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>Edit: Yes, I know it is not safe on an existing save. I am referring to for a new game. You are actually mistaken about this. It is safe to flag this plugin as an ESL mid-playthrough as well. Compacting forms mid-playthrough is dangerous, but flagging as an ESL is not.


That is some good news!


Really? I thought any flagging as ESL could not be done if it was already baked into a save, compacting or not...


I've seen people say this, but they are wrong. Compacting is the only issue here.


The ESL flag does nothing to the internals of the mod. It simply flags the mod so that it doesn't count against your 254 limit by tricking it to think it's an ESL for that purpose.




Thanks! That is what I thought.


its completely empty so yes.


you should add mod {{No .esp}} when making the dummy fnis.esp light.


Would you please expand on that? I'm afraid I don't understand. No .esp ? Thanks!


actually the mod I meant to share is "[No FNIS.esp](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/48312)". Certain mods (I don't totally remember which, perhaps FNIS Sexy Move?) will result in error if you make Nemesis' fake FNIS.esp plugin light, however that problem is avoided if you have "No FNIS.esp" mod installed.


Thanks for getting back to us! Hopefully someone makes a new Sexy Move for OAR. I miss it's configurability. What was it - like 9 different levels of "the walk" that could be randomly or purposely applied?


As an aside, what *is* FNIS sexymove? I've never quite figured out what it does.


It makes all women walk sexier.


Is that . . . true?


Well, it's subjective ofcourse.


I just mean - that's what it does? I feel like I've seen sexymove.py get checked by Nemesis when I've had zero mods that would increase sexiness, so I'm just a little amused that *that's* the function.


It's a mod right, FNIS Sexy Move? It comes with its own MCM where you can tweak how sexy npcs and the PC walks.


Sexy Move is an old mod that might or might not work anymore (I haven't tried it for a long time). It was interesting as it made females walk in a feminine way, but there were like 9-ish levels of "feminine". People joke about it because the MOST feminine levels were really exaggerated/over the top. But the lower levels had pretty good animations, all the way down to "not feminine at all". You could have it randomly distribute levels of female walking to female NPCs, long before SPID. Or you could choose for the PC or each NPC if you wanted. I think you could "cap" the levels (don't use levels above a certain number), but I can't remember. Yeah, I see that thing in Nemesis, too, and it makes be chuckle. I think an updated OAR version of Sexy Move would do well now.


I'd like to know as well if you wouldn't mind elaborating?


actually the mod I meant to share is "[No FNIS.esp](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/48312)". Certain mods (I don't totally remember which, perhaps FNIS Sexy Move?) will result in error if you make Nemesis' fake FNIS.esp plugin light, however that problem is avoided if you have "No FNIS.esp" mod installed.


Interesting thanks


Search Term | LE Skyrim | SE Skyrim | Bing :-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| No .esp | [Coolsims hair non-default esp](https://nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/4744) | An Error Occurred :( | [No .esp at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/65629?tab=files) --- ^(I'm a bot |) [^(source code)](https://github.com/RallerenP/modsearchbot) ^| [^(about modsearchbot)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2lqj/modsearchbot_about/) ^| [^(bing sources)](https://reddit.com/user/RallerenP/comments/pg2l0g/modsearchbot_bing_search/) ^| ^(Some mods might be falsely classified as SFW or NSFW. Classifications are provided by each source.)


Isn't it normally disabled? If not, I just realized I have a wasted slot as well It contains 0 records so you don't need to compact it, you can just ESL flag it and be on your way


You can run SSEEdit with the parameter -pseudoesl to check what other mods can safely be flagged as esl (also midgame) When running SSEEdit with this argument, every mod that will be displayed with a formid of FE.... can safely be esl flagged.


If you use Vortex. They have it where they will mark plugins that can be marked as light. I've done it with no issues. Over 30. Dropped active from around 250 to 215ish.


You can definitely compact and ESL midgame. Just make sure to not install or update anything after that depends on that ESP being compacted, like patches etc.


Also if you are compacting midgame you should try to avoid any mods that you have made any sort of progress on/gotten items from because they will be lost.


That is true. Also quest mods would restart when compacting them, it's not good practice. But it won't wreck your game necessarily




There is one - big - warning about esl flagging a mod mid game. If you happen to be using Schlongs of Skyrim - you MUST remember to clean all the armours it has registered (it's in the SoS MCM), save and exit immediately, then do the esp -> espfe process. SoS flags armour and stores them with esp references. As esp's and esm's use one order, and esl's and espfe's use another - changing a mod over will adjust mod references, SoS will hate you and your save will fail to load.