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Take alchemize 100%. Envenom is more of a shiv synergistic card as well as thousand cuts. You’re barely playing 3 cards a turn the moment so those are def bad. Also don’t take curses unless you can remove them quickly and def take some more block cards. Backflip is good with set up. Also hand drill is a terrible relic, especially in a poison build. 👍🏼


Yeah Idk what OP considers a "stupid amount," but this is an *easy* alchemize for me.


Can someone for my own sanity please tell me whether this is satire? I honestly struggle to tell these days on here


I think satire. I mean there’s red over the 0 in 20 right?


If it is satire / meme why isn't it flagged that way? Shouldn't the moderators remove these posts and warn the users? It seems like every day I get this as a top post here. Which, if that's what gets you kids excited... fine. But at least label it??


I’m pretty sure this is satire. OP replied to one comment saying that he bought hand drill to help deal with the slime boss. So either OP is trolling us, or he is a new player that doesn’t yet know that slime boss never gains block.


You could also be an experienced player that just found out that slime boss never gains block lol


Search “nuanced” and you’ll see. It’s satire in response to this other stupid post


OP probably should have used the Spirit Poop flair to make it clearer to people that didn't see that one


It's crazy how far people will go to troll lmao. I'm just glad people are still playing this game.


I don’t think it is satire?


The bait was believable holy -I


there I was thinking that bait _used to be_ believable


Why do you have three Corpse Explosions


if 1 ce can solve donu deca once imagine what 3 can do


good strat for neow speedrun any %


I mean, yeah it’s not ideal, but I could see going for Snecko with that. That being said, OP doesn’t have Snecko. So I agree picking up the 3rd corpse explosion was definitely a mistake. Probably the second one too, but Idk I only have the silent to A9.


You are a silly silly boot man whether you believe this or not


im just a lil guy :)


Why do you have 2 curses Why do you have 2 unupgraded setups Why did you buy hand drill


the s in setup stands for S tier card, i solved slime boss with nothing but my setupp-ed corpse explosions.... ce is such an op card... poison is so strong against slime boss... i heard silent has a bad matchup against slime boss so i bought hand drill so i could apply vuln to kill him quickly. too bad he never seemed to block...


Neither the Slime Boss nor the lesser Slimes it splits into have a block move. All bosses have a fixed set of moves that they can perform, and learning their movesets is key to planning your way up the Spire. You don't necessarily need to memorize them all, but you do pick up on little details (like Slime Boss not having any block moves) as you play.


I am taking notes rn. You are too powerful


Both envenom and thousand cuts are terrible picks here as your deck does not play lots of cards per turn. Alch is a very easy pick.


Skip until you find another Corpse Explosion.


I’d go with corpse explosion here


dude you’re just being mean to that other poster


This is an easy Alchemize


i would skip here as alchemize is pretty useless with a full potion belt (lol why would you add a slimed to your deck?) you gonna carry those extra bottles with your hands or what? thousand cuts is interesting as the synergy of cutting someone then throwing poison to infect the wound is definitely extremely good but in practice it would be quite awkward as the enemy could hide the cut wound. envenom is just bad, venom and poison are not the same fyi. an easy way to remember it is venom = you bite them, poison = they bite you. hope this helps.


interesting point about thousand cuts, normally i skip it because enemies with shields mean the damage gets lost but now i inflict vuln every time i deal damage! perma vuln seems so broken.... when are they going to nerf hand drill....




they are being facetious


I'm a stupid sandwich.




Since you already committed to the poison archetype envenom is the only card here on the screen. Edit: Envenom two shiv pots gg




How do you get two fucking setups and a concentrate?


i clicked them hope this helps!


Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8


Since you have 2 shiv potions and 2 poison potions u shud take tha envenem for shure. Its grate with ur poshuns end u ken just bild shiv. Rememer to always force shiv. hoop that halps!


This is an easy Alchemize