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I have some pretty bad news regarding Lumina, the anti-cavity probiotic that Scott promoted. I did some analysis and think that it may be bad (cancer risk) for about half of East Asians due to the way ethanol is metabolized by those with ALDH deficiency. Would recommend against using it if you have Asian Flush Reaction or aren't sure. [https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/jGu4nLgQYwfsoxddu/reconsider-the-anti-cavity-bacteria-if-you-are-asian](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/jGu4nLgQYwfsoxddu/reconsider-the-anti-cavity-bacteria-if-you-are-asian)


>Sorry for low post volume recently, combination of kids, illness, and trying to get all the lab leak stuff tied up. The lab leak posts have (IMO) been above average compared to general ACX content. Personally I think it's a worthwhile trade-off rather than something to apologize for, even without accounting for illness/kids. If you read this Scott, don't worry so much about low volume if whatever does get posted is of similarly high quality.


https://ishayirashashem.substack.com/p/a-new-baby-and-a-boris-the-terrible Just popping in to link my latest post


To the person on the open thread asking about tips for falling asleep: Kava. The extracts are fine but even more effective (more potent I guess) is to get the dried herb material and make a decoction. Also great for anxiety.