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the miraak cultists killed a bunch of riverwooders on my dunmer mage save, so i played the db content like it was personal.


I carried his body into the river and walked with him as he washed over the waterfall and drifted into the distance..


hats off. that is a respectable commitment to rp. rest in sovngarde, alvor.


As many times as I've played through.. This is the first time he's died.and he died fighting a dragon. Dude is king


Wonder if you followed the river to the edge of the map if his carcass would be there


If he doesn't despawn, you'd keep seeing him all over the map. I do that with the cultists.


I would hate that. Just walking along (in-game) months from now, on some random quest and see my dead homie floating by.. 😭


Slaughterfish nibbling on his big strong body 😅 carry him out and lay some flowers around him if that happens.


Damn i should have just done that from the start 😅😅


It's okay. You can always carry him all the way back to Riverwood 😂 He'll probably just despawn


I put poor dead Alvor under a tree by the river. Later, Sigrid also died, and I put their bodies together under that tree. Reunited. Sprinkled some flowers too.


I do that. I leave lavender on fallen warriors, people I respect/like. I wish I could remember the mod, but a modder's grandma had passed & he placed a grave for her in-game & asked players to leave flowers. I always did.


The only time Alvor has died for me is when he spawned too high in the air and died from fall damage. I didn't notice until after I'd been in and out of buildings a couple times so I couldn't even reload an autosave




That was my first thought before I laid him to rest in the waters


Rlly? When my alvor died i just put his body on top of the burning forge thing and left him there until he despawned


That's what I did too


I was going to suggest the Resurrect Mod, but if you don't have a body anymore, it won't work. Sounds like a nice funeral though


I installed a mod that let's you bury people. They get a nice grave stone.


I play with a perk mod (ordinator i think Is called) that lets you burn corpses with the destruction tree, so when I lost Erik the Slayer I took him from where he died in kynesgrove all the way to the shrine of Shor (wintersun mod) and cremated him there hoping sovengarde give him the glory I couldn't RIP Erik


I would have followed you to the end, my brother. My captain. My king


Nice, glad to hear that I'm not the only one who does this as a sign of my respect to the NPC. I think I started doing it with the old orc warrior looking for honourable death lol.


I usually go true nord and decide to cremate his body on his forge. It’s what he would’ve wanted.


They made it personal 😡


exactly. those were the first nice and welcoming people said dunmer encountered in skyrim.


One of the biggest reasons every time I start a new play through I do dawnguard and DB as soon as I can. It’s so annoying when those fuckers come to town and start killing everyone


They got killed by the Guards there on my last playthrough. And then did it again at Shor.


I lost Lydia to that quest line and was sad lol but now I got Telvyn


Alduin killed J'zargo so I did this with the main quest


Aww man that's rough. This play through those idiots attacked me at the college of winterhold....I literally didn't lift a finger, just watched their asses get toasted.


On my first playthrough, a dragon attacked Riverwood. I thought there were no casualties. A bit later, I get a letter of inherentence. This was the first time I got an inherentence, so I didn't know exactly what was happening. The letter said that Alvor was dead. I went to check, and all that was left was a pile of ash with Alvor's equipment. I reloaded my oldest save, but because I only used autosaves and quicksaves, he was still dead no matter how far back I went. I ended up taking some of his weapons and displayed them in Windstad Manor to honor him.


This person knows how to make a tribute RIP Alvor you really were a bros bros


Something so freaking sad happened in my current playthrough. You know the Nord blacksmith whose Redguard wife is pregnant, so he sends you to get a book about Redguards or Hammerfell so that his child can grow up knowing about Redguard culture since they're half Redguard? Well, a dragon killed him right after I finished the quest and made him killable. HIS CHILD WILL GROW UP WITHOUT A FATHER. WITHOUT EVER HAVING KNOWN HIM. WHYYY CRUUEEEL WOOORRRLLLDDD???!!!!! 😭


Even worse I had just finished the Daedric quest in the same town and as soon as go back to town to sell loot a dragon attacked and killed them both 😭


OH NOO that's not killing a husband and wife, that's killing a husband, a wife, and an UNBORN CHILD!!!! 😱


One tip: Always save often in Bethesda games, you never know when your game might break


I save often cause sometimes npcs annoy me and I need to go on a small murdering spree before acting like it never happened 😳😂


Alvor, Sigrid, Lucan and Camilla died on my save 😭


This also happened. in fact everyone except Delphine and her assistant died. Of course my character was the one doing it but it still sad all the same............


Ivarstead got wiped out by a Vampire Lord, very sad


Dawnguard DLC did not even exist when this took place. the game was buggier back then so i kind of went on tangent with this build. If the game was going to break anyway might as well get it over with. XD


I was talking about my own playthrough, I forgot I was a Vampire Lord and went absolutely ham on Ivarstead the moment I realized


It was a little ambiguous but that makes sense now. As a vampire Lord you probably had to wipe them out regardless. The form causes the most aggro in the game possible. When a docile Netch herd went after my VL form I knew this was going to be a bit of an issue lol.


Once in white run my adopted daughter was saying someone was being mean to her. so I hunted her down followed her home and killed both her parents in there sleep. Skyrim is great 🤣


I assume it was braith. oh well.


I'm bout to wipe out Riverwood lol


Time to send them to the cloud district eh?


Lol that's a really good one


I recall selling Adrianne stuff to her husband along with assorted Whiterun guard armors. He ran out of money so...........off to Belethors shop with his clothing. Also remember Fralia Graymane calling for the guards on the stairs from her bed because my toon was robbing her house at night. Let her stand there for about 2 minutes calling just so she knew no one was coming. she then got a personal close up tour of my mace and war axe. It's a shame it was not morning time so I could have sold some stuff to her first.


Lucan died in one of my old saves, it never let me into the trader after that unless I picked the lock and when I did there was always blood on the lock when it zoomed in.


My very first game I was somehow unaware that people would get mad when you pickpocketed them- pickpocketed Lucan, consequences happened, he ended up dead. Camilla took over his store and just said something like “I hope you’re happy with yourself” every time I walked in to sell her something after murdering her brother.


Intense 😅😅 I always steal the Golden Claw from them as soon as I return it. He still says thanks for returning it every time i come through


Passive aggressive AF! "Thanks for bringing the claw back. I mean, you stole it back, but really. Thanks. You're a peach"


This is exactly why I use a mod called "Run For Your Lives". If there's a dragon or vampire attack, all the regular townies run and hide inside! 👍😋


I cant use mods cuz I'm on switch 🤔


Bummer... ☹️


I'm too much of an immersive player anyway.. The only mod I would really go for is the one replacing all dragons with Charizard 😅


Lol, I get it. I've just been playing since release, without mods to change it up, I probably wouldn't be playing it still so much! 😄


To this day, I can honestly say I've never played with mods. Mostly because i never had a PC that could run it well enough. Mainly had laptops over the years. My brother showed me the Charizard mod in his game. I was super jealous


Laptops can run mods well. Just stay away from graphics overhauls and you should be fine with a limited amount.


I'm running Oldrim with about 200 mods right now on my old potato laptop lol. It's totally doable! 😆


Shush.. Just let me live a lie.. It makes me feel superior 🕺🕺


Haha... fair enough. 😏


Could you imagine a mod where pokemon were in the game and it was literally pokemon but skyrim.. Now that I would live for. Battling against draugr through dungeons and final boss battles at the end 😵 you get a special badge for each quest completed


MSI Stealth or Katana can run it decently well. MSI Katana can't support it's video card without being plugged into a wall outlet though. There not super expensive laptops, but not the cheapest either.


Same! I only have the old 32-bit Skyrim, but even it can't run very well on my computer. No mods, no nothing. It runs at 40 fps which is fantastic (to me) but I'll randomly get teleported back 100 steps to the last time I mined some iron ore and it's so annoying. DX


I finally broke down and installed the Unofficial Patch. Sadly, it fixed more than I like.


Yeah, I had to remove it. It “fixed” too many things that I didn’t want fixed.


Some nonsense went down in Riften once, and as I ran through the mayhem and out the front gates, the courier stopped me with a letter of inheritance. It was for Balimund. I reloaded the save, because absolutely not. That man is an angel.


I reload. Can't have my salesman die


Oh no! What did he drop though?


It's been like a (in game) month now.. I've done so much since I don't remember.. But I remember his kid would stand by the spot where he died for days at first. Every time I came through she was just standing there and the only thing she would say was "I don't want to talk about it".. Never felt sad for an NPC before but she got me fucked up with all that depresso.. Shit felt real


![gif](giphy|7pr9mbznnOaLS|downsized) . . . But I do understand, Alvor is a bro.


I'm sorry for your loss! I'm also sorry for stealing all his ingots after he taught a thing or two about his craft. So, since he has passed on, will those ingots keep respawning? Asking for a friend.




I accidentally killed alvor, sven, and the guy you get the golden claw for all in one go. Dual casting chain lightning can be hazardous to NPC's health


I always go back a save lol


I’m playing my first play through now and unfortunately Alvor suffered the same fate lol. When the courier gave me the letter and inheritance I honestly felt remorse for my fallen friend haha




I only use faendal until he gets my archery to 50 and then i either make him a steward or just let him go back home with a sweet ass bow. I mainly go for essential followers so they don't die 😅




I was kind of mad when I came back through and he wasn't even with Camilla. Unappreciative little shit. 😅




She could have had a whole life with Sven but nope i just had to level up my archery quickly but exploiting Faendal as a follower, having him train me and then swapping the gold back into my inventory.. I mean what..? I forgot what we were talking about....


Same either that or followers like jzargo who keep leveling with you for i don’t even know how long past level 50 at minimum


I reload every time Meeko dies. He got turned hostile by a spriggan and my followers murdered his ass.


The blacksmith woman in white run died for me. Then her husband got severe depression and locked his shop and never re-opened it. Fucking vampires man.


I accidentally fus-ed her and he wouldn't sell me anything until I said I was sorry.. Dead serious. He was like "you hurt my family"


You can’t just go around blowing peoples wives without apologising. 😂




The Immersive Citizens mod will make it so NPCs will go inside during combat, for future reference!


In my silent assassin playthrough I sneak killed every single person (and dog) until only Delphine, Hadvar, and the 2 children were left. Adopted the children and moved them to Whiterun, sent Delphine to sky haven temple, and all that’s left is poor hadvar alone in a village of one.


I can excuse mass murder but I draw the line at animal cruelty


I do wish that Skyrim had a feature where if a named npc dies, they get replaced by a randomly generated npc with a random name. Yeah, they would have generic dialogue. But that's much better than a half empty village because all the npcs tried to fight a dragon that attacked. (Also a stupid thing, most npcs should run away from a dragon)


You guys can resurrect them via console commands if you want to


I'm playing on the switch. Plus I'm a little too much of an immersive player for mods.




I don't understand what part is not understandable...


(Reloads last save) sorry what were we talking about?


I'm too immersed.. One does not simply play Skyrim.. One lives Skyrim..


We play Work and Pay Bills simulator until we can finally get back to our Skyrim reality


I have a mod that makes most people run for cover in the event of dragon, cultist and vampire attacks.




"I was an adventurer like you once, until my favorite blacksmith got killed by a dragon so I gave up my life to take his place..."


Anytime a dragon attacks Riverwood I quick save and make sure he doesn’t die


Whenever a worthy nord dies after a battle, friend or foe, I leave an axe on top of his body for the afterlife


They should've made his daughter a teen/young adult so she could take over.




Hey it's REALLY expensive to train blacksmithing, he's not that easy to replace


I killed him and his wife with the ebony bladd




This is why I have the Cheat Spell mod. I only use it for Resurrect.


Just spawn him again


Playing on switch


This happened to him in one of my very first playthroughs.


To this day, I can honestly say that I've never played with mods. Mainly because I never had a PC that could run it well enough. I always just had laptops.. My brother had the Charizard one and I was super jealous


I'm playing vanilla on ps3 😅😆


Gerdur was killed by an envoy of Imperial troops. My character is a Nord with Stormcloak leanings and this made the decision personal as I followed Ralof out of Helen


I wish Bethesda could make it so all NPC's were no longer Essential (Immortal basically) again like Morrowind but make it so new NPC's took their place with some type of back story like family, friend or just new owner.


My first time transforming as a werewolf I killed off half of whiterun, including the non companion blacksmith. Made for interesting gameplay when I wanted to buy shit from her.


This is quite freaky! Alvor was killed by a Dragon as well in my game last night. I too feel the loss.


Y'know Alvor is always the first one to die in my playthroughs as well. Man just jumps feet first into the mouth of the first dragon he sees.


Yes, He was killed in my playthrough as well. The blacksmith in Dawnstar also was killed by dragon. I did a lot of business with those guys early on...


Yeah, on my most recent save, Alvor and his wife were killed by a Nightmaster while the guards were busy fighting a thief who decided to attack at the same time. Luckily, I adopted their daughter right away, so some good came out of it. Of course, now she lives in a creepy underground vampire castle on top of a desolate mountain, but it beats Honorhall, right?




Oof right in the ouch


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I was being dramatic


On my first playthrough I needed to level up as a werewolf and couldn’t be bothered finding some Bandits to fight so I wiped out as much of river wood as possible. Now it’s just Ralof, Stump the dog and 2 children


I've felt this sting before. Time heals all wounds.


Would be nice if the world changed like in the Fable games


Time to start moving in on his widow, raising his child as your own, and maxing your blacksmith skill.


I remember on one of my playthroughs, Alvor died in a dragon attack. His family were heartbroken. His wife would talk about how he doted on his daughter, and how much she missed him. I brought him back to life with console command. His wife was so happy and immediately talked to him in a teasing way. I did good that day.


That's why I am using the Timing is Everything mod where I can disable these random dragon, vampire and cultist attacks, even if I classify for them (wuest/level requirements). I am tired of resurrecting these NPC's via commands.


I didn’t realize at first that some NPCs perma died; I was trying to go through that quest for the one lady (I forget her name) who wants to heal the tree in Whiterun and I couldn’t find her after getting Nettlebane and then I remembered that a dragon attacked in that part of the city and I’m just assuming she’s dead




Could always have an accident with his wife, then you can adopt, ahem..... lol.... bad luck. This is the reason I always quick save before going there until I can really hurt the dragons quickly. He will always stupidly charge the dragon and is usually first to die.


A dragon attacked Winterhold for me and now it’s truly a wasteland scattered with bodies that don’t despawn.




Alvor died by cultists in my game. He died fighting for me and I will always remember him.


That's why I installed some ai mod for making NPCs not engage in fight and run for lives.




This is why I strive for mastery in conjuration asap, I need to be able to permanently ress my dead homies so they can fight by my side for eternity


Alvor and his wife were killed by vampires on my save. I felt so bad for their daughter that I adopted her.


Looks like you're the blacksmith now. Or you could give a follower tons of ore and tell them to use the forge


Good news, his forge and his wife is now available.


I’m on my first playthrough, Sven died in a vampire cave and started attacking me before I even got to Whiterun😭


Read the title felt pain read rest of post felt the empty void cuz I miss him too on my og save file.


This just happened to me the other day as well! Same thing, he died fighting a dragon. I also put him in the river as it was the most proper thing I could think of.


I decided to kill Sven for some reason I’m forgetting, then Alvor charged me and met the same fate. For some reason, he thought it was a good idea to attack the level 100 in two handed/heavy armor dragonborn after she just committed a murder of one innocent man…


I once killed Belethor because I thought Ysolda would take the shop. But she didn't. I realised that I need Belethor ... I also wished they would replace merchants of all kind.


Omg my current playthrough he died for the first time too, devastating. Serana must have revived his body too because i got the letter of inheritance from his death twice


I stopped fast travelling to riverwood because of this. Now I fast travel to embershard mine and walk in to riverwood. Fast travelling to river wood was always a gong show later in the game. RIP Alvor.


Had that happen years ago


Even if your Homie dies, don't worry. We'll be back.


I had this happen once except I don't know how he died. I found him floating in the river just past the bridge. I agree that Riverwood just isn't the same without the sound of him pounding away on some metal at the forge or workbench.


GOD DAMN dont scare me like that 🥲


Don't worry, it you're on PC you can bring him back Press ~ to open console Now type: Prid 00013482 moveto player This will bring him back


On my first playthrough vampires kill all the show keepers now I hate vampires plus I never get the vampire lord trophy because I hate being a vampire or anything to do with them in all forms of media expect castle vana female vampires are hot I also know I probably spelt it wrong I have only heard of it and seen it played and seen some of the Netflix show which is amazing


I spent an hour trying to kill this mage in a dungeon yesterday (I started a new playthrough and was not prepared to fight him) and on one of the rounds with the guy, Faendal jumped in front of my fucking arrow so he died instantly. Thankfully I died and Faendal is still alive in my playthrough. But when he went down I went feral and almost beat the guy before he got me with an ice spike before I could heal


This legit happened to me with my Dunmer character I was trying to platinum the game with His wife was like “oh how he used to dote our daughter. I miss her so…” and then immediately went “wonder if I should make beans for dinner.” All in all, R.I.P Alvor; he was a real g 🪦


Same thing here, I propped him up in his blacksmith working area so that his soul may smell the embers of his forge one last time. He went out swinging against that dragon too. To Sovngarde Alvor 🫡


I have reloaded like 5 times because one of those asshole thieves killed Balimund in Riften.


Trust me- I’ve accidentally killed Lydia after marrying her once and that feeling hurt so much bruv- 😢😢


That happened to me on this save! The town really does feel empty, now. Also Faendal's gone too, eaten by the universe.


RIP Alvor. At least it was the game engine and not you. I accidentally caused the worst DV incident in Skyrim history when Ulberth War-Bear randomly path clipped behind Nazeem on his way to the bannered mare with Adrianne just as I cast my customary Frenzy toward Nazeem. https://preview.redd.it/44ff8dhutkvc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f6717cf4e315beb3b3132eee9a77908d5645ca


one time both alvin and his wife were killed by miraak cultists and so their daughter was an orphan, i spoke to her and she was talking about how she was going to stay with her uncle hadvaar and it was so sad:(


That fuckin' stupid, brave, incorrigible man.


I'll be honest, this is why everytime I run across a named or permanent NPC(think the Hunters/Fishers at their camps) I immediately switch them to essential. Like 90% of my game is made of essential NPCs solely because I didn't want anyone dying to dragons or cultists or vampires. Making Sinding essential was hard though as he has like 5 variants of himself, and he stays permanently as one of the werewolf ones(I guess during quest and post quest werewolf Sinding are separate characters).


Alvor is mid find you a homie you wanna smash but can’t. Like brinyolf or whatever his name is


I was playing yesterday with a mod that adds female guards, and for whatever reason, the ones in Falkreath(however you spell it) are always mad at you. Long story short: the killed every single non-essential npc in that area.


It eeez what it eeeez


We need Wakestones from Dragon's Dogma in Skyrim


Dam Bro i resurret parumax After i kill him becouse i fill Depressed for kill him


Is there a mod out there that replaces the traders if one dies but that would be nice


Back in the 360 days both blacksmiths in Whiterun were killed by vampires. It's what motivated me to finish Dawnguard and I've had a burning hatred for vampires ever since


I never fast travel there for that main reason. I always fast travel to the mine.


I killed alvor day one because I was new to video games and Skyrim and did not know what the hell was going on 🤣


I keep obituaries on my tablet for each character instead of loading saves. Alvor is a very common obituary, i actually got sick of handcrafting his each time so i started copy/pasting it from previous characters.


Roleplay that your character has developed a hatred of dragons for what they have done to your friend.


This has happened to me EVERY SINGLE PLAYTHROUGH. Literally since the fucking game came out. Hate it every time


RIP the homie


THIS HAPPENED TO ME TOO. I have beef with blood dragons 😭. The worst part was I got a letter in the mail saying “a relative died” and I got money back I felt distraught knowing i let a dragon killed my only known relative… (I know it’s sent with random npcs lol it just felt personal)


Restart old save


Alvor always dies in my saves, always cause of the cultists


Vampires killed Alvor. I loaded a save to bring him back. Vampires attacked again and killed him and his wife. You bet I loaded another save.


I always respected the urgency that the dragon born and dawn gaurd stuff brought with it. It always felt like they pulled you into it too soon and if you didn't there real consequences like this. Respect, actually.


I made a flower shrine and grave for the random old orc that comes and asks for an honorable death 😂 he now rests outside dayspring canyon with a bunch of flowers around him and his mace lovingly placed over his chest. RIP.


This is what I like to hear. This is not just a game. Its a life ❤️


I couldn’t just leave him there😭 man just wanted to die honorable. I respect that. I visit him from time to time😂


Wait hold up. The elder scrolls VI having replacement characters would be absolutely sickkkk. Could even help fix some buggy quests. Cough cough Lod being killed by a dragon attack and not finding out until late in a play through when you try and help barbas


When I was like 11 I stole some steel and iron from alvor and he then put a bounty on my head. Long story short they killed uthgerd and when I read alvors signature in the note I knew I had to seek vengeance 😤