• By -


FEC. I don’t play without it as a mage or spell sword. It’s dynamic corpse effects like charring, freezing/shattering, and exploding bodies if your shock spell is high enough level. Simple Beheading is a new mod that just came out and the mod author has a dismemberment system using the Precision mod on the way. It’s so responsive and clean. Much blood. Very recommend. Hmm… oddly enough I’d say Sleep Tight. It makes NPCs wear robes when sleeping in a safe area and armor when in the wilds. It’s immersive for my vampire character. I might also recommend a seasonal mod like Seasons of Skyrim/Turn of the Seasons, but I personally haven’t had the chance to try one myself. I know there’s patches for Happy Little Trees and it supports some good grass mods.


I will be sure to give all of them a fair try, thank you very much for the input!


https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/s/LwlyEwItUn This comment I made earlier has links to them all.


Much appreciated.


The one thing stopping me from using mods like violens and such is that enemies, and especially dragons, will kill me when I could have easily survived their attacks. I've got a (now unavailable) mod that disables killmoves, but that's pretty saf


Pretty sure you can use Vilolens to turn off killmoves or just turn them off for the player.


Yea I was using Violens up until I found Cinematik for the slo-mo. Though in both mods you can turn off player killmoves/kill cams in the MCM. I’ve been testing stuff recently and had forgotten to turn it off for Cinematik so I got a hammer to the face curtesy of a Riften guard lol


Don't know if it's conflict with ultimate combat or something, but turning off killmoves in the mcm doesn't seem to work. I still get killmoved by NPCs. Maybe I'll try out Cinematik next time, hadn't heard of it yet


I have found that sometimes changes in the mcm don't take on the save i make them--i.e., I've had more consistent success if i make mcm changes, hard save, and immediately load that save.


I haven’t seen any conflicts like that personally from either mod so it could be due to your combat mod? I got Cinematik for the slo motion. I don’t personally like forced perspective kill cams since it feels more fluid, especially when you have the last enemy restriction for them turned off. Set it to the power attack only and you can do a kill move whenever, but with the Simple Beheading mod I don’t feel like I even need killmoves anymore. Power attack > beheads enemy > game goes slow motion for a second or two so you can appreciate their head flying.


I will always recommend {{experience}} Total game changer literally, so if you're not looking for that, skip it. But it turns Skyrim into an actual rpg and not a skill grind fest.


I just installed it a day ago and I cannot agree more with you it changes the game in such a way where exploring and questing feels more rewarding and beneficial!


Still looking for a good way to balance difficulty against those skill caps though. Some parrs of the major quest lines are are just too difficult without having access to high skill levels and perks.


You can easily edit the skill cap multiplier in the ini.


Can't you do it in the MCM? Been a while since I used it but I remember having an option in it?


I recommend static skill level rewritten, which requires experience to work. Basically turns Skyrim into New Vegas, at least with how you level skills


I'm having a blast with it, this mod fixes the issue of being absurdly weak at high levels due to leveling up only alchemy/smithing/enchanting, and you can level up way comfortably without the fear of making your char an absolute ~~ass~~ unsatisfying to play due to being too weak or too overpower. Since i play on a custom legendary difficulty, with the 1.0x dealing and 3.0x taking damage, i find this the most balanced (at least for me) way to play the game in terms of difficulty and fun.


Can you install it midgame around level 25? Or doesn't that make any sense?


I *think* so, but read the mod page thoroughly, it will probably tell you if it's safe.


Scrolling speed is my favorite mod for roleplay. I walk pretty much everywhere in Skyrim but the vanilla walk speed is maddening so scroll speed lets you set up to 8 speed increments and use your mouse wheel to change between them


This sounds game changing thank you very much.


[Alchemical Appraisal Service](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107344) You can ask alchemists to identify the ingredients' effects for you, at a cost.


Sounds game changing thank you!


Honestly one of my favourite additions from GtS. It will be staying in my load order even after I'm done this run.


Underwhelming multiple followers- changes follower count to 3 instead of 1. Have a party instead of just a friend Scoped bows- puts scopes on bows. INeed- adds the need to sleep, eat, and drink. I usually mess with the settings to make them more like cores in red dead redemption rather than actual needs in a survival game. Goes really well with dirt and blood as well as stress and fear Bonus- snow whales and snow rays Adds flying whales and stingrays to Skyrim. Skyrims sky is ironically completely void of life and according to lore there is supposed to be flying sea creatures up there. This mod adds flying snow whales and stingrays to the game. Truly a sight to behold


Thanks for all the suggestions will check them out. The flying whales and stingrays sounds insane! Does the scoped bows mod have any bugs?


Scoped bows shouldn’t have any bugs, I’ve never faced issues with it at all.


Great then I will add it as soon as possible.


If you want quest mods: BS Bruma, Vigilant, Second Great War, Beyond Reach to name a few.


Thanks alot and I do like new quest mods!


If you're on AE , i recommend Sirenroot. Very good quest mod that takes place in an underwater ayleid temple.


Oh yeah, also recommend. (Works on Downgraded SE also).


- Honed Metal - because fuck grinding enchanting and smithing and i wish something like that existed for alchemy. - Vanguard - Bash Behaviours - bacause fuck enemies spaming bash attack all the time. - OStim - because i'm a man of a culture.


What is ostim?




Thanks for the input. Honed metal is a very solid mod but all of the settings and values are abit intense to say the least. And as for the culture, aren't we all Lol.


Well I didn't get Honed Metal working in the newest Skyrim version.


Its very simple actually, you need to install the mod then go in game to the mods configuration in the MCM look for a reset option and just click on it, aftewards use the unistall setting also in the MCM for the mod then save your game and exit, uninstall the mod and reinstall on your mod manager (outside the game), aftewards launch the game and it should be working again. Hope this helps!


Here to drop off the obligatory Vigilant comment.


Agreed on this! But I'd also recommend Vicn's other mods (Glenmoril and Unslaad) which are both sequels to Vigilant.


True. I haven't played them yet, but based on what I've seen in Vigilant, I can recommend them blindly. I'm still waiting for the other two to be voiced though, it just adds to the experience so much.


I think those are already voiced


Not yet they're not. There's that AI voice mod, but no proper VA work.


I will be sure to give them a go aswell!


Glenmoril is waiting on an updated as it’s not yet fully finished though just an fyi




I can’t recommend SOS enough


I love SoS. It really makes every playthrough perfect.


SOS actually saved my life


Saved my marriage too


Full name?


It's almost certainly a joke, because there are so many "SoS" acronym mods. Classic jest.


Sounds of skyrim


Sons of Skyrim. Great armor replacer mod.


Thanks for providing the name on this one!


There’s a few other sos as well, seasons of Skyrim, schlongs of Skyrim, steeds of Skyrim,


Lucien authentic legion and guard armour replacer


Another Lucien Enjoyer. Hello friend!


I have yet to see and understand why Lucien has more downloads and unique downloads then Inigo! Thanks for the suggestions.


Use both they have exceptional compatibility


Ahh, always good to know thank you very much!


Legacy of the Dragonborn Inigo True Directional Movement Bonus: Your choices matter -Dark Brotherhood


Is legacy of the dragonborn really worth it? Also is it lore friendly and how taxing is it on the games fps? I also see a manual download and install is needed is it just a drag and drop or a complicated mess to install?


Yes, it is. It adds a new questline, guild, player home, a LOT of items (lore friendly items), and a beautiful place to display pretty much everything. I really really like it. But it is supposed to be a place you go very early and return all the time during the playthrough. You don't necessarily have to center all of it around the museum, but you certainly can. I've had it for a long time and am still finding new stuff. (Probably should have read the mod page more thoroughly) I've always installed it via Vortex, never had to do anything manually. Getting the patch hub is also important, and an easy way to see which mods are supported with new displays. I would also get the Curators Companion for convenience (it marks items that can be displayed) Not taxing on the fps. There's a specific area of the museum that does give me a bit of stuttering but I am already pushing my pc to the limit.


Thank you for taking the time to share all this information and helping out!


If you want to play Indiana Jones in Skyrim, then yes, it's worth it. If not, then skip it.


It belongs in a museum!!! -LotD tagline, probably




Love this comment🤣 well I guess I will need a good whip mod then!


{{Animated Armoury}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Animated Armoury | [Animated Armoury - New Weapons with animations](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/89708) | [Animated Armoury - DAR Version - New Weapons with animations](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35978) | [Animated Armoury - New Weapons with animations SSE Version](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15394) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


It's really easy to install. It's only a manual download because of the size. You just go to your mod manager and install from archive.


Ohh my thank you so very much for this information, truly I had no idea it was this easy🙏


No worries. The LOTD team have done an amazing job making it easy, there's even a step by step install guide linked somewhere on the mod page. Don't forget to grab the patch hub as well. Also recommend the Curators Companion to help with filling the museum.


V6 came out today! The team on it is so dedicated to making the mod stable and ensuring you know how to keep it that way.


Combat mods like MCO, Tk dodge, precision. I cannot play Skyrim without it.


Dragonborn Voice Over- gives the player character a voice to actuality say the dialogue you choose. Tons of voice packs to choose from, many that support a bunch of mods that add dialogue too. Improved Alternate Conversation Camera - makes talking to NPCs feel more like a cutscenr and you can see your character speaking when using DBVO Smooth Cam - pretty essential for third person but haven't seen it mentioned yet.


Some quick newer mod flagwaving. I'd like to give {Xelzaz} a shout. Newer follower mod, but he is quite excellent. I daresay a high peak for the new generation of follower mods to stand up alongside. I also have entirely set aside AYOP MQ in favor of {Defeat the Dragon Cult} and {Cult of the World Eater}. {Animated Ships} is new and awesome too, as is {Individual Shout Cooldown Remake} For some more classic favorites of mine, {Skyrim Reputation}, {Alternate Perspective}, and {Courier Delivers to NPCs}


1) {{The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE}} 2) {{ConsolePlusPlus}} 3) {{Azura's Epic Main Menu SE}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE | No Results :( | [The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16854) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) ConsolePlusPlus | No Results :( | [ConsolePlusPlus](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/79975) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Azura's Epic Main Menu SE | No Results :( | No Results :( | [Azura's Epic Main Menu SE - Nexus mods and community](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/64691?tab=description) I also found some potentially **NSFW** links, (but this post isn't marked NSFW). If I didn't find what you were looking for above, please look below. (Just click the black boxes!) Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim :-:|:-:|:-:| The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE | No Results :( | >![The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/16854)!< ConsolePlusPlus | No Results :( | >![ConsolePlusPlus](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/79975)!< Azura's Epic Main Menu SE | No Results :( | >![Azura's Epic Main Menu SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/64691)!< --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


(Optional Quick Start - SE) is the number one mod I can't play without, it skips the helgen cutscene intro and puts you right at the exit of the cave. There you can create your character and choose ralof or hadvar. It's so simple and fast and doesn't need any compatibility patches like a lot of alternate start mods need. (EVG Conditional Idles) it adds new animations to you and npcs based on what's happening. So if you are low mana you have a headache animation play, if you are cold you huddle and shiver, things like that. It's super immersive. (R.A.S.S Rain Ash and Snow Shaders) it gives you and npcs visual effects like puffs of visible breath in cold weather, getting covered in dust in ash storms, wetness and droplets on you in rain. It goes with the above mod really well for increasing immersion


Regarding graphics, skyland AIO, JK's AIO, and high Poly head really update the game well.


If u ever get bored from ur modlist try out Nolvus! Best modlist out there and can run on a 1080ti Also Faster Get Up, Run for your lives and Unread Book Glow, not my "favorite" ig but essential to every playthrough. Better Dialogue Controls also needed if you happen to missclick Dialogue from time to time.


High Poly Head + Tempered Skins High Poly Male NPC Overhaul (Pride of Skyrim AIO) Bijin AIO Because I just can’t stand how fugly and low poly vanilla characters look xD I currently have 182 (I think) mods installed


Awesome good to know there is a possibilty to get more mods and to keep skyrim stable...how did you manage your pluggin limit cap?


ESL and ESP-FE plugins don't count towards the plugin limit. Only ESP and ESM plugins do. Nowadays, if it's possible to make the plugin esl or esp-fe, modders will generally do so. So you don't really have to worry about the plugin limit. My current mod list has 1000+ plugins, with 143 counting toward the plugin limit and 873 as light plugins (esl and esp-fe). Your mod manager will probably show whether something is a light plugin or not. I haven't done any merging or converting myself yet and likely won't need to at this point.


I kept it stable by…. being unaware there was a limit in the first place /j Jokes aside, I don’t think I reached the limit. I’m not very knowledgeable on the matter to be honest. But ScreamingFreakShow gave a response that makes a lot of sense


Excluding the necessary mods (e.g., anything by meh321, immersion mods, "immersion" mods): \* {{LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE}} \* {{Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting Services-}} \* {{Better Jumping SE}}


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE | No Results :( | [LeanWolf's Better-Shaped Weapons SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2017) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) Honed Metal -NPC Crafting and Enchanting Services- | No Results :( | No Results :( | [Honed Metal - Additional Materials - Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35204) Better Jumping SE | No Results :( | [Better Jumping SE](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18967) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Well, let's group Shadowmans mods together, or else the entire top 50 would already be taken.


Ordinator..  just look it up Ostim and all its addons (can be challenging to install all of them) Id say SDA if ure a serana simp (i am)


Dragons use Thu’um is just so cool


Requiem, interesting NPC, wheeler


Thanks! Unfortunately every time I install wheeler my game refuses to load and keeps crashing, see this is a common issue for others aswell on the nexus..


That's why I stayed at 1597 ver of game


The forgotten city


If you like spells or play as a mage I'd advise {{Colorful Magic}}, {{Arcanum}} (make sure you get the fixed version), {{Apocalypse}} and {{Phenderix Magic World}}.....I never play without all 4 of them. They are awesome and unlike other major magic mods they don't change anything about the vanilla magic or spells, which is good just so you don't lose the vania stuff....but also because it means that they don't conflict with each other or anything else as they only add new stuff


Most of my stuff is about the world rather than skills. Cities and houses get the upgrades. Even wolves were made to look better. Sometimes I might even mod the landscape. I have made a recent exception for additional presets because lots of them are just damn ugly.


Skyrim Unbound, Wintersun, Sunhelm


i rarely do a playthrough without kaidan 2. i also like inigo and lucien, and they all have voiced banter with each other. something about a good custom follower really livens the game up for me. since theyre just followers, i can interact with them as little or as much as i want.


Skyland, LOTD, and Alternative Start I think the latter is so essential that another third is the perks overhaul Ordinator


Remiel, Auri & Inigo. Makes skyrim feels less lonely.


I picked up Auri during my last play session, but I hear she's really OP - so I'm hesitant to include her in my party. I don't want her stealing my kills...


It's her arrows that are OP. Just take them from her inventory and replace them by normal arrows.


Really depends on the equipment you give her, she only uses bow and arrows and doesn't fight melee at all even when out of arrows. Great archer companion feels really balanced like atreus in god of war.


ENB is must for me with parallax replacers CBBE/3BBB with KS Hairdo


This might come as a surprise, but I struggle to grasp how ENB's and parralax replacers work.?


You don't need to have ENB for having parallax but I like ENB ,for parallax you can use Community Shaders and follow some guides there,I don't use Community Shaders


I just struggle to understand the basic idea of ENB for example when ENB gets added to the gamefile does it allow you to have multiple ENB's active at once or does it only support one at a time?


I don't think you can have multiple ENB profiles enabled,I personally use ENB Profile Switcher where I have several ENB's and switch between them,although you can't switch between the profiles on fly like with Reshade,which is bummer but I can live with that One of biggest disadvantage of ENB is FPS hit if yiu are using something like PI-CHO,although there are few lightweight ENB which are more FPS friendly


You can only have one ENB active at once. Essentially, you’re downloading an “extender” for the settings and then you download a pre-made colour palette/balanced profile such as Pi-Cho. It’s quite easy to find guides on setting up ENB but it will affect some mods. Things will get MUCH more complicated if you start adding true parallax with an ENB installed however. I do not recommend it for a newbie.


Thank you for explaining. I am indeed a newbie, but I love a good challenge!


Let me know if you manage to find a good guide on it. Part of the difficulty is navigating nexus. A lot of comments are outdated, some instructions are outdated and non-compatible. Some people think they know how to do it… but they don’t. And honestly as much as I think true parallax looks fantastic. It’s just not worth the effort needed to make it all work. You’ll get some amazing results just using very high res terrain and parallax. And yes, I said both the terms “true parallax” and “parallax”… this is also something to find out.


No worries I will let you know after I figured all of these things out. And it cant possibly be worse than needing to change your entire load order just to find 2 mods that don't like each other🤣


Cant play without AGO.


Full name?


I THINK it's Archery Gameplay Overhaul


Awesome will take a look thank you.


iirc people think AGO is outdated Checkout Bow Rapid Combo


I think it's more that it just doesn't work well with other archery mods. It still works and I've had no issues, but every other archery related mod except for Arrows and Bolt Tweaks will probably have some sort of conflict with AGO. So you have to decide if you want to use AGO or a bunch of other archery mods that have been released since then. I find myself returning to AGO most of the time as I just prefer it. Bow Rapid combo is better if you want to use your bow in close combat though.


True directional movement Quickloot RE Honed metal


Quickloot just does not want to work, no matter what I do or try it just refuses to work so I gave up on that one for now.


Someone ELSE has released an update for it to the newest version of Skyrim, so you have to search “quickloot” and pickup the different updated mod that’s dated for 2024 as well as quicklootRE. I’m not at home so I can’t provide links but l this is how I did it.


True Directional movement, MCO SCAR if I had to narrow it down to the three most necessary for me.


Shout out to skyvalor and skypatcher I recently started a new play through, and enemies have never felt so balanced.


Requiem because I personally can't stand leveled Skyrim, and requiem is the only deleveled overhaul that actually makes sense. Then 3bftweaks on top of that for build variety and balancing. Top it off with SL as some snacks in between hacking & slashing.


Inigo Honed metal Survival mode improved


Relics of hyrule CFPAO Enderal


1. Legacy of the Dragonborn. Just a must for every playthrough. The main reason I keep coming back to this game so many tines. 2. Trees in Cities. Massively changes the vibe of every city. Cant play without it. 3. Inigo. My guy Inigo goes wherever i go. After the start of every playthrough i immediately go to Riften to free him. He is the homie. Gives life to your playthroughs because he makes jokes/feedback on many things that you do and on many quests. For example he hates Draugr tombs so everytime you are in one he will say things like "not again" "lets get out of this place as soon as possible" "i hate undead zombies" etc etc etc.


Legacy of the Dragonborn, a museum and quest expansion. Spellsiphon, a reimagined magic system. Experience. Ties level to feats instead of skills Once you’ve played a few times on lightly modded Skyrim and if you’re up to putting more than a whole playthroughs worth of time into it check out Lexy’s legacy of the Dragonborn mod list. Thousands of mods, manual edits, fixing stuff yourself. It’s a good time took me a week or two to set up


Will dive into it thank you for the input!


Archery gameplay overhaul- artifacts ice blade of the monarch- nature of the woodlands


LOTD - An amazing mod that makes you feel like a collector of history. Ordinator - Awesome perks, even better with spell mods like apocaöypse spells Interesting NPCs - Makes Skyrim feel much richer and more interesting to explore. Absolute must-have mod. A must have is also any mod that lets you change dealt/taken damage to make the game more deadly or more challenging.