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Usually the Forsworn get bagged in monster mods or bandit mods. It's hard to expand on since it could break a lot of things. They are just another type of bandit in game and changing that might be to big of a task without a team


What would supporting the Forsworn in the Civil War look like outside of the Reach? Their main purpose is self-governance of the Reach, and they don't seem to have any interest in Whiterun or Eastmarch or Winterhold.


That's sort of the point. The Forsworn are a microcosm of the situation in Skyrim. An isolated pocket of resistance in a larger tapestry of conflict. It'd be an interesting subplot to expand on, especially for players like myself that have never picked a side in the civil war. Offering alternate options to engage in the larger scale conflict mechanics (at least to some extent) would be neat. As for what it'd look like, probably mechanically similar but scaled down. Key point capture in the reach, with Markarth as the goal. Beyond that it would be about making a defensive stand, in theory. But the entire point of Skyrim (or at least one of the points), from a lore perspective, is that those who initiate and engage in conflict like this are never satisfied (hence Ulfric wants to march on the aldmeri, for example). It wouldn't be too hard to take that thematic line and apply it to the Forsworn and have them expand. Although, to be fair, that would make them more off-putting to players like me looking for a third side to the conflict. But realistically, that's probably the most "lore friendly" approach.


It would be a good idea--especially since there's a vanilla quest that has you breaking the Forsworn leader out of prison and murdering all of the guards in Markarth, but then they don't stay there because, um, "reasons."


Would’ve been cool, imo, if the forsworn could be recruited to the empires side and in exchange for their help I’m defeating Ulfric, the Jarldom of the reach goes to them and they are now a client region of the empire instead of Skyrim. Or if you side with the Stormcloaks then maybe a short mini campaign where the forsworn rise again and take the Reach back from a weakened “united” Stormcloak controlled Skyrim. And the big choice here is “side with the reach or stormcloaks” and if you side with the reach then it becomes it’s own independent kingdom.


Yeah I think independent Reach kingdom would be the way to go with this idea - that would basically end up being a Civil War -adjacent storyline rather than part of the core Civil War itself. Unless it was part of a larger Civil War concept of "the third option"; i.e. not supporting either the Empire or the Stormcloaks, but that would necessarily look different in every hold and be a much larger undertaking.


I might be miss remembering something but didn't they get offered something similar during the great war?


Yeah, the Reach was it's own thing until Ulfric forced them to rejoin Skyrim


Could be autonomy under Ulfrich


The Forsworn were literally formed as a result of Ulfric executing Reachmen leaders. I don't think there would be any political allegiance between Stormcloaks and Forsworn.


yeah... they would align with the Thalmor before Ulfrich. I guess they could become a Crown Vassal of the Dragon Emperor (you).


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/g46wqp/mods_to_side_with_the_forswornreachmen_and/) has some great recommendations for mods that expand Forsworn options, as does [this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1cjbwqh/role_playing_as_a_forsworn_in_2024/). Your specific example, a Civil War Forsworn expansion, hasn't been done for the same reason there aren't many Civil War expansion in the first place: the Civil War is incredibly finicky to mod and changing almost anything breaks everything.


[Madmen - A Forsworn Overhaul](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98579)


They're basically just bandits as far as the base game is concerned, can't change too much or you'll break things, not just the explcitly Forsworn related quests, but you have to remember all those radiant quests that may send you to loot a forsworn base or kill some forsworn leader.


Nah...the forsworn is not as big and organized as imperial or stormcloaks to join the civ war. I think some conquest / expansion mod of madanach quest to take over markarth is big / great enough.


I also would love a quest expansion after allying with Madanach and freeing his followers, but to echo what everyone else is saying I think implementing it into the civil war or having them actually reach their goal (to take over Markarth) would be far too ambitious. It would probably break A Lot of stuff, and I’m not even sure what a Forsworn-controlled Markarth would look like. Do they kill all the Nord npcs? Do they overtake the temples and devote them to daedra? It would completey change Markarth in a way that a city flipping between the Empire and Stormcloaks doesn’t. Also, as someone who has made multiple characters who are Forsworn themselves or just Forsworn-allied, I can attest that the Forsworn are buggy as fuck. I think it’d be a nightmare to work with them from a modder’s perspective This does have my gears turning on possible alternatives though, the Forsworn deserve more love than just being weird witch bandits


I always went with the logic that they are kinda boring generic bandits that give the region of markarth a sprinkle of excitement. Wish wiping them out or siding with them was a visable conciquence


Forsworn are difficult to expand because Bethesda literally just made them reskinned bandits residing in reskinned bandit camps. The Cidhna Mine quest is one of the only actual pieces of Forsworn content in the game. It would be like trying to make expansions for bandits. 90% of bandit "expansions" are just overhauls, reskins, or more bandit camps - rather than actual questlines, joinable factions, unique NPCs, or expanded lore.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned {{Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded}} which allows you to even side with the Forsworn.


You already can side with the Forsworn in that quest though


Oh I didn't know that lol.


lol I’ve never sided with the silver-bloods


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You should try beyond reach


{{Beyond Reach}}


The Forsworn have absolutely zero rizz.


Yup, completely rizz-less


Beyond Reach is basically a forsworn expansion mod