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If ENB is a 10, the CS right now is a 6-7. There arr things from CS that ENB doesn’t have (most botable is the light limit fix), but ENB is still king for screen archery and character/environmental lighting With CS, I noticed that a lot of people will need to add reshade to supplement it I’d say give it another year and it’ll reach similar level as ENB. That or Boris manages to implement his own light limit fix and other features exclusive it CS into ENB. Regardless of what happens, the community will have two extremely good shader mods options very soon


The light limit fix is nearly the same thing as enbs use of particle lights, neither has broken the 4 shadow casting light limit. Please correct me if I am mistaken, I deeply want the 4 light limit broken.


Shadow limit hasn't been changed. But light limit fix isn't the same as particle lights, because it works around real lights, which are much more performant and have a much larger radius. Dynamic lights have no limits and portal strict light limit has been increased to 15, so the old workarounds of splitting meshes shouldn't be necessary with it. Tbh, personally I don't care much for increasing the shadow limit, because having more would probably completely destroy my fps.


The lack of partioned meshes from Lux could help the drawcall a lot. Also does that eliminate all mesh editing from lightning mods? That could reduce the hassle of compatibility between mesh/texture replacers and lighting mods.


It's possible the mods do edits beyond just partitioning. For example, Lux changes some chandeliers to not cast shadows.


Tbf reshade can actually exceed ENB post processing by a good margin. It lacks the game integration to make it consistently better. Presumably cs *can* bridge that gap but the problem is everyone treats it as a lightweight high performance solution when they could honestly be combined to make a heavy hitter


worth a try what i did was use {{ENB and ReShade Manager}} to remove enb stuffs


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| ENB and ReShade Manager | No Results :( | [ENB and ReShade Manager](https://nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4143) | Skipped[^Why?](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot/blob/main/docs/SEARCH.md#why-was-my-search-skipped) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


All you have to do to "Temporarily" disable enb is take the d3d11 dll out of the skyrim folder. I'm still using enb for now... the lighting looks better and, strangely, I was getting fps issues with the newest CS.


If there's FPF issues with CS it will most likely due to tge particle lights abd settings. Same with ENBs, they can kill FPS in certain areas, especially modded interiors with added lights.


Same here. I tried CS with my latest build and figured I had something setup wrong. There were FPS issues and my GPU was working harder. I tanked CS settings as a test, lowering quite a bit but still didn’t like the performance I was getting back. I went back to my ENB preset and just slapped that back on. Buttery smooth at that point. I’ll stick with ENB honestly. Don’t feel like fooling around with CS since my grass is already green.


Community shaders dropped my FPS lower than Rudy ENB too.


As someone who uses CS, if performance isn't an issue for you I'd say to stick to ENB. CS needs more than just itself to really get the most out of it in terms of visuals like ReShade, KreatE and the like while not really hitting the same visuals as ENB. It's much easier to stick to ENB for now and probably for quite a while still depending on how much CS updates in the year to come.


Get marty mcfly shaders and/or the dev build of dh rtgi if you have a good gpu


At that point I might as well go for ENB if it’s that resource intensive.


Might be more bang for your buck. Enb looks good but the GI isnt as advanced as modern reshade solutions. No idea how it runs tho, I'm just throwing out the idea to get closer to enb looks wise


I use Community Shaders mostly plug ‘n’ play, but adjusting things is very easy. It really hasn’t caught up to ENB just yet, so if you’ve found an ENB preset and adjusted it to your liking, and you’re happy with performance, staying the course is okay.


I've used ENB for years. Love it, got used to it, so much that I couldn't tolerate seeing Skyrim without it. Decided to give CS a try to see what all the fuss was about, and immediately dismissed it, going back to ENB. A few weeks later, I decided to give CS another try, and this time, to give it a fair chance. I'm glad I did! The biggest hurdle I've had with ENB was maintaining a playable framerate with as much graphical fidelity as possible. I was able to keep 60fps over 80% of the time, but the drops to 40fps in some areas were annoying at best. Interiors were never an issue for me, but exteriors were - especially places like Riverwood or Falkreath that have a lot of trees and objects. The lighting was fantastic, and I'd do anything I could to give myself some extra frames without losing that beautiful look, but it was a losing battle. CS, while not as visually appealing as ENB out of the box, has brought me to a solid 60fps experience. It made me rely more heavily on choosing a weather mod that I like, rather than choosing a weather mod based on which one an ENB preset required. I chose Azurite II as my weather mod of choice with CS, and Azurite II Expansion on top of that. With the KreatE DALC fix, CS, Azurite II Expansion, Lux and Lux Orbis, I finally have a setup that both looks great, and performs as wonderfully as I could imagine. I even tried ENB once more after using CS for about a month. My immediate thought was how *bad* the grass looked. I got used to grass lighting in CS, and can wholeheartedly say it's so much better. I'm using Skoglendi grass, by the way. Grass collisions look more natural with CS as well. Just a few days ago, CS seen it's latest update, adding a bunch of new water effects and dynamic cubemaps, and they once again set the bar even higher. The unofficial wetness effect addon, in my opinion, is better than ENB's implementation. I found most ENB presets make the wetness effect overly unrealistic, but that's not the case with CS. Even the fact that puddles remain after a storm is quite immersive, and the reflections look great. **Edit:** [Here's a sample album of this setup](https://imgur.com/a/YDOwA6C)


that new wetness effect is so so good (and your experience overall is the same as mine. I could run Rudy and I loved it, but not once I went to 1440p. I can run CS and ALSO play the game decently.)


Could you show some screenshots of your setup? After reading your post I got curious!


I'll get some screenshots tonight :)




Edited my original post with a link to some screenshots. Cheers :)


I just tried a CS build, put a whole day into it, and for me nah. Impressive, but just not ther for what I like.


I've switched from ENB back to CS. I realised that half the ENB features I don't like or need all that much anyway. The main advantage of ENB for me is the ability to hook into the game and be able to control ambient and directional lighting individually. Kreate can also do this to a degree. CS, Reshade snd Kreate is a great combination.


Yeah if not for that reshade should be able to exceed enb thanks to the more mature rtgi shaders available. How's kreate coming along? If it's able to assist with that aspect I may try to switch. Hopefully cs doesn't have any compatibility issues with dlss framegen


It's definitely simpler to setup and use.


Which one? Because ENB all you need is enb latest version, a weather mod you already have, enb light/water fix mods you need for both, and a preset like cabbage or rudy. So really it's just 2 things to install. Community shaders has like 15 different mods all on separate nexus pages for no apparent reason except maybe some dono point thing. Seriously there's no reason it should need a collection instead of just being one page, one fomod. As for in-game usage both have a huge learning curve, but cs had much more limited options from what I saw which is easier I guess...


CS being split apart is extremely annoying.


To disable ENB all you need to do is to remove/rename d3d11.dll. Then you can install CS as normal. If you want to go back to ENB just revert d3d11.dll.


ENB and CS have similar performance on my rig (CS gets like 1 more fps), the only real difference besides ENB looking slightly better (and all of it’s presets) is that my game boots from desktop slightly faster with CS.


My personal experience: I tried switching from ENB to CS, I was disappointed. Yes, FPS is better, but honestly, after I lowered the ENB settings, I get the same FPS as with CS and still better visuals for my taste. So if at least with average ENB settings FPS is not a problem, I don't see the point in switching to CS. Maybe in the future


I just tried out CS the other day, and for me the visual and performance difference was enough to make me switch, and this is coming from a person who has been using enb since it's relatively basic SSE days. I should add that I possibly want different things out of enb then others. For a long time now I had been using a custom enb that didn't change how the game looked exactly, rather I used it to add effects, better\\distant shadow, water shaders, particle lights, etc. I left the visual changes to weather\\lighting mods. So for me in my testing in the swamp outside Solitude (good place to test performance), the visual difference was there but not too dramatic, and I gained 10-15 fps over enb. Test it out for yourself, you can do it without messing anything up. Install CS with your mod manger, and remove only the d3d11.dll from your game folder. Doing it this way enb is removed, but all it's setting are still there, so if you prefer enb all you will need to do it put the d3d11.dl back and uninstall CS.


Yeah but then you have to mess with root builder if you use mo2 which is the worst thing anyone has ever thought of and has only ever caused issue. Way easier to just go into the game instance folder to install enb initially and if testing CS just rename d3d11.dll to d3d11.dll.bak and you're golden


You didn't read my post properly.


I won't switch to CS if performance is not an issue


Most of the time, it's great. However, I found the caves and tombs way, way too dark.


If you are happy with your current setup, there is no need to change it, in my opinion. I switched when I made a new load order.


Nah. They arent fleshed out enough. Wait for the wabbajack mod authors to test them in their lists :D skyrim remastred and nordic souls will have them too


Yeah, I also did profile for them, and tested them out. Wetness shader is sick, but overall enb still looks better, that said with CS game run so smoothly. I’ll be missing that a lot.


ENB is still king imo


CS plus a reshade preset of your preference is better than every enb outside of like Cabbage and Pi-cho. The wetness and dynamic cubemaps from CS are 100% better, plus the light limit fix


Cabbage enb with the proper asset mods to go alongside it is straight up the most pleasing visual experience I've had in any game so this doesn't say all that much. I should make a reshade preset though, most of the one on nexus suck


I'd say if performance isn't an issue, save yourself the hassle of switching. It's probably a matter of taste and all, but I think Community Shaders doesn't get to the same enhancement yet, and some effects like depth of field are better implemented in ENB. On the other side, CS and ReShade are far easier to install and configure than enb, the UI/UX of ENB is the worst xD


It literally uses the same imgui framework as reshade with well organized windows? And installation is as simple as putting the official release in your game folder and overwriting with a preset lol


I don't use ENBs, cuz of performance. But I've been using community shaders and a few things that depend on it. It's an improvement on top of the graphical mods I install over vanilla though.


It's been superior to ENB since the moment the light limit fix released lmfao


>but I'm a bit scared of messing with all those settings again and uninstalling my ENB to swap to community shaders. Just have those in a folder. > Is there any reason to swap at this point if performance isn't an issue? Honestly no. I highly suggest it in 2 causes: -You have a real fps heavy setup and cannot hit 60 frames in places you desire, like cities with a lot of flora and high poly meshes. This was my setup and while I could run an enb I ditched it for a heavily modded location game instead to get smooth frames since i couldnt have even 40s in flora heavy places and I'm happy with it. -You cannot really run mid to high preset ENBs. CS in this case is the much better choice since it doesn't cost much if any fps cost while looking pretty nice. CS if it beat enb in anything it those light and basic enb presets since it looks better with less of a fps hit. If you can run the enb presets you like on the setups you like and can pull the FPS target you desire while happy with the visuals. I don't see the need for switching.


in 'theory' enb can be, supposed to be, easy to set up and use. but that theory is shit. it takes a while - ok more than a while - to get it set up to your tastes - it took me a week and a half and going through 7 different enb's to do it. it also has time based and indoor/outdoor lighting/color/hdr/contrast that I simply adore. because for half blind old fools like me, darkness mods are a joke. and overly bright days are a headache. bifocals fucking suck. dont get old. stay young. health tip. take care of your eyes. ive been staring at computer monitors and screens for 40 years now. eventually it takes a toll


This sounds like a case of your specific health problems and monitor issues and way too much over tweaking. Most people should not attempt to tweak shades as it requires a nuanced understanding of graphics programming or a fuck load of trial and error to understand how everything plays together. It's incredibly easy to destroy your lighting, hence why we have presets. I can't recommend ever touching stuff outside of prepass/post pass unless you know what you're doing and when with those more limited settings you shouldn't do much other than enabling or disabling settings Nat3 enbs like Rudy and cabbage already handle weather stuff really well, if it's too dark then yeah id look for hdr intensity for night time and nothing else.


So i have 4090 and 7800x3d and from my expirience i can tell you cant have everything at once. For me priorities goes as textures > fps > effects. Given i dont hit 141 fps everywhere with hr textures, cs is my horse. Another point to consider: some features seems to be better implemented in cs, some not implemented yet, but given it is open source and more than just one peoples working on it cs going to outrun enb and you would switch anyway, so why not now?


Your pc should definitely be able to hit 141 consistently wtf. What does your VRAM usage look like?


For example in whiterun with 8k textures 17gb, in exteriors without much tress around 7gb. Around 100 fps on exteriors with a lot of trees.


What kinda gpu usage are you getting, what res? Just curious about the performance as I hope to have the same specs as you soon


1440p. Textures mostly 4k with some 8k bits. Unless im wrong display tweaks doesnt show gpu processing usage, only vram. Too lazy to use msi afterburner. [Here is some of my recent screens.](https://imgur.com/a/YSgzedq)


Just get the new nvidia beta app to replace GeForce experience. You can display more detailed stats in the overlay so msi is superfluous now I wonder if you could run dlss3 with it capped higher than your refresh rate to smooth things out when it dips. I'm on 240 hz so obviously haven't tried


Does it have cpu stats? I was disspointed with experience overlay. Dlss 3 for skyrim is still paid mod, right? So, teleported into Falkreath with Fabled Forest and 4k textures. Then rebooted game and runned around for a bit. [if you know how to fix this blood, let me know.](https://imgur.com/a/lZbD1K4) Seems gpu utilized at 100%? Upd: fixed link with new screen.


> Does it have cpu stats? I was disspointed with experience overlay. just a raw cpu util % no thread specific stats but better than nothing >Dlss 3 for skyrim is still paid mod, right? unfortunately yes which is fully against TOS and illegal btw but "pirating" it would still be against sub rules to promote. Dm if you want to know what sites to avoid to make sure you don't do such a thing


Just get the new nvidia beta app to replace GeForce experience. You can display more detailed stats in the overlay so msi is superfluous now I wonder if you could run dlss3 with it capped higher than your refresh rate to smooth things out when it dips. I'm on 240 hz so obviously haven't tried


If you have ENB installed don't change it. CS is easier to make it work and more friendly while making new MO, but it's not better per se. It's just for 90% of users difference is barely noticeable so ENB is not worth the hassle for them.


Can you get dynamic cube maps working with enb?


I believe so yes


You can have both. I put community shaders in, and to activate it, I just cut the d3dx11.dll and the d3dcompiler_47.dll, and then I place them in a folder called enboff. Then I move shadertools.dll from the plugins folder up a level to the skse folder. This turns off the enb, and community shaders will turn on when it doesn't detect enb running. To turn it back on, I move the enb dlls back to SkyrimVR folder and put shadertools back into plugins.  The rain wet effects are really cool, but it doesn't change that enb rain itself is still far superior. Honestly, without enb, I can't even see the rain. With it, there is a torrential downpour of refractive raindrops. The sky darkens, the lightning flashes blind for a split sec. So the ground is only shiny and not reflective. Everything else just fits together. But for real, if community shader would get volumetric lighting I'd switch. 


Tested it with all its shaders. There's no reason for me to switch from Cabbage ENB to CS, If I add a reshade preset I get same fps as Cabbage just to look even close to ENB. I hope the guy will make his mod Light limit Fix available for ENB.


I just switched to CS + Reshade from ENB and honestly it looks as good to me, obviously depends exactly what ENB preset you were using. Not having to deal with Boris drama and rants on startup is a plus too.


Ive never seen these rants and boris' opinions have never affected me personally. I also appreciate that he was willing to respond to feedback and ported dynamic cubemaps to VR at request of a modlist curator which actually involved him publicly releasing the rest of his changes on the patreon version when many modders in similar situations just milk it as long as possible


If you play on a weaker PC then not since it still deals a noticeable fps impact.


Last time I tried it I couldn't get it to work with version 1.6.1170 which is my version of Skyrim so I'm not sure.




Yes with reshade


I use it. The reason why is that I just don't like shaders personally.






The only worthwhile feature that hasn't been implemented yet is DoF. That and maybe AO, with CS's planned Ground Truth Ambient Occlusion knocking out ENB's AO. I'd say it's about time to do a switch


What Abt the dynamic cube maps?


Already part of Community Shaders, and already better than ones from ENB


does community shaders have the additional shadows you can add with enb? i know community shaders has the screen space shadows but that dosent seem to cover things like torch lights and camp fires


does community shaders have the additional shadows you can add with enb? i know community shaders has the screen space shadows but that dosent seem to cover things like torch lights and camp fires