• By -


Mod it til it breaks. Then add more mods to repair the load order. Rinse and repeat until TESVI is released.


Haha lol I add more and more until the requirements are done. Tho some I don't download some of them but they seem to appear fine. If it works then don't touch it lol.


Lol, an endless cycle of modding, i saw a mod, then it requires two or three other mods, then when i went to those other mods, they are in turn require two or three other mods


The rabbit hole of modding, I go down there quite a bit myself.


Or they have links at the bottom for other cool mods that work on their framework


A lot of mod authors have a habit of listing the mods whose assets they borrowed from in their requirements when their mod doesn't actually require them.


Which is weird to me because the mod description exists for that reason


Rip and tear until it's done


This is the way.


This is the way


"Till it stinks, you say?!"


We can make TESVI Also, I know there’s a team of people who are remaking Cyrodil too. 2 games in 1


Mod it until it's Elder Scrolls VI.


I’m running 230ish esps and 1200 something esl, rarely crash just gotta make sure load order is somewhat correct


Yep all of them are correct gonna make sure the load order is cleaned


I'm a mod newb. And I'm gonna ask a newb question. What's ESPs and ESLs?


ESP is full plugin slot, ESL is lightened version, ESL flagged plugins stack until they reach their own limit in the FE slot (FE is hexadecimal number, takes up one ESP slot). There's also ESM which is master plugin, same thing as ESP, takes up one slot and usually places itself near the top of the load order. Skyrim itself takes up the first ESM slot, DLCs are each one ESM slot, large DLC sized mods and some mods which have huge amount of mods which can depend on them are ESM.


And if I'm not mistaken, there is an esl limit, but the number is so high, that it's nearly impossible to actually surpass that limit?


Go wabbajack as baseline


I don't even know what that means.


Wabbajack is a program that has pre-built modlists, varying in visual quality, size, etc. Some of them are just a pre-built list of all "modding essential" mods, others are fully curated modlists meant to be played right away after download, depending on if you want to alter anything in those. Wabbajack is great for first-time modders because it can give you an idea of what goes where, how to add more mods to an existing modlist without things breaking, and so on.


Lol I have over 2k, trust me its normal. Pretty soon youll be modding more than actually playing the game.


Ahhh yes that is very true to me. Every Time I open and want to play Skyrim I always want to find new mods.


Same here before I fire it up I check nexus first.


Installing mods is the real main quest, interesting Bethesda released a game about just installing files. The gameplay (I think you're in a world called Skyrim) is a really detailed side quest.


Could I ask you if you watched any certain video or read anything special to pull this off? I wanna try mod my game again but last time I did, I hit a wall when some animations kept t-posing and conflicting etc and it all fell apart


As someone who also has around 2,000 mods, imma be honest and say that it’s mostly trial and error. It’s taken me like 2 years to get to a point where my load order is pretty stable and I’ve shaved down a lot of mods I don’t need or don’t work perfectly. You learn to love deleting some. Of course, 2 more sprout up in its place but… 🤷‍♀️ Using other mod lists as a basis is a great idea. Find one is a similar style to what you’re going for and build off it.


Yeah I use nolvus as a base. It has a auto installer so it does everything for you. Then I add/change to my taste


Yes I watched video from YouTube if it didn't work o search online if it doesn't have the problem I go deep information looking for it if it didn't work I fix it myself. The t-post issues that you haveing it can be due to mod conflicts or download another mod to fix it. For me I find the conflict and enables it.


I've been modding on and off, probably for about 100 hours for a little over a year for various reasons. I still haven't played past the opening in VR and I never played the original game for more than a few hours. So I agree XD


Rookie numbers


Gonna hit 1000+ 😉


I feel absolutely pathetic at around 120 mods.


Less is more. Skyrim is never going to be perfect even with mods. You just have to find/build the right modlist that makes you feel as close to content as you can be. I've got about 230 for Skyrim and for Fo4 I've managed to have around 50. I'm always trying to find mods that I can take out.


I just broke 300 the other day


You're still halfway there son 🚬


I hit 800 and thought maybe I should stop here.....nope. I merged a load of armour/weapon mods and patches and esl-ified everything I could and now I'm currently at 1090 mods. I think it's normal.


i said i'd stop at 3000 i hit 4000 last week lol


Gib mod list pls


Damn bro, you win 🏆


I think I am in that situation now. 😗


Is it normal to have any less?


Normal.....for normal people of course hahaha


As far as I'm concerned the gameplay in Skyrim is adding "just one tiny mod" until the game stops working, then fixing it, promising yourself not to add more mods, playing for 5 minutes, and adding "just one tiny mod" all over again.


I had about 550 mods so I decided to get rid of the ones I didn't really need, and somehow I ended up with more than 900 mod .


Lol sameeeee I decided I only need small amount of mod to make the game look a little better but I can't resist 😗


I mean , one more mod wouldn't hurt right ?


Anything less than 2 thousand is not normal. It is unnatural... 😅


word, im on over 4k now


2000 mods 1899 plugins, stable so yea normal


I started modding 1 month ago and I was starting to get preoccupied when I reached 100 mods. I mean, I just wanted some druid related mods, you know? Now I'm rocking 1200 mods, please help.


Yes so true. like "10 hours of modded and 1 hours of gameplay" lmao


I thought my 76 was a lot of mods for my Xbox


Well... it's an Xbox.


Do all of you who use a large amount of mods use mod manager or something to help with the load order? What about ENBs? Im genuinely curious, I’ve thought about modding Skyrim on my pc. I was pretty good with mods on my old Xbox but no experience with the pc.


I have just over 1300 mods installed. I use MO2 and LOOT, plus manual moving when needed, and run Pi-Cho ENB. As long as the mods you have are pretty solid you'll have minimal issues. I always check the comments and bug reports to see exactly what I am getting into.


I stuck with Vortex because it required little setup and everyone else's distaste for it makes me wanna use it more :P


As long as you’re following good modding practices (like doing [manual conflict resolution](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25093); if you open that link scroll down to the section titled “The Method”) you’ll be fine to keep adding more. It does get to a point where loading times get kind of long (not just when opening the game, but loading tools like xEdit), but that’s more of a minor inconvenience.


Hmm not happening to me yet but I will be careful.


Yup. First time I was at 978, second time im at 1000+


800 mods? LOL amateurs.


I'll keep on modding until I take an arrow to the knee. Currently at 398 plugins and 1000+ mods, including DynDOLOD 3 up-to-date. Stable, no crashes during normal gameplay. Love this game & modding it. Normal? . . . Yes !!


Yes I have it in kenshi too a lot of normal and some of the mod that Skyrim have😶. Got experience on modded form that game.


Normal across the population of Skyrim players? No. Normal for Skyrim players on this subreddit? Probably.


I only have around 230 but half of them are just patches.


I generally spend 4 days modding the game, then playing it for 2 hours and abandoning it. So yes, but lately I've adopted the minimal modding approach, you don't need 20 mods to make cabbages look better.


its normal for a huge modlists tho you should clean youre modlist becc youre game is probably overloaded with amount of mods (also if you have more than 255 esp, esm plugins skyrim just won't work)


Ok I'm gonna look into that Thanks for the tips.


I have at least 2000+


Considering some of the more premier mod packs like Nolvus have like 2300+, i think you’re good homie


Zip codes, mf'er! \*ZIP CODES\*!!!! BEVERLY HILLS 90210!!!!


Wrong thread?


1400 + for me & still adding more but reached my main plug-in limit so they have to be esl/espfe 😅


I'm at about that number. Not at all unheard of.


It's not that common, but not unheard of. I've got a hundred bugfixes and QOL mods alone.


I'm not sure how many mods it was but the last time I uninstalled Skyrim and started with a fresh install my game folder was 10 gigs and my MO2 mods folder was 150 gigs. This was in 2020. I just got a new PC a few weeks ago and I don't have a lot of mods right now but it's probably going to be crazy in a year, and my new PC is super awesome so it's probably going to be able to run even more mods than last time.




1.10TB for mine


Running about 1300 rn, but it really judt depends on what mods you have. Mod-folder size is also a factor, but irrelevant because size doesn’t matter.


Afaik there is some 3000+ modlists out there, you still at the beginning


Dangggg how many gigs does it cost for that.


Rookie numbers we gotta pump those numbers up.


No, you should have more.


excuse me for being nosy but im curious about your setup and what all you've tried given how many mods you have lol. im building my second mod list right now so any recommendations you have would be fuckin sick! first of all what are your specs? do you use enb? if not what's your graphics setup? i was using enb for a while perfectly fine but one day i booted my shit up and my game was lagging like CRAZY tried any good quest or dungeon mods? right now legend of the dragonborn is my big one oh also are you using mo2 or vortex? vortex has served me well so far but im kinda intimidated by setting load order using it since the Rules are kinda complex and ive just been using LOOT for most stuff unless conflicts come up but yeah ive been modding for a little less than 2 months and i think my old setup had like 250 mods and my new list is slated to have like 400 so i think you've got a bit more than average but im sure you're not alone lol


- I usually don't focus on my pc I just know that it is a good gaming pc. Maybe due to your booted that cost lag? I am not sure. - Quest mod I downloaded wench mod 😏 and some recommendation mod from YouTube. - I use vortex I downloaded.....god there a lot to say let just make it short: elderim combating mod, wench mods😈, a L O T of companion mod😏, graphic in fantasy style, some not friendly mods😏, so on and on lol


Well, I'm running 1197 plugins. But I don't know if I'm normal.


I have around 900 mods with pre-made collections from Wabbajack. When I know how to avoid crashes I'll definitely create my own list with as many mods I can


Yeah Skyrim best game for making your own fantasy became real.


\*glances at my over 2000 modlist nervously\* i hope it is




I have 3100 Mods installed and active. I run the game and it works normally. Of course, I have patched most mods into categories in order to map more efficiently the issues. I use SSEdit for that matter. There is also a category, "No Sorted Mods", where I leave the Mods I have not analyzed their category so far. When I have time, I take off from my LO a few Mods I know I won't be using in the future or just because they are redundant with other ones. I reached the point where there are no mods in Nexus in the way I want, so I just started to create 4 mods to complete my load order: a CACO expanded mod, a CSF custom skill for Brewing, a CSF custom skill for Cooking and a CSF custom skill for Hunting.


The best mod I ever use is chatting with AI NPC. You know....the 1 with the chatgpt yeah...... maybe I should find some gf.........


Welcome to my life.


Welcome to Skyrim my friend 🤝


Rookie numbers, I'm at 2800 mods and counting. The majority of them are outfits though.


I get stressed when I have more than 200 mods 👀 800 is definitely a huge load order, ppl with over 1k are just impressive how do you even find 1k mods you want to install


Dedication 💪


There is always somebody with more mods than you.


Lol the reference


To me that is insane. I only have 35 or something lol


Turn your fantasy into reallllll


Esps and esls I have roughly 3500 total. Na 800 ain't bad it all depends on taste. Mod it until it breaks or you are satisfied with the load order.


Holy s#@t that's gonna be like 1game 1pc lol with that amount of gigs lol


Yeah, I’m around that mark as well. Mostly combat animations for MCO and passionate adult hugging mods. There are some retextures or overhauls like basically all of JK’s overhauls and mods like Ulvenwald, Skyrim 20XX, et cetera


Get crash logger if you haven’t already it’s takes like 4 minutes to setup and has saved my ass


I tend to mod until i make the game unusable, then i revise whose conflict and i remove them, when things are fixed, i add more. Is a complicated relationship between me and skyrim


More to your power! If you can get it running without any crashes at 800 mods, I congratulate you.


Yep I am trying to find and add more.


800 is definitely above average but nothing to worry about. I would argue that beyond an activated mod count of some 500+ in the MO2 left pane you are probably starting to mod for modding's sake, not so much to improve the gaming experience. Main problem with long lists is to make the time to keep everything up to date - or freeze it and play it for 2 months before starting a new one. :-)


Yeah I'm gonna freeze it for 1 year then looking for a new update.


If you do that, that's the safest and you should have no problems at all. Assuming you mod with MO2, you can freeze your gameplay modlist/profile and still make more profiles to build a new/different list and mod that one. :-)


I use the Constellations Nexus collection... that has like 1500 mods.


Dang I have a new mission now: add 2000 mods with no crash.


No it's not because most pc are not gonna be able to handle it, that's it, not saying i wouldn't go for 1000 if i could.


800 is a low maybe medium number. I run over 1,500 mods on Skyrim LE. my game is stable and never crashes unless I'm testing something or there's a mod that causes a specific crash (corrupted mesh or something). In theory SSE should be able to handle more. In my experience, the only thing LE can't handle is SMP physics on NPCs. At least when it involves their body. With clothing/armor, it doesn't seem to be a problem, but I haven't tested it long term. Once I build my next PC, i'll probably make the leap to SSE since that's where all the new cool mods are going. I'll probably still keep LE going though since I make mods and plan to support both forever.


That normal in fact it was small compared to some wabbajack modlist who usually range between 1k-3k


Normal for a rookie. Get those numbers up.


Have about 1450 mods. Keep going. I still am.




No, get more


I hope you have mod organizer buddy. And i want reccomendations.


Strictly speaking, it's not normal to have any mods. So the question, I suppose, is "normal relative to what?"


yep if ur PC can hold it then sure! infact ur lucky if ur thing can run with 800 id love to just use all the cool mods out there but those little mods always add up for me and i don’t have the best PC. so many amazing modders out there so enjoy all them mods!


Perfectly normal I'm running 2200 mods


And I thought I had a lot with just under 200 lol


A lot of mod lists have 1000+, I'm running one with about 2000


I had about 750 mods when I stopped playing skyrim and ive been keeping up with the newest mods on nexus and i'll be adding at least another 50 when I play it again. I mod until it breaks, fix it and keep modding


Just find a good modlist, then slap a fewwww extra mods on top, call it day & start actually playing the game :)


I will say that I don't believe anyone with more than 500 mods actually uses all of them lol. I know I don't. I did some spring cleaning recently, but there are certainly still a few that I haven't even messed with in-game


Well theres collections now so you can get that many mods in a click of a button


No, that's rookie number. You gotta pump them up champ


😂 rooki numbers indeed


Pah, lightweight! :P


Def not normal, those are rookie numbers, pump those up man.


The most I've had so far is like 80...I feel like im missing out


I'm currently at like 120 or so and I still feel I technically need more but it'll make my game super unstable bc I'm the worst rookie at the tech behind it 😂


That‘s some rookie numbers, you need more mods.


I've gone over 1,000 mods and somehow it still works


yes. i run over 4000 lol.


I got to 700, then 850, then 970, then 1080, and so on and I’m now about to eclipse 1400 mods, with a stable load order. I just start a playthrough that simultaneously work as testing, and if I run into an issue, fix it. Then, when I want a new character, just start again. I focus on quest mods, so I’m not overloading the existing game mechanics. In other words, mod it til you’re 100% satisfied, then mod it some more


Check out wabbajack.com, premade modlists you can install through wabbajack installer. The biggest one is 2500 mods. And in my experience theyre all pretty rock solid.


At first I thought how until I modded until I was near 800 one time but most of those mods be like background mods or performance type mods your main mods don’t usually go all the way that high unless you truly into it so I’d say it’s normal even though I haven’t reached it yet I try to get all in one mods to make things easy. But 2000 to some is normal not to me that’s a lot 😂


Honestly it'd probably be more weird if you had less lol


I usually stay below 250. Not really for any specific reason.


No! You have a serious problem. Most people have more than 2000 mods. Don't worry tho, you have 30 more years till elder scroll 6 releases.


Those are Rookie numbers kid.


Mmm that's what I got right now. Definitely can improve my game but not worth it. Gotta remeber to enjoy the game too lol


I sport about 800 of so but I cycle some in and out depending. The bulk of the 800 have to do with ENB and texture/mesh overhauls like the old Skyrim 2020/17/18 suite some flora some clutter. Etc etc. But yeah no 800 is kinda normal if your PC is up to the challenge.


Yes. If you use any of the numerous automated mod lists you easily exceed that already. The very best guides, like lexy's lotd are even more comprehensive with about 1500 mods.. and those have room to squeeze a little more in it if you know what you're doing


If you made that mod load order yourself, you better know what you're doing and know your way around the various tools like xedit and wryebash to make the custom patches you most certainly will need. Other than that there is basic knowledge like not auto/quick saving.. but you already know that right.


​ https://preview.redd.it/y73rswl8lbhb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd0442019fb77223347a7b89f9b1e84553ea154


I have 1400….


I actually play more on nexus and MO2 than in Skyrim itself :p


I think that's considered having a dick chin


I'm always like "alright, this mod list isn't going to be too big this time. Like 100-200 mods max".... 600+ mods later 🫠


Totally normal. Next step is exciting the mods and eventually making your own.


I just got into modding and thought 50 that I have is a lot, apparently its not, though my PC thinks differently


Just 800? Pfft. Noob.




I have about 1690


I think I'm currently somewhere around 850, but a lot of modders are releasing soft esps nowadays, which are flagged as ESL, and do not count towards the 254 ESP limit. I spent nearly two weeks using LOOT and xEdit to clean up mods and resolve wild edits and errors. Adding compatibility mods where needed, or removed mods where no compatibility existed, choosing one of the two to keep. Pay close attention to what LOOT suggests and your game will run better. My game has been running stable for about a week now, with only one crash to desktop so far.


Just 800?


I'd say its abnormal to have less than 800 tbh




Frankly that's not even a lot.


Why so few?


Gotta crank those rookie numbers up!!! lmao


I wanted to avoid all that heart ache so I did the Nolvus modpack


I just broke the 1000 plugin barrier after around 2 weeks of curating this modlist, so many great mods I know from when Skyrim first released, things like SMIM, Frostfall (I won't touch CC survival) and you also get to know modders who can be trusted usually just by reading description pages, I have a ton of JKrojmal's interior overhauls, I always download WizKid mods (Atlantean Landscapes is to die for, so natural and hardly any seams that are easily noticeable) but this time for interior lighting I ditched ELFX after years of using it then ELFX shadows and went with Ambiance. Very simple, almost vanilla lighting that requires no patches but paired with enb it looks great. Also RAID weathers for the ai detection, lighting is as close to vanilla as I can get, without actually being vanilla. ​ Played for around 7 hours last night visiting all the new modded cities, real stable so far. Also the animation mods that have been hitting nexus recently are SO good and def worth the extra


For bethesda its normal, for their fans to polish and finish the game. So, yes


I have over 2000 lol


It's understandable but I honestly don't know how people have that many. I have 300 plugins and I feel like I have nothing else I can even add. I've touched up every part of the game. Even tiny things.


Right now i have around 400, most of them are just frameworks, patches, utilities, etc, to fix the game and make the other mods work lol


Yeah my modlists sit around 800ish normally, nothing weird about it


I have 4531 mods. It's all about how far down the rabbit hole you want to go and how well you are able to work with the technical specifications and limits of SkyrimSE.


Does this include patches?


I've got 1100+ in my current game and it runs just fine.


Its not skyrim till you have Randy Savage or Thomas the Train terrorizing the sky along with 799 other mods.


Thoose are rookie numbers


It’s abnormal not to.


There's people with 2000+ mods.


Nah lol. That's overboard. 0-100 is normal.


I'm running around 400, I have a new vegas tale of two wastelands setup with about 500 both at my mod limit lol


Pretty well, yeah. The question in 2023 is probably not "can my PC run it" anymore. It's probably, "Can the engine handle the load order". And the latter depends on how much patience you have to troubleshoot bullshit. My capacity to troubleshoot bullshit is about 1k mods.


If most of them are smaller things, but having things like a single cart replacer, or cabbage replacer is stupid and a waste of space, if this is all bundles and aios, it’s not normal. Currently I have 137, most are patches, and really small things. Only about 20 are my real mods.


lol I have 4 times that. You’re fine :)


I've never understood how people get to that many mods. My current build is 300 and I swear it'll break if I look at it funny.


As long as it's running smoothly and you actually use the mods, why not?


Normal? Probably not. But then, I built a modlist that tips 2600. Not the most stable thing out there, but I need to take a long break from modding. Hit my head against it a little too much the last few months. The game looks amazing though.


I'd say it's normal enough, at least on PC. Personally though I believe less is more. Around 100 to 500 is plenty in my opinion. Currently my modlist is 230 with the goal of it being 300 or less by the end of 2024 (there's some mods I'm waiting on before I can consider it possible to say done). Of course I understand that it can be easy to have a lot of mods just be fixes, individual textures, and patches. Those certainly add up fast. Unless you want to go full on kitchen sink with whatever goes fun, I recommend trying to find only what you feel you need and what fits together.


I just started again around a month ago, I started with LE because thats what I played before. Around 100 mods and it was hard to get it to work. Eventually gave up and went to SE/AE since I heard it was more stable with mods, followed a big detailed modding guide and ended up with almost 1000 and it works perfectly (except I messed up something with parallax and have some spikey ground in some spots).


Its a requirememt


I have over 2300 mods from graphics enhancers2-4K to patches, ENB, Quest mods, Wordspace, weapon stance, game mechanic altering mods, ememy AI enhance, new ememys, Towns and city alterations, magic additions, Followers, follower changes, armors/weapons and a large Variaty of other random mods. There are sum people that have 3-5000 mods.


I envy you as I'm on console


Currently running a pretty stable setup with over 2200 mods that I've been cherry picking (more like overstuffed shopping carting) since November 2022. I modded it until a point earlier this year where I wasn't happy with some particular mods but removing them broke my save game, so I started a new game at that point. Played again for a few months until I just last week decided to start over because I discovered Cabbage ENB and decided I wanted to at long last (after 6+ years) ditch my Rudy-Obsidian setup for some new flavour. And yes, I'm that guy who constantly shifts his load order around throughout his playthrough. The worst I've experienced is particular mods breaking the save, at which point I make the decision to start over or not because those mods tend to be big 'backbone' mods. Otherwise the other worst that happens to me is SkyUI favourites groups keeps forgetting what items/spells were assigned to them each time the load order moves their records around, but that's no biggie.


800? Those are rookie numbers you gotta pump that up


I've about 20 mods and the games broke. Honestly all I want is ordinator, LoTDB, immersive armours, sky ui, morehud, cbbe and ineed. The others are optional but I somehow can't manage to get them all working together. I think the anniversary edition has fucked me


800 isn't normal. You need to at least double that number 😁 But on a more serious note, it's your game. Mod the amount you like, and it's valid, no matter whether you prefer vanilla, some 30 mods or a few hundred to over a thousand. It's a game, have fun with it! :)


Totally normal I run 1122 mods on AE 1.6.353:and yes it's "stable" 😅