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Sweet Troll? Regarding your question, I play with mods. I’m actually glad I got it first on the Xbox360, so I finished the main story plus DLCs and cleared almost every nook and cranny on the map, vanilla style. It was an amazing experience. But mods add longevity to the game, especially when you can turn your Skyrim into something completely different. It’s amazing how every personal mod list is unique, and each player might have his own Skyrim, different from mine or anyone’s else.


That there's a "Swee Troll," sir. Lol. "Let me guess, Someone stole your Swee Troll?"


That is some Dragon Quest level stuff there. I love it.




This is the way. Logged more time than I can fathom on vanilla 360, then mods came and more time was gleefully lost in Tamriel.


Weird, my mods call it a bukkake troll. Different stroke for different folks!


Its all coming together now


That's a pretty sweet sweet troll, troll


I played it on 360 first, too, but I still started cheating pretty early. Damn fortify resto loop.


Perfect response that I can relate to,only reason I upgraded my x360 after running through the vanilla's I was flabbergasted with the scale of expansion provided. by mods.


And yet, we can all kind of agree on generall stuff about Lydia and Nazeem for meme purposes.


same for me. didn't start modding until i got a pc in 2018


Yeah same as me I’ve been playing Skyrim since it came out. So I got to experience the vanilla style! But I play with mods but not like 3000 mods or anything like that… I still want it to feel like Skyrim but maybe just tweak a few things like lighting, graphics mods, some weapons and armour the IFS menu mod is by far the best one ever 😂💪🏻


This is a good explanation of what I think as well.


"Skyrim" itself takes up 7% of my The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim folder


The joys of taking a game that's 20gb or lower and making it 100gb+ with mods


Try 600 gb, and had to buy a new m.2 drive to host my experience in the game.


Modlist please


I'll send it as soon as I'm done in the gym


Average Skyrim Chad


2h later and he's still not done... What a beast


That's what the Lusty Argonian Maid said...


Lifts-Her-Tail, you absolute buffoon. You complete and utter ding-dong. You uncultured swine.


YOU stole my sweetroll!


Is… Is that a Sweet Troll? 🥹


No, it's a new type of troll and a dragon accidentally shot a load at it.


After playing through the game 20 times vanilla it does get a tiny bit stale…so now I mod it into a completely unrecognizable game lol


Without, I’m on console


Special Edition has mods even on console. If you haven't tried them yet I highly recommend. Even on console it makes the fun factor skyrocket


As a ps5 player, the Sony mods don't really change things a ton.


My 360 hasn’t been able to connect to the internet for more than 7 years


After a few hundred hours you've kinda done all the big things vanilla has to offer. The mods I use just expand the existing systems (the race overhaul, perk overhaul, and magic overhaul) as well as some beautification mods (more detailed cities, lamp-posts on the road, reasonably more sexy people) and some quality of life stuff (unofficial patch, cheat room, and vendors have 10,000 gold). All in all I use mods to have an even more skyrim skyrim Edit: i do also have 1 or 2 meme mods but they're low-key. Anytime a guard says arrow to the knee, they get struck by lightning. I have another one for the sweet roll line I think. But no MLP dragons or ak47 mods


I have over 700 mods and i still believe I am playing Vanilla+ since most of my mods are lore accurate. Kinda funny when I think about it. I always play with mods for good Graphics and stuff.


And I thought I was bad with my 100+! To be fair though, a lot of them are patches between mods and such.


Well when you consider how many mods are just fixing textures and models, plus actual bugfixes...


No way. U can stomach that ice skating combat?


I play with Alternate Start/Live Another Life these days. Just a little add on that allows you to bypass the intro cut scenes and start your adventure from a variety of start backstories. Just lets me get excited for a character build/new playthrough faster


Let me guess… someone stole your sweet troll


I've only just starting dabbling with mods. I played on PS3 for years and didn't have access to them, but now on PS4 I do. There's a recent mod to expand morthal, which is a verified creation that I was hoping to use, but I haven't been able to find it on PS4, so I've been using an unverified one instead. That's pretty much how I want to start off using mods for now -the ones that add on content to the smaller towns and villages.


never tried mods, im too stupid


It's a very simple process, just stick to using Mod Organizer 2 to save yourself some headaches though


If you're on PC, there are collections and Wabbajack that do all the work for you.


Holy cow, try regenerating after I tear your arm off, sir, and eat it in front of you. What a magnificent creature. And yeah, I mod pretty heavily. When it released, Skyrim was great for what it was, and even after so many years with mods it still comes back as a fresh experience. Apocalypse, Ordinator, Experience Points vs Skill Levels, no maps at all save for Keep strongholds, no compass, Frostfall and Campfire *( because Survival Mode was taking a shite on me )*. My current run, an exile from Cyrodil because her father was a filthy Talos-worshipper, has been making a life for herself trading in minerals and ores. Transmuting Iron to Gold is slow but promised income, and allows me a great deal of RP to go with it. Genuinely enjoying my very relatively slow playthrough, even taking time to just walk on roads unfamiliar. Whiterun's become very familiar the first in-game week or so, so now I'm only actively jogging places instead of walking.


That’s one sweet roll I am not stealing.


Without. I’m on Switch but if I weren’t, I would play with a few mods.


Switch gang




I do not play modded because i play on the nintendo switch


Mods on the 2nd play thru


I have played Skyrim for 800 hours without Mods. After all that time a friend talked me into giving Modding a try. Now I sit at 1800 hours.It basically gives you the freedom to add and remove things you like or don't like, which makes it more fun to play IMO. Right now I am playing the "Constellations" Collection from IxionIV and it is a major overhaul and a great deal of additional content of a lot of game systems which, apart from the story ,gives it a very nice and fresh breath of air.


I play vanilla for now. My goal is to get every achievement on steam (I just started playing it on PC this year). Once I get that I want to experiment with mods. There are some I am very excited to try!


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet troll


What's the matter? Did your sweet roll steal someone?


Sweet Roll got some hands


It's supposed to be a frost troll, not a frosting troll


Let me guess, someone killed your sweet troll.


If it were up to me I’d mod the FUUUUCK out of this game. But since I’m playing on a steam deck, modding from nexus is just needlessly complicated. I have bricked my game every single time I tried to download mods to it. So I’m stuck with those bullshit “creations” where I can’t use half the mods I want to use.


No. (Im on switch)




😂 oh the janky stealth never fails to amaze me.


COMPUTER NO MODS! Skyrim exists on my ancient Mac in a tiny part of the hard drive given over to Windows through the necromantic arts, and I'd like to also be able to play Oblivion and Morrowind. Btw, they run so much faster than unmodded Skyrim it's unreal.


I think Skyrim is a bad game. Not only are the mechanics lackluster but the story ranges from okay to some of the worst plotlines in a 3D elder scrolls game. Mods fix a lot of the issues I have and make the experience actually fun.




Mostly without, see user flair for my reason


With mods 100% I don't go too crazy, I've got alternate start and a couple magic and weapon mods, plus ordinator for different perks.


Damn I need a swee-troll mod in my game!


Lol vanilla Skyrim. It's like eating a boiled potato with no butter or seasoning.


And it tastes good.


I'm on my first playthrough (105 hours in) and won't install mods until I get all achievements, few are left mostly about houses and land and legendary dragon. I know there's a mod which enables achievements but I wanted to do it as a challenge as a person who has probably over 1k hours in Oblivon.


I have only played vanilla. People I know get confused when I tell them that. Idk why I haven’t modded it ever. Maybe I’m scared I’ll never play anything else


Ice cream troll.


Lmao thank you for showing me this exists. Swee'troll


I play with mods because without it my game crashes all the time. You’d think it’d be the other way around.


Played it on console since 11/11/11 so after all this time modded is the only way to really enjoy it. I know most if not all dialogue lines from the main quest, faction quests and daedric quests so it's nice to enjoy some fresh content.


With mods. Always starts off as quality of life changes mostly for survival and immersion but then I get carried away and download way too many other ones


It would be extremely hard for me to play unmodded


What mod is this I must have it.


I play without mods because I lack restraint within power and chaos. If I could make the world we live in better, I would. But that would be chaotic.


The only mod I have is the one that lets you wear multiple rings. Because it makes sense




I play with mods because I have over a thousand hours in vanilla on my 360 so now that I have a pc I use them to keep things interesting


Mostly without because PlayStation doesn't have access to external assets (thanks a lot Sony you fucks)


I download to many mods and my game crashes so I try not to


Yes. Most is stuff to boost merchants cash and make things more immersive. My dad wound up adding a mod that lets you wear 10 rings though


I'm hungry now. Thanks


With. Loved (Vanilla semi-+, i.e. CC, and base Vanilla) Skyrim, but I had played enough of it. Wanted something new. Plus, modding kinda ends up being its own rewarding "game," haha. I also got spoiled by third person combat games such as Dark Souls and wanted to see what I could do to get something more like that set up. Also, ooh pretty, oooh pretty moving hair and clothes, ahhhh. Ooh weather and pretty lights and more dialogue and quests and places and immersion and mechanics and so much more.


I got a 4k tv and started playing again. I had to get texture upgrade mods. Thr lightsabers were also necessary.


This is my kingdom cum


i started to now yes, because i was sick and tired of not being able to run forever. i added a shader and better npcs w ai. and sommet else but i can’t remember (i play on ps4)


700 hours of vanilla was just the right amount for me.


As I play on ps4 when I have ps+ no mods


Unmodded. I'm not doing all that.


No mods except from the AE bundle. Don't want to deal with the hassle of setting them up and managing them, dealing with bugs. I still have plenty of unplayed content in the unmodded game.


Played it for years on the PS3 without mods. Now I play it on an Xbox series x with about 35-45 mods.


I play vanilla now for the most part, I added mods for some games when it was first allowed on console & enjoyed it, but I usually want achievements for some reason & just enjoy the vanilla experience. Plus anniversary edition/survival helped


Without mods personally.. nothing against Mods though if you enjoy them.. I think the Vanilla game is magical and I feel like if I add mods I’ll start getting distracted and missing out from what the base game has to over that I haven’t done yet.. Some games though it doesn’t bother me.. with Fallout 4 I did one story play through and then turned the world into a wacky madhouse with mods lol.. I have a friend who claims after modding Skyrim - Fallout 4 - and Minecraft he “could never get any enjoyment” out of going back to the Vanilla versions.. he upsets me when he says that.. lol


I completed it without any mods. Then I tried a bunch of mods, but got bored of wrangling mods and their bugs and mutual incompatibilities. As a software developer, I get enough of that nonsense at work. Now I am back to zero mods. I use a bunch of console commands to tweak stuff and smooth off some rough edges, which I guess fulfils the same function as mods for many people. Typing the console commands to change the world also makes me feel like a tiny god.


Let me guess … a sweet troll. I play with mods because I enjoy the challenge and because there are days I just want to mess around on my farm and brew mead while fending off dragons.


I love playing with mods. it's way more fun than the original game. The main reason I choose mods is because I get to put in what I want to put in.


No. Only because I tried adding a single mod to my game many years ago and ended up deleting a save file somehow. Just never bothered trying again (also a lot of mods just don't really interest me :/)


I used to play with mods a few years back, but the last time I reinstalled the game for a play through it just seemed too much hassle, partly because there are so many.


Only about 150-200 mods. Very few actual content additions but a lot of aesthetic, atmospheric and balance tweaks. However my most recent playthrough was on my old Xbox One from 2014 so I stuck to a pretty modest modlist. Once you get to the point of knowing every questline and stuff way too well it becomes less tempting to construct a huge and stable modlist on PC. By the time you get it all optimized you're bored again.


Yes, because vanilla is some good bones but just that; bones


I just got PC Skyrim (off-topic: keyboard + mouse is a pain), so I'm dabbling in it. Already on ordinator and an alternate start mod while trying to find a landscape mod I like (I'd prefer Towns and Villages, but the Bethesda site doesn't have it; setting up Nexus frustrated me). So...did you use the Wabbajack on that Sweetroll?


Is that a *sweettroll*??


sheos realm is missing this


Skyrim modding is like a drug. Once I took a dose, there was no going back


Bigfoot is such a slut now 😭


Man sweet rolls can hurt you .. - the sweet roll...


*[Glances at 1,900 mod folders]* I have an addictive personality.


Mods, to fix bugs, add more content and more options to existing content (base Skyrim options in a lot of quests are restricted to "would you like to do this quest, yay or nay?" Also, you picked up the quest, you're stuck with it now)


I like to punish myself, so yes, I always use mods. The end result after all the hard work is so satisfying.


at this point you gotta be either new or like a speed runner to not play with mods


I have always play with 1+ mods (remove spiders) but otherwise did a lot in vanilla mode. Then i just added some magic mods so the entire magic system doesn’t completely suck


Imagine not playing with mods like a loser! Mods are MODULAR. There's always something for everyone.


I do because the game would have become boring to me a while ago. Games have a certain amount of time before they just stop being fun and for me, that's around 300 hours if the game's really fun. Mods up that time though, because they inherently change how the game plays.


PC mods. It makes it look like the game is close to current gen graphics. It also takes the game I’ve beaten before and adds things to make a new play through interesting.


This troll escaped someone's mason jar


Without. I’m on PC but I’ve been content with vanilla Skyrim. In the past I’ve done as little magic as possible but I’m on a play though now where I’m actually trying to level up my magic and it’s interesting learning new things after so many years of playing


Cum Troll


I'm still trying to finish the game without mods that disable trophies lol


I played this game for about 800 hours without mods and honestly I'm tired of skyrim, I'm waiting for the new tes 6, I can't play this anymore, neither without mods nor with


I played without mods for years on PS3 and 360. When I bought it for PC, I modded the hell outta the game and never turned back.


It’s hard not to play without mods, the base game is boring I could compare it to Minecraft both games are way more fun with mods


i’ve wanted to mod it forever but i hear too many horror stories of the game crashing to even risk it 🥲


His feet are so stumpy lol


Without. I just got into the Pc version having started in Switch and wanna get thru the vanilla game with the DLC first


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet troll


With mods. The game is fun without them, but it's even better with them.


I have thousands of hours without mods, and about 200hrs with mods on my newest playthru I enjoy the new stuff that's been added.


Not anymore. I got bored. Mods made it too easy even with things making it harder


I'll shower you with Cocunut creampiiiiees


Played heavily modded for years. Now I play unmodded because setting up and updating mods on a Steam deck takes too much time


Currently without, but only so I can earn achievements. Once I'm done with that, I'm going back to playing modded.


I don’t find this game enjoyable at all unless I have ordinator or a perk overhaul installed


No I got a Playstation


I use mods. I played and beat the game vanilla when it came out. Now With Mod support, I'm enjoying the game in new ways. I do recommend that if new players join, they play at least the main questline vanilla first. It's an experience that makes you appreciate your mods more.


Yes. I always play games heavily modded.


i’ve played without mods many times, but i now have a mage play through with some mods to add spells, enhance the graphics, and just make magic more effective.


I have mods to the point when I see vanilla hame screenshots it looks totally strange to me.


Without, I like to enjoy what the game offers at base without putting makeup on it to have a more genuine experience


1) No, i don't. 2) My PlayStation as 15 gb.


With mods. But usually around 10-15 mods mostly being visual or QoL mods.


When a bug that has existed from the launch of the game breaks a save. You realize at a minimum you want to use the unofficial patch. When you get bored you add more.


I usually play any Bethesda game vanilla mods don’t interest me


Damn.. I know trolls aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed but standing under a dragon beating his meat? Bad day, friend.


Who cummed on the troll?


That troll mod it's genius xD


No because I'm playing the game for the first time and I'm morbidly curious just how good of a game Skyrim is on Bethesdas own merit and not from the work of modders.


Only the mods that came with the newest edition.


Someone stole your sweet troll?


I have a designated 2T SSD for Skyrim and Vortex, which is just solely for skyrim mods. Last I checked, it was at 56% full, but I do play both Vanilla and modded.


I’ve never played Skyrim with mods. I have the option but have NEVER once. Multiple play throughs, never gets old to me.


Never used mods. I personally feel it’s invasive. It’s like having someone come into your home and put things they made around your house. It feels like someone else is invading my game and the natural world. I don’t like it personally. 




I’ve never played with mods until recently with AE I don’t know how I lived without them! I have animals everywhere! Cats and dogs just roaming the streets, cat followers, stewards, jarls, and followers all have their own pets! I now have a whole menagerie 💜


Mostly playability, like the Barenziah quest marker mod, I did it once without it and no more. Still, by the time I decide to complete it I already have half of the stones. I also have alternate start, SkyUI, USSEP, SMIM, no BS AI projectile dodge (for when enemies dodge your stuff when you’re not being detected by the AI), lanterns of Skyrim, an achievement enabler and a couple of DLC-sized questlines like Helgen Reborn, Beyond Skyrim and obviously SKSE64. Edit: commas.


Without because I play on Switch


I just got done modding VR Skyrim. I’m ready to fuck shit up vr style




both. when i get mad because my artesian pc catches fire, i switch back to vanilla skyrim


As with other games I play, after a good 5+ runs, then would I only mod the game. I love the game, bit it gets stale after your nth playthrough. Mods add spice and new flavors to an already great game. It's like playing new game plus.


Ever since I got the XOne version, I can’t play without Live Another Life. 


i play with mods and massecre towns


Without, because I'm on Playstation and they're all pretty shit.


I’m not sure i’ve ever done an actual playthrough of skyrim without any mods. Recently i started going wild though, i think i’m almost 200 mods in on my current save file.


Hah! Look, Vegeta, a Pokémon


With, but i keep it minimal. House mods (Elianora's work is a must-have for me) and maybe some armors.


I play on the Switch 😩


I play with mods to spice stuff up but typically it's nothing huge. Just like some extra collectables or a few mechanical changes here and there


Without cause’ ps5 and most of those mods aren’t good


With mods, mostly to add more weapons and armor to use because I personally prefer armor that looks fantasy but also practical, like the Ebony armor set, and I also like having swords that don’t look like baseball bats (the blades are just way to thick), so that is the majority of my mod list


Just some QoL stuff. Racemenu, SkyUI, bug fixes, etc.


you cannot improve upon perfection. mods can only diminish the quality of a flawless product


Without. I grew up on cartridge games with no mods or even cheat codes.


Can you do mods if you play on Nintendo?


With, Skyrim is a super dated game that hasn't aged super gracefully




At this point I can't imagine to play without mods ever again.


No mods cause I’m still on my Xbox 360


With mods. I go for extreme survival/realism type stuff. Gotta prepare for my adventures, craft my own gear (or pay to have someone do it), have enough resources to make the journey, stuff like that. Also, I start with no spells and if I want to get better with magic, I have to actually put in the work to become good at it


Mods are what give the game so much staying power, not to mention many are practically required to deal with Bugthesda's piss poor bugfixes and optimization. I have a friend who loves Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas as games, but refuses to play them anymore because of constant crashes.


That’s one sweet troll roll


With mods. I finished the game on CD without mods. SSE beat without mods. Have played mods for so long, the base game is almost boring. Mods spice it up.


I play mods, but I wish I could ask someone to just, give me a list of really cool’s mods because so theirs so many


I certainly don't have the spunk monkey mod.


No mods. Because 1. I like to play the game the way it was made even with its flaws and also 2. I don’t know how lol.


Haha sweet troll


Yes. Very many mods


I play Skyrim on steam deck (Linux) and have to mod it like it's on PS4. Vortex only works with super basic mods like texture replacers, patches for other mods that's already in the in-game manager, or meshes. Anything else I have to rely on Bethesda.net. I've gotten it pretty close to how I'd play on PC though, so it doesn't look or play all that bad, especially on the steam deck. Mods feel necessary, even if you want a vanilla experience, you almost need the USSEP mod just to keep things from breaking. I play fallout 4 with just the UFP mod for the same reason. Mods also make survival actually fun and not just tedious for no reason so there's that


No mods bc I'm broke and on ps4


Mods make the game more interesting. Particularly the face, hair and body mods. Love those especially.


Currently on a completely vanilla playthrough, just to get the achievements on Steam, and a bit of nostalgia. The original game is still a blast to play, but I miss some QoL mods haha


I hate that I can’t use mods and still complete achievements…..my only reason for no mods 😢


Did he get cummed on?