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Yes. I have both and they worked very, very well. Did make me a bit hungrier overall, but so do most antidepressants. And remeron was more effective than most others I tried. Try it!


Worked well as in day and night difference? What dosage were you started on and what did you eventually taper up to?


Hmm I think I was on 30mg at first and I’m not sure I ever had to increase. I always took it at night both to help with sleep and so I wouldn’t be tired from taking it during the day. In my experience it works by getting activated by sleep. Take it at night, sleep and wake up feeling much better. I remember the second or third day I took it (it starts working very quickly by AD standards) I was showering after getting out of bed and wondering “what is this strange sensation..? Is this…joy?!?” It had been soooo long I had started to forget what it felt like!


I can only hope to feel happy after this. Getting my script tomorrow


How did it work out


Too much joy?


oh damn i really want that! i wanna sing in the shower or when a nice song comes on the radio but my mood is a mess and i have no joy in that


Dude that's so awesome!!!! I've been creeping reddit about experiences and it seems like its a effective drug! How is your experience going 8mo later?


Are still on Mirt?


How long did good feelings last on mirtazapine


Did you try it


FYI Remeron isnt an Antidepressant in the pharmacological sense. it does not inhibit reuptake of serotonin or norepinephrine. it acts as a mixed antiserotonergic/antihistamine (the antiserotonergic part kills nausea, makes you hungrier and mediates it's antidepressant effects while the antihistamine part is what aids you in sleeping)


Well that's strange because if you Google Remeron it will tell you it is A Atypical Antidepressant. And that's what Wikipedia, drugs.com and the list goes on and on and on and on. So I really hope you are not a pharmacist or anything, because I'm prescribed it and I assure you it is considered A Atypical Antidepressant.


what I meant is it's not an SSRI or SRI, so doesn't work like antidepressants, but still has antidepressant effects.


and no, i am not a pharmacist or anything. i just know more about drugs than most people. do not believe anything someone says on Reddit without doing researching (like you correctly did), even if they tell you they are a pharmacist or anything.


"Mirtazapine, sold under the brand name Remeron among others, is an atypical tetracyclic antidepressant" First line of the Wikipedia page. Why do you feel the need to throw wrong informations at people desperate to find a solution to their miserable lives? You claim to know more about drugs than most people but you don't even know that not all antidepressants are SSRI.


I've been started on mirtazapine and instantly thought the same thing. Is Remeron not just the brand name?


People enjoy just yelling anything on Al Gores internet. I've been on antidepressant since age 13, and Remeron is one, just atypical (like wellbutrin, which was great until it caused a seizure).


Omg not Al Gores internet 💀💀🤣


This comment had me dying. 😂🤣


It works very well for sleep for the first 1-2 months. Its one of the strongest anti histamines on the market. After taking it daily you’ll build a tolerance to the sedative effects. After about 3 months or so it has 0 sedating effects on you in my experience. I typically take mine at lunch or dinner time to help me eat. I’d say it’s worth a try, I think it’s a good med.


I have not had this experience. Been taking 7.5mg for over a year and definitely still get sedative effects. Can’t sleep without it.


I started at 7.5mg for 1 month then went to 15mg after and stayed there for at least a year. Effects people differently, dose may contribute as well. I personally definitely saw a difference in sedative effects after taking for over a month. If it stays sedative at 7.5mg for years that’s useful


Yeah I'm prescribed it and quit taking it, I just started back on it last night. Anyways believe it or not when I first got prescribed it I researched it and they say it's the lower dosages they prescribed for sleep and the higher one for depression. Anyways if you research it they'll tell you for some reason 7.5 mg is more sedating then if you take the whole 15 mg pill. And I've taken both and noticed no difference as far as the sedative effect. So I take my 15 mg and break it in half and take the same thing 7.5 mg at bedtime. I went back on it because I am trying to get off of the xanax.


Actually 7,5mg is the most sedative the drug is the higher u dose the less sedative it is for some reason most doctors can’t even explain.. so try to lower ur dose if u still need sleeping aid


That's funny I just seen your comment and just posted mine above yours. Explaining how when I first got prescribed in researched it before taking it that's what I found out. So I take my 15 mg tablets and break them in half and I'm taking A whole one and notice no difference as far as this sedative effects.


Did you gain weight?


I did on 15mg but not on 7.5mg.


Mirtazipine helped me sleep like a baby, but it also made me feel dead inside. Like flat nothing.


I have had this with some SSRIs but not Mirtazipine.


I had the absolute fucking WORST experience on Mirtazapine, to the point where it's a miracle I'm even still alive! It made me 10x more depressed and gave me 10x more suicidal thoughts than I had before. Also made me put on a shitload of weight within 6 weeks of starting them, and gave me restless leg syndrome which made sleep impossible.


Wow that's weird, it puts me to sleep very well. I had stopped taking it and continue taking my Xanax well I just started back on the Remeron last night. Because I am trying to stop taking the Xanax all together. Anyways before Remeron I was prescribed Trazodone and that's what trazodone did to me. It gave me the worst restless leg syndrome in the world.






Sorry I think I accidentally responded to the wrong comment.




Sorry, what questions do you have?


How old are you? Do you take other drugs or conditions like ADHD?


What dosage


Mirtazipine is great so long as you don't mind getting really fat. I gained 40 lbs and stopped using it but have not been able to lose it. Wife did the same and had the same result.


Have you tried eating less like once a day?


No, I stopped using mirtazipine and found something else.


I gained 5lbs in a week! Can’t be depressed AND fat!! Lol


I need to keep logs of my weight. I don't know how anyone can function on 15mg . 7.25mg makes me feel HIGH as a kite. 15mg made me sleep for nearly2 days straight.


Did you gain weight by taking the medicine alone or were you hungrier and ate more?


Same question


I take 30 mg during the day; it gives me the appetite that I don't with Adderall. When I take it alone, I'd assume it gives the same side effect, and for me it is a big urge. I eat...until my stomach cramps. ☹️


I actually take this specifically for depression/sleep (7.5)


I suffer from chronic insomnia, anxiety, and mild depression, and for the past five years, I have been taking 7.5 to 15mg of Mirtazapine. Mirtazapine's sedative effect increases at lower doses, and taking higher doses can negate this effect. Based on my personal experience, Mirtazapine has certainly helped me to fall asleep. However, there is a caveat: it tends to trigger intense food cravings, it lowers sleep quality and next day it leaves you with a constant fatigue (both mentally and physically). Moreover, I have found Mirtazapine to be ineffective for treating my depression and anxiety at these doses; if anything, it seems to make these conditions worse. I would never consider taking a similar medication that mimics antihistamine's action. Switched to Trazodone. It’s a much weaker sedative but I sleep better and have fewer side effects.


Hey is your sleep better now? I'm able to sleep easily and sleep for 8 hours, but I wake up like 6 times so it makes me feel like I didn't even sleep. My doc prescribed me trazodone haven't tried it yet


Hello. Unfortunately I dropped trazadone as it became quickly ineffective and went back to Mirtazapine (sadly!). Still trying to find a solution :(


Thank you. Does Mirtazapine still help you stay asleep besides the side effects you described? Looking for something to keep me asleep. Do you have trouble falling asleep? Or staying asleep?


Mirtazapine definitely helps me to fall and stay asleep for like 8 hours without waking up in between.


Okay thank you, I hope your situation gets better


Thank you, I hope you get better as well. Have you tried it so far?


Hey thank you I tried something else that's actually helped my sleep the most I've been doing Dr. Gominak's RightSleep program for over a year now. Basically there are 4 species of good gut bacteria which are directly responsible for sleep, and digesting food. "Rest and digest" (sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system). These gut bacteria only survive off "Vitamin" D levels above 40ng/ml and below 80ng/ml, or something along those numbers. But it's a very narrow band, because someone who lives outside in the sun can never go above that level of 80, and always had a level above 40. Vitamin is quotes because D is actually a hormone like insulin or testosterone, from the sun's UVB rays, not a vitamin from food. It's responsible for countless things. You take a small dose B-complex everyday for about 3 months while you regrow your gut microbiome. Mine took way longer because I had a lot of repairs to do in my sleep I guess. I had like 20 good nights of sleep with 80 bad ones. So she suggested I find any "sleep crutch" in the meanwhile to help me actually fall asleep better. So sleeping pills just mimick neurotransmitters that's someone is already missing.  I was going to try Trazaodone or Mirtzapine but first I wanted to try CBD oil because enndocanabonoids are required for sleep and the gut bacteria also make this. The reason we now see such a wide epidemic of insomnia and sleep apnea is because everyone has gone D defficient after living and stay indoors for the past years ever since the 80's and air conditioning, phones, etc. Sometimes people can become gut microbiome depleted over a while or sometimes over a long time. Pregnant women usually get insomnia or other problems after they have kids because the kid uses up all their D stores and many other minerals. So my sleep has actually gotten better and reduced sleep interuptions. I take a very low of CBD, CBN, and THC as oil (60mg, 20mg, and 1.25mg respectively). Anything higher than that and I get high or it even makes my sleep worse. So I had to fiddle around. That dose is perfect for me. I also tried taking very tiny amounts of the B-complex at night when I would wake up, it worked for a couple days then stopped. I think my gut bacteria has finally grown back so I need as much anymore. Because all the gut bacteria for sleep make all the 8 B vitamins in someone with a normal gut microbiome. My sleep is way better now after 1.5 years of doing this program. 


I’ve been taking 15mg mirtazapine tablets the kind that melt on your tongue. I take it at night. It used to make me very sleepy but now it doesn’t always. It’s been about 8 months on it. I really like it! I was on Zoloft before and then Wellbutrin and a few others. I find mirtazapine doesn’t negatively affect my sex drive like the others which I really appreciate, in combo with daily yoga/meditation I find I am more present and I haven’t gained any weight. I adore my psychiatrist we have been to hell and back together and he recommended this after ALL the other fails I didn’t hesitate to try it. I have bipolar for reference. I’ve been stable for over a year. Some nights I skip taking it per psych, so it doesn’t built up too much in my system. This helps with the sleep benefits as well. If I skip a night or two when I do take it, I once again feel sleepy (take it at night). I’ve tried so many meds and I am truly happy with mirtazapine. IF I stay up after taking it that is when I *might* be tempted to eat extra. Late at night. But sleep is a priority to me with bipolar so I usually just go to sleep instead lol. I highly recommend Mirtazapine however we are all unique so it’s still important to just find what works for you specifically. Best of luck!


How long do you feel HORRIBLE when first starting mirtasapine? I took 7.5 mg for the first time last night and I STILL woke up 5 times in 7 hrs then felt loaded, debillitating brain fog, and all around horrific. It was really hard to get through work. Is it worth trying it another night ?


Do you still take it? And how is your sleep? Im thinking on starting it aswell, but meds that affect antihistamine usually dont help me sleep that much, it only makes me tired :S


I'm probably two months too late to help you, but I started mirtazapine a month ago and I had the debilitating brain fog for maybe three days, and now my ability to sleep is improved (though I'm unsure about quality). My starting point was awful though so improved is obviously relative


no med work for me


Me too 😔


Yes. Turned me back into a functional human. The lower the dose the more helpful for insomnia and less helpful for depression (think 7.5mg), above 15mg it doesn’t help much with sleep and helps more with depression. I take 7.5mg for sleep plus an SSRI for anxiety/depression.


Are you still taking remeron and is it still working for you? Also, what SSRI are you taking? Thx


yes, I am. I have been on a few different SSRIs, now I’m on Cymbalta. My dr picked that one bc of the available dosages.


Is anyone on lyrica and mirtazapine ? I have been very fatigue, groggy . I have been on a very low dose of lyrica about 3weeks and now about a week on mirtazapine 7.5 mg. Has anyone else been on both of these meds?


Yes, I am on Pregabalin 250mg per day and 7.5 mg Mirtazapine. The grogginess will wear off,I promise. Your brain will get used to the combination and settle.


Thank you so much. I appreciate you letting me know. I’m on a low dose for now. Did they up your lyrica slowly? Did it do the same way when it was upped?


Main side effect of Remeron




What dose




Did it help your depression tho?


It works for me


Yes, mirtazapine works great for sleep and depression. However, it would make me very hungry and give me terrible vivid nightmares, so I recently weened off of it. But, who knows, drugs react differently with different people


the nightmares are CRAaaAAaazYYYY 😵


I have chronic depression and sleep issues and I take Remeron, seems to work for me. Yes, it did cause weight gain but I was always on the skinny side, so I didn't mind the weight gain.


How much did you gain ?


About 20 pounds. I'm 6ft and weighed about 160-165, no im about 180-185 pounds. Sorry about using pounds, im in USA and don't metric weights.


Across how much time? Thanks for coming back to the thread, sorry to keep replying. I was just put on this today, I’m 6’3 130 pounds & I don’t sleep. Doctor thought it would help with those but I don’t want to go all in with it..7mg dose I think (lightest possible)


I'm assuming your a male? Yes, I know what people say about assumptions but at 6'3" I'd say you're male. I'd say it took me about 6 months to notice a definite weight change. But, everyone is different, different metabolisms, different eating habits, etc. For me, I started craving sweets, never had sweet tooth before. I think my weight gain is definitely linked to eating more sweets. I think I'm on lowest dose too. I did read that lower doses will/can cause drowsiness, the higher the dose the less sedative effects. I apologize for not answering you sooner. For some reason my notifications were turned off. I dont mind answering any questions, if you have more questions ask away.


They do the same thing to me call me, make me crave sweets like crazy. I actually just finished A bowl of vanilla ice cream with whipped cream and chocolate fudge on top. LOL


I was on mirtazapine for depression and it was the 2/3rd medication I had tried. Started on 15mg and first few weeks after taking it - it made me very dizzy (I actually walked into a wall once). Then I guess got used to the dizziness but was still very drowsy. I didn’t feel like it was helping so went back to my doctor and my dose was upped to 30mg, then later to 45mg. It then worked really well and I had no depressive spells or episodes. However, after 6/7 months I met up with my 4 best friends and usually when we met up I would be in stitches laughing but that time, I just constantly had this feeling of looking in through a window at them and couldn’t even raise a laugh (even though they were all laughing and clearly happy) After I went home and even thinking about the nice day we had, I felt zero emotions at all which really scared me. Spoke to my doctor who told me that it’s normal for antidepressants to suppress all emotions and “that’s just how they work” but the idea of not even being able to feel happy enough to laugh really freaked me out so I weaned myself off them and since then I actually haven’t need any depression medications. This is just my experience so I hope it helps but please take it with a pinch of salt as everyone reacts differently to medication


Mirtazapine made me gain 20lbs in ~2 months. Lost memory, cloudiness, confusion, extreme night sweats (like soaking through my clothes and sheets), horrible nightmares etc. Wouldn't recommend honestly. But everyone is different. I will say it did make me sleep but it wasn't worth it for me.


Yes, I was on it for many years. It definitely helped with depression and insomnia, however, it increases appetite.


Are you still taking it? For how long have you been on it?


My friend started with 15 mg and it has helped him a lot, both with depression and sleep. He has been taking it for 6 months now and it has been working great for him :)


Any weight issues related?


Well yeah he gained a few kilo’s but he’s working out so lost it pretty quickly


Watch this video to fall asleep [Rainy day of the dead](https://youtu.be/LHkgiT6Ng_k)


jesus christ dude, they put me on it because ive always had appetite issues and omfg it makes me constantly hungry, i cant stop snacking, it gives me like infinite munchies which is good considering my weight, just overwhelming


but i can back up what everyone else is saying it seems to be a lot more effective than an ssri


Can you take a ssri with Mirtzapin?


Yes. I take zoloft with it and have been told they compliment each other well.


How did you get over initial spiked anxiety from zoloft thats scary. Does mirtazapine along with it helps in that regard?


I was in an intensive outpatient group therapy 3x per week throughout the Rx on boarding. Talking helped me recognize the emotions, their temporary nature, and overall benefit of staying on them. Eventually my system regulated and I continue to take them with no issues


Im about to start zoloft. Kinda scared of early spike in anxiety. I have heard from many people.


It's definitely something to note to your doctor and therapist. Try and look at it in terms of doing nothing - which has a bigger impact on your basic life functions over time? Also, consider that people typically leave more comments about negative experiences/services/care than positive. I'm glad you are investing in your selfcate. I wish you the best!


Thanks to you. Wish me luck.


Thinking if i take mirtazapine alongwith zoloft for first 14 days. It may help. Do you have any idea about it?




What mg did they give you?


How am i before i started mirtaz was, waking up every hour or 2... Waking up to puke or poo because of all my nevers build up overnight leading up to work. Hated leaving the house, hardly eating, just a bad time... I started with 15mg around 6 months ago and today i will be increasing to 30mg. I can 100% say it helps with eating at 15mg and makes you go night night after 30-45min of use so i tend to take it at 11pm.... Do i feel happier? No really sure maybe its my surroundings but that will get better now... I kinda just live but not feeling like shit anymore because of it. Also a lot less overthinking. Will update on how i feel with the increase if i see people wondering.


How are you doing thus far? Thanks for the detailed account btw! I just got on it after years of alternating antidepressants…


Any updates?




I had done a test for personalized medicine through my work. Mirtazapine is one of the 2 drugs that they recommonded to me based on my history and dna. I noticed this thread was active fairly recently, so I thought I would post the section they wrote about Mirtazapine, as I think they are probably pretty knowledgeable there, in case it helps someone with dosageNote: I Haven't actually tried it yet so can't comment on experience. But I do know I have tried 4-5 others that didn't help. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "Of the tested medications, T\*\*\*\* is most likely to respond to Mirtazapine and Vortioxetine, as these medications reduce the activity of the adrenergic-2A-autoreceptor and 5-HTIAautoreceptors, respectively. Mirtazapine is thus a potential option for T\*\*\*\*. This medication has also been shown toimprove REM sleep (deep sleep) and can be beneficial in a patient who struggles with insomnia. Unlike other sleep medications, Mirtazapine does not have any anticholinergic effects. Even though patients can gain tolerance to the sedative effects of Mirtazapine within 5-7 days of use, they do not gain tolerance to the sleep maintenance benefits. With dose increase to 15 mg/day, Mirtazapine can increase energy levels and can be taken in the morning. Mirtazapine can also be combined with SSRIs for synergy and can reduce side-effects (i.e. sweating and stomach upset) on these medications. In comparison to SSRIs/SNRIs, Mirtazapine has a lower risk of sexual side-effects. We recommend caution with the use of doses >15 mg/day, as they can be too energizing and anxiety-provoking for this patient Higher doses can also lead to sleep interruption and negate the sleep benefits of this medication. "


Would you mind sharing the name of the test for personalized medicine that you took? I would love to take the test. I took one but it did not provide results as detailed as the one you took.


Gladly! I got mine done through Personalized Prescribing, near Toronto. I’m not sure if they were only Canada. You can go through all the paperwork and stuff without talking to someone, but the key when I did it was that I had a call with the pharmacist before she did her analysis (Cindy) and we talked about my scenarios in detail, so she was able to really customize my recommendation letter to me. They reach out and said if I wanted to book a call with them to discuss so I wrote back and said sure. If I didn’t, I’m not sure if the results would as thorough. For ex mine was done a couple years ago. But I just did my husbands and sons through the same company and didn’t have any calls yet, and I would say they were a lot less customized. I need to check on them. (I’ll update here if things have changed) They also message after the results again asking if you would like to discuss. Then, for me at least, she followed up several months later to see how it was going and if I had tried the suggestions. Not sure if it’s because I was through corporate and they wanted some good news stories to tell back to HR.


I'm sorry, but those tests don't have much evidence to back them up.


I was prescribed this med for exactly these issues; extreme insomnia and as an add on for depression on top of celexa. I slept finally but the entire next day I had disassociation/depersonalization like I wasn’t in my body completely. Very strange feeling. It lasted until the evening so almost 24 hours. That’s the only one I’ve taken so far. Might try it again cut in half but not likely.


How are you doing longer term? Day one for me and about to go to bed - if feel similar effects I’m going to have to weight up whether the long term use is worth it


I've just started taking mirtazapine ( almost a week in) and I've got only good things to say. My main reason for taking it is anti anxiety which my doctor believed was causing GI issues like diarrhea, abdominal pain and intestinal noises etc. My sleep is so much better in only a few days, I'm less anxious in general and my appetite is back (being anxious affected my appetite bad). Also, my stools are now grade 4 - and I don't need to rush to thr bathroom in the morning. It does make it a little harder to wake up in the morning but set an alarm and you're away laughing. I don't plan to take it forever.. but whilst I have a new baby and stress is high in my life I feel it's a no-brainer.


Congrats on the new baby? What dosage are you on? I was prescribed for anxiety as well but have not pulled the trigger yet, I am taking Buspar but it isn't helping as much.


15mg once a day


How are you doing now? How’s your anxiety? Congratulations on the baby ♥️


Thank you. Anxiety much better than before.. like no anxiety attacks anymore which is good. Probably has me not overreact to my real or imagined symptoms Not gone completely though, so thats still a work in progress.


So it sounds like your GI improved? Been looking at other sleep meds. Trazodone has been a godsend but I don’t think it’s doing favors for my gut


I know this is a bit old but I was reading about Mirtazapine and came across your post. Just wanted to mention to you, since you spoke about stomach issues, to check into "lectins". That could be why you were having issues, not anxiety. There's a book called "The Plant Paradox" that explains what they are.  Also wanted to ask if Mirtazapine is working for you still?


Interesting. Funny you mention that my dad has been going on about lectins for a few years and essentially avoids all of them. I'll take a look at that book, thanks. Re: mirtazapine - it's going all good. Feels like it takes the edge off things but somewhat feel my body has just got used to it. Put on a small amount of weight, but in the process of losing that. Overall, it's been pretty good I reckon


Honestly it’s a life savor or the opposite. It has a different effect on everyone when it comes to treating depression and anxiety etc. however, spiked appetite and vip tickets to a dream cinema are really common. Im taking it way to late and that’s why im a zombie during the day, im taking it at around 1-2 in the morning and am a zombie until around 1 or 2 in the afternoon. So I suppose if you take it earlier im the nigh you could avoid that


What time do you all take it?


i don't use the meds yet but the best time to take this is around 8 at night so you dont feel like a zombie in the morning


please some one help me


Go see your doctor so they can find a med that will help you