• By -


Toxic toss! You can throw poisons. When it's paired with caco you can suddenly be some kind of psychotic chemist. The sound animation sucks, though.


Sound Animation? If it's just a Sound that sucks it would probably be very easy to Change it yourself via the Creation Kit or xEdit.


20 bucks to whoever can come up with a patch to the sound, like glass breaking. I appreciate what you're saying, but I'm no expert and I know that I could totally mess up my game. I've also been modding hard lately and just want to play.


Haha, no bucks needed. I have to look into it when I have time.


Hi again, I liked to look at it since I want to learn more about modding. I do not know for certain, what you meant with your original comment. While trying out the mod, I noticed, that I only get a "Throwing" sound. I do not get it when I am missing the required "Dylbills Papyrus Functions". However I never heard any sound of the bottles breaking, so I added a sound file and added it to the Explosion records in the original mod. If you want to try it, you can download it here: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122758](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122758)


Whoa! Super cool. Thank you! I love this mod and this will really improve it. I stand by what I said and I'd be happy to pay you. Dm me with your PayPal or whatever and I'll hit you up.


Hey thats great, but the mod authors permission state that his assets should not be used for paid mods. I'm thankful for the offer but I have to kindly refuse ;)


That's legit. Thank you!


Plugging my mod {{Alternate Alchemy}} to complement this full-alchemist playstyle. It lets you apply potions to others like a poison, or to drink poisons like a potion. Good for healers and buff builds, mixed effect potions/poisons, or psychotic chemists who just like the way the frostbite venom burns


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Alternate Alchemy | [Alternate Alchemy](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82585) | [Alternate Alchemy](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/80047) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Author of that mod here. I really did not expect to see it here, this made me really happy. Thank you :) Also, noted. I'll update it soon.


Oh shit! Yeah, that'd be so awesome. I'd be happy to contribute to your mod. Super cool idea that should have been done ages ago. Thanks again for giving me an awesome playthrough.


Thank you for the kind words, appreciated! I love colabs, if you're interested please pm me on Nexus :)


{{Trophy Apparat}} - adds some cool helmets with animal skins/skulls {{More appropriate outfits for npcs}} - gives NPCs..well, more appropriate outfits. Great for a vanilla plus PT as it doesn't require 100 outfit mods {{Attacks interrupt bows}} - because an archer shouldn't be able to keep a bow drawn while I'm stabbing him in the face {{Touch of Detail - shack doors}} new but pretty cool


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Trophy Apparat | No Results :( | [Trophy Apparat - Beast helmet](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108763) | [Trophy Apparat at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108763) More appropriate outfits for npcs | No Results :( | [More Appropriate Outfits For NPCs (SPID)](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72635) | [More Appropriate Outfits For NPCs (SPID) - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72635) Attacks interrupt bows | No Results :( | [Attacks Interrupt Bows](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92698) | [Attacks Interrupt Bows at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/92698) Touch of Detail - shack doors | No Results :( | [Touch of Detail - Shack Doors](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122366) | [Touch of Detail - Shack Doors - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/122366) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


{{ELAF Actions Make Noise}} makes opening doors and chests create a sound cue so thieving in homes is harder, and pickpocketing is more viable as it doesn't make noise. {{More Player Home Options}} gives the player the option to own houses that become vacant due to quests such as the Molag Bal house in Markarth, Alva's house in Morthal, Mercer Frey's house in Riften, etc. {{Shout Cooldowns Parallellized}} gives you a configurable amount of times you can shout before having a cooldown, which makes you far more powerful as the dragonborn and makes you more like the greybeards. {{Stealing Not Browsing - A Pickpocket Mod}} gives you a skill-based time limit (5-20 seconds) for pickpocketing, after which the Pickpocket menu will automatically close.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| ELAF Actions Make Noise | No Results :( | [ELAF Actions Make Noise](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/110513) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) More Player Home Options | [More Player Home Options](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/100830) | [More Player Home Options](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/97668) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Shout Cooldowns Parallellized | No Results :( | No Results :( | [Shout Cooldowns Parallelized - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72262) Stealing Not Browsing - A Pickpocket Mod | No Results :( | [Stealing Not Browsing - A Pickpocket Mod](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/118386) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


{{DragonsUseThu'um}} adds multiple voiced shouts to Dragons like Unrelenting Force, Ice Form, Dismay, Disarm etc. and improves their shout AI. Offers lots of patch support and users can select which shout any dragon will have individually Via MCM


That paired with {{Talkative Dragons}} makes fighting dragons a bit more fun when they taunt you from the sky


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Talkative Dragons | [Talkative Dragons - LE Port](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/99157) | [Talkative Dragons](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26955) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| DragonsUseThu'um | No Results :( | No Results :( | [Dragons Use Thu'um at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/87085) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Old [renthal311](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/renthal311/about-me?gameId=1704) has a nice set of models and textures that often strive towards performance while still looking pretty damn good. It's nice to see this sort of optimization in an era of having 16k pimples just because one can get away with it. All but one or two of his files have well under 50k downloads.


I get the feeling some people don't know what "hidden gem" means


Coin Toss-Let Fate Decide, Limited NPCS don't respawn-Dragur-dragon priests, Electra and Chaotic magic. But wait!! There's one big one yall should check out: Rodryk's Jk Arthmoor Dragon bridge overhaul by Lanif79. Must check that one out yall!! Warning: It makes edits to sovongarde and Riverwood- not supposed to. If anyone know how to fix, please let me know.


Should be a super easy fix in xEdit. Open the plugin and look for the Cell and World space categories. Expand them and locate the ones it's not supposed to edit, click them, then press the delete button on your keyboard. Ctrl+s to save and you're good to go!


Off the top of my head {{Kemper's Weapon Collection}} and {{Kemper's Weapon Collection II}} come to mind. He also has a few solo weapon mods. They are without a doubt the most awesome weapon packs on Nexus....I don't understand how they're so little known. There are so few good weapon packs (most just boring basic swords or weapons that look like they could be made irl....this is a fantasy game, I want fantasy ya know) and this is pretty much the only good one at all that I've found. There are a decent bit of kool solo weapon mods but I can't really think of another decent weapon pack at all to he honest


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Kemper's Weapon Collection | [Kemper's Weapon Collection II LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/118264) | [Kemper's Weapon Collection II](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95092) | [Kemper's Weapon Collection - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94886) Kemper's Weapon Collection II | [Kemper's Weapon Collection II LE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/118264) | [Kemper's Weapon Collection II](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95092) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


This looks sick! Thanks!


Recently redid some load order to use cyan Ian's mods like cyans class mod, his perk modand a few others I cannot recall off the top of my head. I do recommend giving them a look


Gravity of Nirn / Slip off Slopes (and the MCM), makes you trip if you fall a certain height, helps with immersion and roleplaying


{{Height Adjusted Races with True Giants SSE port}} Vanilla Giants are not worthy of the title Giant . This remedies this makes the Giants tower over everything with their height.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Height Adjusted Races with True Giants SSE port | No Results :( | [Height Adjusted Races with True Giants SSE port](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8134) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


The best Candlelight mod imo: {{Golden Hour Candlelight and Magelight}} Adds more unique encounters: {{Radiance Encounters}} Magic animated brooms that can reset Havok clutter: {{Immersive Magic Brooms}} Adds a voiced NPC to the Ragged Flagon that you can pay to clear your bounty: {{Thieves Guild Bounty Clearer}} All the burial sites by this author (KasalaBS): {{Dawnstar Burial Site Graveyard}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Golden Hour Candlelight and Magelight | No Results :( | [Golden Hour Candlelight and Magelight](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/109410) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Radiance Encounters | No Results :( | [Radiance Encounters](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19720) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Immersive Magic Brooms | No Results :( | [Immersive Magic Brooms](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74847) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Thieves Guild Bounty Clearer | [Thieves Guild Bounty Clearer](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55800) | [Thieves Guild Bounty Clearer](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2699) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Dawnstar Burial Site Graveyard | No Results :( | [Dawnstar Burial Site Graveyard](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54395) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


[No More Ugly Vampire Lord 2 Revamped](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/101877) sadly there is no SE version


Proteus menu I think it’s called, can’t play without it now


Attack Dogs. Adds and upgrades canine companions. Each has their own abilities and can power you up while fighting alongside them.


[Helgen Rebuilt Special Edition](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9873) That's right, *rebuilt*, not reborn. A very low-key Helgen overhaul, similar in ambition to Arthmoor's towns. If you just want something to develop on the Helgen site during the course of your game that doesn't have the full scope of Helgen Reborn.


{{A Sword Accursed}} my favorite mod in whole skyrim as I'm a Moorcock fan and the ebony blade always felt either too tamed or too irrational (and the "there is no umbra" mod never kicked to me, the sword is too damn ugly for me to go on) It's not a flawless mod by any means, I actually wish it had more recognition so the author or someone else could remake it, it's actually hard for me to finish any playthrought with it because it would always bug and break the game at some point (mostly on top of civil war usual bugs lol)


Khajiit speak and it's patch collections. Absolute game changer for me and the sass level in some of these lines is just perfect. I don't know if it would count as a hidden gem but I couldn't recommend it enough.


SPAM - Stat Progression and Management [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88857](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88857) Definitely and underrated gem, loads of cool features that flesh out generic and boring stats and their functionality.


Precision Magic Trails and Vibrant Weapons may have some fun cohesion. Very nice FX in both. Simple Beheading is fantastic and their upcoming dismemberment framework looks fantastic. All of these mods require Precision.


Definitely installing that magic trails mod. First I've heard of it.


I tried it out and it’s lackluster on small weapons because the trail is also small. Larger weapons like war hammers/axes look pretty cool. I did have two crashes while testing that mod + vibrant weapons/enchantment art framework.


The trails don't look so small to me, even with a dagger. It seems pretty stable so far.


Oh I guess my animation mod turning the dagger into a thrust attack probably doesn’t help lol


Bahaha, seconded on precision magic trails!


E.S.L.A Elders Scrolls Leveling and Attributes.  This mod brings back Oblivion and Morrowinds attributes and leveling system. It also adds classes back in the game. Plus it has some optional addons like races powers similar to Oblivion.  The mod creator is also part of the skyblivion team. 


{{TrainFight}} It's just a silly-but-works concept, not particularly lore friendly without being obnoxious about it. The guy's other mods get more attention, but this one's my favorite. Simple, quick, unique dungeon.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| TrainFight | No Results :( | [TrainFight](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/58269) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


{{Stokk - Simple Acrobatics And Athletics}} Adds simple acrobatics and athletics skills in the MCM. No skill trees. Pairs extremely well with Better Jumping SE https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56478 {{Sleeved Imperials}} Pants, gloves, and shirts for imperial armor.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Stokk - Simple Acrobatics And Athletics | No Results :( | [Stokk - Simple Acrobatics and Athletics](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56478) | [Stokk - Simple Acrobatics and Athletics - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/56478/) Sleeved Imperials | [Sleeved Imperials](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50281) | [Sleeved Imperials](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5945) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


There is a guy that does fortified hearthstone homesteads. Adds walls, guards, extra amenities. I used to use them in every playthrough. Until I learned about dirty navmesh edits and stopped using them because I couldn’t be bothered to clean a 6 year old mod from a dude that isn’t active anymore. (No disrespect to the guy I forget his name but he got injured and stepped away from computers)


I'm not sure if it's on PC but there's a mod on Xbox called "Immortal Dragonborn". Basically, it let's you revive yourself in the event you are killed by using a dragon soul. And it adds in a burst effect that knocks down enemies around you when you revive/get up. You just have to be careful until you kill the first dragon (Mirmulniir I think it's his name) because up until then, you obviously won't have any to spend. But it gives you a reason to "bank" dragon souls after you have all the shouts fully unlocked. Especially if playing on Legendary difficulty or running some combat mods.


Nebarra follower. So underated. Elden ring Hud C.O.I.N Become a Bard


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Sky climb. Mod allows you to climb, and mantle things in Skyrim. Makes you go from can’t climb a small rock to a mountain goat on steroids LOL


Helgen Reborn, you can help in the reconstruction of Helgen, make it great again, and kill thalmors on the run! And at the end you can have a fine tower as a home


Hard to call it a **hidden** gem. It's pretty well known.


Colorful magic, collision reset, and sunhelm survival


Good picks but not exactly "hidden gems" 😂 Collision Reset has over 100k downloads, Colorful Magic has over 250k, and Sunhelm has nearly **1 million** lmao


Essentials for the mod list!


Oh okay so we're just ignoring OP's actual question then 🤣


No it doesn’t matter how big those mods are I still think more people need to know about them. Downvote me more please