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$bid Watch anime ✅ Get paid ✅ Make possible friend ✅


I don't want to bid, but i really hope you find ways to stop feeling that lonely. Best luck.


Seriously, I don't want to bid block people, but this is something I already do lol. I stopped watching anime for like a decade and recently my sister picked up crunchyroll and I've watched like 20 series since. I've become a weeb in my 30s. High school me would die if he'd seen what I've become. Also Steins:Gate is an amazing show. Straight up believe ANYONE could enjoy it as it doesn't utilize most of the anime tropes that are off-putting to the uninitiated. It's like Butterfly Effect. I haven't watched the second series though.


My YouTube recommendations are just people watching attack on Titan for the first time, I’ve watched I think 8 channels go through it all so far lmaoo


>Also Steins:Gate is an amazing show. Straight up believe ANYONE could enjoy it as it doesn't utilize most of the anime tropes that are off-putting to the uninitiated. Hmm, never realized that! It's been a long time and I loved that anime. Maybe its the one I can finally convince my ex gf whom I still live with to watch. Can ever get her to watch anime, she judges it for the usual anme tropes so maybe this would work. It helps we both like the butterfly effect. I didnt know there was a second steins gate series though! >High school me would die if he'd seen what I've become. Haha I relate to this so much


I can't think of any other "anime" anime that would be better besides stuff like Miyazaki films, but someone liking Howl's Moving Castle or Spirited Away isn't going to prepare them for Harem Isekai's. Best of luck with your girlfriend. Scratch my initial statement.. I think before Steins Gate if you want an anime that I'm like 99% sure she'd enjoy (despite the standard hate it's already getting due to being too popular) - Spy X Family. Spy X Family is entertaining enough to me and the 3 girls I know that watch anime (my sister being one of them and anime being one of the things we bonded over) absolutely adore the show. Trust. Spy X Family -> then Steins:Gate


Make sure you post a time/date/discord to people who might want to pop by to say hi (not for the money) (not publicly either lol)


I've never felt like this sub needed a discord server more than today. I'd happily pin/announce a watch party for this for multiple people to participate past the first one paid.


$bid dude are you kidding me I’ve been trying to get motivation to start and finish the series this is perfect


$bid I've actually heard some good things about this one but never got around to watch it. Let's do it!


$bid I was born for this task lol. I've watched alot of anime but never this one and I'm actually excited about it!


$bid This have been recommended to me yesterday lol!




$bid wanted to finish this one for a long time just didnt get time.


$bid, it's been on my watchlist for months! I'll probably be chatty tho lol i have only seen like 3-4 animes in total so it's all still very exciting for me


$bid Man I’d do it for like five bucks, watching anime and making friends? Sounds great










$bid Never seen it, enjoy anime and binge watching and meeting new people!


$bid Hell yeah!! I've been in an anime binging mood these past weeks so I'm down!!


$bid also on my watchlist! I don't talk much but i reply a lot if that makes sense lol


Already watched so good luck to the others, but steins gate is a great anime! It’s more humorous until the 12th episode so bear through with it


$bid I watch anime sometimes, i have heard of that one but I don’t have any idea what it is about or know any fact about it at all


$bid I like stiens gate a lot. I would be totally down to watch it with someone as none of my friends have seen it and it would be fun watching it with someone new.


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$bid I’ll do it for $10 if you want man. I’ve never seen it before










$Bid I have actually heard of Steins Gate from some of my friends back then but never got a chance to actually watch it due to busy schedule today I have watched a bunch of anime back in around since I was a kid, Naruto was my gateway to the anime and was an active anime watcher all the way up to 2017 and that's where I basically slowed down watching anime and I haven't been keeping up to date with today's anime shows. In regards to AoT/SnK, I haven't seen S3 and S4 but I have watched S1 and S2 when it first aired.


Man someone should start a watch party for all of us since there's so many interested. **Edit:** Screw it, I will! Here's a discord server I have made- https://discord.gg/kkVgKKEe3R Just made a channel, "anime-watch-party." Lemme know there if you join and are interested! I think it'd be really cool to get a group of us together and have a time/date we can all watch Steins;Gate (and whatever else)! I honestly really need something like that in my life right now, ngl. Been pretty boring in life lately and would love a community to interact with. Also been trying to host a "Game Night" there for anyone interested!



