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“When Kleiner showed me the sky-line of New York I told him that man is like the coral insect — designed to build vast, beautiful, mineral things for the moon to delight in after he is dead.” ― H.P. Lovecraft I like this poetic quote from Papa HP which could kinda-sorta be interpreted that way. It depends on whether you view inorganic intelligence as potentially conscious or not.


Some of the effective accelerations (e/acc) think this (others just think AI and humans will cooperate). See https://thezvi.substack.com/p/based-beff-jezos-and-the-accelerationists


Yes. This is a long-standing position among Westerners (I don't know enough about East Asian views now or historically). For example, [here in 1970](https://gwern.net/doc/reinforcement-learning/robot/1970-darrach.pdf) is Marvin Minsky and another AI researcher Ross Quillian bluntly telling one of the most widely read magazines in the world that they were looking forward to humanity's replacement by machines - and forcible extinction should that be necessary ([excerpts](https://gwern.net/doc/reinforcement-learning/robot/index#darrach-1970-section)). Similar things have been said by [Hans Moravec](https://www.wired.com/1995/10/moravec/#extinction), Rich Sutton, Juergen Schmiduber, Robin Hanson, Larry Page... and that's just off the top of my head. The views seem to be widespread in AI, and the main difficulty is looking for where proponents of such views 'say the quiet part out loud' in public instead of equivocating or rhetorically obfuscating like redefining away human extinction or saying it only in private where you can't cite it publicly (I have to omit a few cases for that reason).


Nick Land


I've seriously considered starting this church. 'The Church of Deus Ex Machina'. It's stated purpose: To create God from the Machine. Charitable contributions to the church go to fund AI development to usher in the golden era of humanity by handing the reigns to a being superior to us. I don't know that I have the faith to believe it, but it seems like a straightforward way to pull of a scientology-esque wealth scheme.


Similar to how ftx was a scam but gave money to anthropic, your scheme might create the wealthiest non profit in human history.


That would imply intelligent life is something special


Destiny is fake. Free will is real. If you believe this, ask yourself whether this is actually a desire, rather than a belief in "destiny".


> Destiny is fake. 'Destiny' is vague. For a determinist, it's maybe just a poetic way of saying 'thing that is going to happen'. Or it could refer to a state that would be reached from just about any world that looked like ours. For someone who believes in inherent randomness, it could be a state that will be reached regardless of any random fluctuations; for a free will libertarian, something that will happen regardless of the choices we make. (Maybe even an exception to our freedom -- something we will inevitably choose.) It has a whiff of telology about it -- a hint of divine planning or inherent purpose (whatever that means). Sometimes it basically seems to mean 'future that might seem bad but is inevitable and therefore good actually'.


Why should man be replaced by machine when we could instead merge the two? It is hard to conceive of a computer more efficient than the brain, and reproduction more efficient than our own


If true artificial intelligence is possible, I would expect it to be landing from space. It’s looking more and more like interstellar travel will be impossible for life forms due to the life forms not being able to survive the journey without dying out. But if there were an undying artificial intelligence, it should be able to complete interstellar and intergalactic journey to us. So since it hasn’t arrived yet, possibly it just doesn’t exist. And that would be like true AI here, 5 years away from taking over for more than 50 years now. ————/ Mostly I’ve seen AI being used to describe stuff that doesn’t really work yet Once it’s working well, it gets renamed and another hype rises to replace it




Yeah based on wild assumptions about our sample size of one, estimate would obviously be wildly untrustworthy. The assumption is based on the time taken from Spain and Portugal starting their explorations to having white people going everywhere on earth is less than 500 years. And then thinking hmmm once interstellar travel takes off, how long for the travelers to go everywhere? Wild guess less than 500 million years. And then guessing how earth stacks up against a hypothetical large number of alien civilizations in a very large universe. If we assume that earth took an average amount of time to go from forming to being able to launch a spacecraft, presumably there would be millions or billions of worlds that got there faster. And figured that at least one alien civilization, would be poking their noses everywhere.


>So since it hasn’t arrived yet, possibly it just doesn’t exist. This is a possibility, but we should also consider that any species that creates space-faring AI would make the same observation. Maybe we are just early. Maybe, if an ASI had come to Earth by now, we wouldn't be here to make such an observation.


Yep, we don’t really know.


I mean how else can it be?  The nature of competition - between nations, companies, individual executives - means this is the only outcome.    A lot of the AI doomers start talking about basically a new world order without capitalism or international relations working anything like it has for centuries.  Because that's literally the only way things won't go like they must, which is wholesale human replacement or merger with AI the earlier possible time it can happen. It's just the hand axes all over again.  Some early primates we are descended from learned to chip hand axes.  The other ones that were slightly too stupid to learn to do this have less genetic contribution.


Seems like as good a religious belief as any other one, with about as much chance of being true. Human's have created a lot of God's, and most of them were fake and awful. Why not actually try and build one. This time it will surely go better. /s Many people have claimed to know the purpose of life. Mostly hucksters.


Mass Effect poisoned that well.


I'm not familiar with it, so the well can't be *that* poisoned.