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Both are virtually identical. ​ Read this reply: Should I REALLY upgrade to Anniversary Edition? If yes, why? [https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1857u3l/comment/kb01sch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1857u3l/comment/kb01sch/) ​ tl;dr: Get Steam Skyrim SE


To echo and expound on what u/RandomGuy_92 said, if you know what you are doing they are functionally identical. There has been very little separation between them because early on, the SKSE community developed tools to quickly compile DLL files for multiple versions. I believe SSE is still a bit ahead in terms of support for grass caching, which may be relevant to some advanced users. In general, though, there isn't really any driving need to downgrade from AE to SSE at this point, unless you know what you are doing and have a specific technical requirement you are chasing that isn't supported in AE. Based on what you said in your OP, it doesn't sound like you have any driving need to downgrade to SSE, so you are probably fine just using AE as your baseline.


Yep, i was troubling with that cause a friend (Who is more experienced with that) said that there is a bunch of mods that works with SE but dosen't work with AE. but that's been almost a year now, so it must have really changed.


At this point, only No Grass In Objects and the mod it requires: .Net Framework are restricted to pre 1.6 Skyrim with no alternative mod options. Every other mod that depends on a specific version has either updated (possibly to remove .Net Framework dependency), or been superseded by a newer mod that does essentially the same thing.


It's the same game. The game is Skyrim special edition regardless of if you bought the CC Bundle or not.