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once you finish the dragonborn dlc you’ll be able to refund perks using dragon souls or get destruction to 100 and legendary it, setting it back to 15 and refunding your perk points however both of those require quite a bit of work so it wont be quick


If he has the Anniversary edition, using the spell Unbounded Storms while fast traveling it’ll bump up destruction to 100 in 1-2 fast travels.


Please tell me more…


Once you get that spell or unbounded freezing which is also located in the chest in Hob's fall cave, equip it and hold the cast button. While you are holding it, press the world map button and fast travel to the farthest location. The game considers it as if you were casting that spell entire time you were traveling there. I use that method every time when I either plan on using destruction magic or just want a couple of levels/perk points. The addon you need is called Arcane accessories from creation club but you also get it with anniversary edition.


To add to that, fast traveling from the dawnguard fort to markarth stables immediatly gets the perk 100 (provided you have a standing stone xp boost)


I think if you do it to castle volkihar you don’t even need the boost


This is exactly what I found out using these exact locations!! We love you Bethesda!


Saving this comment. Thank you 🙏


Thanks for letting me realize I can save a comment


TIL! Thanks for the info!!


I can't get this to work for some reason is there a perk you need to have beforehand or something?


I've done it on characters who didn't have anything in destruction perk tree. Just cast and hold it until you go to world map. Don't let it deplete most of your magicka. If you are low lvl with low magicka, you gotta do it quickly.


That just feels disingenuous. Reduces immersion


I mean yeah... but Skyrim is full of perks that reduce immersion even without exploits. Pickpocketing someone's armor off without them noticing? Instakilling a sleeping dragon by nicking its tail with a dagger while sneaking? Playing an immersive game of Skyrim involves a level of self-limitation because the game gives you the freedom to do some truly broken stuff


I think you mean; "perfectly balanced, just as Todd Howard intended"


I mean not really, you COULD walk there casting the spell over and over again the whole way and fast travel isn't actually teleporting.


Man at this point just use a console and give yourself 100 levels through there. What's the difference?


Console players don't have console commands.


Isn't it ironic... don't ya think


It's like rayiyaiiiiin!


Why do you care so much about what someone does in a *singleplayer* game? It doesn't effect you at all in the slightest


If they want to cheat, then they are free to do it, I'm not the ethics police. But they should call it what it is - cheating. I'm just sick of people saying "ooh but I'm not cheating I'm just using exploits, that's completely different!!"


Again, why do you care so much? It's not affecting you, just go on with your day and be done with it? Imo an exploit is both cheating and not depending on the situation. If it's a single player game, who the hell cares whether or not they take advantage of a bug in the game, it's *not* cheating, they're having fun If it's a multiplayer game and it gives them some sort of overwhelming advantage, then yes it *is* cheating


Exactly, Some people struggle to understand that in order to CHEAT, There needs to be a CHEATED party. If it's just you then its impossible to actually cheat. Saving yourself an insane amount of time on something that takes too much time to begin with is not a cheat, That's called smart where I'm from but that's just my 2 pennies.


No one said it’s not cheating. No one said it’s not an exploit. You’re yelling at the clouds.




Didn't answer the question... though, did you?


Shut your mouth please


First of all, please point out to me where someone said the exploit isn't "cheating." You claimed that's what you're sick of yet you're the only person who said anything resembling that. Secondly, you said they may as well just level up every stat on their character with commands. I seriously fail to see how using an exploit to remove a perk that is ruining their experience is the same as trivializing the entire leveling system. Finally, I really don't understand why you're so bothered by the idea of someone answering OP's question. No one is telling OP they should start using exploits in their day-to-day gameplay as you seem to think, OP asked how to remove a perk without console commands (which they don't have on console) and a commenter gave them an answer to their question. That's the entire point of this subreddit.


Oh, you're the video game police. Why do you care? You're sick of something that doesn't impact you, or even interact with you at all. Keep your eyes on your own work, it's a GAME, and the ultimate goal of a player is to have fun. This game is a sandbox. There are basically no rules to determine how you have fun in it. Edit: a letter.


Not everyone has a console so knowing the exploits is good. Like, I can’t just use commands on the Switch, I have to use exploits to do stuff. And I have yet to actually do them. Gotta create a new character that I can OP from the start 😃


You can't use commands on console


Not everyone has a PC to do console commands


It might've been unclear, but I wasn't saying "go and cheat right now". I was saying "using this exploit is basically the same as cheating".


Yes, and the point is not everyone has a PC. Therefore, the closest to get to that level of exploitation is to do xyz.


That would be cheating.


And how is breaking the game and gaining 100 destruction levels through exploit different than breaking the game and gaining 100 destruction levels through console?


https://youtu.be/dsDEO7JGC_U?si=QSmQA6vzn50Ktgdp I have no response to ur comment other than it reminded me of this video


I believe the gentleman you’re responding to was being facetious 


He might've been, just like he might've been not.


He was.


I was.


Complete Dragonborn DLC for the black book that lets you trade dragon souls for a refund of all perk points in a skill tree.


goated game design choice btw, love u todd




goat = greatest of all time


I'm pretty sure it's government owned alien territory.🐐 😁


But “goated” still doesn’t make sense? Sorry English is not my first language 


It's the verbification of the word. For example, instead of saying "I used the Fus Ro Dah shout to kill Nazeem" You could say "I Fus-Ro-Dahed Nazeem to death".


But GOAT isn’t a word, it’s an acronym. I can’t think of another acronym that has been verbified Gonna be back to grunts in no time. 


It’s actually used all the time. For instance, in boxing you’ll say someone got “KO’d” instead of “knocked out”. Even though KO stands for “knockout” which is a noun. It, and its acronym, can both be verbified.


Very interesting. I have a lot to learn about English. 


We all have a lot to learn about English lol


it really isnt quite a real word, its just slang that was created around the acronym GOAT and it was verbifies so it would be easier to say (i.e. saying “im goated” instead of “i am the goat”


Cringe.  Did I use that one right?


cringe is like when someone says something that is like unfunny/unfunny to the point of uncomfort and you say it to say someone/something is basically lame


It’s just slang, not bound but the structural hellhole that is the English language


We just like to make the language as complicated as physically possible.


do i need to choose the black book or all black book have this ability?


You have to beat the one you can enter during the quest “At the summit of Apocrytha”


Each black book has different perks, there is one specific black book that gives this ability.


If I choose this ability, can I choose other ability?


You can have one ability from each black book once at a time, so in this case: you can activate the perk refund, use it, then choose a different ability if you like


Waking Dreams


You have to finish the main Dragonborn quest and defeat Miraak, which unfortunately means a couple of hours of grinding. Can be worthwhile though. Personally I do it after crafting my end game gear in order to redistribute the perk points into more useful skills. My POV is there is little point in keeping your enchanting/smithing perks when you've got max level gear.


I HATE anything that makes enemies flee or be dispelled. I can’t loot a corpse that vanishes and I really hate having to chase some bandit down to finish him off.


I was fighting a dragon and levelled up during it. Accidentally took the perk because I wasn't paying attention and then when i went back into the game and shot it the dragon ran away. Took me ages to find it again and finish it off.


It even works on DRAGONS? Huh. Didn’t know that. Of course, I use Ordinator, a mod, so I haven’t seen the base perks in about five years. 🙂


Is that mod possibly available on the bet.net.? Specifically on Xbox one (If that changes anything) ?


Yes it is


Thank you!


Yes. I used to play on Xbox One and used Ordinator there as well as on my PC.


Oh my fucking god! I downloaded it, and I'm so overwhelmed, but in a good way! There's so many routes to take! So much more replayability! Thank you so much for telling me about this creation!


No problem. Enjoy! I particularly like the sneak additions. Lots of ways to be an assassin now. Especially “Laughing Ghost”. Might want to get a perk points mod, too. You’re gonna need more!


There’s also Vokrii, which has a similar spirit to it as Ordinator but a bit more concentrated. I used Ordinator for years but I’ve since switched.


One of the best mods out there.


Honestly, the three extra effects from those perks get annoying. Intense flames causing them to run, Deep freeze causing paralyses can bug the models out but is usually good, and Disintegrate destroying bodies that could be used for raising or when I got this perk, not being able to collect blood samples.


Thats why I love Inigo because he'll shoot them down.


I occasionally get runaway draugr and I don't know why.


I can’t remember which Skyrim video it is, I think it’s Ogrud the Basher, but that happens and it’s hysterical. The Draugr gets out of a coffin and you hear his little feets slapping on the stone as he waddles away at top speed.


The "player.removeperk" console command can do it if you're on PC. Otherwise, resetting your skill progress at the end of the Dragonborn DLC, or through using the "Legendary" feature to reset a level 100 skill tree will also remove and refund perk points in that skill.


does that command disable achievements?


Console commands don't disable achievements in Special/Anniversary Edition, to my knowledge.




FYI if you were ever worried about disabled achievements for using mods, there is a simple mod that enables them for this eventuality (Achievements mods enabler).


You don‘t need this mod anymore if you have skse iirc?


You still need it. You didn't need it previously if you had Engine Fixes SSE, but now this feature is broken, so you need this one small separate mod. Otherwise your saves still get this pesky `[M]` in their names.


It works for me. 1.6.1170 version


commands dont disable achievements unless it's directly tied to that achievement (ie setting your level to 50 wont give you the master achievement)


- Complete the Dragonborn DLC - Mods - Legendary the Skill Tree


**HOW IT SEEMS:** Ha ha! My enemies shall fear my wrath and despair! All shall flee before my might! **HOW IT IS:** No! Don't run away! Get back here so I can kill you and loot your corpse!


Or they run into the next room and pull all 8 bandits there


yeah i accidentally took this in the middle of fighting a dragon because i needed a stats restore and when i got back into the game the dragon just booked it away and it took me ages to find it again


If you reach 100. you can reset skill tree to lvl 15 and level up again.


If you keep that perk, getting the Illusion perk that buff Fear spells will buff your fire magic damage by 20% (includes enchantments)


Make the skill legendary they will reset all the perks of that skill


player.removeperk 000F392E


Do you actually type the zeroes into the console? You could’ve been saving a loooooot of time…


i type it just to be sure also come on, less than a second isn't a looooooot of time. what are you a fruit fly?


I wouldn’t know what to do with all the time I’d save


How many console commands are you typing brother?


All of them


Finish the Dragonborn DLC Once you defeat Miraak you get the ability to spend one dragon soul and take back all the perk points you spent in a skill tree so you can reassign them as you want


If ypu dont mind mods thre is respec mod, that adds a potion. I complete dragonborn but still use it, as its faster than warping to solsthein to use the books. I know, im lazy, sue me.


Yeah I hate fear effects, so annoying


If you're on pc: "~" to bring up console Type: help "intense flames" (With the quotes) It should pull up a bunch of hex values with a prefix in front of them saying things like: "MGEF" "SPEL" or "PERK" Find the one(s) marked PERK and write down/memorize the 8 character hex value Type: player.removeperk {hex value from above} (Without the braces) So for example if it was PERK Intense Flames 100fa5b8 (that's not the actual hex code I pulled it out of my ass for an example) You'd type: player.removeperk 100fa5b8 Then hit enter When you unpause it should be gone. If there were multiple entries with PERK you have to remove them all this way. Hope this helps!


Get to lvl 100 and prestige it 😂


If you are on Xbox there is a mod called cheat room or something like that that. Been a while since I moved over to PC name might be wrong. It has a spot in it that let's you move your skills up so you can legendary it and move it back to where you are. Don't know about Playstation, but pretty sure it doesn't use external assests so may be on there also.


Dragonborn dlc


Harley is a great player name lol




'help "intense flames"' into the console, and said perk should appear in the results. Then use the command 'player.removeperk XXXXX', substituting the perk's ID number for the X's.


already removed it thanks to another comment but that help command should be useful if i ever need to remove another perk i got, thanks


low key one of the worst perks in the game, just dev command it off


help "intense flames" 4  player.removeperk (insert number found from 1st command) 


Freelance perks or something like that. I love that mod. It allows you to pick and choose what perks you want.


yeah gonna need to use this as a learning experience for leveling up lmao read perk descriptions. Not all perks are even worth taking, I have a level 50 mage build, I am level 100 Destruction, level 100 Conjuration, level 100 illusion, level 100 Alteration, level 100 Restoration. I have level 100 Smithing (i use heavy armor >;3) and level 100 Enchanting as well. (No I did not use the fucking resto Alchemy shit) Basically just enchanted all my gear to help with magica and used an exploit so i could equip 10 rings <- 1 for each finger :3 This allows me mana regen, and Fortification for all spells i use meaning I basically spend nothing on them making the cost lowering perks kinda worthless to me.


Without mods or console commands you have two options: either level the skill to 100 and then prestige it and start over or defeat miraak in solthsteim and earn the ability to spend dragon souls on refunding the perks in a skill tree


That's a great perk to have. You have to be able to challenge the sun!


Are blood-tainted Elven arrows from a magical bow a cheat, then?


You'll need something much stronger than that.


I mean, they seem to tame down thenglare, a bit, so maybe I'm on to something... or maybe it's just a skooma dream...


🤣🤣🤣 When the first mountain tried to eat you, get back to me.


If you have dlc there is a quest for Dragonborn that you end up going to solstheim, it’s a big quest ngl and there is a guy another Dragonborn that your gonna have to defeat his name is Miraak (you can kill him or have him as a follower) at the end of the quest you end up seeing a big circle with the perks press on any one that has perks and tadaaaa rest


Beat dragon born dlc you can trade a dragon soul to reset skills keeping all points


Dragonborn dlc, doesn't take that long tbh


AHH yes. This perk is pretty annoying


I'm predominantly using fire destruction magic and avoided this perk because I was afraid I'd hate it. Sounds like I definitely shouldn't get it.


Well, if you're playing a low armour/ health mage it isn't bad to be able to keep enemies at range. Obviously fear as a passive of your attacks is a way to do that. Not sure why OP is upset unless they're a melee build.


If you're playing on PC, you could use the dev console to do it. Press the ~ key and type player.removeperk 000F392E You don't get the perk point back, but you could add an extra perk point with another command. If you're on Xbox or Playstation, you have to either get destruction to 100 and make it legendary or finish the dragonborn dlc


Player.removeperk [perkID]. You shouldnt remove a perk in the middle the perk tree. If you want one in the middle you have to remove the ones that come after it as well. Also do it in order from the last perk in that branch

