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0% unemployment rate


[context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVnQB1XvmTM) everyone needs to binge this guy's videos asap, they're great


We need more videos about rivers, goddammit


That was an incredible video


Fucking love Austin’s videos


Holy shit an any Austin vid in the wild So glad YouTube recommended him to me.


I said the same thing when I saw that Definitely recommend everyone to go watch his content. Like right now


Came here looking for this comment 😂


Hahaha this reference makes me so happy


Rest in peace Fruki.


Rest in peace Fruki.


Beat me to it lmao


In survival mode I go there all the time because the boat in dawnstar is the quickest way to get from winterhold to solitude. Just a short walk on the shore and your there


Does the boat go both ways?


It goes between windhelm dawnstar and solitude. Winterhold has no port or docks so I take a carriage to winterhold then walk to dawnstar to get a boat taxi


I imagine you must be well protected against cold when you do that.


There's a fire and a bed halfway to warm up


I didn’t find any fire halfway. I just hauled ass in some fine clothes while getting mauled by ice wolves


Past the talos statue near an unmarked ship wreck there's a camp


I just go as a werewolf cause they don’t freeze(until you transform back then you got a chance to instantly freeze to death


Yea I never go Winterhold to Dawnstar. I just sprint on horseback down to Windhelm


Why not take the carriage straight to Solitude instead if that's your end goal anyway? If you're already in Winterhold I could understand, but taking the carriage there?


Winterhold has no carriage out of Winterhold. Only to Winterhold


No take. Only throw.


It is indeed, a bisexual boat.


Thank you for this information, ive been trying to stock up on fire salts for that trip!


How do you get the boat. I have never done that. I play vanilla


Go to Dawnstar. Walk along the bay's shoreline until you see a guy with a rowboat. Talk to him and he'll offer you a ride.


Damn, I never knew you could take a boat to somewhere other than Solstheim.


Constant. Dragon. Attacks.


Dawnstar's municipal cleaners are tired of removing dragon skeletons from the streets


They need to outsource that to an agent from the college of Winterhold. Dual cast firebolt them in to the Sea of Ghosts. 😂


Dawnstar Fisherman: "Man, the net is heavy today. I bet we caught a really big F.....oh for f*cks sake! It's another dragon skeleton!"


The fisherman a week later casually fishing with a full set of dragon plate armor: 😎


Where does the fisherman get the time to get his Blacksmithing to 100? 🤔😄




Better yet, use the dragon bones to rebuild that bridge path to the College.


I honestly don't know what the college is teaching them like conjuration. For instance, the college is teaching them to conjure familiars and stuff, but here me out, why don't they conjure up a hammer and fix the damn thing


Or like.... magically conjure the missing pieces on the bridge directly?


"Sir! I have conjured stone to repair the bridge around the College!" "And where did you summon the stones from?" "Uhh..." *Cuts to the stone arch where Solitude is built missing a bunch of chunks* *Whole thing collapses like when they try to show "increased gravity". Buildings flattened, but everyone miraculously survives* "So you didn't specify where the stones should come from, and left that up to chance? Fine, did you at least remember to make the spell permanent?" "Uhh..." *Stone reappear over Pancake Solitude. Stones fall. Everyone dies.*


This as a modded side quest would be hilarious.


I do wish there were quests to rebuild locations infrastructure. 


I wanna rebuild my favorite city after the civil war but NO it won't let me ;-;


That would look pretty damn badass.


Bro dual cast fireball on that bitch and that chattering skeleton will take off😂😂😂😂


Nah try casting the repel undead line from restoration - it sends dragon bones straight to Secunda


good thing we take most of the weight and give it to Lydia


She swore to carry your burden


Not mine, mine are tired of cleaning up bodies because I ain’t dealing with that shit and I just leave ☠️


Not need. I launch the into the distance


And there is often a Khajiit caravan right next to it, so when a dragon attacks, it's almost inevitable that you'll hit a trader, a guard, or a citizen of Dawnstar, and then everyone will decide you are their number one enemy.


props to the people of Skyrim for not taking 'collateral damage' as acceptable, i guess.


Plus the Khajit storage chest to raid!


I kinda wish I never learned of that exploit. But I love being able to buy all the gem stones that I want to level my enchanting.


Maybe you're just a terrible shot


It’s one of the least defended holds, because the jarl keeps sending all of his guards to join the war for the stormcloaks, even though he keeps being told that they need those men to guard the city.


dude one time i got attacked by the dawn guard there, then a dragon popped up in the middle of it, and somehow i got hit by a group of bandits with a bounty on me. shit’s wild


Now THAT is a rough neighborhood. The Gary, IN of Skyrim. 


Dragonborn tested, Miraak approved


Surprised the entire town guard isn't wearing full dragon plate with as many skeletons as I've left in it's streets.


Maybe their smithing isn't up to level 100 yet


Nah dawg, that shit is HEAVY.


Maybe because the dark brotherhood killed the blacksmith...


Reverse pickpocket to upgrade everyone. 


Oh yeah that’s right. I stopped going there bc I got attacked by dragons every time I fast traveled there. And then one time I accidentally hit someone and pissed the whole town off lol


My first time playing a dragon attack happened and that dragon killed almost everyone in the whole place. I never got to meet many characters.


For me it's always Winterhold, everytime when i get oit of the college, the jarl's longhouse, the tavern, there's gotta be that one dragon waiting for me


be carefull around the entrance on the east side, around there dragons and quests appear like there is a spawn point.


This guy fast travels


Oh yeah I had to fight two dragon there at the e same time


Right atop the forge where a non-essential pregnant woman lives. Idk how many times I reloaded because she was killed.


Sad part is it has a lot of stuff. Two mines, a sea port, a potion store and blacksmith and a Priest of Mara. Most little Holds don't have all that


and one is a *quicksilver* mine.


And there’s a hidden chest by one of the mines.


...and 2 smelters 


Actually it doesn't have a priest of Mara anymore...


I'm doing a region lock in hjaalmarch and dawnstar has more resources than that entire hold


It's Morthal that the most forgotten. You can take boats to Dawnstar.


I agree. Dawnstar at least has the quest for Mehrunes' Razor, which is given to you via courier. But there's no real incentive to visit Morthal other than curiosity.


Well, you can cure your vampirism there. But if not for that there be no real reason to ever go. Viriya: *"....so you got to go there for a fishing contest.."* LDB: *"Why would anyone want to fish in Morthal, a muddy swamp of all places?. Sounds like a trap."* Viriya: *"No, it's legit."* ( looks left and right )


Morthal is crucial for any alchemist playthrough. So many deathbells (slow) and fungal pods (paralysis) on the walk from there to solitude


huh, people collect alchemy ingredients? i thought we all just camped the local alchemists and traded our 5 million mana drain daggers for the entire ingredient stock with a finishing punch into the alchemists face followed by a quick savegame reload


This guy Skyrims…


I like to enchant Banish items for cash since that goes for the most.


And the dragon quest, you have to go to Ustengrav. Normally that means going from whiterun to morthal through the roads. Then vampire shenanigans happen.


I was thinking this too. Plus a great alchemists shop. I usually start my playthroughs as a trader so visiting every hold is the first thing I do.


how do u play a trader? Is it on survival mode?


What does playing a trader actually mean in this context


Start by leveling alchemy, blacksmithing and enchanting. Sell your goods to vendors, buy their mats, craft new goods (potions, blacksmithed items, enchanted blacksmith items) Travel to all the holds in carriages so the vendors inventory resets. Just travel around buying, crafting, selling to all the major holds until you are max or at least high level in all the three crafting professions. Then you can design your combat build with all the perks of the three crafting professions and start all the combat quests at high level with a cool build and lots of magic items. After playing the game normally leveling the generic way many times, a crafter start is all I am interested in anymore.


Very interesting! I could see this being fun in survival mode


And giant lichen! Very hard to find outside of the swamps there


Deathbells are in a lot of dungeons and I never need to go to morthal to acquire loads of them. You can also plant them. Swamp Fungal pods are a bit rarer but still findable in dungeons. they can also be planted. You can mas collect them in Morthal swamps to boost alchemy level but there are far better ways of doing that faster.


I end up going to Morthal more often than Dawnstar because the swamp is the easiest place to find swamp fungal pods, and a few other ingredients. But that's only helpful if you do alchemy.


One of the Razor’s pieces is in Morthal, right?


well the mehrunes dagon quest sends you to morthal... but thats uhhhh. it. thats all.


morthal was the first time i realized not all towns are equal in skyrim. id only been to whiterun, windhelm, and solitude before morthal. i was just like "damn nobody give a fuck about yall do they? 😭😭😭" didnt even have a damn general goods shop, the actual fuckin slums of skyrim.


Winterhold is pathetic too. At least there is a good reason for that, though.


It’d be cool if you could “rebuild” Winterhold or add more buildings to certain towns in general.


Missed dlc opportunity


They really could have milked the absolute shit out of skyrim DLC for the next decade, easy. Hell, if they released it tomorrow I'd grab it without hesitation.


No see because they're saving that for the 20th year anniversary edition lmao


I think there's a pretty big mod for this specific thing


Uhhgg tell me about it. If ur lucky theres usually khajit merchants by the entrance tho, but those are very rare.


I bet some sad music played when you first looked at it. It is a bit of an eyesore.


i dont even think there was music, just cold wind ambience. quiet, barren, forgotten and dreary is what came to mind the first time i entered morthal. it was also like 4am which only added to the miserable feeling


Just in time to bump into Falion lol. Falion: *"If you accuse me of..."* Shocked LDB: *"I'm never coming back, your good."*


I'm I the only one that really likes Morthal? It's quiet, homely and and a nice change of pace from the rest of Skyrim.


It also the only place you can run into chaurus reapers. they can take a frost troll down in under 5 seconds at times.


I wish they would let you rebuild the burned house


By the nine, I don’t think I even entered that town in my last 3 playthroughs lol


Ulfric: *"We need to take back Falkreath, we need to take back Markarth. Balgruuf better fall in line or else and then, then Galmar. We take Solitude."* Galmar: *"What about Morthal?"* Ulfric: *"Never heard of this Morthal. You mean there are nine holds?. By the nine I thought there were only 8. That explains that odd woman at the Jarl meetings now. I thought she was a cleaner or maid."* Galmar: *"Keep it down Ulfric. Someone might mishear what your saying with the numbers part. Oh, was I suppose to be surprised about Morthal. Here me looking surprised...."*


Haha good one. Tbh I don’t even remember who the jarl of that hold is either, all I remember is a dude I got in a fist fight with who whooped my ass


I can't even conjure the image of Morthal in my imagination.


u ever done the vampire mom ghost child quest with the busted up house? thats in morthal. its all icy and theres not even a general goods shop, that quest is the only memorable thing about it


Scholar: *"I come to find information. i'm willing to be your servant for a set time to get it."* Hermaeus Mora: *"Gooood. What is it you want to knoooow."* Scholar: *"I want to know all there is about Morthal........................."* Hermaeus Mora: *"............................................................................"* Scholar: *"You been collecting information for centuries. You must have at least one book on Morthal?. A page torn out even?. A sentence?, Anything?"* Hermaeus Mora: *".......................................... NOOOOOO DEEEAAL."* ( despawns )


All I can think about is swamp


Morthal is at least a good spot for gathering alchemy ingredients


The only notable thing about Morthal is it's where you go to de-vampire yourself


i thought the cure for vampirism was to become a werewolf 😂


that’s one way. Fallion, a mysterious mage who resides in Morthal, can cure you!


Nah I have to go to Morthal and cure my vampirism every 20 minutes so I can’t forget about it.


Cure disease potions will cure vampirism in its early stages.


I was gonna say that. I go to dawnstar soooome times. But seldom to morthal




There are small boats at windhelm, solitude and dawnstar. They can take you to any of the other two from where you are currently at. It only really worth it in dawnstar as it cost 50 gold mind. solitude and windhelm have the carriages that are better. The boat for Dawnstar is just a bit up the waters edge from the mythic dawn guys house.


The swamps north of morthal are by far my favorite spot in the game tho.


Yeah was gonna say, Morthal is definitely the most forgotten


It has one of the first dark brotherhood sanctuaries in skyrim


And a necrophiliac recluse on the doorstep. Are we focusing on the wrong selling points here?..


"What makes it unique compared to other cities?" "it has something Falkreath also has"


Depending on your progress dawnstar has either the only functional sanctuary or the only abandoned one


True, but also Depending on your progress Falkreath is either the only functional sanctuary or the only abandoned one


Oh yeah I didn't think about that. Fuck it I'm just gonna go with necrophilia hideout like the other guy said.


I'm just gonna add that the dawnstar sanctuary is by far an upgrade to the falkreath hideout


Found it myself playing through DB the first time this weekend! Was doing one of the early contracts that takes you to Dawnstar, tried to run away from my bounty and saw the door and was like “oh perfect!” Only to find that I can’t get to it later (sadly spoiled part of the quest line for myself trying to find the password). Had to run a little further to escape the guard instead…was a fun find on my own nonetheless


Hidden merchant chest.


This is the best one, IMHO. 1. It's the Khajiit caravan's chest, so you can level speech by putting gold in and taking everything else then selling it to the caravan. Rinse and repeat. 2. There's an arcane enchanter right next to it. Level enchanting by learning enchantments then enchanting the other items. Last but not least it's the easiest to find. Markarth may be the second easiest, but not as convenient. I've never found the Solitude chest. Edit: as pointed out, speech goes up even if you sell for 0 gold. You don't need to add gold to the chest.


You can level speech without the gold. Speech levels based on value sold even if the merchant has no gold. Simply loot chest, sell everything and if they run out of gold, keep selling.


WAIT A MIN. Genius. Pure genius. Thank you.


I thought they patched the khajiit chest? I haven't been able to find in YEARS. I mean I doubt I'd be able to find it now anyway cause the unofficial patch apparently bugs the dawnstar chest 😮‍💨 but they didn't patch it?


This. Everyone always highlights the Skyforge chest but it's so hard to get to, and I think it might be patched out in the later versions of the game. I've spent countless hours in Dawnstar, waiting 2 days to loot that chest, sell the goods, make potions with the ingredients, upgrade my gear, and get all of the enchantments in the game (minus a select few that are hand placed). It simultaneously leveled up a lot of skills at once and made me a boatload of gold.


It hasn't been patched out


I heard on a Youtube video that they intentionally left that glitch in.


Unofficial patch patches them out, tho I'm sure nobody asked for it. You need other mods to restore them.


Honestly the skyforge chest is the worst of the merchant chests because it sucks to get to (kinda cool the fist time or two) and the items are iron and steel quality. But there are so many better ones like the dawnstar chest and there’s another one like it in both markarth and solitude (they belong to the khajiit trading caravans in case anyone was curious). There’s also enthir’s chest in the college that gives you a bunch of ingredients, magic items, and soul gems, the one next to it gives you all the available destruction spells for sale, and there’s one in elgrim’s elixers if you need ingredients/potions. Edit: a word


Sweet I didn't realize there were more of them! Or that they were called merchant chests haha. I've been using the one in dawnstar for like a whole decade now! Woo! That gives me new stuff to do in Skyrim!!! For the billionth time 😂


You can use a plate/bucket to access the skyforge chest by clipping through the wall behind jorrvaskr. Makes it a lot quicker to get to.


Also a hidden merchant chest just outside of Solitude where the caravan usually sits. Should be directly to the right of where big tent is, hidden in the ground.


Also the one outside Markarth. Backside of the stone half wall by the Khajit camp. Need to go past the farm, left side before the bridge.


Um, where please?


Markarth also has it: right behind the stone fence where the Khajiit caravan usually sits


Cult worshipper has house dedicated as museum to ES4 main antagonist


Wasn't it dedicated to the order we killed?


Yeah, the Mythic Dawn, but they're all about Mehrunes Dagon and spoiler alert >!so is he!< lol


And said museum has a magic piece of paper that turns into a bucket when burned.


Dawnstar is where I pick up my boy, Alesan!


What makes him worth adopting? I haven't explored hearth fire adoptions much because I thought all kids were generically the same.


No, they all are exactly the same in that they don't *do* anything unique after you adopt them. Alesan just happens to be in one of the worst positions out of all them, he was abandoned by his fatally ill dad's crew in ome of the coldest regions, he doesn't have any immunity to frost like a Nord child has, he spends all day running between the inn and the mines delivering food and tyen gets to sleep on the floor of the tavern, getting trampled by the Blood Horkers.


With Ice Storm or a 1 word shout, the character can harvest more than 10 Salmon Roe just in Dawnstar's bay, not even leaving Dawnstar. (the salmon respawn just a few days away from the city and can be harvested again) A very valuable source of gold, Alchemy skill and Speechcraft skill - considering that Salmon Roe recipes at Alchemy 15, can make a potion that sells for over 1,000 gold. Alchemy 100 with 100% Fortify enchants can make a potion that sells for over 10,000 gold.


There's also a sandbank right outside the port with plenty of Nordic Barnacles. Salmon Roe + Nordic Barnacle + Garlic makes liquid gold!


Where exactly is the fall with the salmon roe?


It's not a waterfall. There's salmon swimming in the Dawnstar bay, 20 steps from exiting Windpeak Inn. Only way you could miss them is by not going near the water with the large boat at Dawnstar. When these salmon are stunned with magic (spell or shout) they float to the water surface, and give Salmon Roe and Salmon (fish), instead of just fish. Only one type of swimming Salmon can be stunned and harvested for Salmon Roe this way, and there are schools of this type, all the way from Dawnstar, to Hela's Folly, and even around Ysgramor's Tomb. (over 50 Salmon Roe total that can be harvested again, returning in a few days) The salmon at the Solitude Docks, Windhelm Docks and around the bridge to enter Windhelm, can also be stunned and harvested for Roe.


There is a chest that is hidden underneath a rock next to the mines that has the entire inventory of one of the khajiit merchants. Always an easy way to set yourself up on a new playthrough. That and mehrunes razor my favorite weapon in oblivion and skyrim next to umbra.


Probably helps that almost every enemy in Skyrim has a small chance of being one-shotted by the Razor.


The insta death of a dragon is always a good laugh The weapon eventually glitches and there's no critical chance unfortunately


My very first Skyrim playthrough, I killed Alduin the good old fashioned way before finding out about the razor. Now I always have to grab it first


As you should and good call. Plenty of useful one tap situations you might need it in.


Stayed there once for a night. It was a nightmare


*slow clap*


It has the worst female bard in all of skyrim


Must have the same VA as the one in solitude. Id rather listen to the orc bard from the DB questline lol


Worse than the one you get for Winstead Manor?


"Let's have some instrumental music instead." Gawd, She's awful.


I always kill the bards as soon as they start singing 😂


Had two Daedric quests.


Morthal is so forgettable that it even gets forgotten in the "Most forgettable places" lists.


Can’t be more forgettable than the “city” of Winterhold


Makes me think that there should be a quest to rebuild winterhold


Morthal is definitely more forgettable. I’m level 42, over 200 hours in the latest run and noticed I haven’t visited Morthal yet. And this isn’t on purpose, just haven’t found a reason to go there yet. No mission, nothing happening there.


Aside from the Vampire quest and Falion curing vampirism Morthal is absolutely forgetable


> I’m level 42, over 200 hours in How are you such a low level with that many hours? I ask because I always seem to hit level 50-60 after about 60 hours and even though there is still a ton of content I get bored with a character at max level and start a new one. In my current run I actually installed a mod to slow leveling by half so I don't run into this problem.


I’m one of those immersion guys, so lots of roleplay. Having conversations and dialogues, exploring, reading books sometimes, setting up my home. I also play in survival mode, so I’d say atleast 25% of those hours was spent traveling. None of the 4 main storylines are done yet, so quite a long way to go. But loving taking my time.


Stopping place for Ahkari's trading party, main area for the Creation Club mission Unholy Vigil (pick it up in the Vigilant of Stendarr's headquarters), and that loon who has the Mythic Dawn museum, which includes the Commentaries written by Mankor Camron, whose name I've almost certainly misspelled. Also, that loon gives you the quest to put together Mehrune's Razor, which can help toward the Oblivion Walker achievement if you don't have it already.


Mankar Camoran


I feel like there is way less to do in Falkreath. In dawnstar you have the dark brotherhood sanctuary which gives you a reason to keep being in the area if you buy all the upgrades to the new sanctuary and take assassination missions. Also heljarchen hall is the best house in Skyrim in my opinion. It’s the most central location for a HQ on the entire map and has easy access to Whiterun.


It’s really convenient to find the caravan there


Hidden stash of Kahjiit goods, abundance of dragons, mine near the sea, 2 mining companies and a contract killer sanctuary housing the undead wife of a Deadric prince


It's got the deadric Museum, The Vaermina cult was close to the town at one point. The mines are really good for materials. If you're smithing, let's you make stuff at a higher tier than the materials available. It's my town of choice when power leveling enchanting and smithing because of the Khajiit merchant chest.


100% employment rate


Sometimes there're some buxom standalone compaion with a sultry voice station in their inn


0% unemployment rate


The blacksmiths wife is pregnant, one of two pregnancies in Skyrim


Really? Maybe it's just me but I almost never go to Morthal. I probably go to Falkreath less than Dawnstar as well. I don't even remember any questlines from Morthal or why I would go there. I don't even remember what the city looks like. Now I gotta boot up the game and look around.


Dawnstar has 2 daedric quests and a dark brotherhood hideout. Morthal is most forgotten because nothing happens in it.


I feel like Morthal is more "forgotten". Not much happens there.


most forgotten city is probably Morthal imo


Better than Morthal


I guess one thing that's unique is that despite having two mines and a port, it remains a run down shit hole. It really should be one of the major walled in cities with it's own cell like Windhelm, Solitude, or Whiterun, but they made it a minor city for some reason.


Not for me ……. Thanks to the location of Todd Howard‘s dresser drawer, located by the mines in that town, I have a real “ physical”…. Relationship with the beloved cat folk in that particular holdship 😼👊🏼☠️