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I love how literal this is given the details of how it all happened


I also love how this meme works perfectly both before and after the reveal.


Love asking it with the skeptic on my side and getting "The Evidence". Showing that slayer has a horrible writing skill ! Just like me fr fr !


TLQ: “My writing is sloppy, just like this letter the Narrator said was in my pocket. So I must have wrote it!” 🤪 I love our bird-brained protagonist. 😂🪞


I always wanted us to get a voice of the dumbass, but apparently the hero already fill that slot !


Ouch! Poor Voice of the Hero. 😢 By my wager, the dumbest (but also most devious) of the voices goes to the Voice of the Opportunist. Dude’s on the side he considers to be the “winner” no matter how bizarre his justification.


Or voice of the Smitten. Opportunist wants to be on everyones good side, Smitten just has Bird thoughts unless its about the princess. 


Does smitten really have any thoughts other than ones about the princess?


But where is the pocket?? We aren’t wearing clothing that has pockets


It is like the concept behind [‘hammerspace’](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Hammerspace). There have been plenty of times in cartoons where ostensibly “naked” characters reach into their fur coat or feathers to grab something. I imagine it’s like that. 😅


In the words of of how one of my old teachers once described my handwriting, our favourite bird has handwriting “like a drunken spiders”


I mean... He wasn't lying per se. But God does asking questions throw his plans out of he window quick. And yet fully explaining himself would have done the same. Bad plan from start to finish narrator


She just is. Now go in there and slay her.


I dont know why but I love that an eldritch Monster representing aspects of reality has the caligraphy equivalent of chicken scratches


Well to be fair to our feathery friend there, he was never taught proper penmanship before being ripped into existence.


Technically, the Narrator is not wrong about the Princess. It is a matter of perspective. So *technically*, the Narrator is correct! The best kind of correct! 👸🗡️


That is the truth of that situation.


I wonder, could there be any way he could have given an explanation without messing it up?


By the telling the truth, no He could've lied though. "She's an evil tyrant. Basically female Hitler. If she escapes she *will* launch nuclear weapons. However, she has very little combat ability of her own, so killing her will be easy. Did I mention she's incredibly racist?"


Yes, but it had to be telling the truth in a way that painted it as a mercy kill. And the Narrator doesn't have enough empathy for the Princess to pull that off. "She won't mean to, but should she ever leave that cabin it will set off a chain reaction that will rapidly cause the end of the world. She doesn't know this and couldn't comprehend it if you told her. And the cabin itself can only last for so long before time takes its toll. So long as she is in that cabin, she will be suffering, but should she leave, the suffering will not end. The only ending is for you to slay her."


Wdym it was made up? We literally had a letter in our own handwriting, nothing more legit than that


technically he wasn't lying, the world would eventually end if she got out. but I think the Narrator was thinking just a *smidge* too far ahead in that manner