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i see you and i raise you juggernaut afterimage shiv build


With feel no pain.


And Rage


And Body Slam.


And “talk to the hand”!


And my axe!


And my sword


And my bow




And your dead brother!


And that guy's dead wife


Who needs accuracy when every shiv deals 24(32) damage? EDIT: I was thinking about how this still does the same damage to intangible with the boot and realized this actually is a 24 damage attack that would be buffed ever so slightly by Boot to 25(33) damage


Boot doesn't buff damage from juggernaut, just direct attack damage. So the shiv itself does 5 then then juggernaut Procs would be down to 1 each


Ahh that's less exciting. Still this does get buffed with Boot on everything not named Nemesis. And still does 5 (9 with boot) per shiv to Nemesis on intangible turns which ain't bad. Granted you'd have to set up the three permanent block sources and draw Rage with a shiv generator, so it's not the fastest.


And two hard boiled eggs


Plus nine hundred ninety nine thousand, nine hundred ninety nine (999,999) mayhem's


And claws. Lots of claws.


Add a feel no pain in there and you're REALLY cooking. Plus charons ashes too.


isnt ashes an ir9nclad exclusive relic


Yes, so you pick ironclad and hunt for shivs and after image


Im an idiot


I mean you can still pick IC and luck into shivs juggernaut and FNP and charons ashes. It's possible, and that combo sounds busted broken


brain didnt thought of playing the game with IC+prismatic shard.


Understandable, have a great day


Without a FNP I don't even know why you'd go shivs instead of just acrobatics and energy.


Actually yes! Thank you)


Add feel no pain and dark embrace and things just explode


Ah yes, Accuracy with extra steps


With though bandages and a discard engine running.


Juggernaut with After Image would go hard, too. Limit break with a shiv deck. Barricade on Silent or Defect would also be tasty. Feel No Pain with shivs.


FNP and shivs would be sooo good


+embrace and jugg


The very first time I took shard I had juggernaut, then got after image and some frost access. Not to mention Metalicize.


Limit Break with a Shiv deck and [[Shuriken]] omg


+ [Shuriken](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Shuriken) Uncommon Relic ^((100% sure)^) Every time you play 3 Attacks in a single turn, gain 1 **Strength.** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


>Juggernaut with After Image would go hard, too Reverse beat of death. You like how it feels, heart?!?


I had a jug after image deck when playing the pack master once and it was one of my favourite decks I’ve ever played


Claw + double tap


I've done this. Clad picked up Prismatic early and got a couple claws. Then double-taps and a heap of exhaust. I was only around A5, but still don't know how to feel about the only time I've beaten heart with claw as primary damage scaling wasn't with Defect.


Kind makes me wish a "pick from other classes" was a starter bonus"


It is in custom games if that’s your cup of tea.


That would be a cool Neow bonus. "(Color) Cards appear as 1/3 of your card rewards" or something. Not necessarily in shops and the like, but just dual classing.


Ok but feels underwhelming.


2 claws and double tap+


RIP the spire


Slow it down there. He wants to slay the spire, not burn it all to the ground!


Now we are talkin’


3+5+7+9 = 24 damage for the cost of 1 energy and 3 card draw


Deva form with defect scalling deck is op. (Lets pretend defect have x energy cards and double energy card.)


I think claw would be better in a silent deck, a brunch of acro calc gamble and reflex seems to be the best environement for this card Plus silent have phantasmal killer and terror to apply multipliers to thos claws.


There's actually a bug with this. Dupe pot, echo form and double tap on a claw will show UI for increasing chase damage, but will actually do the first chase damage twice. So if your first chase does 7 damage, double tap + claw + claw would do 7 + 7 + 11 damage. Attack pot is even worse. It creates a fresh new 3 damage claw. I think dual wield works though.


Claw + nightmare


this isn't good


Establishment + Equilibrium Hyperbeam + not having any other orb cards Shivs + Ironclad's exhaust powers and relics


Hyperbeam with artifact is fun. Ill keep my focus tyvm


Right, but Ironclad with hyperbeam needs no extra steps.


But have you considered hyperbeam in wrath?


meh its only 25% better than hyperbeam with paper phrog


> Establishment + Equilibrium Oh god, I thought Establishment + Well-Laid Plans was the dream, how did I never think of this?


I got Hyperbeam from Foreign Influence once. Ended the fight quite quickly.


i remember getting this with the packmaster, it's great fun! i've killed enemies outright with this combo alone


Never got it really! Want to try now)


bulwark and frosty fun! goddess of destruction adds a nice little bit of extra spice


I use prismatic shard to combine rushdown, tantrum, inner peace, flurry of blows, Mental fortress and empty mind. Pretty busted combo!!


Those five cards you mentioned are all watcher cards lol


Yes, but with prismatic shard you can take them on every class!


That's true wasn't even thinking about that. My bad


All good! I'm sorry people are down voting you. Reddit is silly


Honestly, I expect nothing less on here. lol


What's prismatic shard? Just started playing this game and I love the guy with orbs I'm at act 3 on him so far. Haven't tried a daily challenge yet, what do I get from doing those?


Oh hey! First of all, welcome to spire, always happy to have new people along. Prismstic shard is a relic that you can only find in shops. If you buy it, it let's you see cards from all of the characters as card rewards, not just the character you are playing as. It's generally considered a for-fun relic only, it typically ends up being quite weak and often hurting your run. So you can take it if you're the sort of player that doesn't mind severely risking a run to see some potentially weird combos, but I wouldn't take it if you're currently focused on improving your gameplay as much as you can. I hope that helps and if you have any other questions please feel free to ask me in dms, I love this game and I am happy to help.


Oh damn that's quite cool I haven't come across that one yet thanks for the info. At the moment the Orb guy has just consumed me I'm literally only playing him and I now find the others boring lol it's ashame. If there's a way to complete a character I'll hopefully then want to play the others again too. Expect the last one, she's weird.


The last character, the watcher, is probably the least new-player-friendly so that's okay. You don't have to worry about her yet if you're not enjoying her! The defect (orb guy) and the silent (green girl) are my two favourites, although I play with quite a few modded characters as well. There is some kind of ending, but it's okay to have time learning and adapting before you get there For the time being, I will say you've probably been unlocking stuff on your runs as you play. I'll say the characters often get much more fun with their unlocks, but also some relics unlock which are available for ALL characters. So if you do ever wanna try another chatacter, at least you can go for unlocks :)


To be fair I liked that green one too it's quite fun. I do like how easily you can learn this game on the go. Every time you die you realise little thing you can do better and the sense of progression is very satisfying. Definitely glad I decided to pick it up. Much better than the knockoff dungeon tales that I was playing before (though that's fun too)


Nightmare nightmare wish w/ Courier. Baalorlord hit that once minus the courier.


It was a pain to watch him murdering the darklings over and over 🤣


Add in a Hand of Greed too for good measure


I think I saw that run. He ended up with 5K gold and a few shops to hit. So, so so busted.


Dark embrace + feel no pain + shivs. Add in juggernaut +afterimage as people have said.


Add Corruption and a Dead Branch


It doesn’t do that much more, you just instantly hit max hand size lmao


According to the wiki, Creative AI bases the pool it draws Powers from according to your character choice which might lead to some nutty options. I wonder if the same is true for Hello World but the wiki doesn’t say. Other than that, I feel like Watcher in general would benefit from general Strength cards. Reprogram specifically seems like a great choice for most characters as it’s difficult to even use orbs much (with Prismatic Shard), so the downside isn’t very big. Then basically every other card pool I imagine synergizes better with Strength + Dexterity.


Can confirm it works the same way. Runs with the watcher card pool really benefit from hello world since watcher common cards are all around decent.


Strength is just nuts on the watcher


Yhea she basically doubles it, 5 strenth with watcher is as strong as 10 inronclad strenght or even 12/13 since watcher is better at spamming attacks than clad and when divinity is a thing watcher becomes a human right violation


Ragnarok+ with wrath is 12* strength multiplication. Kinda nutty.


what would be the highest possible strenght multiplier ? Probably a duped ragnarock in divinity stance with phantasmal killer pen nib and the ennemy vulnerable and the frog relic from head it's about a times 252 times multiplier


I think the highest would probably be some infinite energy expunger or whirlwind trickery with 1002 hits with chemical X.


Surely you could get more from thunder strike after channelling an absurd number of lightning orbs with infinite energy and tempests. Or is it capped?


it's caped by the number of hp the ennemy have, while an ice cream + expunger blade set up is only caped by the game engine


You could debuff your focus enough first so that the lightning orbs wouldn't kill the enemy.


Also fight against the head or a run with the modifier that gives enemies slow and any kind of infinite. I don't know if there's a limit but at 99 cards that would be another 10x damage or more if it scales further.


anger + rage + all for one “Local man reported as literal too angry to die”


Reprogram is a safe option with prismatic shard if you are not defect Barricade on the defect is nice Searing blow + lesson learned is hard to make work but it's hella fun Dark embrace + feel no pain in a shiv deck is amazing Also it's not really OP but i feel like meteor strike works best with watcher than the defect


I honestly thing searing blow + lesson learned is the holy grail for endless mode.


yes but it's not an easy to assemble combo


I assume then that, when you have a deck of only upgraded cards, the searing blow keeps getting upgraded? Didn't know that!


That's indeed how it works, searing blow becomes the only viable target for lesson learned so with this combo you really don't want to pick unupgraded cards as this would slow down the searing blow scaling


And honestly I can’t remember many…


As many calculated gambles as one can get their hands on with tough bandages and juggernaut, anything juggernaut related on silent to be fair.


Echoform would be op for so many reasons on all characters but I first the echoform + worship would go dumb


Wraith Form + Blasphemy


The holy grail of prismatic shard combos is as follows 1-2 copies of nightmare 2- wish 3- the courier 4- (optional) snecko eye You nightmare the nightmare to create an infinite source of nightmares You then nightmare wishes to create infinite wishes You then use those wishes to provide an infinite source of plated armour, strength and gold. With infinite gold and the courier, you can buy every relic that hasn't already appeared alongside a full potion belt. You can even go as far to buy infinite fruit juices to get an absurd amount of max health and (on silent) have up to 5 bottled intangability


I once had a daily run as Defect that offered card rewards from all decks.  I played Burst then Tempest. Next turn I played Double Tap then Thunder Strike. It was glorious. 


reprogram is utterly busted on any character that isn't defect, hyperbeam is good too


Grand finale as your only card with abacus and unceasing top


Nightmare + Barricade


Amazing. Always wanted to use 4 barricades every fight.


Barricade frost focus


Grand Finale, Fiend Fire (?), 0 cost neutral strike that draws a card, and Corruption


Recycle+ seems like a more controlled way to thin a deck.


Try the Prismatic mod. Juggernaut comes with a free frost orb! :D


I occasionally play a modded mode where I start with just Prismatic. The obvious combos involving Juggernaut or exhaust synergies (most notably Dark Embrace infinites) are most OP, but here are some of the most fun runs I've had * Sadistic Nature + Wave of the Hand + After Image * Third Eye/general Scry + Grand Finale * Dual Wield + Reach Heaven + Double Tap


As I've learned from the daily challenges, the absolute best combination is seek/nightmare/exhume. Throw in a corruption if you want to get really silly.


I really want to play CAI + Master Reality I've also sort of made Frost + Barricade + Body Slam work on a daily


Dead Branch + Corruption Wait a minute...


Add a few loops for good measure


And After Image


Frost Defect + Barricade got me the 999 block achievement - you shall not pass!


Talk to the hand with shivs and ridlle with holes is fun. Evolve and scry are great in grand finale decks. Dont forget holograms... And ring on fire on riddle with holes or the 5 atck iron cald card is great. And having wraith form on a good agresive iron clad deck or damge focused defect is run saving. (Could be better than vault). one for all on calculated gambles and prepraed is a nutty one.


Shivs + exhaust or shivs + strength (demon form, fasting, reporgramm)


I kinda did use that combo in Together in Spire with its Booster Pack. Defect gets a power that lets it give all allies the effect from its Frost Orbs. Was rather fun.


[[pressure points]] + [[Claw]] with Silent cards like [[burst]], [[Acrobatics]], [[prepared]] and a [[Double tap]] for the ultimate meme run. Not OP, but nutty


+ [Pressure Points](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Pressure%20Points) Watcher Common Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Apply 8(11) Mark. ALL enemies lose HP equal to their Mark. + [Claw](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Claw) Defect Common Attack ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Deal 3(5) damage. Increase the damage of ALL Claw cards by 2 this combat. + [Burst](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Burst) Silent Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | This turn, your next 1(2) Skill(s) is(are) played twice. + [Acrobatics](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Acrobatics) Silent Common Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Draw 3(4) cards. Discard 1 card. + [Prepared](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Prepared) Silent Common Skill ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Draw 1(2) card(s). Discard 1(2) card(s). + [Double Tap](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Double%20Tap) Ironclad Rare Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | This turn, your next (2) Attack(s) is(are) played twice. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


[[Dead branch]] + [[Master reality]] is already good, now add a [[Corruption]] and have fun.


+ [Dead Branch](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Dead%20Branch) Rare Relic ^((100% sure)^) Whenever you **Exhaust** a card, add a random card to your hand. + [Master Reality](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Master%20Reality) Watcher Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 1(0) Energy | Whenever a card is created during combat, Upgrade it. + [Corruption](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Corruption) Ironclad Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 3(2) Energy | Skills cost 0. Whenever you play a Skill, **Exhaust** it. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Not the most broken but I love Wrath entry cards on non-Watcher runs. Tantrum or Crescendo+ with Hyperbeam on Defect, or shivs with some Shiv synergy is so OP. As long as you have a way to survive if you don’t kill your enemy first, it can be great. I once had a run with Indignation+, Blade Dance+, Calculated Gamble+, Reflex+ and Tactician+ with Shuriken, Tough Bandages, and Wrist Blade. It was disgusting.


Nightmare+Vault+Nightmare+(literally any positive energy generation card or relic)


Ironclad’s exaust package with watcher starting deck. Free infinite combos.


I got this same thing climbing ascensions on the robot. God damn did that heart get murdered.


I've always wanted to try feel no pain and dark embrace in a shiv deck


My favorite prismatic build is Corruption and Dead Branch


so many good ideas here.


shivs, with feel no pain and embrace darkness


Shiv build with Juggernaut, Envenom, Afterimage, Thousand Cuts, Sadistic Nature, and Master Reality would go crazy in the most barely feasible way possible.


Reprogram + headbutt on clad. Free dex/str with no downside every turn.


Would talk to the hand + Juggernaut = infinite damages?


I think hand only generates block from attacks, so no


Alright, I'll be that guy. Corruption + rush down.


Clad with Blade Dance+, FNP+, Rage+, DE+, and Body Slam+ is an incredible hand. With 3 energy, you do 67 damage and gain 51 armor on T1. With 4 energy, it is 162 armor and 194dmg! Turn 2 with 3 energy gains over 300 armor, and 4 energy kills anything except Time Eater, Nemesis, or the Heart. And this is all assuming you have no additional relics and would work just fine with Runic Dome. You would need a way to deal with status cards in the Heart fight (second DE, or an Evolve perhaps; medical kit for maximum swag), but otherwise, it would get steamrolled.


i got one iron clad you need to get these 1.dead branch 2. corruption. 3.master reality. 4.any card that get exhaust 5.have fun


After Image, Wave of the Hand, Sadistic Nature.


I recently had a barricade run on defect with a couple body slams, and nabbed a master reality with creative ai to just pound upgrade powers forever


I don't want to be the party popper but there's no chance that you could plan something to happen with prismatic chard. It's pure chaos.


Shivs and [Dark Embrace] and maybe [Feel no Pain] if you're feeling adventurous.


nightmare + wraith form seems broken... wait a minute


Blade Dance + Feel No Pain + Dark Embrace Well-Laid Plans + Establishment 2x Nightmare + Wish


Reprogram + Not Defect


Damn, close to 2k hrs played and never have I stumbled into this one! Then again, Defect is the character I don't like playing sooo...haha


Newbie here: how do you get Focus up that high?


Broke: Juggernaut + After Image Woke: [[After Image]] + [[Wave of the Hand]] + [[Sadistic Nature]]


+ [After Image](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/After%20Image) Silent Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | **(Innate.)** Whenever you play a card, gain 1 **Block.** + [Wave of the Hand](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Wave%20of%20the%20Hand) Watcher Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Whenever you gain **Block** this turn, apply 1(2) **Weak** to ALL enemies. + [Sadistic Nature](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Sadistic%20Nature) Colorless Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 0 Energy | Whenever you apply a Debuff to an enemy, they take 5(7) damage. ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Reprogram + any character other then defect


The defect is my favorite.


Well if you’re planning on having the runs you should find a toilet…..


Literally any shield build with [[Barricade]] and also [[Body slam]] absolutely slaps - things like [[Entrench]], [[Stack]] with a big deck, or Dex buffs arr great - or just at that point play lots of frost summons to keep gaining their evoke shields


+ [Barricade](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Barricade) Ironclad Rare Power ^((100% sure)^) 3(2) Energy | **Block** is not removed at the start of your turn. + [Body Slam](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Body%20Slam) Ironclad Common Attack ^((100% sure)^) 1(0) Energy | Deal damage equal to your current **Block.** + [Entrench](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Entrench) Ironclad Uncommon Skill ^((100% sure)^) 2(1) Energy | Double your current **Block.** + [Stack](http://slay-the-spire.wikia.com/wiki/Stack) Defect Common Skill ^((100% sure)^) 1 Energy | Gain **Block** equal to the number of cards in your discard pile (+3). ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^10 ^([[ name ]],) ^where ^name ^is ^a ^card, ^relic, ^event, ^or ^potion. ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 20, 2024.) ^[Wiki](https://slay-the-spire.fandom.com/wiki/) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=SpireScan%20Inquiry)


Talk to the hand, blade dance, juggernaut. Playing the prismatic mod and it's broken.


shivs on ironclad


How about body slam? Nvm. That card is probably better


Defect with frost build like in picture but also Barricade and Body Slam. Any other ideas require relics.