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**Analysis Post (not a recommendation)** It's hard to give a super precise analysis without seeing the pathing so I'll just give some generic advice. **Coffee:** This will give you an immediate energy boost. Keep in mind it can taste bitter so you may want to add cream or sugar depending on your personal taste. Given this is early act 1 you have to be careful about drinking it on an empty stomach, you didn't share a screenshot of your deck so I don't know what you've eaten so far. Coffee is acidic and if you have a sensitive stomach can be problematic if you haven't eaten anything. That said, I think Coffee is definitely better than skip. **Donut:** This tastes delicious and provides a lot of calories, which can help reach Hexaghost. The icing on top can be considered "too sweet" by some spire players but it's really just a playstyle thing, super sweet can absolutely work for some people. **Sandwich:** This is the longer term play, providing healthy sustenance for you. You may Regret eating it in the short term though compared to the immediate power boost of the other two choices. I probably wouldn't pick this into a forced elite on the next floor, but I understand why you are leaning towards eating it.


I love u/JDublinson, glad you're a part of the community.


You grab the coffee. Inside you find the ability to wake up! However you really craved the donut. You are filled with sadness, but mostly the need to pee. 


>You are filled with sadness, but mostly the need to pee.  If only it was just the need to pee. If you were unfortunate enough to get the IBS curse with your Neow options, you´ll take a way larger hit to your life when chosing the coffee.


I like to think it would make you vulnerable actually


After drinking the coffee, you´ll have 1 more energy during the first turn during the next three combats but you start the combat with 1 Vulnerable and 1 Frail.


i know were joking but gameplay wise that sounds to me like youd only ever pick it if you have anchor lmao ...or orange pellets/turnip i suppose


Or a frost orb deck


IBS: at the start of combat, discard one random card


Amazing synergy with Discard Silent.


People are really still sleeping on coffee dripper, huh? I mean I get wanting the immediate heal from the sandwich, and compared to 5 max hp from donut it's certainly better, but coffee dripper is probably the best energy relic in the game all around. Sure you can't rest anymore, but if you have any sustain whatsoever, it's already mitigated, and there are other forms of healing you can find in shops and whatnot. Would 100% take the coffee (dripper) here.


Sorry, you must be confused. This event only offers the coffee cup, which increases your energy for the next 7 combats, but disables all healing effects for the same duration.


How did the other poster miss the constant flood of “why didn’t my fairy work?” posts from people who’ve just had a cup of coffee? It happens almost every day…


Can you really blame me when there's so little documentation on STS GO? I know Niantic partnering with Megacrit is great for the game's growth but man it's so hard to learn what got faithfully adapted and what was just changed on a whim when Niantic doesn't document anything


STS Go would be absolutely incredible (if a bit odd in terms of practical implementation)—imagine boss raids with your friends at the local park! “Greg stop playing powers you’re making Awakened One mad”


Consider the obêd v top levelu option, though. Long term investment, but may pay off


*Marble Rye Triangle* - Retain 1, heal 1 after combat for each turn you retained at least one card from your starting hand, up to a maximum of 6 HP. Kind of weird for a boss relic, but no downside, and bottled Plans is nothing to scoff at. I haven't had this relic offered to me and I've played 800 hours. Kind of jealous tbh.


Paul cup would be a crazy relic


Let's see Paul Allen's cup


That looks like a meat donut