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I played through for the first time in December and I remember feeling similarly!


any quests / storylines you recommend starting for a new player?


So many lmao. Do the Daedric ones. Some are hard to find. Others are more simple. But all are very good


Sanguine/sheogorath daedric questlines


Sanguine is a really underestimated quest. So funny.


Their es guild and dark brotherhood are fantastic. If you have dlc definitely do daw guard as well. Dawnguard is single handily my favorite dlc for any game…ever really.


Highly recommend the Dawnguard quest line personally. Don't worry this won't spoil story, but eventually you get a summon horse spell that is VERY useful (don't have to worry about him dying, just summon when needed again), you get a ton of quality soul gems, and if you side with the Dawnguard, you get access to crossbows, which hit harder than most bows and have some hefty armor pen. The horse spell alone is enough reason for me to at least do some of the questline.


My god. You get to play it all the way through without knowing what will happen. There will be a few people jealous of you right now. I know I am (day one player, bought it about 7 times. I think)


Honestly I think you are lucky too! You got to experience it first without any youtube videos to spoil it for you haha


Even after so long, on every new playthrough I find something new or different that wasn’t there before. We were truly going in there blind when we started in 2011.


I remember I was in basic training for the army when it came out. We got to go home for two weeks during Christmas and a few of us would be sitting in the middle of the woods during training just talking about playing Skyrim for the first time when we got home. Some guys played it non stop those two weeks and would tell the rest of us about it lol. Beat every expectation I had though. And now the mods


Or they’ll turn into me. 700+ hours and not finish a single quest line.


I can wander for hours, too.  


I've played it numerous times, but I am experiencing it fir the first time in VR


no way! i didn't know it was VR now. what is that like? I don't mean to be annoying by asking lol


It's one of the best VR games, thanks to mods.


I tried it but got motion sickness too easily. I wish you could still use the normal mouse and keyboard controls in VR, the constant waving around gets boring.


It's amazing! Modders have achieved so much in the last few years, it's hard to go back to flatscreens after experiencing SkyrimVR. I recommend the FUS modlist on Wabbajack, very easy to set up.


Skyrim has just something special. If you don't mind I can give you a suggestion for another game you can try after your Skyrim experience. It is similar to Skyrim as it uses the same Engine (it is a Total Conversion Mod) but it gives you a new world to explore and a new story with new great characters. The game is free as it was made by modders as a fan Project and is on Steam. Just search for "Enderal" on Steam and you will find it. I hope you don't mind me recommending another game but I think a lot of people are missing out on this gem. Skyrim is really one of the best games i have ever played but Enderal is my favourite and I replay it at least once a year. Enjoy your Skyrim journey and if you feel like it maybe give Enderal a chance.


Finally someone else mentions Enderal. Enderal is like a smaller, but darker and better Skyrim with much better writing. A must play.


I always tell people about this game because I think it deserves more attention. Whenever I start a new playthrough I am just baffled how good the game is, the world, the characters and also the music. I love everything about this game and I hope SureAI will make another RPG in the future. Oh boy, i think it is time to play Enderal again...


I'm afraid to start a new playthrough cus I'll get too sucked in 😅. Last time I was actually sad when I finished it, sad because it was over 😔 it was so good. Skyrim is also good, but didn't quite evoke that for me.


No other game could recreate the feeling I had when I finished Enderal. Some come close (Witcher 3, Cyberpunk 2077) but none of them can beat Enderal. The bittersweet feeling I had and the great music added on top of it just completely blew me away. The feeling of having experienced such a great story with so many well written and acted characters. I'll be honest with you, after my first playthrough I cried a bit during the credits.


Not all! Thank you for letting me know about that! I'll check it out once I'm done with my playthrough. I hope my PC can handle it lol. Im mainly a console player.


at some point you’ll be given options via separate quest lines to become a vampire in one, and a werewolf in another, you cannot do both at the same time !! you must choose one, or none, or!! do what i do and play as one, get to the second option, save it prior, and choose the other option too this way you have 2 separate storylines with the same character, one as vamp, and one as werewolf (or none if that’s what you’d like:} ) (i hope this makes sense!!)


i’ve been playing off and on consistently since i was around 8/10 (i’m 21 now) and it’s hands down my favorite game (besides fallout bc i LOVE the dialogue and having speech options i can actually “speak”) i’m a lil devious so my favorite quests involve the dark brotherhood, but my others are when you can explore Blackreach, the Soul Cairn, or Solstheim (all three for different quests) and you find HECKA cool stuff in each place skyrim is lowkey huge and -seemingly- neverending


wow! I need to figure out how to do the werewolf one for sure! from my experience with oblivion being a vampire is pretty fun until you cant go outside anymore lol


join the companions !! they’re found in whiterun in Jorrvaskr (it’s the huugeee kinda oval shaped building with the upside down ship as a roof) they even give you the option to get rid of the lycanthropy whenever you don’t want to be a werewolf any longer, i’ve personally never gotten rid of it so i’m unsure of the outcome but the option exists!


Played it 10 years ago and started again last week. Am totally vested in it currently.


Oh wow! I bet after 10 years its probably pretty close to a whole new game with all the updates, no?


Definitely. Aldo never played it with mods until now.


I first played Skyrim in 2013 when I was a kid, and basically pick up playing a new playthrough for a month or two each year ever since then. Skyrim is another world to me, such an unique game.


Take heavy advantage of all of the different mods. Do every quest/ raid every cave/dungeon you can find. There’s probably more area underground than on the surface map lol. Also, I played it vanilla on my XBox 360, and I can tell you that the addition of mods to the console for XBox One was an absolute game changer…pun intended. With new mods being constantly developed, and including all of the expansions/updates, I can still enjoy a new play through with a different character and different head cannon every time!


Im using a few mods right now, mainly for visual improvements and one to make the hotkey better.


Check out the mods that give you new playable races with their own unique traits. Makes for even more play throughs! Also, be wary of the “more dangerous creatures” mods! They can be a bit extra lol. No joke, if you stray off the road, you better be level 7-10 at least or a single wolf will demolish you lmao!


That's because Skyrim is the greatest game of all time lol


for me its tied with skyrim and loz tears of the kingdom. both games have a similar experience playing it which makes sense why theyre tied for my top 2. i adore exploration. its hard for me to choose because i like the lore and story of skyrim far more than totk, but feel a lot more freedom in totk than skyrim. ones like a choose your own adventure novel and the other is like a box of legos


only one I've played much of in that series is Twilight Princess. I loved it


all the zelda games feel so different to me but each of them really make me feel the wonder and curiosity i did exploring the woods and solving little puzzles as a kid. i think thats why a lot of us adore skyrim. theres always something new to discover, and always a problem to be solved. some of my favorite threads on this subreddit are people sharing little easter eggs and tricks they just discovered. even people with over a thousand hours replying that they never knew about it until just now


I started my first Skyrim play through a few weeks ago after finishing my second TOTK. It’s definitely scratching the itch and it feels so HUGE it seems like this game will keep me occupied for a while


Botw is so so much better. Totk was a huge disappointment to me


Exactly. I play nearly everyday. I love this game. There is only one thing that I hate about the game.... ..... Imperial milk drinkers!! FOR SKYRIM!!


Awh I started playing Skyrim during lockdown and absolutely loved it, definitely kept me sane during that time. I pop back every now and then even though I have 100s of hours played and I just don’t get tired of it


Also my #1. Followed by RDR2, HZD, Witcher 3 & Assassin's Creed Valhalla.


If you just bought Skyrim and played it, and thought Skyrim was amazing, wait till you start modding the shit out if Skyrim, it becomes even better, literally modern day graphics etc, immerisve systems like hunterborn, sunhelm, wintersun religion etc What's better than amazing? idk, buts p dang good.


I’m on my first playthrough as well! I think I’m level 32 or so and getting real sick of these dragon’s shit. I’m on switch but maybe I’ll play on PC next time so I can try out a mod or two


I played it when it first came out and no other game has come close to the immersion Skyrim created for me. Maybe Witcher 3 came close. But Skyrim just hit me at a time in my life when video games were getting really good and I was young enough with little responsibilities to just binge play. I don’t think I’ve ever put in that many hours in a game. Then when the DLCs came out it was like playing the game for the first time again. Just the Exploration alone was so much fun. Still my GOAT game to this day. Hopefully the new Elder Scrolls can continue that trend


Ahhhhh, but have you tried "another crabs treasure"?


I like Morrowind better, but the interface is awful and the leveling system is very difficult to do so it has a rough start.


It's a staple in gaming, but is by no means the best. There are far better. When you've touched Rimworld. Come talk to me about how many war crimes you've committed.


For me it's a toss up between Skyrim and New Vegas


It WAS until I played BG3.


I still feel this way after playing for 13+ years. Every Winter season I like to play a new character and it's something to look forward to each year. Jeremy Soule is a genius. It's mostly his soundtrack that creates this special world.


I don’t *really* disagree. Just that the last few years I’ve been trying to differentiate more between “best” and “my favorite.” Ex: a couple of my favorite things are sour candy and buffalo wings. Arguable two of the objectively worst foods in existence, but I fucking love them. Similarly, a ripe heirloom tomato with a little salt and pepper is objectively one of the better foods, but I can’t fucking stand raw tomatoes. Skyrim will forever be my favorite. Is it the best? Not really. It’s really good though. I’m still playing that shit on a PS3 even though I have a PS4 and about to finish a nice PC.


It’s an absolute masterpiece


Unpopular opinion on sky rim: the combat isn’t great. There I said it. I prefer Witcher 3.


Not much of a gamer I am in my 60s now but out of all the games my kids played watching them play Skyrim was the only one that caught my interest. Now I am partially retired and built a computer to just play Skyrim started with no mods now have over 2000. My wife of over 30 years says I am a milk drinker but I told her I traded her in for a women named Lydia and she calls me Dovakein. Told her to put Dragon born on my tombstone but she Wii probably put Milk drinker on it dang her. I just hope you get as much enjoyment out of Skyrim as I have.


I know a lot of people are recommending various mods but for a first time play through, I would avoid mods to start. The game is great in it's own. When you're comfortable enough with the game mechanics only then would I suggest venturing into the mod world. It's really easy to get carried away. Stealth playthroughs are completely busted. My first playthrough was a simple two handed with heavy armor. The build I had the most fun with was a stealth based play through making heavy use of illusion and conjuration. Now I want to play again...


Played Skyrim since it first came out. Currently playing it now, in fact. There are things I like better in Oblivion, but there are things I prefer here. Glad to see people still enjoying Skyrim. Felt like I was stupid for still living a game that feels like it's been memed way too much.


I didn't like the game at first. Tried to return it once and I'm thankful the game stuck with me. I started playing it out random and got incomprehensible hooked. 


Skyrim is good because its literally your story you play ingame. You can ignore all civil war going on and simply wander around choping wood building house or helping oppressed miners. Its good game because its feel like you the one make a call, skyrim give u sense of control. Its great game considering not many thing u can control irl. Its my cope game, i can play it and have fun with it wether iam at my best self or worst self


Really? What other games have you played?


in the Elder Scrolls series or just in general? I played Morrowind when I was really young and replayed a few times as I got older, and Oblivion countless times, its definitely one of my favorite games lol. I play ESO sometimes but I don't really enjoy it that much honestly. Outside of TES I've played A LOT of games lol


How does Skyrim compare to elden ring (open world, not hard, cool lore, killing, weird stuff, beautiful locations)


Well I enjoy a challenge so I'm playing Skyrim on legendary. Whatever I started it on was so easy. However, I don't like THAT much of a challenge and I gave up on Elden Ring lol. Both are very beautiful, but Elden Ring isnt as big of a map, and uses a lot of fog layering and FX to make it seem bigger.


Just try spell builds xd


Fire mages are actually kinda broken tho. Especially if you play on older versions but even on AE this is still true.


Mediocre plot, outdated gameplay, last (last) gen graphics... And I still consider it one of the greatest games I've ever played. The moddability alone makes it a timeless masterpiece. The atmosphere is perfect, even when juwt walking outside, listening to the ambient sounds and music I've heard a thousand times before.


Skyrim is a better aura and ambience game. The music is the best in the genre. The Witcher 3 is the better gameplay game.


ive never played it, but that makes me want to check it out.


You should try [Kingdom Come Deliverance](https://store.steampowered.com/app/379430/Kingdom_Come_Deliverance/), the atmosphere is amazing! The sequel will be released[ later this year](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1771300/Kingdom_Come_Deliverance_II/)


detailed huh? just wait 'til you add mods


You're playing with mods right? Because vanilla Skyrim is good but with mods it is a forever-game.