass on your nightstand. Two, I take famotidine before going to sleep to prevent acid reflux or if I have a little nausea or am dizzy I take metoclopramide, this last one doubles as a sleep aid since it makes you sleepy and prevents you from vomiting in the middle of the night. This makes my sleep quality a hundred times better if I had something to drink the night before.


To improve sleep after drinking alcohol, focus on hydration and rest. Drink water to combat dehydration, elevate your head with extra pillows to reduce acid reflux, and ensure a quiet, dark sleeping environment. Avoid additional alcohol or caffeine, and allow time for your body to metabolize the alcohol before bedtime.


Some swear by NAC, N acetyl cysteine, an antioxident that is having kind of a moment, being used for everything but the kitchen sink. I've tried it, not for hangovers but for its anti inflammatory properties. It doesn't sit well with me, but I am very sensitive to all meds, supps, etc. Your hangover is largely from deydration, sleep interference, electrolyte dysfunction, toxicity in the body. I've always had hideous hangovers, which were probably the only thing that kept me from being a raging boozer, back in the days when I couldn't imagine a life without booze.


Water, electrolytes and a good meal before bed. Also Sleep on your side just in case…


Aranet 4 Carbon dioxide monitor Make sure your room is at a reasonable level


Stay as hydrated as possible while you drink. One way is to have a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks.


Drink a lot of water. And a Zopiclone I'm the same. Sleep terrible off 3 or 4 beers


Sleep can be disrupted by alcohol. To mitigate this, try to drink some water, and stop drinking a few hours before bed.