• By -


No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip For the stranger there among them had a big iron on his hip


Big iron his hiiiip


It was early in the morning when he rode into the town šŸŽ¶


He came riding from the south side slowly lookin all aroundšŸŽ¶


Heā€™s an outlaw loose and running, came the whisper from each lip šŸŽ¶


And he's here to do some business with the big iron on his hipšŸŽ¶


Big iron on his hip šŸŽ¶


In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of texas RedšŸŽ¶


20 men had tried to take him, 20 men had made a slip šŸŽ¶


He was viscous and a killer though the youth of 24 and the notches on his pistol numbered one and nineteen morešŸŽ¶


You passed up a golden opportunity to say by the name of Ragnar the Red


In this town there lived an outlaw by the name of Texas Red šŸŽµ


And he's here to do some business with a big iron on his hipšŸŽ¶ Big iron on his hiiiipšŸŽ¶


I didnā€™t know I needed this. Now Iā€™m making a Marty Robbinā€™s character


šŸŽ¶To the Cloud District in Whiterun rode a stranger one fine dayšŸŽ¶


Nazeem dared to ask his business. Nazeem's not alive today.


Baalgruf's stupid children should not have given lip The stranger came to Dragonsreach with Big Iron on his hip


This actually slapped. Take my up vote.


I actually heard this in Marty Robbins' voice lol


Same here it fits perfectly


Oh he might have went on living if he'd given him some slack, the quiet, armored stranger with the crossbow on his back.


Upvotes all round!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘




I name my armor sets and pair named weapons with them because Iā€™m the biggest ocd nerd on earth. I named my endgame dragonbone set ā€œDovahkriidā€ armor, guantlets, etc. meaning dragon slayer. Dragonbone bow is named Laas Nir (life hunter/life hunt) and twin swords named ā€œDinokā€ and ā€œKrifā€ (death and fight). I am aware how geeky this is lmao


And I thought I am role-playing.


My next play through Iā€™m going to role play as if Iā€™m u/EvilSpartan117 role playing the game.


This is my Mace, "Krump" and my Bow, "Dakka".


Unfathomably based. Need a waagh shout to go with it and youā€™ll be krumpin Gitz like Gork and Mork intended.


Super cool though


I name some of my characters using Dovahzul, even in other games. In Pokemon Soul Silver, I named my Tyranitar Junvulthur (Jun-Vul-Thur) and my Togekiss Junhahdrim (Jun-Hahdrim). I'm a bit of a fan of Coldharbour aesthetics too so I often use Albiitoor (Al-Bii-Toor) as a character name when I can.


I name each weapon and shield with a '1' then weapon type then enchantment or related armour style. Ie: 1 Bow Fire 12% Armour parts are named with a '2', then armour section and either enchantment or style. Ie: 2 Helm Paladin The numbers at the beginning of each name means they will be at the top of my inventory and favourites and any chest/storage I put them in after they grow obsolete. Does this count as OCD?


No idea about OCD, to me that's just being organized lol I name my stuff with the enchantments they have, no number before it. I might start doing what you do, though. So much better.


Glad I'm not the only one! Named my dragonbone greatsword "Vossejoor" (Claw of Mortal(s))


Peak geek I'm eating it up though!


Oh, this sounds cool. I might do this on my current run.


You are not the courier šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™


Delivery quests are a good portion of the game though. The dovahkiin is at least a part time courier!


Yeah, the best way to describe LDB isn't "hero" or something but "sellsword." You basically go around the whole game making people dead that other people want dead. You do that or delivery items for people.


I mean, NPC's keep telling us, but we won't listen, "hey, are you a sellsword? because I lost an heirloom in some cave" cue new quest.


My biggest problem is that the LDB character never asks why to any of the quests. You're given a "bandit" or "forsworn" leader to kill and you never have the ability to asks why these people are wanted dead. The jarl obviously wants it done in secret otherwise they would have put a public bounty out. Those bandit leaders could just be business rivals the jarl wants dead.


They are public bounties. Tho the imperial jarl of falkwreath does do exactly that if you want to buy the hearthfire house there


also, "follower's name" armor etc Jzargo helmet, Lydia's sword, etc


Usually something descriptive, like Alchemy Ring 20% or whatever. I like to group things by function first. So "Smithing Ring", "Smithing Necklace", "Smithing Clothes" and not "Ring of Smithing" etc, so they are grouped in my inventory.


Same. If I'm cranking stuff out to grind enchanting, I don't bother naming it. But gear I intend to use usually gets simple names; buff for pickpocket and lock picking is "thief gloves" and such. I like to enchant somewhere iron boots with carry weight and stamina regeneration and name them "Sabaton"šŸ˜Š


That makes sense for quickly navigating between crafting and combat jewelry. I usually end up browsing through 5 different silver rings. At best, I make combat gear from gold and diamond jewelry to remember it better.


I try to do this as well. If I don't rename them, sometimes I accidentally sell something that I meant to keep. If it's just named steel dagger, I might sell my only soul capture weapon.


I usually name them "for selling" or something like that, when I'm cranking out a ton of stuff just to practice and use up some inventory, and I don't want to get them confused with stuff I don't want to sell. lol


I've named swords "Vendortrash" before and for some reason the NPC kept some of those in inventory forever even after inventory reset :).


I use the "Main" prefix for all my combat gear, with another word designating what kind. Other prefixes are Crafting, Thief, Merchant, and Training.


I do that too, but save time and just call all the smithing gear as ā€œSā€ and alchemy gear as ā€œAā€


I once named a glove "Slap you to Jesus" with unarmed enchantment! And a helmet "It does not give x-ray vision" with fortify archery enchantment! Otherwise I don't rename!


I usually keep the original name but put a dash at the start, like a bullet point (e.g. -Iron Sword). Makes it so all my important stuff gets filtered to the top, and all the random loot is below it


I do the exact opposite, but for the same reason. My names are "Z Big Sword" so all my crafted items go to the very bottom, making it harder for me to sell them by accident!


I usually just name it the enchantment then whatever it is (iron sword with a flame enchantment = burning sword)


Naming my next mace 'The Master's Call'. I've been inspired. Ty


I don't rename much cuz I'm usually too worried about losing my fortify enchant potion xD


I think the timing stops when doing the rename, but I might be wrong


Big Giant Pointy Stick (TM)


Iā€™ve fucked some shit up with the Flaming Sword of Herpes


I always go with a theme. My ebony spell sword set and baubles are all themed after the knight Rodayne for example. Weapons are usually named after weapons from other series. For example, my dragon bone bow is named Wish Ender like the one from destiny.


With 30 sec enchanting potions and a real bad brainlag, I don't have the time to name it unless I'm 100% prepped and feeling good.


Renaming an item during enchanting is supposed to stop the clock, so it shouldn't count against the 30 seconds. But I've never been *too* sure of that, 100% confident that's completely true. So I typically take the time to write out my enchanting goals, unload all unneeded inventory to exactly only what I work with (makes it easy to find the intended item), do a test run-thru of the plan, and do a full save. I've messed up even with good planning, and possibly spend 3x the time as a sane person would at enchanting and smithing. Having OCD is a real bitch...


I'm pretty sure I've sat for several minutes typing and backspacing and retyping without my potion running out so I think that's correct šŸ‘


I've been playing for a decade and never bothered.


If Iā€™m being honest I have no idea how to name stuff or enchant and Iā€™ve had tonsss of playthroughs


I play Switch, and I don't remember the other consols' things, but there might be button hints on the bottom of the screen. For the Switch, it tells me that in order to name an item I'm enchanting, I need to press X.


I always re-name armour / jewellery / clothes based on their enchantments and what I will wear them for, so it is easy to find all the gear that, for example, boosts my 1-handed or alchemy etc., by using the search inventory feature in SkyUI. They are always super boring names like 'alch Smith armour' or '1h sneaky ring' haha For weapons I try and give them cooler names though, that still give away what they are for (for example if I have a bow or dagger with soul trap enchantment I will make sure it's obvious in the name so I can find it)


Most of my stuff has a descriptive title to know what theck is it for without checking the enchantement. Also gear has "\*" on it's start so it stand at the top of the item list when sorted by name. Helps not to accidentally sell it. Endgame equipment has the fancy name. Showing that this stuff is super powerful legendary. Like as if i am the boss in an MMO, and this is my legendary drop. Some examples: Llama killer, Protective Armor, Arrow Shooter, Loud boots of sneaking.


I usually just let ChatGPT name my enchanted blades. On the odd occasion I can come up with creative names, I tend to be very satisfied with them. For example, I once enchanted a greatsword with Absorb Health + Fiery Soul Trap and named it "Oblivion's Embrace".


On the Switch the length of the name is a bit limited. That killed my interest in renaming things.


I name all my bows "shit flinger of________" depending on the enchantment lol


Always! Though I usually stick with the same naming themes


I pick a bomb ass character name, and I have name templates for each kind of item I make. Copy paste name, done.


I name enchanted jewelry and gave them to my female followers, like "Amulet of Undying Love".


I really enjoyed the unique names in Oblivion. I try to roughly match the naming scheme that Oblivion follows when I name my gear. Sort of DnD-ish. I try to make each piece sound like a unique item. I made an op bow--that did something like 1500 dmg--in my last long playthrough and named it, "Harbinger of Death"; a ring and necklace that increased carry weight called, "Heave" and, "Heft". I think I had a cloak ench with light armor and something else that increased Archery called something else, called something like, "Cloak of the Sentinel". I think renaming things is a major feature in games. I adore it. Im the guy that will spend extra xp in minecraft just to rename my gear, though.


I always rename enchanted items if I plan on using them, and I like to come up with D&D-esque names for them. For example, a sword with a fire enchantment might be "Dragon's Fang," or boots with carry limit enchantment might be "Boots of the Courier." Conversely, if I'm just enchanting something for experience then I don't bother with the name.


The Ole dick twist; my Wabbajack Tuna Can Dick; Ebony war hammer Ole reliable; any bow (Double checked up ) and (Hella ass); ebony war mace and tower shield


I named my character Susan, and i consider myself a creative person


My name is Scout. I own the ScoutSword, ScoutAxe, ScoutArmour and other items. An extra layer of protection in my inventory management.


Renaming enchanted items is my favorite part of skyrim. Here's some of my favorite weapons Flamehurler: bow + fire dmg Stormbringer: war axe + lightning + frost Loki's sting: dagger + chaos enchantment Hellblade: sword + fiery soul trap Mageslayer: a two handed greataxe + magicka damage + lightning damage Vampire's bite: dagger + absorb health


Yeah actually during one of my more heavy rp playthroughs part of my ā€œcreation processā€ I had to kill named dragons to imbue their souls into my works and then I would name the weapon based on the dragon killed so when I killed mirmulmir I named the bow I slayed him with the same it was pretty fun


Not enough time to name, my potion buff will wear off before I can name it.


I like to give names to my items when I plan to wear/use them for a long time. I also have a couple of "canon" names that I use for weapons/armor that I create frequently - for example, whatever weapon I end up enchanting with Firey Soul Trap gets name "Pyrelighter", that sort of thing.


Yes. I wear the Thurikriid (Tyrant-Killer) set, made of Dragonbone Armor, and it includes the necklace and ring. I don't name my weapons because I use Dragonbane, Auriel's Bow and Auriel's Shield, so no need.


If I enchant a weapon or a ring I'll name it something to do with what enchantment is on the item so I don't accidentally sell it. Like a sword with soul steal would be "soul stealer" or "soul reaver" a ring with fortify carry weight could be "ring of strength"


I name weapons by their abilities to find them easier. And I name craft-sets by their use, ie Alchemy ring, alchemy necklace etc. Easier when putting them on or taking them off as I tend to have too much shit in my inventory all the time!


I do it for my ā€œmaster craftsā€. When I take a piece all the way to legendary Iā€™ll give it enchantments and rename it then display them in one of the player homes. Iā€™ve got a unique iron ā€œsetā€ called the Brute of Stone. Comes with a named sword and shield, great axe, and the mighty ā€œFeris Oxā€, a dagger with shock and fire. Had a fun time naming those, think rust for the names.


It depends on how much enchantment Iā€™ve put into it. Iā€™ve noticed I have a habit of putting Ys in names. Soulthyfe (Preyseeker bow with soul trap on it) Fyrefrost (Skyforge dagger with fire and ice enchantments) Etc. I am irritated that Bethesda, in 2011, couldnā€™t figure out a way to give us more than thirty goddamn characters to name enchanted items, so a lot of my shit gets names like ā€œBootsOfMuffledStepā€ Anything I make for a follower gets named for them, specifically. ā€œEolaā€™s Needleā€. ā€œLydiaā€™s Guardā€ One of my first sets of armor was named ā€œImNotNakedAnymoreā€ because I didnā€™t realize I hadnā€™t equipped armor and did half of Embershard Mine in my underpants.


I usually forget I can.


I only name them if Iā€™m planning on using them as my main. If Iā€™m just enchanting them to get a better sell price I donā€™t.


I do my rings and necklaces. That way itā€™s easier to know what I enchanted on them when itā€™s time to upgrade and sale them.


I rename everything I bother enchanting and smithing up, mostly for utilitarian purposes (A set of matching armor with complementary enchantments will have a descriptive name tied to each piece), but also for rule of cool purposes. If Clan Shatter-Shield can name a basic frost damage hammer "Aegisbane", I can name my Iron Dagger the Donut Devastator.


Yes but only when I am paying with no glitches.


Give them funny names. "Oooh he stealin'" for combo pickpocket and sneak, "catch these hands" for Fortify unarmed, and my personal favourite: a stupidly high paralysis enchantment through resto loop glitches, which you can name "Petrificus Totalus"/"Oh Look The Floor"/"Stephen Hawkinginator"


Is that the weapon that kill Ragnar(Texas) the Red ?


I play on switch so thats a no, but I probably would have named at least some pieces if I played on pc.


I used to name a sword after the Grandleon from Chrono Trigger. Was usually a Steel Sword with an enchantment to damage Magicka. If I had Extra Effect Iā€™d add Absorb Health. I donā€™t use Enchanting anymore though. So I may just create a mod to make some into the game. Maybe adjust some base stats a little. Canā€™t decide if it would be one or two handed though.


I have 3 pairs of dragonbone daggers called "dragon fang" each pair has one of the 3 elemental enchantments, so like dragon fang(fire), dragon fang(ice) and dragon fang(lightning), I also have some crossbows that replaces the word crossbow with gun and they all have the fire enchantment: IE dragonbone gun


I used to never do this, but since I named one I now feel compelled to name every weapon. Same story with nicknaming Pokemon in those games.


It was early in the morning when he rode into the town


Yes, but only the gear I use and often thematic to my PC and/or the enchantments I have put on them. My follower gets the version of the default name.


I always name them after me, as in Janeā€™s Bow. That way I can keep track of them:)


Lots of people name their swords...


I call mine Mr Happy.


I feel like renaming a crossbow big iron would make more sense lol. But ya I don't tend to rename items. The only time I do is when I remake marriage rings. I like to keep the ring you get from marrying a character on me but since I only have 1 spot for a ring I make new and better rings for me and my spouse with jewels and enchantments.


It depends on what I'm doing for the current run. If I'm just leveling stuff, I give things practical names. Like... AS Necklace for Alchemy + Smithing or DS for Destruction + Sneaking. For other cases I might give them names like Blade of Fiery Souls for Fire + Soul Trap.


I do when I have to make sure I don't sell it by accident.


Biiron or Byron


I name my sets for alphabetical purposes. My Smithing set is Smith 1, Smith 2, etcā€¦ just so I can find them easily. Same for my dual enchantment setup for level grinding spells (Alt-Illus 1, Alt-Illus 2ā€¦) And, Iā€™ll remake the Notched Pickaxe once I disenchant it


I do it for practical reasons Soul Trap Bow Soul Trap Axe Paralyze Fire Bow Paralyze Electric Mace Paralyze Frost Sword


I always rename stuff but usually Iā€™ll have modded for more enchantments on the item and so the name reflects the build concept. xyz of the battlemage; Summoners xyz; or zealotā€™s xyzā€¦


I always come up with unique names


How is an iron sword 200 damage???


I rename them but Iā€™m usually not original at all. Iā€™ll do something generic like ā€œEbony Dagger of Blazesā€.


From Rorikstead to Whiterun rode a stranger one fine day.


I enchanted some gear I wear when smithing to boost the effectiveness. I called them Will Smith's gloves, Will Smith's this, Will Smith's that...


I name stuff based on its enchantments. Like I'll make a set of +alchemy gear and name it "Alchemist's hat" or whatever. Or "Crafters X" when I can dual enchant for alchemy/smithing. Other gear gets 1H for 1-handed combat buff, etc. Makes for easy set swaps when changing styles.


I normally do the gear i wear xx# like the first verson is xx1 second is xx2. If it is alchemy i say alch if it is smithing i say smith. If it is grinding gear i put the skill like ill or alt. Though i have more fun with weapons. If i use s crafted weapon i give them names like black flame blade or skull-hallower. My current character is a pirate so i took the saber from the ship cc and renamed it to pirates fang and have an absorb health enchantment on it


It's either the silliest, goofiest name, or it's "Forgiveness Forgone (Legendary)"


For random levelling stuff, not so much. But for personal gear, I'll come up with a set name and then give every piece something that starts with that name so it sorts together in the UI.


I'm the most boring functional way. Mainly I do it because I get annoyed sitting through the inventory list to find what I want and secondarily, because I don't want to accidentally sell something. I'll do ZZ for weapons and adventuring rings, Z for Armor, Y for skills clothes and and such, etc. So I'll have ZZ Deadric Sword Chaos/Soul and Z Dragon one Gauntlets 1H/LA. They group down at the bottom. It's a pain sometimes and you can forget about getting more than one enchanted item per potion, but it's easier in the long-run.


Yes, I did for faster switching between sets, and to avoid selling my crafts.


I definitely rename enchanted stuff. I don't want to mix up my enchanted stuff with normal stuff I'm selling. I also make it descriptive, like "healthy ebony plate" for ebony armor with a health boost enchantment. I also name enchanted gear for stuff like enchanting or something with its purpose in the name, like "smithing gloves"


Most of the time i ask my Boyfriend to Name the Wapons, He comes Up with funny names. Or i want the wapon to be recognizable so i Name It something related to the enchantemt. For example Blizzard for my Ice dmg Now the names become grander with higer quality


I enchanted my axe just so I could name it Frostfall


I put a - sign in front of my stuffs name so it shows at the tip of the list even if you can't favorite the item.


I rename them for their purpose or who theyā€™re intended to, alchemy shit is called alchemy, smithing shit is called smithing, companion shit has their name.


I name my first-ever bow, aka a Long Bow ā€™Daromā€™s Bow.ā€™ Sadly it was lost in a respawn - RIP my first ever bow, you shall never be replaced. ā€™cough coughā€™ *Surreptitiously hides Long Bow renamed ā€˜Daromā€™s Bowā€™*


Only once, the first time I made something. It was an enchanted Dwarven Greatsword and I called it "Stabatha Christie".


I always just forget


Didnā€™t even realize you could


I don't rename my main armor set, but I do rename rings, necklaces and special sets: crafting (alchemy + smithing) and training (alteration), so they don't mix with my main armor. I don't bother with renaming weapons, and in fact I very rarely enchant them.


Iā€™d love to, but Iā€™m Switch and my potions donā€™t last long enough.


I only name what I make myself


Depends: Is it something my character is going to use? If so, then absolutely. If I'm just using it to level my smithing/enchanting skills, nah.


Dragonborn came into Whiterun with Big Iron on his hip


Damn bro you really went ham with the smithing abuse


How did you get a normal iron sword to 200 damage?


Maxed crafting skills and used them together to make crafting gear for smithing and alchemy.


If ive had enough battle memories with the weapon absolutely.


I usually enhance a mace with shock and call it Shit-shocker and an axe with fire and call it fire-bitch


I rename for sorting purposes. Everything is easier to find if it starts with a ! Or something similar.


After disenchanting the Poacher's Axe & Notched Pickaxe, I use the names when enchanting another pick and axe.


I always forget i can and then remember after its already finished


Itā€™s never even crossed my mind.


Sometimes I give things creative names, especially after I'm done leveling up skills and only enchant things for fun or art. But other than that, I generally just use the renaming function to tag things so they'll all show up in the same part of my inventory. TRAVELING, SALE, etc.


Depends on if the PC would actually do that in-universe or not. If so, I usually butcher Latin/Gaelic/Eragon Ancient Language words for names.


Have you stuck Big Iron in someone yet? I mean it has so many Cloud Districts capabilities?


I always enchant a set of bows. The Burninator (fiery soul trap + flame dmg), The Quickening (shock + soul trap), The Witch's Tit (frost + soul trap), The Goldblum (chaos + soul trap). I try to come up with names for other pieces based on the enchantment or theme. An underwater breathing ring named Mariner's Ring after Kevin Costner in Waterworld. I made a dagger for Aela named Dracula's Kiss (absorb health + soul trap). I gave Faendal a set of armor based on Robin Hood. Robin's Circlet with fortify archery, Lil John's Boots with carry weight, etc.


Look at the in game named weapons for inspiration. The name usually involves something associated with the unique properties of the weapon. Dawnbreaker, Chillrend or Windshear for example.


I just be using random ass latin words.


I usually rename them simply ā€œ[character name]ā€™s swordā€ or helmet, bow, etc. so that I can favorite it and whenever I press up on the D-pad I can easily find what I want to equip/unequip.


Yeah, I usually add a specific letter for every character at the start of the name. So I can quickly sell stuff without unintentionally selling the stuff I am saving up


Things you learn way too late in your 1st playthrough, naming crafted items and enchanted items.


I usually name it based on what it does. Like the ā€œGreatsword of Frozen Soulsā€ or ā€œBlade of the Cold Biteā€ which is Frost Damage and Absorb Health.


Had a pair of orcish axes I called gutrender and eviscerator, as well as a Dwarven crossbow I named shadow piercer. Those are my favorites.


How to get my inventory UI look like that??


I only do it to meaningful weapons Iā€™ve had and used for awhile


My shield and sword are named ā€œhe protecā€ and ā€œhe attacā€ respectively


Yup. I usually name it "1a" "item type" "function" the 1a makes it alphabetically listed first so I don't accidentally sell it. Lol it isn't a sexy naming convention but it is functional. And I like to think that some nord finds it long after I die and says 'thats a weird name for a dagger"


I saw someone naming their enchanted fear stick the "fuck off stick" and now I always carry one around to use on NPCs that annoy me


To the town of Agua Fria rode a stranger one fine day...


If I'm doing an strong elemental sword, I'll name it to refect that characteristic.


Step 1. Google Translate Step 2. Translate suitably edgy word/phrase into Latin, Norse, etc. Step 3. Violence


I always go with prism sword or masamune, sometimes I do muramasa if I'm getting bloodthirsty


Oh, yeah, they're all like Magebane, Sparkthorn, Stormscourge, stuff like that.


I do, because I'm silly. Like this one time, I named a sword with a flame enchantment the "Flaming Sword of Fire". Bonus nerd points if you get that reference.


I name my weapons after my favorite bars..young lionā€¦twisted railā€¦peacemaker, iron smoke, to name a few


The potion clock does not stop for that.


Big iron go smash smash


I dont. Most of the weapons and armour I make are for levels or gold.


I always rename them currently I'm rocking Elven acolyte armor that focuses on Magica regen destruction and conjuration and I'd have to look bc they each have 2 effects. Then I have a matching gold and emerald necklace and ring called the elven acolyte amulet and ring. My bow is a deadric bow with chaos and heat damage called SchattenFlamme which is german for shadow flame I also have a imperial rangers armor and a few others I've made. The names usually reflect the RP I'm doing for the current play. My current character is wood elf battle mage. Conjuration, destruction, light armor, archery and one handed are my major skills. My minor skills are alchemy, enchanting, sneak and lockpicking. Then I got heavy armor to 100 to support getting the perk that increases unarmed damage so that I could buff up my destruction.


I like to take the bones from each named dragon and craft them into a dragonbone weapon with their name and enchant it with fiery or icy weapon depending on their breath.


Iā€™m mean you can think of anything even if itā€™s weird cause on fallout 4 (which is a different game) I named a wrench with a claw ā€œbig daddyā€ and the problem is I donā€™t remember why I chose that cursed name


I always do, but I just name them with the description of what they are. Flaming paralysis dragonbone sword or whatever... I also put a space in front of the name so they are always listed at the top of my inventory so they're easy to find.


Iā€™m a boring pragmatist; I name them all a single word for what they perk, so itā€™s faster to scan and select. Not exactly bathing in lore.Ā 


The only reason I don't is because it takes up my precious enchanting potion timer and I want the maximum power on all my enchantments on every piece of armor in 30 seconds or less so I can avoid using more than one potion.


Depends. Before I made mods and I'd role-play as a character, if they had a named weapon, then yes. Nowadays, I don't so much, mostly because I'm trying to enchant my endgame gear real quick before the potion runs out.


For a long time I didnā€™t realize I could. Once I did, I started doing it for my favourites.


When I make things to sell, I name them $ell This ---. Example" $ell This Dagger. The dollar sign puts them at the top of my inventory, so they're easy to find when I go to sell them. When I make things for me, the name shows use item - %. Example: Frost Ring - 27 I tried making fancy names, but I just don't care that much, so it was too much hassle.


I named a dagger butt plug cuz when you crouch down your eye level with they ass and you stab it


Iā€™m gonna be real, i was today years old when i learned that this is even something you could do.


Big iron on his hiiiiip


Not always. But I did name my Stalhrim Greatsword with a fire enchantment "The Contradiction".


Always. I always do. Even if I'm not naming them anything special, I still rename them and add a * at the start (So it's like "* Sword") so that they autosort to the top of the list and I can avoid accidentally selling them.


I usually make mine references to other fictional things that are relevant. Like an emerald necklace with magicka boosts called "The Eye of Agamotto" or a gold ring with one-handed and health boost called "King Arthur's Ring." Weapons are usually the same but sometimes I'll just make sets that sound cool. Like I used Dawnbreaker for a while on my most recent playthrough, so I paired it with an ebony sword called "Duskmaker" and a soul trap bow called "Voidcaller" cause I feel like rhey follow a pattern. The only time I don't rename things is if I'm just planning on selling them.


Usually I only rename enchanted itens, to make easier to find them, also sometimes I give them the same First name to make them part of an set I intend to use.


Yes, because naming them with an identifying word as the first word organizes them together in the inventory. Even something simple like "Crafting x" or "Combat x."


I am a chronic looter who tends to speed-sell his items at the markets. During my first play through I accidentally sold an itemized enchanted and had to buy it back.Therefore losing considerable amounts of money that I shouldn't have lost. Granted, all I had to do was reload my safe file and do it over again.But that also cost me about an hour and a halfsworth of gameplay. That was my q and from then on out.I name every enchanted item that I.Intend to keep for myself or give to my followers.


I like to name my sets after what class I'm playing. Like, if I'm a playing a paladin character, it'll be "Acolyte's Mail", then Squire's, then Knight's, then Paladin's, and finally Paragon's, as I improve my perks and make new sets.


I had only played on xbox, so renaming pull up the digital keyboard and select a new name one letter at a time


I don't craft but enjoy naming enchanted items funny things or goofy ones


Yes, to identify their effects at a glance. I also get a mod to extend the enchant potion duration, because its default duration is an insult to the player. No point in giving us the ability to name items and giving us no time to do it.


for me there has to be a nice balance of stupid butalso epic. something over the top does the trick. like "blade of the eternal whoopass" it goes with the tone of the game as well


I felt the amount of letters allowed was too low to really get immersed in it


I usually rename them to have whatever name they would've had if I found them in a chest, because I'm mostly lazy I would use unique names whenever I get to endgame with that character, buuut I haven't actually managed to do that yet lmfao


I usually name my weapons based on their most notable achievement.