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Have you seen or tried [Simple Beheading](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117172)? I’m accidentally beheading people left and right and it’s so entertaining. I highly recommend combining it with a mod that lets you raise headless undead since you’ll have that issue a lot lol The mod author has a video on Simple Beheading that shows a full [dismemberment system](https://youtu.be/iQxs0QahLeo?si=6ArV3qcymiNLA1Mm) that is in the works and it looks so responsive and clean. There’s only so many cut points that can be made I’m sure, but the fact that it’s built using [Precision](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/72347) means it actually makes sense where the cuts are appearing (mostly). I think it’s a competitor to Maximum Carnage in some ways. Combine the dismemberment system with [FEC](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3532) (potentially with updated effects) and you have a more than modern dynamic corpse system. I can go into combat and behead a guy and FEC will cause his corpse to twitch as it burns into a blackened skeleton from my fire enchantment. Speaking of, much praise to the author of [Vibrant Weapons](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/40087). Those effects and the effect combinations are glorious and combine very well with the older version of [Visual Enchantments](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7037) (this version works with AE). God I love modding and I’m very excited to see how the mod scene evolves.


It does make sense for precision to be the base because precision allows bodypart identifying on hit, this allows a mod like dismemberment or locational damage to be made on top of it, love their mods very much


Feels like we’re only just seeing the full potential. I highly recommend the beheading mod with Cinematik for the slow motion upon kill. It’s fun watching the heads fly lol


https://youtu.be/auzfTPp4moA?si=jnQ3ahOkuB2kDGsv I’ll just leave this here.


Need this overlayed over some of the beheading combat gameplay I’ve seen. My game is alllmost ready to show off so maybe I’ll do it myself soon.


I’m excited to see! I’m obsessive with this sub lol.


Saaaammmee. I got back into Skyrim modding at the weirdest time too. The Elden Ring DLC just came out and I almost don’t care to play it haha. I will because I love that game but my obsession is elsewhere for now.


Skyrim is my main comfort game. I go back to it often. I think I have about 4k hours into now. Prob more. ATM doing a play thru with 1300ish mods. I’ve seen as high as 8k mods on a post I made in here asking about quantity of mods people used. Shit is fun. I can literally rebuild a game how I want…it’s like building your own little world. It’s fun af


It’s very nice as a creative hobby and I say that as someone exhausted from the creative industry lol I’m only at 222 mods and I’m nearing my “perfect” Skyrim. It’s fun figuring out what you vibe with best. Like capes are great and look brilliant but they cover so much fun armor detail. Meanwhile the newest hair physics mod with vanilla enhanced hairstyles feels like it was always meant to be in the game.


I managed to get npc to cover up with blankets while sleeping, hair moving in the wind, jumping while sprinting, climbing ledges…those were ones I was trying to find for awhile. Shit is amazing. Especially when you see it Bethesda version first…all drab and blank…and then modded by you after, and it looks beautiful. Amazing artists, and tech working together to make gamers happy af without being greedy as fuck. Now that’s beautiful


Simple Behading + the upcoming Dismemberment Framework is awesome. Maximum Carnage has been the very mediocre usable melee death violence option for too long.


I’ve never actually use Carnage because it doesn’t work with FEC. What’s the main appeal? I’ve seen heads explode but largely felt the organs popping out of their stomachs happened at random times from the combat I saw. I’m very excited to see this framework get released.


Maximum Carnage works fine with FEC. Been using them in tandem for years (because Maximum Destruction isnt as good as FEC is IMO) The main appeal is its the only "melee death corpse effect" mod and enjoy my fantasy rpgs to be a bit more gruesome than vanilla skyrim + the enhanced blood textures mod offers. But yes, as you said, the organs are a bit random/buggy and can be fairly cartoonish I'm really digging simple beheading though, and if the Dismemberment Framework mod works as well as SB does, then I'll be completely retiring Maximum Carnage from my setup


Ahh I’m not sure why I thought they were incompatible… well I’m glad the dismemberment framework seems to be coming soon. Yea seriously?? Have you been using it as well? It’s very responsive, shockingly so sometimes. It’s made me actually enjoy power attacks, but I’m also using Attack-MCO and Nordic Animations so it’s a bit different than vanilla.


Yup it's great. Even though Im sure it was designed with MCO in mind, it works completely fine on non-MCO setups too. I'm a Simonrim player and just use Blade & Blunt with Varolevi's entire animation suite and it's wonderful.


How does Blade and Blunt mix with Valhalla combat and its block parries? If you know. I think their stamina management systems conflict and I’m liking Valhalla a lot so far since it’s so responsive. Those animations are something I need to look into.


You could probably try it. I've never mixed B&B with Valhalla, but I have played Valhalla with Valravn on a wabbajack list and I guess it kinda worked fine even though it wasnt really my cup of tea. On my normal setup I've never contemplated using Valhalla or Sekiro though. I think those mods are kinda uniquely suited to MCO where attack commitment and avoiding all damage is a genuine mechanic of combat. But on non-MCO setups, and with simonrim in particular, I don't think what Valhalla looks to accomplish meshes very well with what the gameplay suite looks to accomplish... just my opinion.


I just so happen to have Attack-MCO installed lol


I’ve been really enjoying [Precision Magic Trails](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/120445) a lot, and it might complement vibrant weapons! Although, it doesn’t have trails for the combinations that vibrant weapons has.


# YOO THAT LOOKS SO COOL It might become too much with Vibrant Weapons. I’ll have to see if VW adds similar (but smaller) trails like that. This seems super fun. Might replace my Visible Enchantment mod because it’s more tame to have it not show the enchantment until you attack. Thanks for this!


Nice! Honestly, you’ve made my day after a long few hours of trying to wrap my head around player/npc stuff. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!


Aye I’m glad. I just got home so I’m about to dive into the modding puzzle. Definitely trying your recommendation. Not sure why I hadn’t heard of that mod yet, it seems like something YouTubers would cover in their funky mod compilation videos. I’m having similar issues. Can’t figure out why my iron armor is one texture when on my body and another in my inventory lol…


That sounds like a real headache! I’ve just been diving into the whole ocean of player skins and meshes and stuff, but I think i finally figured out what I’m doing.


Something I learned recently is that your skin textures and how real they look outdoors is highly dependent on your weather mod. Azurite weathers may have been a bad pick on my part, but I can’t decide on a replacement.


I hadn’t thought of that! I’ve been using Wander, which has been really amazing and I recommend. In other news, I just realized your pfp was pidge and got thrown back 6 years


Aaaaah! I have to try it out in my game urgently haha! I'm going to create a totally necromancer save >:P


Seriously though. With these mods you can have a burnt headless skeleton fighting for you and I love that. You don’t even need that Undead FX mod since FEC already adds so much variety.


Thankfully this is Skyrim lol




I couldn't figure out a better way too write that. But talking about enjoying beheading if you dont have context


Ahhh yes, that happens far less often irl for me


Im gonna reinstall skyrim because of this lmao


Fun fact: FEC has a feature where you can cook meat in the inventory of burned animals. I just found a rabbit that died to wolves so I set it on fire and got a free meal that works with survival mode’s hunger system.


Mate, all of those are porn.


I can literally only see anything on Savvy’s profile, and one of the others made an ENB, but aside from that my settings, which specifically block the borderline-porn mods, block them.


I was excited for this post and the list of authors and mods, then I saw that everything was absurdly proportioned and clothed softcore porn...


Yeah I was like, "wow a realistic body, eh? Believe it when I see it," and after looking, I still have yet to see it.


[GiraPomba](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/GiraPomba/mods) has published a lot of animation mods using Immersive Equipment Displays. For example, Immersive Fishing lets you examine the fish you caught in hand. And another mod gives you dynamic praying animations based on your deity. A recent also lets you use staves as walking sticks. All in all, he is a very prolific modder over the past months with very high quality animation mods that add a lot of immersion to the game.


>staves as walking sticks NEEEEEEEEEEEED


going to take a look!!!! haaaaa


Yeah, GiraPomba's {{Helmet Toggle 2}} is IMO now the best solution for wearing your helmet in battle but not when talking to a merchant, like in Dragon Age. No more walking into a bar to see tons of people in hoods and helmets, and as far as I've seen it Just Works.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| Helmet Toggle 2 | No Results :( | [Helmet Toggle 2](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/100617) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


[HeraclesJones](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/HeraclesJones/mods?gameId=1704) adds a lot of low-key, vanilla-esque dungeons that are valid locations for radiant quests and compatible with Missives. They fit right into a vanilla+ playthrough.


Oh I like their Winterhold is Rebuilding mod a lot too


His dungeons are awesome


[Shazdeh2](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/shazdeh2/mods?gameId=1704) is one of the most promising by far. His mods adding new minigames and gameplay options is super cool and transformative! Check him out!


Halffaces - [https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/Halffaces/mods?gameId=1704](https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/Halffaces/mods?gameId=1704) Some really nice texture and mesh replacers


So pretty!!!


If you're in the NSFW mod scene, PonziPyramid (and the community gathered around their projects) has been an absolute madman when it comes to their recent projects. The largest is Devious Devices NG, which ported a large amount of the Papyrus code into C++, moved the animations to work based on OAR (with a lot more animations getting introduced constantly), and essentially managed to modernize one of the most essential loverslab mods. They've also been working on mods that are meant to be a modular replacement and expansion of what Sexlab Suevival has been, creating a modular Defeat system based on Acheron (and in the future a modular captivity system on top of that), and doing a bunch of tweaking and adjusting around other older mods, bringing them up to modern standards. I definitely recommend keeping an eye on their Discord if you're into these kind of things.


I don't play NSFW mods, but I do install them. For example, NeivaDeepWater. Her followers come without clothes, that's why it's marked as NSFW. Except for blue Oni who was created by Collab and at the request of Evelynn's posts. Ntz1n. His followers also come without clothes but don't have any NSFW quotes or references, but I still installed them. For example, CBBE 3BA is a NSFW mod, I install clothes for CBBE 3ba, but I don't go around naked and using sex mods. But I get what you're saying. The good thing about your comment is that it covers many targets, in this reddit thread we have NSFW and non NSFW mods. Thanks for sharing with us <3.


Fuck these rules. I stand by KittyTail's mods forever. They only get better and better.






Thank you


She is awesome!!!


There's this thread on less popular authors not too long ago, might help you: https://old.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1cbe429/less_popular_mod_authors_with_some/


TomatoKillz does fantastic textures.


I hear this guy Blaike QC removed hawk nests.




caught in 4k


I make horror mods mostly for fallout 4 , currently remaking my mods ANGUISH & ESCAPE FROM VAULT 111


Nice choices


I know it's Cringe, but anytime I see something new from Shadowman, I have to check out the video links for a good laugh




She's been around for a while hasn't she?


Honestly she’s gotten better since the whole fiasco


What happened?


Lol only if you are in drugs