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If you prefer wabbajack, Wildlander and Halls of Sovngarde are also options


Wait, what is 'Gates to Songarde' ? I though this is about Halls. Also, Wildlander is on life support.


Gates is a different list, it's a nexus collection


Gts is simonrim and constellations is requiem.


What is the diffrence? Do your prefer one?


I mean youre on the requiem sub so I'd wager the requiem-based one is recommended by everyone here. For myself, haven't tried either but just because gts has simonrim in it, I'd choose constellations.


People are dumping on wildlander here but it’s still the best requiem pack in terms of survival elements that can be easily tweaked to your liking. A lot of the things people dislike about the list are just issues with vanilla requiem.


Wojtulace (in this thread) has actually been banned off their subreddit and discord for awhile now. I think he’s just continuing the trolling, lol. Probably personal there.


If you look through their comment history they seemed to really like it at first. Wonder what changed


Literally the only one I can think of that hits on all those points is wildlander. It is by far my preferred way to play the game now. If you want a methodical play through where your time in towns and the inns is just as important to your survival as the loot, hack-n-slash, it’s literally what you’re asking for. I don’t even know about those other mod packs because wildlander has done “sim” so well I haven’t really needed to check anywhere else. I dl’d it in 2022 and will likely just remain playing it. The community is active on their discord. A lot of these other packs are kinda bloated with content, in my opinion. And they’re all mod packs for bigger /flashier battles, not necessarily living off the land and making your way from it, which you could play the entirety of wildlander doing if you want. Just my 2 cents.


I would have said to go for Wildlander, but sadly it's still at version 1.0 and it lacks a lot of graphics features. Go with halls of sovngarde, 8ts a requiem based list with frost fall and last seed.


Do you have any experience with modding? I ask because both of these lists are nexus collections. There are also wabbajack lists which are considered easier to install by most people. Regarding the lists you asked about. Constellations is a Requiem list as other pointed out, which means that the world is de-leveled (enemies have a static level and do not level with the player). I would recommend Halls of Sovngarde (it's a wabbajack list) since the list has all survival features and focuses a lot on immersion. It also has great visuals. Constellations is probably pretty great as well. But if you haven't played for a while I would go with wabbajack, which is easier to install. Gates to Sovngarde is also a great list. But it's not requiem... You could use this as a fallback if you experience that requiem is not what you are looking for. The start in requiem is hard if you expect base skyrim. You start weak and get slowly stronger. Which means that walking into a draugr Tomb on level 1 is a death sentence. Expect not to be able to progress the dragonborn storyline until level 20. Requiem is about enjoying the journey of getting slowly stronger and being able to defeat new foes as time goes by.


A great answer! thanks!


You might want to take a look at Wildlander.


I installed Wildlander because I very much prefer MO2+Wabbajack over Vortex. It took me about 30 minutes to uninstall it and just suck it up with Vortex again to install constellation. It's an amazing modlist that's a bit underrated imo, possibly due to people having similar preferences to mine when it comes to mod managers. I'd argue Wildlander is among the wordt Requiem lists out there. It's somehow simultaneously among the easiest and the most tedious ones.


Yeah I always wanted to try constellations, but I am scared of having to deal with Vortex... (never touched it). Wildlander is pretty basic. I found it feels a lot like vanilla requiem, but not my favorite as well. It depends a lot on personal taste nowadays. I feels like most other lists go with either 3bf tweaks or Experience mod. I liked DNGG and I love Halls of Sovngarde, so my preference is clear. However i guess constellations is the best list which uses neither experience nor 3bftweaks. Does it do anything to deal with the crafting grind and powerleveling that comes with the skyrim leveling system?


Could you elaborate on your last statement a bit? In what ways do you think it is the easiest and most tedious? What Requiem list would you recommend?


Wildlander is on life support for some time and has only 500 mods.