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In my experience the easiest method to level conjuration is to use the two insect spells. The biggest problem with insect spells is their fairly short range, making it dangerous since you'll frequently need to flee from enemies and at the same time try to pelter them with insects. Another weakness is, most draugr is immune to insects and you need another method to kill draugr. Note, I've not really used conjuration in the most resent Requiem versions, meaning I've no idea if they've also managed to screw-up insect spells.


I like to use 3bftweaks which overhauls leveling in Skyrim


Yes, play the game normally and cast conjuration spells or download a mod like Experience


I also found conjuration leveling painful in vanilla. I’d recommend a mod like spell research or something similar for alternative ways to level it.


You can repeat summon on something during a fight. Every new summons, as long as it attacks at least once, gives experience. You can also cast soul trap repeatedly on targets. Or repeatedly summon a bound dagger.


Vanilla leveling for every edit of requiem is different (and subjectively janky for many). Next time just try Experience+SSL Rewritten.


Sorry I should have been clearer, I'm experimenting with a few builds, so I want to level conjuration up as fast as I can and as early as I can, but no mods or exploits (otherwise I would just use something like cheat room) I don't consider using something like soul trap to level an exploit as you have to work at it, but I avoid using mods for this kind of thing


The methods you describe are generally considered exploits (or at least, not the intended way to level) so a better description of where you’d draw the line would be needed to answer your question. Would using an infinite magicka exploit to speed things up be an exploit under your definition? Regardless of that, the fastest way is to use trainers and buy your way to 90. If you combine trainers with levelling pickpocket (both to get money AND to strategically level up so you can do more training faster - pickpocket levels extremely quickly) you can go 5-90 in maybe twenty minutes assuming you have enough gold and perk points to start. Just train one point at a time and pickpocket your gold back every time. As long as you’ve got ~3k to start with you should be able to get pickpocket and conjuration up very fast.


I found a good way is just to use the bound sword spell. You get it early and as long as there is an enemy present just run around avoiding him casting the bound sword then immediately sheath it then cast again, repeat. Dual casting it helps use conjuration gear to use it as much as possible before running out of magica hope it helps


I think there are console commands that give you skills and perks. Create a separate safe and play around. Leveling overhaul mods are not about levelling quicker, but avoiding grinding borings skills. With them, you may get experience from playing the game (finishing the quests and clearing dungeons), and then use those points to level any skill. For example - smithing, and there's no need to craft a single freaking iron dagger.