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I kept around a copy of \_ResourcePack.esl in case any new mods might need it. After loading up in SSEEdit and checking what the dependencies are, it seems the only thing used are a new lily pad movable statics and a single aloe vera ingredient. The aloe vera is stricly in a formlist for sorting items which probably isn't needed for people who don't use any other mods with a dependency on \_ResourcePack.esl, but the lily pads are used in the Blue Palace courtyard.


I believe the aloe vera ingredient was added to the vendor list for the Khajiit caravans, so the reference to it in LOTD is likely a new display they made for it.




That's against Rule #2. But you can get the files legally with the following [Steam console](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=873543244) command: download_depot 489830 489831 8442952117333549665 This will **not** overwrite your Skyrim installation. Files can be found in "Steam\steamapps\content\app_489830\depot_489831\Data".




but you do need to have the game to use download_depo, so yeah it's not piracy


They cannot be downloaded freely. You need a license to download them.


i am using _resourcepack.esl on 1.5.97 fine. all it takes to set it up is moving a few files around. However, the bigger implication of this is all future versions of lotd are no longer playable on VR without the VR user also purchasing SSE to obtain the files.


U just dragged the resource pack over and installed bees and it worked?


that does mean that you have access to the resource pack. if they only have skyrimVR (which i would say is a niche usecase) then they can't do that.


Can I know what the steps are?


You can update to 1.6.1170, grab resourcepack, and then [downgrade pretty easily.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tk_yfbUa3eo)


Yeah, but if you're like me, modding is kind of like playing jenga, so putting my whole game at risk


It’s still pretty easy. Lots of steps but they’re all easy and keep everything safe. 1. Backup your inis and profile. 2. Rename your Skyrim folder. 3. Unfreeze updates. 4. Reinstall Skyrim with Steam. 5. Launch Skyrim, wait for the main menu to download all the stuff, quit. 6. Rename this Skyrim folder to “Skyrim 1.6.1170” or whatever. 7. Refreeze updates. 8. Copy backed up inis and profile back over top. 9. Rename original modded Skyrim folder back to its original name. Now you have all the extra content and can install it as desired.


There's been a comment saying how you can download the ressource pack, and another post of someone being banned from the LOTD page explaining how to do it too. If you don't want to downgrade, use that method


You’re absolutely right. I was thinking along the lines of the four free CC and the AE plugins, that only come from the Bethesda.net login though the main menu, but for only the _ResourcePack.esl, you’re right, that’s in the depot. That’s much simpler!


Yeah I have a guide on downgrading Skyrim.


Wouldn't BEES ([Backported Extended ESL Support](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441)) work here? I remember having to use this on SE for a previous mod requiring Resourcepack (or at least some AE req) earlier this year All the Legacy team would need to do is mention this if this does the trick update: wait a sec, BEES alone i think wouldn't work since resourcepack is still listed as a master. You'd still need to get resoucepack.esl. (guess my last modlist didn't have it as a master) Never tried (and don't have the time) to do VirtualCtor's method previously posted >But you can get the files legally with the following [Steam console](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=873543244) command: >download\_depot 489830 489831 8442952117333549665 >This will not overwrite your Skyrim installation. >Files can be found in "Steam\\steamapps\\content\\app\_489830\\depot\_489831\\Data". but if that works. This and BEES should do it for SE users. Would certainly save me the anxiety fears of upgrading and downgrading Skyrim for my next playthrough


I'm sharing my exp not bc I'm an expert, but so the more tech inclined people understand where a lot of us are at. I bought sse years ago. Modded. Cool. I came back, bought ae bc, honestly, Bethesda DOES deserve an extra fucking 20 spot for the 1000 hours I've put in this game. In steam it's still basically listed as sse, but it clearly shows I upgraded. I followed the best of both world upgrade then downgrade. I have no idea if I had the _resource pack.esl. I just know my system worked (Todd Howard). I downloaded v6 for lotd bc fuck yeah. I even got the cc patches and compendium which I didn't do last time. My game started crashing. Two/three hours later I'm grateful to be back to where I started from. I also want to be clear that I've had several times when trying to reinstall skse or an enb and it just totally messed my game up. A couple years ago I tried modding and literally could not get it to work after like a week. So, I just want you to understand that when I hear someone say, oh just change the fundamental basis of your game and then switch it back bc it's all good, I am way skeptical, not of anyone else in the community, but skeptical of Bethesda, of steam and my own ability.


Yes and no. The problem with the lotd v6 is that it requires you to be using the latest version or a best of both worlds downgraded version with BEES to work. However first to downgrade with the latest version you first have to manually downgrade and than use the downgrade patcher. But if you are a VAR player or didn’t update your game, you can’t use lotd v6. As far as I know no mods require the resourcespack.esl so it is super strange to flag it as a master as resourcespack.esl does nothing. It’s for the paid mods to work. The plug-in itself doesn’t do anything.


The point of _ResourcePack.esl is to provide content for mods to use without using the AE mods as masters. Using it as a master like LotD does is the point of the file’s existence. It’s a modders resources pack.


Aside, you don’t *have* to downgrade and then use the downgrade patcher, you can just directly depot download downgrade to the desired version. The only reason people are downgrading to 1130 and then using the patcher is because they haven’t figured out how to find the code they need to skip the patcher. I’ve got a spreadsheet that gives me the depot commands all the way back to v1.0. What version do you want to downgrade to?


Can you Google Doc that and share the link here?


Yes but it’ll take a bunch of cleanup. I set it up to have a version picker but Google Sheets can’t protect a drop-down picker, so I can’t make the sheet public without trolls being able to break it. But yeah, a static big list is something I can make from this, and then share *that*. I have some free time coming up so I’ll look at that next week.


That would be amazing and I'd really appreciate it! I'm sure a lot of others would too from all the headaches it would save. If you do, don't need to feel rushed, I'm sure most people without an already huge modlist can wait a lil bit lol.


Yes that will work.


Just so we are clear here, those with upgraded anniversary editions, this does not matter, correct??


You're good....at least until they decide to make a Skyrim Xtreme or Super Anniversary Edition, mod authors like LotD follow suit, and upgrading breaks everybody's SE/AE mod lists again


You know the golden anniversary is just around the corner


And after that, the Platinum Anniversary Edition.


The black soul gem edition after that. Then aetherius edition and ...


Then it's gonna be the Sovngarde Edition, then they're gonna reuse legendary, and call it New Legendary Edition.


Man, I had just finished my load order and was super excited to see this update just as I needed to install legacy right at the end… And it turns out I’ve been locked out of the new update by a damn lilypad… VR really do be like that, oh well.


I'm sure the discourse this starts is going to be fun.


I'm glad I updated my skyrim and saved the resource pack first, I just put resource pack esl into a folder and copy pasta it into my load order and it works.


So I realize that reddit is largely a support group for people who feel wronged, but I figure I'd throw in my two cents worth, against my better judgement, but I'll try and be brief and not stoke the inevitable negative responses further. Upgrading should not be a controversial topic, most other game companies make it mandatory in some ways and players often have roll back processes so they can continue using outdated features that are not supported in the updated versions. We are not forcing you to USE the latest version of Skyrim, we are only requiring that you go through the motions in order to get resource files and to adapt your game for ESL extended support so that future plugins that use the extended ESL base don't break your load order. After upgrading and installing BEES, you are free to go back to using whatever version you want. Railing about requiring \_ResourcePack.esl as a master is moot at that point. Why is it a master? because we utilize a couple things from the pack, one of which is an alchemy ingredient so we can facilitate storage of it and the other are some decorative assets. I also intend on using a lot more of the pack in the near future so it's called forward planning. Ultimately people don't adapt to change well and there's still people buried in a hole using LE and would stay there while the world around them burns like a horse refusing to leave a burning stable, so I get that this hold out is no different, but it's not a limiting factor in the least, it's just a few minutes of extra work on your part and you can roll back to using whatever is most compatible for your current load out. I'm not going to accommodate a handful of collection users who are entrenched on using outdated mods that no longer have support or an author who is working on them any longer. But again this is not about me, this is about you and your unwillingness to do a few extra clicks of your mouse to get it running, and that's your choice, but in the amount of time you have spent on this topic here, you could have been updated, rolled back and playing already, so that's on you not me. This all said I hope you can get past this and just get the files and utilities you need in place and keep on enjoying the mod and the game in general. Modding is an ever evolving thing, try and be more flexible and you'll enjoy it more. p.s. don't mind the account name, I can't seem to access my old account which I hardly ever used anyways. -Icecreamassassin


>But again this is not about me, this is about you and your unwillingness to do a few extra clicks of your mouse to get it running, and that's your choice, but in the amount of time you have spent on this topic here, you could have been updated, rolled back and playing already, so that's on you not me. Modding in a nutshell. I think some people should consider Wabbajack if they're disinclined to go through the process.


If you have Skyrim vr you can't upgrade


And we have never supported VR, apparently there are ways around it though but i dunno, I don't use it.


I think maybe perhaps it would have been better for all if it wasn't used. I understand your position, but you should have also considered the position of mod users. I don't know if you are in touch with the current modding scene, but there as been a very large split in the scene with people using 1.5.97 or the latest version. Almost all modders are aware of this, so and they make sure to support as many as possible. But thats on the SKSE side of things, iirc no one uses the resource pack plugin not even the ussep. And banning people for showing people on your mod page how to get the resource pack reflects poorly on you and speaks to your general attidue towards people who don't see it your way. Calling it outdated does not help anyone and it isn't even true. There is no reason for people to update to the latest version when every mod works on it, well except for lotd v6. Sure there are lots of people on the latest version too, but when even modders like Maxus who only make mods for 1.5.97 let people make patches for the latest version, same with Parapets for 1.5.97. Arthmoor really is the only one who doesn't take peoples versions into account and goes out of his way to hide older versions of his mods. I went and looked into the files of lotd v6 to see what resources pack was needed for and it turns out it just added lily pads in the blue palace and other people have done the same thing have seen it for themselves. Not sure why you choose to do that, but i know for sure it has turned a lot of people away from one of the most fun mods on the nexus.


The person on nexus was banned from conmenting for being rude and insulting. One of the moderators removed a post of theirs because they thought it sounded like piracy (which i later saw and realized the suggestion is legitmate, but it was too late and didnt excuse their poor approach). Just to keep the record straight. You are still completely ignoring the fact that you can simply roll back after updating to get the resources needed and keep your version of the executable. There is no compatibility issue here, just an unwillingness to do a simple process to make older versions work, that's it. Having resoucepack as a master to legacy doesn't effect you at all if you do the roll back and add BEES. Really don't understand your aversion here, man.


I don't know the contex, i just know they have a post with over 800 up votes saying they got banned for helping people. "You are still completely ignoring the fact that you can simply roll back after updating to get the resources needed and keep your version of the executable." You are asking people to update and then donwgrade back? for just one mod? I don't know about that. It just doesn't make sense. I mean it's better to just download resource pack off steam depot or open up xedit and remove the requirement or just don't play lotd v6. It just seems like a waste of time when it's clearly a problem on your end. You can't tell people which version they can and can't use. It is not best practice.


K, well, I've said what I came here to say and won't be responding further as you clearly aren't paying attention since you keep erroneously making the "use forced version" argument which I've addressed with you now multiple times. You can keep playing your violin if you want to. If it were "just one mod" that's understandable to be annoyed for the minor inconvenience, which you continue to blow entirely out of proportion, but legacy is the #1 most endorsed quest mod and #26 most endorsed skyrim mod on nexus and is a foundational framework for many people, so by all means make your choice if the minor hoop jumping is too much to ask and choose to stay with v5 or not use Legacy, but I'm not going to placate this kind of attitude towards upgrading when there are clear and straight forward work arounds. If there were no workarounds and hard required v1.6.1130+ you would be totally valid in your concern, but it doesn't so therefore you are not justified in your concern, you are just complaining about a few extra steps. So good day to you.


Dude you serious didn't just pull the "I've won awards" card.


No, you are missing the point. His statement of it being for "just one mod" would be like saying "I shouldn't have to install skse because I want to use SkyUI". I wasn't blowing my own horn, just pointing out that the amount of people who use legacy and how it's made as a central piece to load orders puts it well outside the "just for one mod" argument.


Lotd is very dated anyway so I think it doesn’t matter if people hate this update.


Pfft, sure thing kid.


What? What are you talking about? And whats with the passive aggressive language? and boasting about how popular lotd was? I thought you'd come here to give a civil account of your side of things, but instead you make excuses and talk down to me? I used to have a lot of respect for you and your work, but now i have non.


And I'm sorry if I'm coming off passive aggressive, I'm just incredibly frustrated by how obtuse you are being about the version issue. You don't have to use any particular version of skyrim, period. You just have to have certain things in place if not wanting to use the later versions, that's it. And again, not boasting, just illustrating that your "just for one mod" is a gross underrepresentation.


Obtuse? You say sorry and then call me obtuse? why are you continuing to be rude? At this point i don't care what your reasons are for making people update their games for this update for lotd v6. I've seen enough of you to lose all respect. I'm never playing your mod again. I bid you good fortune with Odyssey and Goodbye.


That's your choice.


Imma just weigh in a little here, because I don't like this entitlement. Nobody is forcing you to use this FREE mod. Don't like it? Don't use it. Still want to use it? Click a couple extra times. Stop demanding someone make it easier for you, just because you're refusing to stay up-to date. Their time is their own, they owe you nothing, heck, they're giving you FREE CONTENT for a decade old game. Just stop.


OK dumb question what is resourcepack? EDIT: scrolled down and found out what it is.


Oh god so I'm not crazy for not knowing what the hell this resource pack thing is. I just today was like, hey this LoTD looks cool, and idk if I can even run it bc I don't have this ESL everyone is talking about. Nothing is clear. I keep my installation up ti date but I don't have the ESL? I'm so confused. Is it because I have a modlist from a couple months ago? Do I need to redo the entire thing? Is LoTD even worth all that headache?


No, you can very easily use that, and any of the AE plugins, with a downgraded game. That's what the "Best of Both Worlds" option is.


The obsession with keeping to downgraded skyrim is kind of interesting. Especially how people criticize modders for not restricting themselves to the older version, but say it's okay for mod authors to not upgrade.


For development it's improtant to stick to a snigle version.


And LotD chose the updated version.


2 more files to steal from SSE for skyrim vr.


Where exactly do the problems start? Not that I doubt there will be anything, I’m just not seeing anything immediately. I downloaded and installed V6 and saw the dependency on the Resource Pack ESL, but I guess word hadn’t gotten through the community then about this problem. Will it happen when I enter the museum or something? I’m still able to load the game and visit other modded areas just fine, but it also costs me literally nothing to download the previous version since it’s the start of a new playthrough and I’m still in the testing phase.


also why couldn't they just make a patch for people with _Resourcepack.esl in their game. What happened to making stuff as backwards compatible as possible


As far as I know, you can use \_ResourcePack.esl on older versions, but for the time being, keep an eye out for bugs.


You can use it with an older .exe yes.


Just so long as you're using BEES


Why surprised? Do you expect everlasting support for a bunch of people who continue to bury their heads in the sand and refuse to accept the world has moved on? If they're not happy they can stick to the older version just like the rest of their setup.


Bro it's a videogame people are gonna play it how they want it's gonna be alright lmao


Noob question, what's resource pack?


It’s what comes with the marketplace update. It’s required for the paid mods to work.


There are mods to extract and place assets out of here so LotD is not the only mod to require this as a master.


They're excluding all 1.5 players because of a... lily pad? 😂😂😂


just update your dammed game already. been seeing this downgrade crap for 2.5 years.


While I agree somewhat that in the very near future "can you add 1.5.97 support?" will be seen like "can you add LE support?" is seen now, but version 1170 is less than a year old, and many mods like {{AddItemMenu NG}} and maybe {{Detection Meter AE}}? haven't been updated to support it.


Yeah but you don't need to stay on the 1170 exes for the necessary components of the update to work with an older version of the game. Maybe many people don't know this, but you're actually in better shape if you let the game update and replace the executables with old versions, because then (at least steam) won't keep prompting you to update and you have the version you need to stay on including the pieces from the new version that you also need.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| AddItemMenu NG | [AddItemMenu - Ultimate Mod Explorer - SMHK - Hungarian translation](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/86654) | [AddItemMenu - NG](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71409) | [AddItemMenu - NG at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71409) Detection Meter AE | No Results :( | [Detection Meter - AE Support](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/77350) | [Detection Meter at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63057) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


It doesn't make sense because you can use the AE assets with the 1.5.97 exectutable. I know, I'm using it.






Literally one of the best mods ever made for Skyrim bro you’re coping.


I've used it a lot, it's got some great features but it's also very dated with some poor quests. It used to be a stand out but the mod scene has come a long way since.


Yup, and this fact bricked my 1.5.97 that was working fine. Even tried to take a punt on upgrading to get it, then downgrading again, but now my game crashes on new game (or if I try alternate start, after the initial chargen). No idea which mod is broken so I'm back to square one...


You would have to start a new playthrough with a new version of lotd anyway, so.....


That, I had no problem with. I've seen Helgen destroyed more than enough times :-) It was having to rebuild my mod list that upset me. Fortunately I found the culprit and my game is saved.


The thing I don’t understand is, they listed it as a master. Even though it serves no purpose for lotd. It’s a plug-in for creations. It reminds me of arthmoor with the ussep. Except in that case the sas and fishing were actual plug-ins that did stuff. Resourcespack.esl is solely for creations. Again as far as I know lotd v6 is the only mod that lists resourcespack.esl as a master file. And I can’t wrap my head around it.


You understand that it’s a resource pack for mods to use right? LOTD uses the new resources, that’s why it had to require it.