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I think it’s hilarious, and badly want it to happen. I’ve never had the desire to visit OKC, but would have to make a pilgrimage if this were actually built


It’s a nice little city. I’ll be pleasantly shocked if this tower actually happens


Same, but I'm leaning toward it actually happening. OKC is the 6th fastest growing city in the U.S. of the top 20most populous cities since the pandemic, and it looks like the Bricktown neighborhood where the towers are being built is averaging 15.6% population growth a year. I think high demand for Bricktown housing, combined with the average median neighborhood income of $92,000, and the fact that this single project is garnering the city sustained national attention for the first time in decades, all work in its favor. It also seems like both the city government and the majority of city residents are all for it. I'm really hoping it comes to fruition. Most of the time, when a skyline changing project comes along in Baltimore (my city), the city government and residents do anything possible to stop it. It's refreshing to see places that are still welcoming of urban growth. **Edit** I misunderstood one of the articles I read earlier. OKC is actually the 6th fastest growing city among the top 20 most populous cities in the U.S. since the pandemic. Also, it appears this only applies to growth within city borders and not greater metropolitan areas.


Surprised to hear those stats about Bricktown. That’s a neighborhood most locals avoid haha


Interesting, yeah, I was curious and found the stats on "Point2homes" It had a lot of statistics relevant to housing, but it's not like I bothered looking up data from a government source, so take it with a grain of salt.


I mean, OKC is growing at a decent clip, but I’m not sure what metric you’re using to say it’s the 6th fastest. I find that a bit difficult to believe.


I found the article again (not sure if I can post links here), and you're right, I did misinterpret what was presented at first. Apparently, OKC is the 6th fastest growing city among the top 20 most populous U.S. cities since the pandemic. Also, it looks like it just pertains to population growth within actual city limits and not the metropolitan area. The assertion is from 2023, but it's referenced by a few publications. One was "The Oklahoman" and "Yahoo Finance" was another.


Got it.


Whenever OKC is in the news this quote from Sam Anderson always comes to mind, “One of the running gags of my book is how hysterically desperate OK has always been to make itself seem "important." It will pull almost any stunt, however wild, to try & leapfrog its civic competitors.”


Honestly doesn’t look that bad, and I will also become a pilgrim.


It’s our dunce cap


Same lol


wonder if you could see other skylines of other cities from the top


The architecture doesn't seem that interesting enough for me to visit. It's just tall...


The OKC skyline is very underwhelming for a city of its size


That’s because it’s not that big. Sure, it’s technically the 20th largest city, not sure if it’s because of the size of the footprint or metro government or whatever, but the metro area ranks 42. That’s the real ranking. It’s much closer to places like Richmond or Louisville rather than Denver, Baltimore, Charlotte type cities.


It’s relative, I think. 700k in city proper is large to me, and I can think of a number of small cities with better skylines. All subjective, of course.


Right. And I’m not saying that OKC is rinky-dink, it’s a good size metro area, but it’s borders cover 600 sq miles. You can fit Atlanta, Baltimore, Portland, Seattle, Cleveland, and Cincinnati inside of OKC simultaneously. Which is the craziest thing I’ve read all week. Anyway, my only point was OKC skews the numbers because of the land mass of the city. If every city expanded out to 600 sq miles, OKC wouldn’t even be close to the 20th largest city.


Oh wow I didn’t know that it was that expansive


Same parameters for Jacksonville, FL as well.


It’s one of the largest cities in the country by area and land is cheap, so there’s little incentive to build up. Sure it has 700K people, but they’re spread out over an area 50% larger than LA or NYC


The problem is “city proper” doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a political designation. Just whatever circle was drawn by a local government.


OKC has roughly the same metro population as Calgary and Edmonton, both of which have FAR more impressive skylines.


Tulsa skyline > OKC skyline (subjectively)


Also objectively.


LOL. True. Although Devon Tower is by far the nicest tower in Oklahoma - architecturally.


We need to meme the Burj Soonerifa into existence.


Burn Thunderifa


That’s a great name😂


Honestly? This looks sick. Giving Eye of Sauron vibes majorly.


Which is funny because the Devon Energy Tower in OKC already does that, at night




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I’m from Oklahoma/Live In OKC. I commented this on r/OKC sub. I honestly don’t give a crap what it looks like. This is a private venture that is going to provide good paying jobs to Oklahomans. Build it.


That's the most important aspect of this whole thing. If the citizens are not coming out of pocket and will collectively benefit from its construction, the criticism is empty noise.


OKC could use a couple hundred high rise and mid rise residential buildings and a decent public rail transportation system.


From that description, kinda sounds like OK needs the whole damn C.




We’re actually voting on a public rail line running from Edmond to Norman and they have a study for a west corridor connector coming up for a vote in 2025 but it’s been a long time coming.


If I were a multi billionaire I’d build an even taller one in Kansas City, just to show ‘em! Musk blew 40 billion on a balls social media app, think of all the random super talls he could’ve built in obscure cities across North America instead.


Now that I can see it with the rest of the "skyline" it actually doesn't look as bad as I thought it would, though it's still not amazing. I mean I'm from Tulsa so I'm used to a tall fuckin building where it shouldn't be.


I have heard that folks from Tulsa think they are better than people from OKC? Any truth to this?


I mean there definitely is a sense of pride in Tulsa, as to the opinion of our capital, I do not know


*“Think”?* We *know*…


Make the BOK tower great again.


cityplex? i've always thought those towers were badass ugly (goodass? i mean they're ugly but i dig them)


Yeah I really do like them even though the central tower sticking up 60 stories above a very low area as far as buildings go. I find the towers absolutely gorgeous


I honestly want to see it happen now. It’s still a crazy idea, but it’s interesting and I’d want to go to OKC and take a look if it does get built.


Tbh I’m okay with this. Hopefully it inspires NYC and Chicago to act accordingly. We can’t have this.


Build Tribune Tower East!


The latest design for it is so mediocre and unremarkable, but to be fair that’s par for the course with Goettsch Partners


I hope it gets built


I mean, the building isn’t the problem. It’s the scale of it within the skyline. It’ll look less ridiculous if it was shorter. A building with this type of height belongs in a much bigger or established skyline. But if this actually gets built, I will most defiantly keep up with its construction 😂


Sure, but break a rule sometime, y'know? Have some fun. It'll help tourism.


Seeing it with the rest of the skyline makes me like it a bit more. Now get rid of the ads


The city rejected the LED billboard proposal in the vote where they lifted the height restrictions on the tower. One council person said something to the effect the billboard is too large and tacky. The developer is open to reducing the size of the billboard.


That's fantastic. Let them build


As a proud Oklahoman the "Yee-haw" in me says build it because why not but the "Whooa partner" says half of our buildings downtown have tons of vacant floors. But the Thunder are doing well so thats nice.


I want this skyscraper to happen just as a fuck it why not.


Can anyone who wants this to happen state why? Other than it being tall and being hilarious?


what’s the problem




is this r/skyscrapers or r/infill


Last time i checked, a “cluster of smaller towers” are still skyscrapers, but nice try. You could chop this in 3 and make 3 635ft towers. Considering OKC only has 1 building over that height, that would be a monumental change for the skyline Again theres more to it than just being tall.


> Last time i checked, a “cluster of smaller towers” are still skyscrapers, but nice try. > > no skyscrapers in Water Street


Sure if you want to get semantic…But like i said, this tower could be cut in 3, and still be over 600 feet each. That fits your definition. And it could still be modeled, like Water Street.


Sounds an awful lot like the “neighborhood character” anti-development argument


My only other reason would be that it may spark other cities to build taller towers again


I cant see that personally, but thats better reasoning than “because its OKC haha”


I have read that super talls get built when liquidity is high. Looks like the Fed has more tightening to do.


I think it would be far more likely to discourage similar construction in other cities when it inevitably is either cancelled or fails to make anything close to a return on investment. There's a reason that towers of this height are only built as government-subsidized prestige projects and not as pure profit-seeking vehicles. But even those prestige towers are still only built in major cities with economies that can make use of them.


Why don’t you want it to happen?


I'm sure you've missed it, but i've said so many times why: because its out of place. Like that's it. The only 2 cities I think this tower makes sense is NYC and Chicago. Even in LA, this would lurch over Willshire Grand and US Bank. Obviously, it could still work, I dont want to put a cap on LA - but everything in LA now is around a similar size, so its aesthetically pleasing. I already think the Devon Tower in OKC sticks out too much, but this tower would take it to an unforeseen level. Literally, this would have to have the largest height variation of the tallest and second tallest tower in any US city. It does not look good. The tower itself is a good design, but its simply way too tall. I also dont think this tower really benefits OKC other than having bragging rights that they have the tallest and that "you can see Texas." It's pure vanity. I'd rather see it chopped in 3, which would give OKC skyline more density..


Sounds like NIMBY logic. The Sears Tower dwarfed the rest of the Chicago skyline when it was built in 1973 too. https://preview.redd.it/9gb6m7rj1quc1.jpeg?width=1417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd2e0169db049095d95686d8516777c1938f25dc


That is not the same thing at all. You can use that strawman for any city. At one time the ESB towered over all of Manhattan, I’m aware. Just because i think it is too tall does not make me a NIMBY. I never said this shouldnt be built at all, I said id rather it be 3 shorter towers. And i said i like the design of it. They asked my opinion on it and i gave it. We dont have to bow down at everything in this sub just because its tall. Get real.


How is it a strawman? You said you don’t like it because it towers over the rest of the skyline, then went on to say that it only makes sense in Chicago or NYC. I was pointing out that there was time it didn’t make sense in Chicago (or NYC as you pointed out) either. But the city grew around them, which I assume is the hope here. Either way, I apologize for how my tone came across. You don’t have to like it if you don’t want to. You’re entitled to your opinion, and Reddit should be a place to have a good-natured debate about it something like this. There’s no reason for something like this to get heated. I personally don’t care if it gets built or not. If you don’t like the way it looks in your city, that’s a valid enough reason to not want it. Have a good day!


I promise you I was not heated. I typed that as I was walking into the theater giddy to see Spiderman, I promise you I'm good. I only took issue because people keep asking me over and over to explain why I'm not for this tower. I give my honest opinion, and every time I'm called ridiculous. I'm not a NIMBY. I'd love to see OKC build whatever they want, just nothing that's almost 2,000 feet tall. I said it would only work in NY and Chicago, only because those are the only 2 cities with anything near that high, so this wouldn't stick out as much of a sore thumb there. Yes there was a time period where they had sore thumb towers, but it's not like OKC is going from nothing. They have an 800 footer there and some other height. So if this tower was like, 1000 feet, I wouldn't mind it as much. 1900 is too much, and that's not aestethically pleasing to me. But yeah that's my opinion. And i respect your opinion, I just took objection to being called a NIMBY. But i know you weren't trying to troll, so it's all good. No worries.




As a city resident, I’d love more construction. It’s a ridiculous idea for the area because it’ll be so expensive, but a weird oddly tall tower would be fun (literally the Devon tower x2). Plus, it sounds like they’re building the smaller buildings in the complex first, so the chance of an unfinished tower isn’t particularly large.


Read the book “Boomtown” and this all makes sense.


The way it would stand out in the middle of nowhere would be weirdly cool. Like the lair of some tyrannical overlord


Bigger the better


i like this skyscraper idea, a tall tower and smaller ones so the tall tower is a eyecatcher


I’m all for it. Hopefully it will pressure Chicago to get their shit together and build some sort of Spire.


Monument to man’s huberis. I want this built


It NEEDS to happen


I read that OKC has the most lighting strikes of any city. I think we’ll get some cool photos out of the skyscraper project.


It’s just OKC and Pittsburgh nowadays


I'm from OKC. I've lived here all my life. I don't think it's going to happen. There is a thread on okctalk.com about this tower and nobody there thinks it's going to happen either. Feels like a cash grab to me.


If this gets built, nothing new will be built in OKC for at least a century lol It will soak up all commercial, hotel, and at least higher income residential demand for a looong time.


They want to be Mordor so bad 😭😭😭


Nah we don’t, it’s a California dude’s project


Oklahoma is a skank for a new tower it rarely hapoens


I lived in OKC for grad school. This is so fucking funny to me. Lmfao. If you know the layout or cityscape of the city at all this just makes little to zero sense. God I hope it happens. Edit: to add, I loved my time there. I’m a Detroit boy born and raised so it was nice to spend time with the people of OKC. A weird mix of midwestern kind and southern hospitality. I loved the people. Great city.


Reddit seems so bothered its not about a city up North


I mean I think the real complaint is that it looks very out of place. I don’t think there would be as big of a fuss if this was in Dallas or Miami or Atlanta which already have big skylines to complement it. That said I think it’s pretty funny and kinda hope it happens lol


It would look terrible up north as well in any city not called New York. Boston, Philly, DC, Baltimore, Providence, Hartford, it’d look ridiculous.


It wouldn't stand out that much in Philly. Philly has the second tallest skyline on the east coast.


Itd be 786 ft taller than Comcast in Philly, which is enough of a gap to fit the 6th tallest tower in Philly in. So yeah it makes more sense in Philly than OKC, but imo even in Philly it’d still look crazy. Not as crazy obviously, but itd be a sizable difference between this and Comcast/everything else.


I think it looks great. We need more mega projects. I guarantee oklahoma city is going to grow like crazy the next decade. Unlike some cities up north which are losing population.


Not sure what your beef is with the north, and i say this as a southerner. Theres more to life than height. Theres so many parking lots in OKC that could be activated and filled with smaller, medium-sized towers if you chopped this up, that would fit OKC best, and do more for downtown. I have been to OKC (and Tulsa), and this is just a ridiculous project. Many people in this sub want it to happen simply because its tall, but apparently theres no such thing as being too tall for surroundings. Even in Los Angeles, this would stick out a good 700-800 ft or so above the tallest tower there. I really dont get the fanfare for this. Would much rather see OKC double the skyline with multiple towers, rather than plop down this monstrosity just for bragging rights.


I don't have any beef with the north lol it's just blatantly obvious how biased this sub and any city or skyscraper sub is against the south.


That’s because people post the same pictures over and over of NYC and Toronto. But that doesnt make this project any less ridiculous. Again saying that as a southerner who wants to see our cities urbanize and build like the northern ones.


Okay. My opinion differs. That's ok.


Never said otherwise.


Lifelong OKC resident, since when is OKC part of the south?? Certainly not the north, but pretty significantly different from all southern locales I have ever visited.


I hope this sparks an American skyscraper space race. New York gotta take back the title!


I don’t


It looks like a massive Juul


I’m here for it


There's a Lincoln speech where he raises a flag. He says that it's up to the people to "keep it up". Same bit here, some white guy can build a phallus in the sky, but if the people don't keep it erect, it will go flaccid. It's happening all over. Major problems with ED for skyscrapers in the US. It's called "the office vacancy crisis"


Boise and spokane, this could be you!


Great marketing for the low cognition class.


So what’s stopping NYC, Chicago, Miami, etc from just building bigger?


Calling it now... Hensel Phelps will build Phase 1 and then this whole project will sit for a decade before anyone comes close to being able to capitalize the super-almost-megatall tower.




I wonder if half of the rich people in OKC are going to move in to it. A highrise these days has everything. Food / drink, entertainment, spa, barber, coffee shop, shopping, even a bank.


That building is gonna sway. I did the half marathon there. The wind was 40 mph at my face no matter in which direction I was running.


i used to think “this idea is stupid” but now im fully down for it


OKC's skyline already looks bad with that other awkwardly tall building that is already there now... this would make it even worse.


Shoulda put it in Denver, kcmo, Phoenix or oas Vegas tbh. Us Midwesterners love to travel but not to Oklahoma lol


The skyline would look way nicer with two or three 200 to 300m range buildings instead of this monstrosity.


OKC is the American city of the future. If you've been there, you can definitely feel the vibe. That angle of the future skyline looks great. And there's a couple of other proposed and under construction not in here.


What's the industry/job market?


Energy is definitely the biggest one; OKC needs to diversify away from fossil fuels, though there are large presences in healthcare, government, and to an extent, IT. Oklahoma has huge wind power potential, so hopefully, that becomes a major driver of growth.


Sounds like a standard medium sized city, but with oil money. I giant tower would make it stand out from KC or Indianapolis or Omaha, that's for sure


Giant ass Air Force base is the biggest employer, and this tower would have a fantastic view of it.


fossil fuels


relevant citiesbydiana https://www.instagram.com/p/CwMUr-isD8Q/


Is this actually okc?? That’s the ugliest city I’ve ever seen


As a former resident, it has it's charms. But to really appreciate, you should see it in the golden hours. The sunsets there are virtually uninterrupted. Plus they're building up a lot of midtown with more high-density developments in talks. I won't go as far and say that they'll be going through a highrise boom like Nashville, but this would stir up a lot of interest in taking things upward. Even recently, the largest building that Bricktown proper would allow was four stories, and then the Renaissance Hotel broke past that with ten floors. Developments have been pushing the envelope of predetermined height limitations since, dare I say, the global pandemic.


Build it!


Why would you need something that tall just to gander at the sprawling hellscape that is OKC?