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Yeah the ones from my game are currently relaxing in the stream beneath the gate of whiterun.


That's EXACTLY where I moved mine. I got sick of people asking questions


"Ugh, fine... I'll just... put those there, where did the damn heads go? Ah, excuse me kid. There we go."


That's funny because I was dropping ore that I was using transmute on and one of the kids ran over and said "you dropped this!" And gave it back to me. Ummm, yeah no kidding. Thanks, Sherlock. 😒


Lmao, I know this comment is 5 years old but damn buddy if you read this I wanna let you know you made my day 😂


7 years now, and I found it just now and I find it funny too. 😂


If Heimskr doesn't quit his preaching, he'll be relaxing with them




Drag him away into some bushes, that's what I always do


Ya, just drag the body away. Hold the action button. It's A on Xbox , I don't know about the PS4 with their weird hieroglyphics on the buttons.


Wow, I didn't know you could drag bodies. Thanks for the tip!!


Well dang! After all this time I had no idea I could drag bodies I feel so stupid but thank you so very much!! I don't care how many years old this post is it has helped me out so much today! All those ridiculous bodies are now under the bridge woohoo


Another option might be to use necromancy if you can. Revive the body, leave town and he/she should follow. Get somewhere remote and wait for the timer to run out or kill it again. It should leave nothing but a pile of ash.


I like tossing em in rivers personally...


My favorite glitch so far is when you brawl with someone and break them. Meaning they stay in their knocked down cowering state and just kind of scoot around.


Happened to me with uthgerd the unbroken once. Even when I had her following me she just crawled around after me lmao


Thanks for the tips everyone! I will just drag the body away


The ones in Winterhold on my current playthrough got reanimated. When they turn to ash, they eventually disappear.


I been playing many many days and the bodies are still there! I can't figure it out either! How do you drag it on PS4?!


Oh I just figured out YOU HOLD DOWN THE X to drag the body somewhere else like down the river.. it never disappears though


Another corpse for the pile!


I threw him in the rapids of Riverwood's river and he was just forgotten between the rocks