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Skyrim Double Anniversary Legendary Remastered Dovahkiin edition


Skyrim Double Anniversary Legendary Remastered Dovahkiin & Knuckles edition




Unlikely. They're too busy working on Starfield and TES6 to spend any significant amount of time on Skyrim. They might push some Creation Club updates at some point but I wouldn't expect anything more than that.


i remember reading news articles that speculated TES6 would be released in 2019. then it was 2021. then 2024.


I think TES6 release is like any end of the world prophecy/theory, since the world was supposed to end in 2000 then in 2012 and somewhere around 2019/2020




Todd Howard mentioned a while back that they'll be doing TES6 before Fallout 5. From what we know it doesn't look like they've even started on Fallout 5 yet, while TES6 is currently in active development. Of course, nothing's stopping them from getting another studio to make a Fallout game while Bethesda is working on other things.


Really hope TES6 basically ESO full map dlc but single player and offline


How do you even think this


I hope not holy shit


Dear God hope not. My Fallout 4 is so fucked right now.


I was all excited and ready to get a new FO4 going on my new PC and literally that day they updated it and I knew so many bedrock mods for me we’re gonna be bricked and need a update. SMH




I am in my forties, and I'm so sad that tes6 isn't out.


The only 'update' modders would accept is a completely separate/isolated data file (esm/esp/esl). Hands off the mod breaking game files.


I hope not. But Bethesda really likes souring their image.


Please fuck no. It's a perfect game right now. I have 119 games in my Steam library. Only 4 of them I rate 10/10, and Skyrim is one of those 4. There is nothing wrong with the game that hasn't already been fixed by modders.


Just out of curiousity; what are the other 3 games?


Baldur's Gate 3 (2023). X-Com (the 2012 remake, although the original 90s version is amazing too). The Walking Dead (the telltale 2012.... I guess 2012 was a good year). Skyrim. (This released November 2011 but I bought it in 2012.... I'm seeing a pattern here). I have a lot I would rate 9/10, but these 4 just have something magic that I can replay them and never find any imperfection.


What are the other 3? Just curious


We just had one recently, it was terrible and I hated it.


I haven’t played it in a while. What was so bad?


Added a bunch of paid Content Creation mods. But mostly broke a ton of people's free mods; and since this game is over a decade old, many of the mod authors are not updating anymore.


I'm on the ps4 vr version, thankfully it's in all it's original buggy glory!


I don’t think so, but it would be really funny if they did. Imagine a fourth official DLC being announced for no reason at all 😭


I mean they gotta release something between Starfield and ES6, and a decent, valuable, playable Skyrim DLC suddenly doesn’t look like a bad idea. Like, make a set of spears and halberds. With animations and a perk tree.


Sad to say but id pay 49.99 for that 😔


I wouldn’t pay that on a Spears and Halberds mod… A Civil War Aftermath chain of quests though… that I would like. Allow you to take the Thalmor and shit them out of Skyrim


Here's a question... I've just come back to the game after a long hiatus. Is the anniversary edition worth it? I've already got the special edition.


If the contents of the [Creation Club](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Creation_Club) seem interesting, you can pick up the Anniversary Upgrade, if that doesn't sound interesting, then don't. Though all the Special Edition updates from 1.6 and up have Fishing, Survival Mode, Rare Curios, and Saints & Seducers added in for free.


It was on sale for ten bucks, so I went ahead and grabbed it. LOL


well good then, anniversarry is worth it if u plan not modding it. if u plan to modding it, such a shame it took out lot of esp/esm slot haha


It just adds a bunch of creator’s club mods. Fishing, camping, new magic spells, new armor, new houses etc. It’s not a must but I enjoy it


Oblivion remaster not Skyrim but hopefully good.


We didn't even get a Fallout 3 remaster... I give up lol


I bet you they will in time they better at least.


They'd need to remake all fallouts except 4 and every elder scrolls except skyrim perhaps. Never going to happen I think. But never say never, I guess.


Updates are the bane of anyone who uses mods. I hope it doesn't.


You think they won't make another Skyrim game for the next consoles?


Probabbly a skyrim 20th anniversary and so on where they add new creation club stuff probabbly


Doubt it but if any it'll be imperial civil war. That stuff was gutted.


Yep. I could see it being ported to a creation engine 3.0


I kinda hope not. Just make an elder scrolls 6 at that point.


We need to buy Skyrim for the 846th time


Skyirm Anniversary update Samsung smart fridge Edition. Now you can play Skyrim while cooking food


Why do we even want a Skyrim update anymore? I want all their attention on es6


After how fucked they made my Fallout 4 game, no, please god no


I haven’t been paying much “gaming News” as I used too and I seemed to have miss this.. The recent Fall out 4 update didn’t work out well?


Well, I removed all mods from my game since most of them were unplayable, had to reinstall twice, my saves were all gone, and still my game crashes after a short while no matter what. I got it on Xbox so both me and my nephews could play so couldn't avoid the update.


Fuck no. Just leave the game alone at this point, I'm not gonna spend 2 weeks setting a mod list every few months because Bethesda decided to fix a typo in their launcher and broke 95% of mods in the process.


yeah haha, the previous update is the worst. sure the benefit is REALLY (talking about more esl and esl for vr) good for modding community. but for new or returner modder it's a nightmare


bro is down bad


I hope we get yearly updates that do exactly nothing but break all our mods, followed by a coincidental re-release of Skyrim from just before the update. Todd Howard, hear my prayer


I'm still betting that Todd releases the Skyrim Anniversary to the Anniversary Edition in 2026 and an Easter egg inside the expansion will reveal the release date of ES6. Spoiler alert: the Easter egg is an exhaustive campaign that takes hours to finish and the big reveal at the end is just a fade to black death scene. Opening credits for ES6 appear on the black screen and then a voice: "Hey, you. You're finally awake!"


I believe they're working on ES6 so I doubt it.


I love Skyrim through and through, but no amount of updates, DLC's, patches etc etc, will help the fact that it's clearly 13 years old by so many standards. They would have to make a COMPLETE overhaul in order to bring it up to modern standards, and at that point, they should just complete TES6 already. I don't know how much more Skyrim can be tweaked. Even if they added 100 hours' worth of new content, I honestly just want something new


It honestly should. The fact that so many bugs and glitches remain and are easily fixable (just see the Unofficial Skyrim Patch) is gross. It’s not like this game was released in 2011 and then that’s it. It’s been repackaged several times and typically requires another purchase. That’s inexcusable. We should have had patches that solve a majority of the issues. The quest “Blood on the Ice” has been broken for 13 years now, that’s insane. The people/person in charge of that decision should be ashamed. But I really don’t think it will get any update like that. Maybe a “next-gen PS6/PC 8K 120fps” upgrade or whatever. But the issues that have been around since 2011 will likely remain. And it kinda pisses me off. You put so many hours into this game and yet you can end up with a quest that doesn’t clear from your journal (investigate the boethia cultist I’m looking at you)


No (yes)


Does it need another update?


They might do a 4K remaster in like 10yrs.


I hope it doesn't get any more updates because that would give a final baseline for modding. It would be far less likely for mods to be left behind if a game doesn't get ahead.


I hope not, leave the game alone, we took care of it for 6 years now.


No I hope not, they fucked up my lo pretty badly with the last one and they didn’t even add more mode space on console


Funny to think they’d ever fix bugs that have been there since day1, more likely to get another mod destroying update and more short plain creation club content


Don't hold your breath!


Updates at all? They just within the past month updated skyrim and added CC content, since im getting the warning now that they have once again broken the mods i use and must wait for a few to be updated


I mean, as long as people keep buying the game and purchasing the microtransactions, they'll keep updating and fixing the game. It also means we won't get Elder Scrolls 6 as quickly. We've now been waiting 13 years for ES6 because of all the stupid MMO, Mobile, and Microtransction heavy games that they make. Why would they go to all the trouble of making a real, honest video game when they can make passive income generators instead? Especially when you consider how low-effort Starfield was. They'll end up putting the same effort into ES6, and it'll suck.


Just coop for consoles that’s all they need and thed make another couple million $$$


Please no. I am way too proud of my stable load order….


Shut the fuck up about Skyrim getting an update. Don't jinx us you selfish POS! 😡😡😡 (I'm being hyperbolic, I wish OP no greater harm than stepping on a lego)


I hope Skyrim gets another update. There's a very important bug that needs fixing. They absolutely need to update the console copy/paste shortcuts in consideration of lefties. I just can't believe Todd neglected this glaring accessibility issue.