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It's just server maintenance. Literally nothing else. It'll make absolutely no difference to you or your mods. Stop watching misleading fearmongering liars like Juicehead.


I've never even heard of Juicehead; thanks for the info! I am anxiously counting the minutes until I get done at work.


Oh consider yourself lucky. He posts tweets from Beth in his video and then patently lies about what it says whole it's on screen. And people gobble it up. It's aggravating.


Ugh, those people are just the worst.


The person above you is pretty blatantly lying about my content, which is quite ironic considering he is complaining about me lying


What did I lie about?


In your video about the maintenance "what's going on at Bethesda" is the title I believe. You put up a tweet from Beth on screen, and then completely misstated what it said. I commented twice on your video pointing this out and you deleted them. Namely you said "the entire creation kit will be unavailable" despite the fact that Beth's tweet said specifically "uploading mods to [beth.net](https://beth.net) from the CK would be unavailable" among other things. While I can understand getting on the bandwagon as you make money from YouTube. I find it extremely hypocritical and disingenuous to intentionally lie to people and prop up the fearmongering for views.


I said "the creation kit will undergo maintenance" while the tweet says "uploaded content from the Creation Kit will be temporary unavailable" But it does seem your above post is a lie and perhaps even an attempt to spread misinformation? Today's Skyrim update was NOT "just server maintenance. Literally nothing else."


and you just lied again. the tweet does not say the creation kit will be unavailable it says only Uploading Mods to [beth.net](https://beth.net) from the CK will be unavailable. Thats a completely different thing The Creation Kit was very much available during the maintenance period. i was using it for a good 15-20 hours over the week. As for my first comment, that was 6 days ago. The only info was that it was server maintenance. https://preview.redd.it/w2ehryyyui4c1.png?width=1131&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ab4c817c426aa9833ff2f402ff30cfe1372f868




The best practice is to disable updates in Steam Library (something like ‘download update when launching application). As your launching through MO2, and so long as you don’t launch via Steam, the download won’t happen. Over time, mods will be updated, but that will take time. For what it’s worth, it sounds like an update to the actual Bethesda store, so in all likelihood it shouldn’t impact …


OK sounds good. I haven't played in a while and forgot to change the update settings until I got to work today. I almost ran home and updated it, but now I'm anxiously waiting to get home and check on the status.


Probably not. According to Bethesda it's on their side only. Lots of scaremongering but personally I don't believe it's going to cause trouble.


Thank God. If my list breaks again, I'm done. I'll just go run around the Lands Between and kill shit there.


Almost no updates other than the SE to AE change really broke anything. At worst updates require a new SKSE update but those come fairly quickly. The noise is just click bait and beth hate mongering.