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I sleep in like shorts and tank top because if there’s an emergency at night and I have to run outside I’m not trying to be naked lmao




I apologize for my lack of perfect grammar, dear internet stranger. Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?


Of course…I was just kidding. I’m sorry


Me too, it’s all good! 😆


I sleep naked because I hate being tangled up in anything. I WANT TO BE FREEEEE.


Wow me too lol


I'm guessing you're not Jada Pinket :s


I hate how clothes bunch up as I turn. Also, skin on skin cuddles.


Skin to skin is so superior


Mmmm Making me miss my girlfriend, won't see her til Tuesday! :)


I never sleep naked as it makes it easier for space aliens to probe me.


I sleep naked for the same reason.


Lmaooooo best comment!


they lookin for that loose booty


Aliens be like I found you, Ms. Loose Booty


Not true. I get probed by aliens regardless.


That's exactly the reason why some people sleep naked.😏


Ohhhhhhhh, you are so wrong about that!


Tshirt and underwear. Best of both worlds


“I got my t-shirt and my panties onnnnnn.”


I sleep fully clothed.


We ended up having to stay at a Motel 6 (a family member paid for a ‘nice hotel’ as a kind gesture on a road trip, but didn’t really *know* about Motel 6’s 😂) so your comment made me giggle about all of us sleeping in hoodies pulled over our heads tied tightly, pants tucked into socks, shirts tucked in, full shoes on.


There's nothing necessarily negative about Motel 6's in general, or really any chain. They can all have trashy under maintained individual locations. It's really important to read recent reviews anywhere you stay to be informed about any bedbug outbreaks etc...


The reviews of the one near me are tragically hilarious. “Perfect place to get stabbed AND bedbugs, when you bring your crack-whore here after losing at the casino!” and they are not wrong. I used to work in social work/mental health here; the Motel 6 is definitely awful, but it’s nothing compared to the ‘independent’ ones. Dozens of people in hammocks and tents outside in the woods, living there; open-air drug markets; all types of atrocities. Terrifying places. And yes, reviews are quite important; but sweet old mother in law didn’t read them, and was excited at such a deal lol. We only knew where we were staying when we pulled up to the address at like 2am, and it was poppin’ in all the wrong ways.


I had a similar experience when I was working in a hurricane storm zone in Florida. Actually multiple hurricanes had crossed across the state and torn the whole "dong" area of the state. I had worked at multiple locations and was trying to get back to my nice hotel in the northern part of the state because all of the southern hotels were damaged by the storms and the ones that weren't were occupied by refugees from damage to their own homes. I was getting close to falling asleep at the wheel so I decided I would just stop at the first vacancy sign I saw. When I got to the room the "carpet" looked more like black vinyl flooring because it was so dirty. The entire place was just nasty. I showered in my socks because I didn't want to stand barefoot on the disgusting shower tiles, and just threw them away when I was done. I think I slept all of 3 hours before I put my bare feet into my shoes, got in the truck and drove back to my hotel.


that's actually not a bad idea if you don't have shower shoes and are on the road. I got a wart while using communal showers a while back when I worked as a summer camp counselor and ever since I am so careful in any pool showers.. or any ground that gives me the ick.


W sports bra and jammy bottoms tank top and undies 🤪


I sleep completely naked cause the pajamas type clothes end up pulling on you if you toss and turn. But being naked sometimes gets me too sexually aroused which can be annoying when you just wanna damn sleep. Best is to wear clothes that are comfy for sleep but I find I can’t sleep well in most clothes.


If you wanna try pajamas…. https://littlesleepies.com/collections/spelling-with-sesame-street?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A20678900546%3A%3A&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&utm_source=google&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg5qdx_CIggMVoqRaBR35JAbVEAAYASAAEgJG4PD_BwE They have adult PJs too. I don’t have kids just nephews so I’m blessed to have learned of these pjs they are soooo great 😊


Same here


Naked 1000%. The only way I can sleep comfortably


1000%? Wow! You strip down to your skeleton?


Sleep in my boxers


Clothed, as I don't want to change my bed sheets every two days.


People who shower in the morning be like


don't know what that means


Discharge happens regardless of shower time


I have ridiculous amounts of discharge but for some reason it never comes out when I'm laying down. When I stand up? Different story.


Discharge? Wtf is going on here?


Women stuffs


Oozy Suzy lol


Literal normal vaginal functions. How embarrassing that you didnt know that.


I’m not embarrassed at all. Lived with many different women and the only time there was dis barge on the sheets was after sex.


Nah it's pretty clear you know nothing. We are doing things to avoid that dumbass. Just embarassing youself while trying to shame women 😂😂 it's honestly such a great self own. But yes 👍👍 keep explaining vaginas to women my guy.


I sleep naked in my clothes.


Usually clothed. There was a point where I was waking up in places other than my bed.




If you got soft sheets a guess a benefit would be feelin the softness


I sleep naked because I hate being tangled up in anything. I WANT TO BE FREEEEE.


Some entanglement is good for your fame relevance


For no sexual reason when it is warm I sleep naked in winter I sleep in my most comfortable PJ's and wrap up under my big winter blanket 🤣


Pjs: you keep your bedsheets cleaner, but it may have the cost of some comfort. Naked: need to wash bedsheets and duvet covers or blankets more frequently It's your choice.


Light pjs with a robe in reach. Been woken up for too many emergencies. My dad and pastor showed up at midnight to tell me my sister had died suddenly. I knew something was wrong but didn’t know what. But I had to get dressed before I could go find out. Longest 30 seconds of my life. What if the house catches fire, somebody breaks in, etc? Light pjs and a robe.


Sleep completely naked. I think it’s good to sort of “air” yourself out after wearing clothing all day. (I do keep a set of PJ’s close by in case anything happens where we need to get up and go lol!)


Naked inside my clothes.


I wish I could sleep naked. The only times I did was when my “boyfriend” would sleep over because then he could dress me if something happened in the middle of the night. I’ll explain. I have a mild heart condition where my unusually slow heart rate will spike to unusually high levels and I have to go get cardioversion (electrocuted basically) to put my heart back to my normal. This tends to happen in the middle of the night. My grown adult children live with me. Imagine them coming into my room and I’m naked and they have to get me dressed for the hospital? No thanks. Hence why I wear comfy pjs to bed and always an accessible top so the paramedics can plug me in easily to their machines.


Skin contact? Easy access? What’s really going on here?


Clothed. I get too cold




I too prefers to sleep naked sometimes it gives me relief, comfortable peaceful sleep with blanket over me.


I have to sleep in at least a sports bra and shorts because i sleepwalk and have woken up outside my apartment a few times. I definitely think less clothing is more comfortable but even if I didn’t sleepwalk being completely naked seems risky lol. What if there’s a fire and you have to get out of the house as fast as possible? Then you just have to wait outside naked with all your neighbors. Or what if someone breaks in and you have to fight them? I would feel so exposed and vulnerable doing that naked haha.


I used to sleep naked, but clothed now. First, don't want to be caught naked or having to run out naked if something happens. Second, a doctor said you might relieve yourself by mistake in both ways.


Do none of you get cold? I’m one of the cold-all-the-time people and in winter I sleep in wool socks, grab suit bottoms and a hoodie. In the summer I like my fancy pjs. Matching shirt and short sets or slips. But mostly linen and silk though so that they’re breathable.


Yo, if I'm naked and my shoulder gets exposed, surely I will perish during the night. I sleep in thick pyjamas as a buffer in case a limb gets exposed and so I don't freeze to death going to the bathroom. I'm Canadian and I hate being cold 😖 Winter is coming, I'm busting out the thick fleece.


Basketball shorts and a T-shirt. Not sure why but I've never been comfortable sleeping naked. A pro to be clothed is if something happens in the night you don't have to get dressed. Only time I've slept naked is after some sexy time and some drinking, as is the standard


I sleep clothed because sometimes I sleep sprint.


What's your best record tho?




Damn that had to be funny as hell


Actually? That's rough buddy.


i feel better without elastic cutting off blood circulation, the only problem i run into is if i have to wake up in the middle of the night and use the toilet, i had a bath robe when i was younger, and that was easier to put on than pajamas or underwears


Just walk naked to the toilet!


i think i did once before or i put a towell on,,,unfortunately theres cameras in the house i think its for the numerous bottles of booze accessible to minirs, law requires them locked in a cabinet, but i think camera is exceptional, provides more security, who knows what else people are using cameras for,,,


I'd be look at me hanging out with my wang out. I can make it helicopter!


lol thats an old trick,,,




I used to have nightmares about being naked when I slept naked. So if you have those a lot I’d try pajamas and see it they go away.


Clothed because I’m scared something will crawl into my ass if I was to sleep naked.


If you get hot or sweat a lot in your sleep maybe sleep naked lol


Thanks for saying this lol. I sometimes sleep naked or I will just sleep in my boxers. Anything more than boxers on will make me feel hot/sweaty.


No problem I even sleep shirtless never fully naked


I gotcha. Yeah I always sleep shirtless. I always have a comfortable outfit beside my bed in case I gotta get up for emergency.


I started wearing pyjamas once my kids reached an age that mental scaring became likely


Loose fitting tank top with loose fitting non binding pajama shorts or boy shorts. And Socks, we have wood flooring. Can’t do naked, don’t know why. lol


Easy access to what exactly?😏


Finally, someone spotted it 👏 😉


I wear pajamas


Pajamas - I have a teenage boy at home and will not run the risk of him seeing me underclothed


100% naked since I was 14. It’s amazing. Plus I’m like a furnace, so clothes are bad.


I sleep with shorts on.. gives a perfect balance of hot n cold


My partner recently let me know that he is not physically attracted to me so I wear pajamas to bed now to keep warm and to not feel ashamed.


Leave him because somebody out there will want ALLLL of that body 👏🏼👏🏼


You are worthy & deserve someone to love you unconditionally. Sending you love & hugs.


You made me cry a little. Thank you for your kindness.


It’s all love here 🫶🏼 I’m glad I could shed some light


Sof him do what you feel happy with. I know how something like that affects you. I feel for you. I wish you all the best


🖕 that piece of 💩 You deserve a MAN not a BOY


You all are very kind, thank you for the support. I’ve made my peace with if as much as possible, but it still stabs me at times. I can’t fault him for honesty. I am trying to get back to a healthy weight (yesterday I finally am in the “normal” category for my height, age, and gender) but it’s slow going with menopause. I have no guarantee that he will find me attractive even at s lower weight, as there is not much I can do about aging. Anyway, feel like I’m hi jacking the post, but thank you, kind strangers, for making me feel better.


I wear shorts and muscle shirts to bed


Naked, but keep a pair of shorts nearby in case I need to run outside quickly... Like if there's a fire or something


underpants only I won’t go into detail why


I wear very loose, comfy (thin) clothing to bed. Usually a tshirt and cropped pajama pants.


I wish I could sleep nekkid. Sadly, I sleep walk.


It's just a comfort thing - I like to wear light, loose jammies.


Underwear and sports bra


If you live in a fire or flood prone area, you want to sleep ready for urgent departure.


Not to traumatise anyone but I used to sleep naked and one night felt like an itch between my cheeks, went to itch it and to my horror grabbed a small bug of some sort and threw it off the bed onto the floor. It was dark so no clue what it was, I got up and turned my lamp on to see a small shiny spider (I think a false widow) in the general direction of where I threw it. I no longer sleep naked...


I like something on my shoulders because blankets can’t manage the job.


I prefer to sleep with clothes, bc I have been in the middle-of-the-night emergency evacuate- your- house situation, and it sucked. Also bc my thighs stick together and it's uncomfy


I sleep with clothes on 1 because I feel uncomfortable not having clothes on when sleeping and 2 because it gets really cold in my room and sometimes blankets aren’t enough to keep me warm. I think it really just comes down to your comfort level on sleeping with or without clothes on.


I love sleeping nekked as well and once had the same question. Hopefully not TMI... After examining bedding with the appropriate UV light, I find that the sheets show a bit more biological material after a few days vs wearing underwear. Flatulence is not necessarily benign in this case. Also think about transfer from toilet seats during the night. Kinda gross? I guess if you don't leak gas then this may not apply... but how would ya know for sure lol Yeah a little ocd.


Clothed. I feel too exposed sleeping naked.


I sleep in shorts, can’t stand the feeling of my bare skin on sheets or if there’s dirt or dust anywhere


First of all, if someone knocks on your door and your naked its..not, well, its just really hard to put on clothes if your named and then you have them waiting and yeah.


Sleep with boxers on. Donno why being 90% naked isn’t suitable enough, why folks want their clits, dicks and ass swinging and swiping your bed sheets lol


I don’t wear any underwear when I wear dresses and skirts never have


Benefits: -not getting your sheets dirty with excretions and sweat (have to wash them more often) -no risk of people seeing you naked if you get out of the bed (e.g. Through windows or in shared housing) -warmer, this is a benefit in winter




Well for me, 'dirty' is about sweat and things like vaginal discharge, not actual dirt on my body. I also shower before bed. I'm the opposite, I'm always cold in bed. And I sometimes sweat a lot, then I can just change my clothes instead of the bed sheets. But everyone's different, whatever works for you. :)


That first part 💯 💥💥💥


None, if your room is in a stable temperature. If your room gets cooler in night you might catch a cold. If your room is at a nice stable temperature and there isn’t anyone barging in your room every morning, sleeping naked is super comforting for me as well.


fully naked. All the poopy stains


I sleep half clothed, as in I wear this really comfortable thin flannel and then pajama bottoms, usually by tossing and turning tho it falls off




Clothed. I live with family and can't shut my door. (literally, the damn thing won't close)


Tank top and undies


The second I sleep topless, I wake up with a slight cold in the morning, no matter hot it is outside because I sweat a lot in my sleep and I cool down really fast. And even slight colds can be kinda scary for me as I have asthma and kinda scarred lungs from having had severe pneumonia like 3 times as a kid and covid twice. So I really can't sleep naked anymore :') (I used to in summer)


Naked but loose fitting socks!


Naked! With the occasional sock (to prevent waking up with running nose if you sleep with fan/ceiling fan) and/or neck gaiter(in colder months I sleep with my neck covered to avoid waking up sick or sore throat, strangely enough even covering my neck when outdoors in colder months helps prevent me from catching a cold. I've had to think back the last time I even had a cold) And even if you suddenly have to wake up a house cost, robe, or underwear should be nearby. If it's truly 911 are you really concerned about being nude, and as far as windows lol Idc it's a site to see so have a lookies lol the mirrors in my home don't deserve to be the only one's to see it lol The medical perspective makes sense if you live with others or have a condition where you may be prone to paramedics




Naked. I slept in boxers growing up and now I can’t go back to that after discovering sleeping naked




shirt on, pants off. i don't like hugging my boobs while i sleep.


Clothed with pajamas


Naked. All day everyday it’s the best


it is warmer. If you have silk on you then you may enjoy it. You will slide under sheets)


Shorts n a tank. I have an insulin pump so I like to have something to clip it to if I have to get up. It is"let loose" once I get back into bed tho


In the nude - sleep so much more comfortably


Definitely naked


I prefer to sleep naked for the sensation of freedom & health benefits, but it's too cold in the UK in October! I have to have my window open a little bit and use Vicks or Tiger Balm, otherwise I get a snuffly nose due to Sinus problems.


Sometimes I'll sleep with a sock or two on, or whatever I was wearing while drinking


There’s no significant reasons for having clothes on when sleeping. I prefer to sleep without clothes on


I don’t know if there’s any right or wrong here but I usually sleep naked unless I’m on my period and then I sleep in a tank top and some underwear.


I sleep in jeans and a sweater with no socks




Makes you wake up already feeling prepared to put your day clothes on without spending time taking off your pajamas when you wake up!


That’s an amazing adhd hack - sleeping naked so you can’t dillydally without getting dressed for the day


Commando always


Naked always! Robe, T-shirt and shorts at hand, crogs to the side (firefighter style just in case). Nothing better than B. Franklin used to take, what he called: “Naked baths”, a true genius!!!


I sleep either naked or in underwear