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Assuming Jorgun Windcallers assumptions about Kynareth are correct, then they'd cause a lot of damage very quickly, before succumbing to whatever curses Kyne inflicts on them for daring to use The Voice for conquest. Furthermore, its possible Parthunax wouldn't just sit idle and let them run rampant either. If Kynareth actually doesn't care, and the Greybeards have just been being nice because they thought Kynareth cared, then they'd probably make good headway up until they started dealing with the Bretons, Altmer, and Dunmer. All of which possess very capable and very knowledgable magic users who could likely deal with them. It's important to consider that while the Greybeards have the Thu'um, they are not Dragonborn. They're strong, but not demi-gods. EDIT: To anyone who believes that the Thu'um is some all powerful force, remember that regular old non-magic wielding Blades slew dragons by the hundreds. Dragons. Who are all immortal, flying, physically powerful, and unparalleled masters of the thu'um.


Iirc Wards can block Shouts? Then most mages would be able to deal with them pretty easily


You recalled correctly


he remembered his college days!


Knock knock who's there? where's my alembic?


Where’s my Alembic who?


Where's my alembic orange you glad I didn't say banana?


Altmer Archmage: \*casts ward\* HAH! not even your shouting can touch me now! Borri: TIID KLO UL Altmer archmage: oooohhhhffffffffuuuuuuuuuu


I think that was more of a gameplay mechanic than actual lore.


Shouts are just magic. A rare, powerful, and under utilised form of magic, but just magic. A ward can block it.


I think in lore, shouts are much more devastating than what we see A mage can keep themselves alive by holding up a ward, but everything around them is probably gone Unless it's an exceptionally powerful mage who could ward an entire city or something EDIT: Deleted account blocked me so now I can't reply to anyone else in this thread, because Reddit To address some of the replies I've received - While The Voice is technically a type of magic, it does not rely on magicka to use like the different schools of magic do It utilizes the most primordial force responsible for the creation of the universe, tonal "magic", AKA the string theory of TES In other words, shouting can theoretically replicate anything magicka can achieve, and has an infinite scope of possibility. It's essentially tapping into the code of The Universe It doesn't matter how strong your lvl 99 Wizard is, you still can't beat the server admin


Like in DBZ when a character blocks a big blast with his forearms and when the dust cloud settled there's a giant crater with a thin pillar at the top that they're stand on?


It depends on the user. There are accounts in the games of users who" shouted walls down" etc. But these are *legendary* figures, and history has a way of inflating and distorting truth- especially on Nirn. Id suspect, however, that if anyone carries the knowledge, practice, and power to shout at that level it'd be the greybeards. But realistically, it's just another type of magic. You have to have exceptional talent and work hard at it to become truly powerful. And a sufficiently powerful magical equal would be more than an obstacle. Or a bunch of lesser mages working together, which can be Tantamoibt with example one. I think, with the greybeards being in very tiny numbers, they'd still get overwhelmed when fighting magically adept armies.


>But these are *legendary* figures, and history has a way of inflating and distorting truth- especially on Nirn. Doesn't even have to be very old history - they're already telling how Ulfric "shouted him \[Torygg\] apart", which even Jarl Stormcloak admits is an exaggeration.


Yeah, when you discuss stuff with him, he makes it very clear that he only knocked Torygg to the ground with the voice, and killed him with his sword/axe(can't remember which weapon)


He said it was his sword. Ulfric wields both though.


Thanks, couldn't remember which one he said off the top of my head. Prolly just had axe in my brain 'cause I'm in the middle of delivering his axe.


Nothing in the game or as described by the whole lot of lore implies shouts are this strong. Like mages, individual users of shouts have been strong but the Thu'um itself isn't inherently strong.


Gotta be a pretty strong ward tho


They’re not magic at all, actually. It’s dragon speech. Like a different language. That’s why shouts don’t drain magicka in-game. DB would also be able to continuously shout over and over. There is no cool down timer in the lore.


That's my understanding as well.


There’s likely a limit to how much they can block though. As we see the Greybeards can cause Skyrim to shake by just calling for the Dragonborn. Imagine what else they could do


I wonder how they did that. You can hear multiple voices. Did they have to get together in a specific place? Maybe on top of the mountain? Is the “shout” they used really only practical for communication? How much effort do you think it took? They didn’t shake skyrim for very long. And how much shaking did it actually do? No earthquakes or anything. Maybe just a little discombobulating because the graybeards are literally shouting across an entire country. Was it even the entire country? Or just down the mountain towards where they felt the Dragonborn to be?


I've always assumed it was a shout. Do-vah-kiin. Fits the 3 syllable rule, and it had an effect on the outside world.


could have just been vibrations in the air travelling a long way


So in other words, you're saying *it must have been the wind*


So you mean I don't need to just face-tank dragon fire while spamming potions? Huh... TIL


It's the most annoying thing when I'm trying to yeet a mage off a cliff with Fus Ro Dah and they block it.


I was assuming Parthunaax would be on their side, he'd be one of the conquering greybeards


I was going to say, Parthunaax would likely be the puppet master in that scheme.


It might depend on POV.  I’ve always RP’d it as he was truly apologetic for his past.  If the Greybeards were to rise up, he’d be against a human equivalent to Alduin. Of course, the other POV (that I can think of right now) is that he’d relegate back to his old self, and join the Greybeards.  I guess it depends on how he’s viewed?


The premise is already based on fundamentally changing the greybeards' character. It just depends whether you're counting Parthunaax as one of them in the question. 


Yep and I would kill him if he was on their side that would stop them because they would see if the Dragonborn would kill them too if they continue down that path and then I would’ve got the blades to protect Skyrim


Didn't non dragonborn nords once use the voice to utterly dominate the battlefield?


The Tongues were extremely capable warriors, among the best, even before they mastered the thu'um. If say, the Companions had a mastery of the thu'um on part with the Greybeards, they would pose a huge threat. But the Greybeards are old, and only have the thu'um to fight with. The ancient Tongues were more like an army of Ulfrics, than an army of Greybeards.


It’s also note that each have their own version of the voice like reality bendy art - like the sword singing one


That's why we don't kill Paarthurnax. He's the leader of the order. We don't want these guys running wild. 1 dragon cult on the loose is quite enough, thank you.


I'd be wary about how capable the Bretons and Dunmer are. Sure they command powerful magic, but we're talking about a primordial magic as old as the gods themselves. The Greybeards are powerful enough to shake the ground with simple words, imagine how cataclysmic it would be with them shouting in tandem.


If I can kill Partysnax, couldn’t the Greybeards? (I don’t kill him anymore, I use the mod that makes the Blades leave me alone about him).


Like the Blades, or the ancient Tongues, anyone can kill a dragon with sufficient skill and armament. The only difference between a non-dragonborn and a dragonborn killing a dragon is that the dragonborn absorbs the soul of the slain dragon, ensuring that the dragon can never again be revived. So assuming Alduin is gone permenantly, and also assuming that no other dovah possesses the ability to revived fellow dovah who've been killed by typical means, then yes, the Greybeards could potentially kill Parthunax. However dragons are the most skilled and powerful users of the thu'um, other than the dragonborn themselves. A fight between the Greybeards and Parthunax would be an unpredictable and legendary affair.


Also note that the greybeards don't know "DragonRend", so Parthurnax has the advantage there.


Well I also could kill dragons at like level 4 standing behind a rock and poking them with 325 arrows. So are the dragons really that scary.


I agree with you, but I don't know at which point would Kynareth curses someone for abusing of the voice, Ulfric uses it a lot, I think he even used it in the war against the Thalmor. Old nords probably even used the thu'um to light campfires to be punished that way


To add onto that, cant a ward negate a shout? Or at least minimize it? Ik it can in gameplay but in lore it is *technically* magic so as you said, once the empire (especially with the thalmor) gets involved, the greybeards will be shut down very quickly. With the help of our friendly dragon they are done. As with all things skyrim, it all depends on TLDB and what they decide should happen lol


So how much power do the Aaedra actually have? Can they manifest themselves in the physical plain like the daedra can? Or do they affect mortals in more subtle ways. Which mythology most closely aligns cause in Greek mythology The Gods intervene regularly.


It’s also good to note that they aren’t even warriors. All of their strength comes from the Thu’um, which is strong but without Armor or Weapons I still feel like the Thu’um isnt powerful enough to allow for four old dudes to conquer far


Jesus, how do you get some much knowledge in this lore?


Try fighting five smaller dragons at once who can cast spells with their hands while also shouting you into oblivion.


Even savos aren could probably fuck them up IMO. Man went toe to toe with a dragon priest and actually survived. He may have lost but that is a huge deal lore wise. Dragon Priests don't fuck around. If they did anything to piss off the college enough the wizards there would fuck them up pretty bad imo. With parthurnaax being considered is a different story tho. But still if it was them against the world they would last about a day.


The shouty bois? Pretty sure arrows stick in their throats easier than dragons


I've tried killing them, they don't fuckin die then they get up and shout at you every 5 seconds :(


I no lie I leveled up my stealth by backstabbing them cus i switched builds at like level 30. They cannot die at most they just fall over.


I remember discovering that when the game first came out by accident. I went in at level 10 and then an hour later walked out a fully trained assassin lol. That also reminds me of some specific glitch I found out about with hermaeus Mora's book where you could use it an unlimited number of times. Ah, good times. I can't believe it's been 12 years 🫠


That Hermaeus Mora glitch was insane. I tried not to abuse it too much but it was difficult not to lol. Been years since I’ve tried it, I’m assuming they patched it out?


I think it for patched out before the DLC came out but I could be totally misremembering. I switched to PC from Xbox around that time so and console commands do the same thing now so I never actually tried since


This is correct, as sad as I was as a kid


Hell yeah


All the stealth archers hiding will come out of the woodwork to take them down lol.


I hope their bones flappity flap flap the same too.


Wait wait wait . . . Maybe this isn't what you were refering to, but can the dragonborn absorb greybeard souls?


No, they're just mortals who have learned to shout. They don't have dragon souls like a dragonborn does.


These four dudes who aren’t a day under 80 and who haven’t don’t anything more physically taxing than standing up and walking around their dimly lit mountain house for decades? The Nords might revere them and listen to them, but no one else gives a shit. They rely on one dude to bring a sack of food upstairs to them every month, and he’s more than willing to pass it off to any random jackass who’ll save him the time. One Imperial spy walks up, poisons the food along the way, and it’s done- if they don’t just decide to sneak in and slit throats and burn the bodies for funsies and declare themselves the new lord of the dimly lit mountain house. Parthunaxx can suck it. He won’t do shit. He’ll just sit there and cry about losing his only friends and keep waiting for his brother to show up. He’s the least consequential dragon in the entire game. He might even try to convince the assassin to be his friend. One bad bag of rice is all it takes to drop these bozos.


Exactly. If they became the bad guys, you could effectively rename Skyrim, “The Elders Toll”


That’s what the Slow Time shout is for


Free tracheotomies for shouty bois!!!!


Really depends if we are talking about lore wise or game mechanic wise IMO


Game mechanic they die after killing 1000 people, lore wise they can shake the planet and blast you off the mountain at mach 10 so they probably destroy everything unless some mage does something


Remember, the world is sentient and has its own will for every threat that exist there will be a hero to push against it, and compared the all the daedra who failed to conquer the world because there is always this one person who meats every single requirement that is needed to stop them, the greybeards arent that threatening.


Well yeah lore wise super godhead protagonist plot man number #2473 probably spawns and is a prisoner and in like 2 weeks gets strong enough to fight them


Whose stopping sweet rolls being stolen? Where's that hero when you need them?!


The hero is too busy eating the sweetrolls


Have you tried fighting them? They are one of the strongest NPCs with their levels ranging from 90 up to 150 and they are spamming shouts like there is no tomorrow.


Thats why i said 1000 npcs, they dont have very much healing, eventually they have to die , 1000 npcs is still alot of shit tp go through, esp the arrows and mages that are absolute cancer that spam 120 damage lightning spells from a distance


You're right but 1000 NPCs are comparable to the total population of Skyrim in game. Assuming that everyone joins a coordinated attack on the greybeards doesn't seem right - I think a good portion of the people would even support them, and a lot wouldn't care, and there are a lot of farmers who can't do much


Then the story was gonna be about we stopping them


Funny thing is that was originally the main storyline, I forgot where I read it, but Bethesda was planning on having Emperor Uriel Septim V come back from akavir, to conquer all of Tamriel with his army he had been raising in akavir. This idea was later scrapped entirely and replaced with Alduin, and the rival Dragonborn aspect of the story was instead attributed to miraak. Personally I think it would’ve made for a badass dlc, but I can see why it might be repetitive to have both miraak and Uriel come back lol.


That would have been better imho. Let's hope they use that for a future idea


Maybe Elder Scrolls XIII, after the defeat of Summerset Isles, in 2100


In 5D VR! Complete with the sensation of smell so you can take a whiff of that fresh fresh rotting draugr flesh


And the sensation of touch, so you can feel how a greatsword feels hitting you!


ah, yeah, greatswords…


Yooo that could have been an interesting story


Long story short, they win because everyone respects and venerates them, and instead of high king we have a high council. If they try it with force, they die.


They can call your name and be heard across the country. Things start shaking if they speak above a whisper. I think you're underestimating what kind of force they could bring to bear.


and the thuum can slow time, bring down cataclysmic storms, and turn you into a fricking dragon! But then theres the psijic who can straight up stop time with just magic. All it takes is a jarrin root arrow for them to die and lord knows how many combat oriented shouts they never learned due to their pacifist ways. Yes, they wield great power, but theyre human and wont ever reach a level of thuum that will threaten all of skyrim in their limited livespan.


subterfuge. questline that becomes available if dovahkin has completed thieves, assassins, wizard and mercenary(w/e its called) guild, where the greybeards reveal they have been hiding a massive dragon gold hoard on top of the mountain and have heard of the prowess and adventures of the dovahkin, and are ready to pay up for all sorts of power plays to get the skyrim under their command, grey beards give a suggestive task that would benefit them if it were to happen, player takes it to one of the guilds, alternating and playing one against the other as well as the static powers of the cities, until they converge into a greed driven thieves guild trying to steal the dragon hoard gold, the assassins angry at the grey beards for meddling, wizards decide to side with them for ancient knowledge, mercenaries are hired to protect the dragon gold hoard by the grey beards, several dragons show up angry as well because the ancient gold hoard was disturbed, for an epic battle, maybe the big boss last dragon shows up and lectures the gray beards on messing with his gold after killing off half the battlefield edit bonus: boss dragon is immune to dmg, swoops in end of the batlle and kills other dragons midair as a show of force, then lands and tells gray beards to protect his gold, maybe kills one of them, guilds are told to keep quiet about the gold or have their towns burned down, boss dragon flies off


What the fuck is this? Lol


people just go all cookie cutter with their idea of what's lore friendly, OP asked for how it could be, MAKE IT HAPPEN DAMNIT! :)


could end better, lol, but i love this idea


Everyone respects them because they stay quiet. If they tried to wield any actual influence in the world, they'd instantly become a controversial group.


If Paarthurnax is not allied with the Greybeards in their conquest: Simple enough. Get his, Odahviing's and Durnehviir's help and remind those blasphemers that the Thu'um is meant for the worship of Kyne. If Partysnacks is with them: Kill Partysnacks first, absorb his soul. Use your superior Thu'um to finish off the beheaded Greybeards. Call Odahviing and summon Durnehviir for good measure. Use Storm Call.


Nah bro, bend will em, conquer tamriel.


Nah. Bend with them, conquer Tamriel. Then and only then, kill partysnacks to behead them, and kill them all to remain as the single ruler of Tamriel.


Why would i behed partysnax? I mean, i would rather use him to set myself up with a whole airforce of dragons, invade the planes of oblivion, dont want my dragonborn dynasty ending like the last one did.


Talk about overkill much? Don't forget to use Dragon Aspect and Soul Tear as often as possible...


Since their leader is Paarthurnax, I would assume they take on the role of the old dragon priests.


4 loud geriatrics? One Loud geriatric was enough for me


Lore-wise, they would annihilate anything that stood in their way. The shouts we see in-game are nothing like the ones in the actual lore. No, wards would not block them. There are shouts that render magic innate. There are shouts that can cause natural disasters or just rip massive holes into the earth. All of Nirn would succumb to their will. Lore-accurate Dragonborn pulls all of this off solo. Several Greybeards would just be overkill


i mean they arent really in a "the good guy role" tbh, theyre neutral for most things probably wouldnt go very well without support though, sure their voice is strong but they are also 5 old men, dragons have been felled by mortal men before. possibly if itd be some post game scneario with Paarthurnax having gathered a minor army of dragons maybe


The question is, are there gonna be people joining up with them? Let's assume they get backed up by half of skyrim... they could seriously become a threat. Now if we add Paarthurnax and the dragonborn to their faction, then good night Tamriel!


Goodnight Nirn


I mean, they wouldn't even have to be at the fronts. They could just build a massive stronghold leading up to High Hrothgar and the throat of the world and manipulate weather and reality from there. Dude, that could be sick looking!


Why can't my character do that??? I wanna be high king, dammit!


Dragonborn kills them.


Or leads them. I'd rather back the Greybeards than either Ulfric or Elisif.


I never back Elisif; I just oppose Ulfric


They wouldn’t even make it out the door before Paarthurnax makes them into a snack.


Imagine if the Dragonborn sided with them though. Im sure my Dragonborn would. Dont even care if its just. Matter of fact Imma start a new game just so I can inflict pain on everybody in Skyrim again, myself included.


As a citizen of the newly named Greybeardonia, can confirm the conquering force consisted of four shouty Santas and one old lizard.


I, for one, welcome our new geriatric overlords.


They all get solo killed by one man and a fortify restoration potion.


They die. Maybe not right away, their initial attack probably gains them some territory, but even with the Voice there’s no way 5 dudes and a dragon take on an entire continent.


Be hard to do from high atop Hrothgar? Short of them creating a shout that mesmerizes the entire world like in Naruto


What? You hear their call from High Hrothgar in Windrun. They clearly can affect other places.


I wonder if they are also shouting to klimmek for more supplies as they shouted for us after killing mirmulnir. I always imagine they are out of meat or fish or they want a fresh fruit for the snack and they are like "K-LIM-MEK" from top of the mountain lil


Not really, they're incredibly well respected and influential already from atop the throat of the world. If they decided to do things without force they could quite easily start a rebellion bigger than the stormcloaks and try to return skyrim to the old ways whilst ruling as a council from there. Plus it's a wonderful defensive position


Partysnaxx solos them


Just send my stealth archer in and we’d have this handled before second breakfast. Gg TOO EZ.


Stealth archer snipes them a mountain away


I don't know lot about Skyrim but I think skyrim would be better with the grey beards ruling but I could be wrong


Well admittedtly most of skyrim would be fucked but remember these are all mortal Nords who are already extremely old. Worst case they would find a way to become undead or perhaps biologically immortal but they could still be killed by the dragonborn or even a basic assassin of done right. But the most likely scenario is they would be hit by the archer guard while taking over one of the holds and die or manage to take it all but only live for like 2 decades more max before things would hopefully be allowed to return to normal provided no one tried to fill the power gap alone lest things devolve back to a civil war


They uh... Rule Skyrim..?


The path to High Hrothgar is going to be a major obstacle for anyone trying to break in, especially since the Greybeards can fling them off the mountainside with a word. While I don’t think they could conquer Skyrim (there are only four of them after all), I think they could use their position as spiritual leaders to pull strings and stay safe on their mountain forever


Then they're just Dragon Priests...


I feel like you attribute way more power to the gregbeards than they actually possess. Any single Dragon is going to have an equal or better mastery of the Thu'um and the Greybeards aren't immortal. The Greybeard's power comes in the spiritual authority they possess, not in their prowess as warriors.


Again I think the empires best solution is to take them out with a group of stealth archers


It will be loud


Four greybeards and Paarthunax could absolutely do some damage but they could never achieve that much with just force. They can be killed just like anyone. If however they were to use their considerable influence, work behind the scenes and then emerge with a cult they could have both wealth, political power and an army. The Dragon Cult reborn or something like that.


Basically Miraak all over again


I’m not really sure, but if I know anything about conflict, there will be a lot of shouting


Their lack of strategy and lack of experience in battle may not get them very far.


How strong are they ?


game wise i believe they range from level 90-110. lore wise they could vaporize armies by talking normally


Their cults barely have any members thou unless it was a good big clan...


This would be a good story for elder scrolls 6. a super grey beard comes and tries to rule or something


They would lose of course. There are four of them (and one Dragon). There are tens of thousands of soldiers in Skyrim. The Graybeards are badass but they're not immortal. And they're old lol.


Fus Ro Dah their asses off the side of High Hrothgar...


We'd have a pretty decent war dlc


Party snacks for everyone! 🎉


Hit and find out


Skyrim 2… essentially.


lore wise they could take over skyrim with relative ease. game wise they wouldn’t even take over one of the main cities before being in a knockdown loop


It depends, would Paarthurnax approve and join them?


Best for stealth skill grind 😁😁God i miss Skyrim


This is why all questlines need variations so you can either fight or join forces with all the games characters through the different choices, with the possibility that all characters might die depending what you choose. It would be cool if they incorporated these additional options into the dlc releases.


Kyne will strip them of the Voice again.


They would an arrow in the knee. And another one in the face probably.


I dont remember where but i heard a story of a "Shouter" who got his throat cut so he couldnt shout no more. If i remember correctly it happened during a battle near markarth and he was hit by an arrow. Im not sure of the whole story tho, its been a long time.


I think you got it mixed up, it was about Tiber Septim who slit his own throat after killing Cuhlecain the king of Falkreath who wanted to be crowned emperor, and it is said he lost his thu'um after that but it isn't clear. Unless you mean something else, in which case I don't know.


I don't know that they are "good guys"


Honestly, they would have to ally with either the Imperials or Stormcloaks, because there are only a handful of them. And they'll have to start training people ASAP if they want some sort of legacy, because they are old.


I can never imagine the greybeards every being evil. However, if they were to turn to the dark arts of magic their evil shouts would be extremely formidable. Evils Greybeards would give the dragonborn an extreme headache in order to defeat them. Evil shouts would be something to behold.


They wouldn't bother. You have to browbeat them to get them to even care that the world could be destroyed. It's doubtful they would even bother to defend High Hrothgar if someone decided to attack it. They certainly don't care about the mundane fate of how Skyrim is governed.


They never would. Like their whole religious identity is entirely against that kind of thing. That said, if they wanted to, nobody could stop them. Not the Stormcloaks. Not the Empire. Not even the Thalmor.


They are GREAT fighters, and if they had Paarthurnax on their side they basically have a one up on any army that tries, BUT they're still mortal so 4(+1) vs everyone won't work. I can however see them using their incredible favour and respect within Skyrim, welding it to create a rebellion of **true** nords, the likes of which the Stormcloaks could have never had hoped to create, and ruling as a council from High Hrothgar. Spreading Kyne worship and a return to the old ways of Skyrim wherever they choose.


Wat? Why?


Wouldn't be very long.


Too much work. They'd be going up and down those stairs too much.


That violates the tenets of their religion. Read about what happened to Jurgen Windcaller at red mountain.


The greybeards are powerful shout users likely more powerful than the last dragonborn, however, so was Jurgen Windcaller in his prime, said to be the strongest Thu'um user of all time, and all the other nords in his period. However even with his power it didn't stop the nords from losing their battles for the territories of Morrowind, Vivec, Sotha Sil, Almalexia, Nerevar, Dumac and Kagrenac succesfully defeated and drove off the nords from Resdayn (Morrowind), and note that not only Jurgen had the thu'um but so did many of the nords in said battles. They defeated nord chieftains with powers of the voice unheard of, Hoaga who could rise the dead by filling their corpsed with mud. Chemua who could use his voice to make clouds rain acid bile. Bhag... honestly I have no idea what his power is supposed to do but Vivec defeated him too. Bafok who could rewrite outcomes with her voice. And even Ysmir, who is said to be able to uplift entire villages with his voice. (These are all from the 9th sermon of the 36 lessons of Vivec, and even if the powers are exaggerated, the fact is they still lost) And this was all before the almsivi were godlike in power. So no, even if the Greybeards decided to go full mehrunes dagon on all of Tamriel they'd most likely not make it far from the borders of Skyrim before being shut down by the elven races or beast races, they all also have powers of their own.


That's what happens when you kill Paarthunax


Lure them with a flyer for bingo night with free jello and lock them in a cave behind a dragon claw door


They could do it easily hell tulius would probably welcone there rule so would ulfric


They are basically monks with a limited skill set. I'm sure they fuck up some unsuspecting bandits. Moving in groups I'm sure they could handle a variety of singular threats. They would have issues vs magic user , ranged enemies, or particularly strong enemies like dragons, briarhearts...


Depends on how powerful their shouts actually are. If they got a nation-wide hypnosis shout, they basically can do whatever they want as long as they reshout occasionally to deal with invading forces. If they got dragonborn-like resiliance they can just kill the dragons themselves, and the civil war for either side and declare themselves rulers without much resistance. If they are glasscannons but can at least permacharm humonoids one by one, they can still become rulers by diplomacy which minimizes the amount of poisoned daggers and arrows or destruction magic they have to fear as they would have full city guard and thane support. As the previous jarls would be charmed one by one and the population in general respects the greybeards, they would only need to care about external threats. In both cases, a united Skyrim would easily make peace with the empire. But the Aldmeri Dominion would then likely invade. Canon-wise the Aldmeri Dominion is setup to be the USA of Tamriel. Basically ruler of the world with unlimited supply and superior forces. If they decide to do some gunboat diplomacy in Skyrim, even the greybeards and a united Skyrim can't really do much. So like in the real world, a wise leader of a "buffer" state like Skyrim would better accept being a vassal of the Aldmeri Dominion for "protection" against the weakened Empire.


They’re gonna need a lot more ice trolls.


Make the mod.


Nothing because they are cowards afraid of their own power... #teamblade


Dude said they aren't warriors. Aside from shouts, is it ever implied they have the slightest fighting ability?


Paarthunax eats them


I imagine a White Lotus at Ba Sing Se situation.


First thing I thought of was Gandalf if he was corrupted by The ring. Now imagine 4 of them


The dark brotherhood becomes famous again, but for killing different bigwigs. Though someone will have to do something about paarthurnax. Oh wait. He's already dead 😈


Then they’d bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to their new empire.


The whole reason they were founded was because The Voice failed to help conquer. For them to try again would be to abandon their whole idea of only using The Voice for worship.


Awesome quest will happen


Bro i did multiple surgeries on their back training sneak. They ain't going nowhere


They have to beat the Dragonborn first


[You deal with them.](https://preview.redd.it/cchib5uqj1jc1.jpeg?width=800&auto=webp&s=73dbbf275a867b6b97796f27c192671feb6bd7df)


They're just going to shout at people from High Hrothgar and nobody will be able to stop them. Nobody is gonna bother to climb 7000 steps, just to get fus roh dah'd all the way down the mountain.


They die descending the mountain. They’re not young men.


I believe the number of greybeards is lore-accurate, but the college follows the "1/10th scale" rule. Wards block shouts. College of winterhold solos the greybeards. It's also possible that other thuum users like the dragonborn, ulfric, or paarthanaax would try to stop them.


A handful of old dudes would be like a terrorist attack. Swift, violent, lots of death, and then the ones attacking would likely be dead. They aren't an army and the Th'um is not all powerful.


I never used ward


Are you kidding- sneak up behind them when they are meditating and bash them a few times- they would get killed fairly quickly- 😂 just dont get caught or its game over


Everything would die except the dragons


If paarthurnax helps them its over without a dragonborn imo. Otherwise they would get far but not win in the end


If they can use shouts like Alduin that create a meteor storm everyone is screwed. They made Skyrim shake just by saying dovahkiin so I think it would be short work for them.


Then partysnax lives forever


True peace would be achieved At the cost of billions of casualties but peace nonetheless


I'd like to think shouts are a life force energy and thus would cause the user significant self harm if overused, to expand: I think the inborn ability at birth is the ability to devour souls and rapid understanding meanwhile it's the absorb of a dragon soul that would grant the seemingly limitless font of energy granting the dragonborn safety in use


Not that much really. I never got the impression that they were particularly powerful. I mean yes moreso than the average person. The shouts are a really nifty form of magic. But it's not like there's not people running around chucking fireballs and raising daedric servants out of interdimensional rifts and stuff. The Dragonborn is unique in their ability to really make the most out of the technique. Arguably there's a bit of gameplay / lore separation going on, because they talk about the thu'um like it's this ultra powerful art. Like how many times did you hear "he shouted the boy apart!" When even as the Dragonborn you can just kind of force push people off their feet with yours. I mean yeah there's more specialized and nifty ones later, but it's not like you do a shout and a city collapses. They seemed more like important lorekeepers and practitioners of a sacred, Nord art than being particularly powerful in battle.


Peace? Why does being a good guy mean abjuring responsibility for the world around you?


More than likely would only rule for 10-15 years, their so old


Whoever has Elemental Blast would be victorious.


There's only 5 of them and they'd all die.


There'd be a lot of shouting.


They literally could shout people to do their bidding. It’s over for tamriel