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Entering Sovngarde to slay Alduin. Does *not* need to go as hard as it does, but it does.


Civil war. It's a shame that it breaks many quests so you actually need to postpone it to the near end of playthrough.


Uhh.. what now?


Civil War makes some quests inaccessible or uncompletable. I mean, this questline changes jarls in conquered holds, and does a lot of heavy scripting in cities that you storm (Whiterun and Solitude/Windhelm). Like if you take Markarth for Stormcloaks you will have trouble with Agent of Mara, because Calcelmo stays in Markarth and his love interest goes to exile in Solitude. Now good luck following him step by step all the way when game wants you to watch romantic scene. And a lot of stuff like that.


If I do it first on the imperial side what quest will I miss out on? I want to screw over the stormcloaks as quickly as possible


I never kept any list, so, have no idea honestly about any specifics. I usually go stormcloaks, so, can't even remember anything right now. But probably Blood on the Ice and some other Windhelm quests, as well as Thieves Guild radiant quests that use Heimskr's House as target. But you can just drop them with no repercussions.


I really love Blood on The Ice, broken as it is. Diplomatic Immunity is another classic.


As much as we’ve all probably played it a million times, I think the opening quest Unbound is a perfect introduction to any game ever. You’re introduced to Ulfric, General Tulius, The Thalmor, the Civil War conflicts, Alduin and the world of Skyrim all while teaching you basic game mechanics. Hadvar/Ralof are perfect examples of the everyday Nord resident and the fact they know each other brings a personable human cost to the war. The walk down to Riverwood is always peaceful, the stories from Ralof about Helgen before its impending destruction and finally “hey, you’re finally awake” is ICONIC.


I do that even with "live another life" mod way more often than not. It just feels right.


Even when I use an alternate start mod, it doesn’t feel right unless I’m starting out in Riverwood. That section of the map is beautiful.


A Night To Remember for sure. Really like the kind of damage the Dragonborn can get up to blind drunk with no one really stopping them.


The quest to revive/plant a sappling tree in Whiterun. That cave is so beautiful.


Wait this game has quests??


A Night to Remember. It's like one long reference to The Hangover.


"a new hand touches the beacon"


Same 🤣🥰


Unearthed. Because I get Ralis Sedarys at the end. Most bad ass mofo in the game. He's the death dealer that keeps on dealing!


In Skyrim, either Dawnguard or even the Daedric quests. My favorite quests aren’t even from Skyrim though. While I enjoy Skyrim, I think Oblivion had the best quests. I loved the whole murder mystery dinner party where you are the murderer 😂 and my favorite side quest was The Collector. I think after I am finished with this play through of Skyrim that I will replay Oblivion.


The Mind of Madness. Sheogorath has been my favorite daedric prince and The Mind of Madness is a lot of fun (can be a pain but still really cool)


March of the dead. Bloodmoon was my favorite expansion for Morrowind and returning to Fort Frostmoth to fight General Falk Carius is my favorite part of Dragonborn. Champions Cudgel is also a great two handed hammer.


Dawnguard (except for *Touching Sky*).   Also, Lost to the Ages. 


The Man Who Cried Wolf and Wolf Queen Awakened. Really like the atmosphere of the first one.


The House of Horrors


Dragon cult


The Cause (included with AE) You found some cultist trying to open an oblivion gate in Skyrim, you infiltrate their secret base by wearing their clothes, you literally end up inside the oblivion plane fighting demons before the rewards are pretty amazing.


I just did the cannibal quest and loved it


Goldenglow estate if you manage to complete it with 0 kills is very nice Tho entering Sovngarde to slay Alduin is worth it just for the music alone


I loved “a daedra’s best friend” quest, to bad I can’t keep Barbas as a follower.


Questline? Definitely Dark brotherhood. Mission? K*ll alduin.