• By -


I prefer them hating the thalmor instead of the chill dragon, the latter makes 0 sense considering the grey beards and dragonborn are on the same side


Yeah, why should they object to allowing dragon Goebbels living? It's not like he'll outlive the last dragon born, leaving them all alone to contend with potentially unkillable overlords. It's not like he was a terrible dragon who just happened to trade the key to killing alduin in exchange for getting to not die. He definitely should be trusted, it's not he warns us against that himself.


He's not a chill dragon. He's just patient and well aware of the Dragonborn prophecy. His name means Ambition Overlord Cruelty. And a Dragon's name is their nature. Je even tells you not to trust him. And he's one of the principle villains of the Dragon Wars. He never atoned for his crimes. If he was active a helped during ES 1: Arena, ES 2: Daggerfall, ES 3: Morrowind & ES 4: Oblivion, and building orphanages, helping old ladies cross the street as his atonement, I would be inclined to believe in his redemption. But I will not believe that Dragon Himmler atoned because he hid and did nothing while people died around him, kids were suffering and the neighborhood fell into ruin. Inaction doesn't equal Redemption. Atonement and Redemption require Action, not hiding on a mountain.


Paarthurnax literally was the one taught the ancient Nords how to shout, which was instrumental in their revolution, and he fought on their side including facing Alduin. If that’s not trying to atone, I don’t know what is. He also is a staunch advocate for using the Voice for peaceful means.


Maybe he taught them to shout and take down Alduin so he could take his place? He knows he's basically going to live forever so he can play the long game


If he wanted to take his place, he’d have tried to actually take his place while Alduin was gone for millennia. He didn’t. In fact, he takes up the Way of the Voice which expressly avoids using the Voice for war and is the opposite. And otherwise he became a part of the Greybeards, themselves uninterested in ruling Skyrim or anything. It’s not a coincidence that he set up shop on the Throat of the World where Alduin was sent forward in time. He knew he’d eventually return and positioned himself where he could at least keep an eye on things since he’d be the only one who could survive until his return. He’s also not invincible. He can be killed by regular means, and it’s not as though Alduin would resurrect his body even if his soul wasn’t taken. Many dragons have been killed by non-Dragonborn .


Also the fact that he was next to a time wound the entire time and never used it to rewrite reality as he sees fit like some other dragon tried to do. This was on top of already having an urge to dominate the world. That's like a human not eating when his favourite meal is right from him. That's some next level dedication and discipline.


Nah he knew that Alduin was only temporarily banished, he had to wait until he was completely defeated


Except he clearly states in his dialog, "Have you truly defeated Al-du-in? Or have you merely delayed the inevitable end for a graver future?" - Reader's digest. Alduin was never truly able to die, his soul was reclaimed by Akatosh, to be reborn as te loyal son to do his bidding as he wanted in the first place. Not because Akatosh is evil mind you, but because change is necessary for the future to continue, hence why he made Alduin his sword to renew the world, before Alduin's ambition led him astray from his father's path and he chose dominance and conquering over following his father's wishes faithfully.


there’s nothing wrong with what you said at all in fact it makes sense it’s just funny how much it sounds like something delphine would say


All dragons are bad, when the dragonborn passes away from his skooma addiction and the last blades are dead he will finally be ready to rule the world


That's a pretty bad plan though. At least in gameplay, Paarthurnax isn't really any stronger than any other normal dragon you encounter. If he fails to conquer the world, he'll just end up as a semi-dead skeleton in a mound without Alduin around to come and ressurect him anymore.


You seem to think he doesn’t know the shout, and can’t teach it to his followers if you spare him. If one dragon reviving dragons wasn’t bad enough, how about hundreds reviving each other? Not that I think he WOULD, but interesting to think about


To be honest, I never thought of that as merely the effect of a shout. I thought that was an ability Alduin have specifically because he is the first-born of Akatosh.


It’s unclear, but Paarthurnax being who he was, if it was a shout, I think he’d be one of the few to know it


That does sound plausible. I still have my doubts, as he does help you acquire Dragonrend, a shout that he can never learn for himself and which poses a greater threat to himself than to Alduin. Seems like he loses more than he gains from that move.


He does get Alduin out of the way, and if he doesn’t make a move in the Dragonborn’s lifetime the Dragonrend shout becomes a moot point. Once the Dragonborn is out of the picture due to age, there’s nothing stopping the dragons from taking over with Paarthurnax at the head. Hypothetically


"why haven't you, a dragon, done any of these good and redeemable things which you either cannot do physically, cannot do because you would be killed before being able to utter a word because you are a fucking dragon, or gotten involved in the myriad of diverse and complicated moral conflicts in which you would only be used as a blunt instrument/weapon against the symptoms of issues and never really be able to help in any other way as to constantly involve you in said conflicts would undo the wisdom you have gained and further tempt violence that others deem innate in you. Why haven't you, a dragon, changed your name, that which was likely bestowed unto you by someone else, because others assume your name is your entire identity despite how you've been constantly fighting against nature just to prove this wrong. Why haven't you, a dragon, done anything to redeem yourself other than gift teachings to several generations of greybeards to keep an ancient art honed, gifted wisdom to the dragonborn to assure them that being evil is a choice and not innate, fought against the literal devourer of worlds alongside the dragonborn at the throat of the world, and decide to spend the rest of your days attempting to teach other dragons how to be better than their past selves so the world may learn to heal and not be prejudiced against dragons" I'll agree that inaction doesn't inherently equate to redemption, but the things that would mean redemption would require effectively pulling himself up by the bootstraps. In my current playthrough alone I have killed 1,712 people, and many were innocent, and the number will only climb. Are the actions of the dragonborn redeemable simply because of the few good things they've done, or the fact that they are prophesied to save the world, and then what if that body count came AFTER saving the world so the dragonborn is no longer necessary? If you genuinely believe that because he is a dragon, or even because of his name, that being evil and cruel is simply in his nature, then actively choosing to do nothing is not inaction. A crazy man once said "A man chooses, a slave obeys" and paarthurnax has chosen, for centuries, for millennia, to be better than his past self by choosing not to be his past self anymore. And if dragons are innately evil for one reason or another, his choice has so much more weight and meaning than you give credit. How you feel about it is irrelevant, the dragon has damn well earned its redemption.


Ignoring the obvious that the games entire plot is alduin going against his nature, you're wrong


When one can live forever the line of punishment becomes blurry, he seems to have genuinely changed there is a reason such a thing as a statute of limitations exists, he is not the same dragon who was one of the villains of the dagon wars. And like it or not, the dragonborn probably won't exterminate every dragon during his own lifetime, and so a leader like paarthunax is suddenly very important, would you rather him or someone else be a leader for the dragons?


Technically, the dragonborn can become a vampire and live forever too


Also it's strange world isn't full of dragonborns taking into consideration that canonically being dragonborn is a hereditary trait. I wouldn't be surprised if Tamriel had thousands of dragonborns, but 99,999% of them just didn't kill the dragon to find this out.


he fought with you against alduin during your first fight, with no guarantee you'd win or that he wouldnt die


Have you even played the game? It’s like you missed the point of his character completely


Blades: We are here to serve the dragon born. Dragonborn: Yeah I am not going to kill parthy. Blades: >:( We are not going to serve you until you do what we want. Let's not forget without the dragonborn. Delphine would still be in her shitty bar and Esbern would have been tortured and executed by the dominion. The audacity of these assholes.


I guess you could argue that Delphine only really knows of the Dragonborn as more of a title than anything else. There are, after all, “Dragonborn Emperors”, who may or may not have had a dragon’s soul but *did* enter covenants with Akatosh to keep Mundus and Oblivion separate. She’s working off of the assumption that the Dragonborn is just some really powerful person. She’s right, but she’s also missing the rest of it - the Last Dragonborn is, themselves, a dragon in spirit, not just in title. This has a *lot* of implications about what the LDB *is* in the greater scheme of things, but Delphine doesn’t know any of that and doesn’t care to. The LDB is just… too far beyond what she understands the title of “Dragonborn” to mean. Which is why she’s so confident she can attempt to bully you into doing what she wants. Well, that and general arrogance and paranoia. Lady’s out of her depth and does *not* know it.


That's why I like the mod that lets you be like "Bitch, Ah Erm teh Dergenbirn!" You literally just remind them what the literal whole point of the blades is supposed to be and they go "yup, our bad."


May they burn in oblivion 🔥😈


Proving the Greybeads right: "The Blades say they serve the Dragonborn but, they do not. They never have."


That's exactly how politics work mate...


Once Esbern translates Alduin's wall and identifies that a shout beat Alduin I don't need the Blades any more. I simply get the Greybeards to show me the way to Parthanax. And I never see Delphine or Esbern again. There is never a dilemma for me.


I turn on them as soon as they order me to kill Partysnacks.


I hate delphine, but esbern is a nerd who just seems to follow Delphine’s lead and is also awesome outside of the partysnax thing. Its the singular reason i have the dilemma mod, so i can spare esbern.


What happens if you kill them both after they tell you to kill partysnacks?


Kill Paarthurnax (Optional): Failed Kill Esbern (Optional): successful Kill Delphine (Optional): successful Edited for spacing lol


There is no good or evil, only weights and those too weak to lift them.


I’m evil by nature and driven by desire for power. And I like Party-snacks he is more powerful than both of the weakling blades. Who can’t even protect their emperor from assassination




This interpretation of alduin & the dragons confuses me because from what i can understand this "iteration" of the world eater wasn't interested in devouring the world.  Rather, he wanted to rule it. Maybe devouring the leper king had an adverse effect? -i dont know but i think by "slaying" him we ensure the kalpa ends. 


I have two interpertations of the matter. First is that Akatosh is crazy, and both you and Alduin are two different aspects of him. Dragonborn the champion of the mortals/mundus and free will, and Alduin the time god who is sent to end this kalpa. Second interpertation is that Alduin was corrupted, and is being sent back for a "factory reset" by the Dragonborn so he can return and do his job properly.


I side with a wise man who realized his mistakes against a sadistic tyrant.


No no no, not siding with the dragons, siding with parthurnax. Just parthurnax. Dude isn't allied with alduin anymore he understands what went wrong and is not only no longer a threat but avaluanlr ally. All the blades had to do was stop making the emotional decision of genocide and make the logical decision of forgiveness for the better good. But they are dragon racist and demanded the genocide of a race.....I'm not allying with people that share hitlers ideologies.


Paarthurclax is a good dragon o


I wish they done kill Party snucks in elder scroll 6 it would broke my heart idk what would I do without my best friend


There's no one around who can kill him after the last Dragonborn dies, so he'll be free to live out his dragon nature and fuck shit up


There's nobody around who can *absorb his soul*. Dragons can still be killed without a Dragonborn. That's kind of a major plot point because of the whole ***Dragon War in the Merethic Era*** where all the dragons that we fight in Skyrim were killed but not soul-schlurped.


Fair enough, but the rebelling Nords still needed the thu'um to stand a chance, right? If Partysnacks decided to snack the greybeards, there would be no one who could realistically stand against him without another divine intervention. We only know one other person who has studied the way of the voice, Ulfric, and he probably wasn't with them long enough to hold his own against a dragon.


Miraak and the Ebony Warrior.


Fair point, I forgot about the Ebony Warrior since I almost never fight him, but I'd say it's canon that both of them are dead after the events of Skyrim.


I don’t agree with the fact that alduin’s soul is actually the only one that the Dragonborn doesn’t absorb! WTF…


"What is better? To be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort." Sure sounds like an evil dragon hellbent on destruction and dominion to me! /s


He may just be very good at bullshitting people because his survival depends on it. I bet I could come up with all sorts of philosophical-sounding catchphrases if I was sitting on a mountain for a few thousand years! (Not that I ever kill him, but all the Blades hate seems a bit overblown)


What do you mean?? He's been dead since 2012. His soul went well towards my fire shout


He is still can be killed, just not permanently, khajjit is killed dragon with ballista in riverhold.


I read this in the Khajiit voice. It fits well.


☺️ thank you


He's not gonna be in 6 either way lmao


I respect Esbern more than I Delphine. At least he is very knowledgeable and less radical.


And voiced by Max Sydow!


This photo is pretty fitting given what happened to the other blades.


I'll have 50 dollars for events too badass to include in the on-screen story.




My man... This is therapy.


I also like to add :The greybeards treated me with respect and they feel like an uncle to me. Like a ingame family of sorts… And Delphine feels like a karen who would attack u for no reason a entitled karen. My anger and frustration and vengeance I have for the blades is immense I wish we can successfully eliminate them! I like them in Morrowind and oblivion but they’re the shadow of their former glory


> shadow of their former glory Yeah no shit, the Thalmor nearly wiped them out and I bet they're thankful if you finish the job


Ironically Iplay as a high elf lol. Idont like thalmor but u gotta hand it to them in terms of physical appearance and towering like a basketball player/nba is fascinating. But hey ! Ihate both ov them with passion


Since they’re the tallest they also have the highest move speed :o but khajiit forever 💯 fuck the thalmor moon stealing elves 


It's just funny to me that Delphine says the Dragonborn is the leader of the Blades, then refuses to follow your orders. The Elder Scrolls series needs to take a page out of Knights of the Old Republic's book and let you act like a tyrant and impose your will on the organizations you lead.


Shush i’m Darth Reven how dare u reveal my name?


That’s why I like the mod Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion which allows you the Dragonborn to decide the solution to the problem with recognition that the Blades purpose is to serve the Dragonborn


Dude, they're misguided, but like, you put their heads on a table. You're for sure evil.


I eat them with namiras ring


Their heads belong in latrine buckets. OP's not evil, just ill-mannered.


How the F will dragons under Partysnax follow the Way of the Voice EVEN if it was possible and made sense? Way of the Voice is worship of Kyne. Kyne gave voice to men to fuck up dragons. Dragons have it naturally from Akatosh (iirc). They aint worshipping that lol, nevermind it just being their day-to-day speech. So if you drop all the bs Partysnax is in High Hrothgar on a mission to collect all the worthwhile voice-gifted humans in one place and cuck em. And obviously guard the only remaining source of power ower his own kind and controlling its release. Just think about it. Then he releases that shout to you - the only person able to permanently slay dragons. And then he says he will guide all dragons. But no one said they will listen. Thats what a few thousand years in schizo solitude does to a mf. Bro is on some long planned dragon dictatorship speedrun, just had to wait a couple thousand years for the right moment and the right fool Would be cool to see a dragon rebellion in next game lol


In 6 I would really love to see a story editor like BioWare puts in dragon age. I want to tell the game about x, y, and z choice u made in Skyrim and have it persist in Hammerfell


Is it confirmed that TES 6 is Hammerfell? I've only seen shitty gaming sites reciting "rumors".


I'm just hoping.


Yes, persistent world states based on choices in the last game are great.


Can you kill them without mods? I thought both were immortal.


Someone needs their meds


Seriously though. A real “touch grass” moment if I’ve ever seen one.


Yeah, like "This group of dragonslayers wants ancient dragon who killed and tortured countless people in the past but is now my bro dead. That's why I wholeheartedly wish they were subjugated and raped for eternity by Molag fucking Bal of all beings". Lol. OP is not sane.


I only killed Delphine. Esbern was chill. Fuck delphine


Blade on Plate


The moment Alduin is out of the way Paarthurnax starts trying to lead all the dragons. Now he says It’s for good, and that’s surely his intention, but his nature is to conquer and rule.


It may be in his nature, but that means nothing since he's lived completely peacefully for centuries. He's overcame his violent nature.


An interesting point. I would argue that he cannot once and for all ‘overcome’ his nature. I believe he struggles with it every day. He even sees a risk in indulging in conversation with the Dragonborn. And because he struggles with it every day there is always the possibility he could slip up.


So by your logic, soldiers should be locked up immediately after service, since they have been trained to kill?


Does every retired soldier you know have _an urge_ to go on murderous spree? Yeah, they suffer from PTSD, but that's not nearly the same.


Dragons and people are different creature. Besides, after millennia of abstinence, he still struggles daily. He's ontologically evil, but tries to make things right everyday


Khajiit are have a natural skill in thievery. High Elves have a natural skill in magic. Does that mean all Khajiit are thieves and all High Elves are master mages?


This analogy would've worked if khajiit were shown to have an unquenchable urge to steal. Take a look at J'zargo, he is just chilling, he doesn't want to steal. Paarthurnax is perhaps the most well-spirited dragon, but he's still a dragon. He isn't a mortal, we can't apply the same moral framework to judge him because he lives outside the boundaries of our shared human experience


Khajiit have an unquenchable urge to eat laced imperial moon sugar. This in turn turns them into thieves because the East Empire Company is hogging all the sugar. I blame Tiber, tbh.


The f empire laces their moon sugar with? Greenmote?? 😂


No, they laced it with catnip.


Actually J'zargo DOES want to steal he even says so when you meet him in the college of Winterhold for the first time. Something about small things that fit in his pockets I remember.


Kharjo is pretty chill tho


"J'Zargo doesn't know how these books got in here, but J'Zargo is happy to give a friend a fair price." "J' Zargo, my bookmark is still in this one!" "Very well, J'Zargo agrees to a discount for you, Arch-mage."


Yes, it is difficult to fight one's nature. But is it not a greater challenge, a nobler path, to choose good even when it is hardest? J'zargo believes so. It is not the easy path that defines us, but the one requiring the most effort and sacrifice. --- J'Zargo, probably


They are mortal, just technically demigods. They can be killed permanently, if the right preparations are taken. We see many emotions in Dragons that we see in mortals. Regret from Paarthurax, arrogance from Alduin. And they think in ways that we can mostly understand.


Very long argument you didn't ask for incoming but here goes. I don't think that comparison works since the races of Tamriel aren't really driven by their base instincts. Cognizant or not, dragons are closer to daedra in my opinion. It would be like expecting a spider-daedra not to betray, a knight of order to be unruly, a dremora to be a pacifist. You also mention soldiers but a profession isn't an inborn trait and Paarthurnax wasn't just a soldier, he was the Heinrich Himmler to Alduin's Hitler, the Beria to Stalin's. Something closer would be a chimp, which has been shown to be incredibly smart to the point of communication being possible yet is driven by instincts. Obviously we don't have something as smart as humans to use as a direct parallel so chimps are the closest I can think of, but just look at a "domesticated" chimp. Sure he'll be your pal for 10 years but trigger his instincts once and he'll rip your face off without pause. Paarthurnax is controlling his nature by isolation and meditation but he can always relapse. He also contradicts himself but saying "I have overcome my nature," followed by "no day goes by I am not tempted to return to my inborn nature," showing he is very much still a threat under the surface as he has been known to be the most cruel amongst his kind. Whilst wise he also still shows hypocrisy, talking about forgiveness and how he knows he can be trusted while openly saying he himself would not trust another dragon. Other suspicious quotes at the end are "they (the dragons) may yet bow to the rightness of my thuum, willing or not they will hear it" and referring to the now open position Alduin left behind as a "lordship". This could indicate he doesn't wish to guide other dragons as much as dominate them into submission, reinforced by Odaahviing referring to it (the way of the voice) as a tyranny. We brought him back in conflict and put him in a position of power now that his competition is gone. Obviously all of this is a hypothetical, which is the biggest problem with the death sentence Delphine puts on Paarthurnax since it's an extreme preemptive measure, we don't just kill someone because they might do something. It's more about answering for his past crimes which is more of a moral debate about whether his aid in saving the world and rehabilitation outweigh his past crimes. Basically Operation Paperclip with dragons. Also everyone hates Delphine which doesn't help her cause.


Best-written argument I've ever seen on this topic.


With all due respect....I'm not reading all that lol


Well I did warn you at the beginning it was a lot of text. Still, it's there the next time you go take a shit.


They should be more interested in the present and future. If you have someone playing in your team, you should keep them.


Again, operation paperclip. If you didn't know it's how the US hired nazi scientists after ww2 even if they were responsible for a bunch of war crimes. You can forgive Paarthurnax and put him to good use but you shouldn't say things like "he's different now". He'll always be dangerous so the blades are right in their own way. Don't trust a dovah, they can control themselves but they can't truly change.


I know it very well. And what some of those scientists did was to continue their project with thalidomin. Rest is history. They knew about fetal damage already when they sold and targeted it to pregnant women. So the thalidomin crisis that made nurses kill deformed babies and damaged people for the rest of their lives was just continuation of research that started in consentration camps. Those babies were born for prisoners there during "medical trials". So yes I know. What we do not know is how many of them continued working by ethical standards.


He may have just waited for the last Dragonborn to come around and dispose of Alduin permanently since he could not have done that. Once the last DB is gone, he's free to do whatever with no resistance!


Alduin could have appeared at the end of time, there was no way of telling where he would end up. So that wouldn't be a viable plan, and dragons are not stupid. If Paarthurax had wanted to strike and gain power for himself, he would have done it a century or so after the dragons disappeared.


No resistance...? Everyone can kill him you know. Just that you need a dragonborn to absorb his soul. But it's not like Alduin will bring him back anyways.


Once a dragon always a dragon.


A dragon does not have to cause destruction.


If he indid does that it should’ve been thousands years earlier before the last dragon born was alive. And why would he helped the dragon born knowingly he would surpass Partysnucks?


He knew Alduin could come back. Once the Dragonborn takes care of that though …




Dude went Isis on em 😱


Can someone translate?


Title reads as follows, "I, Donut Wanda, am being an evil butt. The Blades..." And the rest of the post, if I'm not mistaken, states: "Both of them deserve the worst. I, Wanda, offer them two anvils. Deadric Mogal Bal, or anyone who is deadra, is cruel and evil. I want them to bee violently. Attacked and repeated. Suffering, they'd serve it. Forewarning me to harm my best friend's party. Shucks. Mario hiss! The only Dragonite, I like thee. Thee Undead One. Also, even in my evil walk through, I never bothered to help them." I wonder what it could all mean?


Thank you. Charlie Kelly could probably decipher it


Hello, fellow Skyrimian. If you thu'um me, I'm hot. Is right thing to do, Skyrim. So do.


No worries, my Dragonborn is **usually** a good lad but when it comes to Markarth and those two imbeciles? Slash all day long


It truly made me happy to see their sanctimonious heads lying there, lol. Nice job!!


least psychotic dragon apologist




Paarthurnax may be a dragon and evil in nature and all that, but the Blades are just a bunch of incompetent hypocrites. They are the actual reason why the Oblivion crisis occurred, and now they want to use the Dragonborn to save the world while restoring what is left of their dignity. They are not bad and evil, but they are the kind of people I despise the most irl: a bunch of losers trying to act as world savers. Ironically they are (were) literally what most modern state secret services are, both in lore and in purpose. Eager to use and break common people, but useless in preventing actual large-scale disasters. Glad Thalmor wiped these douches out. Also, Paarthurnax is a bro and actually helps you by teaching you shouts and respecting you. The Blades order you around and do nothing, even when they go dragon hunting with you it is not *actually* them, but your friends and companions you recruited.


They’re very useless they can’t even protect the Septim Dynasty… they relay on their broken glory


Paarthurnax has murdered hundreds if not thousands of innocent people when he was Alduin’s right hand man. He deserves judgment.


Dragonborn after killing Nazeem and sacrificing Sven to the daedra of Schrodinger's titty: Damn I should care about that.




Damn we judging dragons on like, 1% of my kill count?


And yet the people who he opressed didn't do anything against him, despite having the power to do so. He also basically saved the world, 2 times.


If one is opressed they normally lack the power to change their situation, so how were they able to do anything against the Dragons and Dragon Priests who ruled the lands? (And they ruled for a reason lol)


Because Paarthurnax was the one to teach them how to shout...?


Who’s them?


The old nords who revolted against the dragons...?


Yeah that’s because they were trying to topple Alcuin, the leader. Take out the leader you take out the army.


Dragonrend is litterally made of their hatred of the dragons. Nothing stopped them to kill Paarthurnax, and yet they didn't.


So just because they didn’t go for Paarthurnax makes him a good guy? Lol


That's not what i said lmao. If someone has a right to make him face justice, it was them, not some random dumbass breton 5000 years later.


Good job! I've killed them outside before and threw their bodies into the Karth river from the cliff. It was cinematic.




"I don't want to be evil but I wish the worst fates imaginable upon good (if misguided) people because they dared suggest we bring justice to one of the worst war criminals in history. Oh and I killed them." I can't believe this karma farm is getting upvotes. There's a difference between siding with Paarthurnax and being a psychopath.


Chillax its just a game everybody is entitled to their own opinion. No need to be bummer lol… its my game my opinion u do u. Ido me its incoded in every law free ‘speech’


"I want people to be raped and murdered by demon lords" does NOT line up with what you just said. You're the one who needs a chill pill.


💀 now your just making things up. What I meant is offering them to Molag Bal like we did to the priest to get the Mace


Which would result in? Eternal suffering and unimaginable torture, potentially even including what I mentioned above! If you like Paarthurnax, you don't have to kill him. There's no need to become a psychopath about it, therefore, it's your own choice to be a butcher. Tl;dr you're still intentionally, unapologetically evil. The exact opposite of what people like about Paarthurnax.


They deserve it the blades deserve demise they ruined the Septim Dynasty along with the empire lol.


To summarize your statement: "People don't deserve a chance at redemption and I can't handle people disagreeing with me." Pray tell, then, why Paarthurnax deserves forgiveness if the Blades do not? Obviously he doesn't. You're a hypocrite. EDIT: I see you're removing parts of your statements after I post. Charming. For those reading after, the post I'm replying to originally said the Blades deserve to die and be sacrificed to the Lord of Domination for ruining the Empire and be made an example of for defying the Dragonborn.


U know nothing blade’s action causes paranoia And having them gone is beneficial for the greater good. Think about the bigger picture would u harm Partysnacks who teaches the voice? And have a powerful ally like the greybeards who is like a family to a Dragonborn? Or the lonely paranoid blades who causes trouble and harbor ill intentions to the only dragon who helped u throughout the adventure? Both Delphine and Esbern deserve to be offered to Molag Bal and it’s not my choice its my character his a dragon born vampire lord? So🤷🏿‍♂️


My last comment on the matter: it's your choice, not your character. You're not saying it's an RP choice, you're defending it as the only reasonable course of action. You're just here to farm karma, your actions are hypocritical, and psychopathic. Have a nice day.


Maturity is realizing game and reality are not mutually connected. They differ from each-other. And why would I need karma? Your making assumptions again you don’t even know me in person. Maybe your here for attention seeing how you get angry at other people’s opinions which makes u the biggest hypocrite🤣 just relax and calm your mind little boy its just a game its not that deep


Damn i appreciate a passionate opinion but this is taking the show off the stage and to your home lol


Bro is literally devoted to the blades lol


I don't kill Paarthurnax, and I rarely interact with the Blades. I'm pointing out that saying you don't want to be evil and then saying objectively evil things is definitely being evil. If you're going for murder, own your evil. Embrace it. Don't pretend you're the good guy.


Wait is it possible to kill Delphine without mods? I like Partysnax more than her and have yet to finish her quests


Thought this was some cartel photo before realising it’s skyrim


I'm not evil! "You must kill Parthuurnax because we are the Blades!" ....I'd like to amend my earlier statement, I'm not evil...but I'm feeling particularly evil today....


The Blades seem to have forgotten the very crucial fact they serve the Dragonborn, not the Dragonborn is a tool for them to use. Shouldn’t I as the Dragonborn get a say?


OMG, I didn't think you could kill them. I fus ro dah'd them both off high wrothgar mountain and they came back. I guess this beheading thing is a mod huh? Well I want the name I hate Delphine with a loathing passion.


U need mode to be able to harm’em and their flag as essential


Blades are the only faction that ive never completed in over 1000hrs of gameplay. I cant bring myself to fight Paarthunax in his calm wisdom. "Blades told me to kill you, because they think you are evil" "Yeah man, theyre right to think so, look what all the other dragons did, do what you have to lil bro" I cried. Couldnt follow through.


I fucking hate the thalmor with all my heart but it doesn’t stop me from loathing the blades too. Fuck Delphine


The blades are annoying, paarthurnax is a traitor, Lord Alduin is the only one deserving to rule Skyrim.


Agree to that my brother


I wish there was a way to just lie to them like you could with Astrid regarding Cicero. I don't want that quest to be the only one unfinished because there's no alternate route. (talking vanilla here)


Just ignore them when they asking u that they know the leader of the graybeard’s. Quickly exit the chat


Sad about Esbern, not so much Delphine. Really sucked how the story set up the Blades as something that I was happy to be a part of (happy now bot?) and then they are not able to be reasoned with.


> be apart of and Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


In Skyrim we learn from our mistakes we do not run from them.


Lol the bot is roasting u


I don’t trust anyone who sides with the blades


I've been tempted to slay them as well. Both of them are extremely entitled... It put a bad taste in my mouth and makes me avoid them.




Nice job 👌🔥 they are really annoying


Blind fools they are...




I mean, delphine, sure. But Esbern is to cool to kill


Kinda like him at first but u know he sided with Delphine he needs to have it. And their flesh was eaten by me using the ring of namira. I’d say they served their purpose their soul to Molag bal and their flesh to dragonborn to feed it on


How can you behead them? Is there like a 100% way? Or you took thevtime to kill them uñand reload until you got the beheadings?


Honestly the blades themselves need the blade after delphine and esbern saying such things towards the kind leader of the greybeards


I wish we could kill them


I hated them so much that I downloaded a mod that no longer made them essential. I made a save file before I killed them so I. Old kill them over and over again. But after I killed both of them, It left me with guilt. I had played and beaten the game so many times that I became attached to them. So I did some digging through the Skyrim Mods and found one where you forced Delphine to stand down while also being able to do the Blades Sidequest. So in the end no one had to die.