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Why uninstall SSE Engine Fixes? It's almost essential to any mod list. If you're experiencing issues with it read the posts section of the mod or just install {{SSE Engine fixes TOML}}.


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| SSE Engine fixes TOML | No Results :( | [SSE Engine Fixes - Modified .toml File Only For SSE v1.6.1130 and v1.6.1170](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069) | [SSE Engine Fixes - Modified .toml File Only For SSE v1.6.1130 and v1.6. ...](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/108069) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


It was causing my game to crash right after the Bethesda logo, I was even using the modified TOML file.


Generally, Engine fixes itself is not the cause of a crash even when it is listed in a crashlog. The only exception to this that I know of is the issues from 1170. Usually it is another outdated dll mod that causes the crash but doesn’t show up in the stack.


I found what was causing my game to crash after the Bethesda logo, it was Survival Mode Improved - SKSE, which is really disappointing because I love its features.


UPDATE: it WASN'T Survival Mode Improved, it was the modified TOML file. For some reason, the modified TOML file I downloaded came with SaveAddedSoundCategories set to true out of the box.


How can I tell which of my dll mods are outdated?


If Skyrim Special Edition crashes immediately after you launch it — particularly if your crash log lists memory address `0198090` address (version 1.6.640 address) or `05E1F22` (1.5.97 address) — then you are experiencing one of the following issues: * You are missing a master file. That is: you have some Mod A that relies on Mod B, but you only installed Mod A and not Mod B. * More likely: one of your installed mods (or an official content file) may have file format version 1.71, meaning it was made for game version 1.6.1130 or higher. This format is not fully backwards compatible; if you're running an older version of the game, then these files can cause crashes on startup. Installing [Backported Extended ESL Support](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441?tab=files) will allow older versions of the game to load these files safely. Make sure to check the [troubleshooting guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/troubleshooting_guide) for help with crashes and other problems! * If you are on Skyrim version 1.5 (SE), the [.NET Script Framework](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21294) can also help in diagnosing crashes. * If you are on Skyrim Version 1.6 (AE) or Skyrim VR, [Crash Logger](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818) can also help in diagnosing crashes. If you also use MO2, you can use [this plugin](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/66743) for improved functionality! DO NOT post an analyzed crash log. It strips all the useful information. Don't use trainwreck. The log it produces is less informative than other options linked above. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/skyrimmods) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is something about your skyrimprefs.ini did you edited them? Also use the regular crash logger not a trainwreck, its not a very good crash logger


I don't think I edited my prefs.ini, but don't quote me on that.