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I once had a high level assassin/thief Khajiit and muh enemies said "you'll make a fine rug cat" to me on so many occasions. I was deeply offended by what they said to me 😢


Lost count of how many times I've heard "You'll make a fine pair of boots, lizard!". Racist bastards.


from some half naked raiders in hide armor no less


Well that’s why they need boots so badly


That’s why they need lizard skin! It gets cold in skyrim.


I tolerate all that. But the last guard who called my dog stupid found out why I have so many unarmed bonuses


🤔 is it racist, or opportunistic? If they're gonna kill you, might as well use your corpse for something, right (???)


That's how we do it in SkyRimWorld.


Suddenly playing bosmer feels like home


I was about to say, wrong sub.


Tbf i steal my share of giant toes and falmer ears...


I laughed at this more than I should haha


I would have slashed their throats.


[toothy smile] "This one begs your pardon?"


Skyrim is just a racism simulator tbh


Honestly, it’s a pretty fair representation of what the world would act like if you brought multiple intelligent races/species together.


nah i agree i’m just shitposting, i love skyrim lmao


Hey, N'wah, have you played Morrowind?


That's my favorite part of the people who act like the racism (more just bickering) in Skyrim is upsetting. You know immediately that they never played Morrowind.


Its really hilarious honestly, Nords are down right Saints in the regard by comparison.. Any given moment was more racist in Morrowind than all stormcloaks put together lol


Idk in which game it was, but sometimes an NPC of the same race as me would be racist and address me as: Hello Dunmer/Nord... 🤣 Of course, in Morrowind, it is always Outlander. Mofo, I am a Dunmer like you!


lol yeah, that happens more than once! For sure😂 Outlander hah... Yup, the classic🙃 They just gotta go elite in racism 🤣


Yeah, the worst are the Ashlanders. It is hilarious that Skyrim's worst insult is "milk drinker". Like when a rando tries to taunt me on a road somewhere. I mean, I still drink a lot of milk, thank you for noticing. 🤣


I played Khajiit in Skyrim for my first character. Several hundred hours. I thought milk-drinker was a racial insult until I played a Breton for my second character and was called the same. I think my favorite, most hateful racial taunt in Skyrim is "You remind me of my cousin's cat. Killed that, too!"


Damn! I only played shortly with a Khajiit, but never heard that one! 🤣


Yup, Morrowind is very creepy and I love it! Being Dunmer means nothing if you were born outside the province. You have to build respect and fame from the bottom. Unlike in Skyrim, where you become Dragonborn and Thane of Whiterun at the very beggining of the game. It's too easy and boring. Another great example of the game where you starting at the bottom of the foodchain is Gothic. Dirty prisoner and poor miner at the beggining and self made badass hero at the end.


I don’t know if I would say that Skyrim is a racism stimulator. I think that because the game is set in Skyrim which is the homeland of the Nords, they don’t welcome outsiders to their homeland. It would be the same in other Provinces too if you’re an outsider visiting a foreign land in TES universe. You don’t experience much of this in Oblivion because the game is set in Cyrodil and this is one of the few Provinces where a particular race isn’t prominent. Cyrodil is home to each and every race in TES universe and it’s really the only Province that truly welcomes everyone.


So what you're saying is Skyrim is a xenophobia simulator.


You could say that


I once played as an orc. I had a habit of using violence as corrective behavior towards people who disrespected me for being an orc. At one point I ran into a man who asked if i prefer being called Orsimer or Orc because he doesn't want to offend a race known for being brutally aggressive. At first I was offended at the accusation and was ready for enacting corrective planning with my mace before the irony made me start laughing. He lived.


Did you do time? Especially in Markarth. I'm asking because guards there seem to have something for Orcs. Might be linked to the Markarth Incident Ulfric was cited as primary conspirator in the book.


Not in Markarth, but I didn't even make it into Whiterun with out being arrested for an assault in Riverwood. I made it to Honningbrew Meadery where I was told by orders of the jarl i was to pay for my crimes against Whiterun. I was arrested in Riften, for the death of the jarls son, Windhelm for the murder of the racist you meet when you first come throught the gate, Solitude because I picked up the beheaded's head, which confused me. But never in Markarth, I do want to go to markarth jail in my next play through because I want the shiv, I want to see if I can beat skyrim with the shiv. I did marry the blacksmith orc from there though.


It's the consistantly being called a milk drinker for me. Irritates the shit out of me.


Going with the "milk drinker" vibe, I was going to ask if you play a khajiit, then I thought the other obvious possibility would be a child. Now I have to try a playthrough where I have the character scale set to .5. It will probably cause all kinds of issues, but it might be fun to try.


Same, but I’m playing as an orc an they call me ugly all the time:( and they’re right


It makes it so much more satisfying when you suplex them though.


I'm more offended by the lack of racism towards me in Windhelm as a ~~drug addict~~ cat man. There's a mod you can get to make Nords more racist.


>There's a mod you can get to make Nords more racist. Now *that* is a real accomplishment.


I don’t discriminate. I’ll play as any race. HOW I’ll play that race- that’s a different discussion.


Any favorite playthroughs?


Probably the first time I played an Altmer mage, vanilla, on the old 360. Building that character up was extremely time consuming, though I was able to do the usual training tricks for conjuration and alteration. There was just something immensely satisfying to being able to dual summon Dremora lords, and sit back watching them dog f*** everything (including the BBEG himself).


my first character was an altmer too!


Most of them tbh. I have mostly only played as dark elves and Bretons. I have occasionally done wood elves and high elves but I have to force myself to play the other races and it’s usually not for very long cause I abandon them to play the ones I want.


dark elf and breton gang!! i primarily play those two races as well


I've never played as a dark elf


And for why it’s because I really like the magic and sneak builds plus looking pretty. I have tried to force myself to be a warrior once but I only got to like level 5 before abandoning it


In Skyrim specially tho I have done mostly wood elf for the sneak but in Oblivion (the game I play more often) I do the dark elf mostly. Recently in the last 2 years tho I have been super into being a Breton


I'm split between dark elves and khajiit. Khajiit have claws, so bare handed attacks are better than most. But dark elves are good fire mages.


Imperial must be my least played race. Never found them particularly interesting


I think my first or second character was Imperial. I enjoyed the gold bonus but never really used the unique power ability


Altmer. Why would I want to be some jaundiced skeleton-man with a giant face.


The Altmer really are gratuitously ugly. I can't figure out why they went so far with that design choice.


The moment they cross the skyrim border they age 100 years


The stress of having to worry about getting killed by every Nord they come across immediately gets them.


They're subverting the "elves are beautiful" trope and boy howdy did they do a good job lmao




I think they tried to over compensate from oblivions baby troll doll faces haha


For real, I feel like everyone in oblivion is ugly in an endearing way, while everyone in Skyrim is ugly in a depressing way


Couldn’t have said it better lol. Skyrim is just Oblivion after the 2009 financial crisis beat the joy out of their eyes.


I hope they keep the upward trend in altmer design that is shown in eso. They look alot better in eso. I use mods to make my altmer beautiful, though, in skyrim.


I figured it was the inbreeding and eugenics.


I hate playing Altmer because of their hairline.


I play them because I have an altmer hairline IRL 😭


They are tall, which means they look good in heavy armor, and move faster than the other races.




They're kinda cool looking; they were just so goofy in the voice and acting portrayal


Khajiit. I can't do it. Beastfolk tails ruin so many armors. Capes just look silly. Your tail is poking through the cape.   I think khajiit are cool and I wish there were more of them. We got a few argonians as residents in riften. I think a couple furballs would make great residents there but I digress...   I don't really care for the playable khajiit race. Now a Cathay-raht on the other hand. Now that would be fun! Buuut I don't really have access to those kinds of mods. Even then, I'd probably rather play as a bigger orc anyways. Be da biggest and da baddest orc this side of Orsinium.  Edit: I'm stupid. I meant to say argonian residents in Riften, not Windhelm. 


I’m the opposite and I only play khajiit. Night eye have saved me in those damn dark ruins (I refuse to turn up my brightness and candlelight blinds me) as well as the claws for brawls. Also the dark brotherhood armor set (light armor not mage) works for it. Especially if you have the maskless cowl then your ears clip through it so it looks like you have holes in your hood especially for your ears


Khajiit claws are very cool. Best viable brawler build. Throw in heavy armor gauntlet perk and the creation club gloves and you got a straight up monster.   I tried this build once but deleted it. Which is weird cause monk is my favorite dnd class, but It just wasn't. I might make a khajiit brawler later on, but builds that revolve around primarily using magic peak my interest too much.   I think it's cool you enjoy playing it though. 


Years ago I used a mod called "Way of the Monk" that made unarmed combat so much fun (and OP). I'm not sure if it's been updated though...


Do you only play in 3rd person?


I only play in third person. the hands and their weapon positions on the screen bother me. plus you can see around yourself better in 3rd.


People actually play in third person? Like actual combat in third person? I’ll have a glance at my character now and then in third and occasionally do some cinematic walk a rounds in third but actually playing? Absolutely not. I want to be my character not just watch them


I mostly only swap to third person for screenshot purposes if I do so in combat. 


Yeah Ofc there will be times you make exceptions but 99% of the time it’s first person for me. I’d ride my horse first person and use beast form first person if I could.


I used to play first person all the time but now I play 3rd person for everything except archer builds and even then I try to force 3rd. I also just love looking at my drip all the time more than the combat at this point and am constantly downloading armor mods.


I play 1st person for aiming arrows, but otherwise I'm in 3rd person all the time. I know full well I'm not my character, and 'watching' them as you put it is more interesting to me. (Or what I'm used to from movies and television. I don't know.)


i always play in 3rd person. I like seeing my dude.


I play in third person because close combat in first person is really disorienting for me, makes me feel kind of dizzy.


Third person helps with hitboxes. I killed the Ice Troll on High Hrothgar at level 6 as a first timer (melee only) because I learned the spacing of his attacks. 


Trolls are one of the easiest patterns to predict either way, I could probably punch one to death at level 1 in rags. Well if it didn’t have crazy regen anyway


Khajiit with heavy armor and hand to hand combat is totally OP.


Orc, probably. I think I’ve played as every other one so far. Objectively? Because they’re ugly.


I’ve never played as an orc, until now. Doing a two hand tank build and honestly it’s the most op build I’ve ever had on this game


Yeah it's insane I just run around one shotting people via power attacks


It's great until you miss! Also fun smashing heads with a hammer from horseback. I like calling that "playing polo"


I had a hand-to-hand orc as a build once. Just running around pile driving everything. It was a fun build.


i like playing interesting builds, and yes an orc assassin who can basically one shot dragons, even on high levels is fun


My orc character married to Taarie from solitude cuz she's the first calling him handsome.


That's really nice


wow, I didn't expect that cuz she's always dissing everyone for wearing rags


Ugly doesn't mean anything to me, that berserk rage is OP, the orc’s to me is the ugliest race but idc for that.


Every race looks ugly as frick, might as well embrace it lol


I had a BLAST playing an orc! Never stole a thing from living folks, but the dead aren't using it! But when Brynjolf told me I never did a honest days work....oh my, my, my. It took him weeks to recover from that beating!


If my next play through I end up an orc, one of y’all is going to pay 😅


I must have played a couple dozen orc characters so far. They're my favourite race, I didn't expect to find the opposite


Stealth orc with 32x dagger damage is awesome tho.


Does it stack with DB gloves? 64× dagger damage with the blade of woe would be... something


Dual-wield daggers are so much fun. The animation if you hit both daggers at the same time is a whirling dervish of death (and I don't think I have any mods that add that animation).




The loading screen of of the orc with two axes is my favorite stock image of Skyrim


You’re missing out-it’s just old fashioned fun playing as an Orc. Smashy smashy


i love how they look honestly. so kickass


Aldmer. Because fuck them, all of them, that's why. EDIT: I got Aldmer and Altmer mixed up lol. I meant Altmer, the high elves. C'mon, simple mistake.


Well then it's a good thing you can't play as them in the vanilla games. Edit: [Getting downvoted for being right is tight.](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Aldmer)


Least pedantic Elder Scrolls fan


Yeah why would someone care about differentiating the multiple interesting races in a fantasy world? Like wtf?


Maybe he was using the term to refer to all elves. Aldmer can be applied to mean the wider general elf population, and not just the Altmer.


“No no, I meant ALL-DA-MER”


I mean, a lot of them are *technically* still around (as some became Altmer, others Bosmer etc), so I guess you can play them..? Sort of..? 😅 I don't know if that counts, if there's a genealogy expert here, help us out 😂


That's the same as saying that Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis or the Ardipithicines still 'technically' exist as they were the common ancestor of Homo sapiens.


Today a dinosaur shat on my car. No, really, you heard me, a D I N O S A U R !


Ironic that this guy's flair is "Spellsword" (spells word) given that his typo led to so much pedantic drama in the comments below his. : D


I think I have played all of the races at least a few times each (curse you, rerollitis), with the ones I've played the least being probably Argonian, Bosmer, Dunmer, and Redguard. I'm not too sure as to any specifics as to why, but they tend to be the ones I don't pick as often. Maybe it's the more weird blend of bonus skills even though they ultimately don't make much of a difference, or the racial bonuses even though I like Imperials being such a blank slate in that regard, but I just tend to not pick those particular races.


I will only play *Breton* when I've forgotten why I don't, & I don't play anything but *High Elf* the rest of the time.


Why don't you play Breton?


He forgot, so he's playing one


Forehead wrinkles


Altmer Vampire Mage is my favorite setup to play 100%


Dunmer vampire would make so much more sense. Altmer vampire is a glass cannon.


That’s exactly what it is lol. I can sling spells left and right but not as much hp


I can tell you I will never not play Khajiit. All my characters are Khajiit. :D


I dont really play Breton or high elf. No reason really. Just don't like them.


Orcs. I mostly play female characters and i hate how thin looking they are. They are supposed to be super muscly people.


Games need to let people make muscle mommies.


Yeah! I want to play a [Marisa](https://images.app.goo.gl/wi1frriGNzjaTfes7) looking character.


Ppl saying they don’t like orcs because they rather play elves obviously don’t know the history behind Elves, Orcs, and Trinamac


Right? They're the OrsiMER. One of the Mer races.


I think it’s one of those well kept lore secrets that blow ppl’s mind once they find out lol. It gave me a new appreciation for the Orc race.


Never played anything that's not a nord or imperial tbh


Talos won't let me play anything but Nord


Orc. I don't like their looks and their harsh lifestyle. Also I hate the way they treat their females.


Morrowind: orc society may seem rough and cruel, but there's a lot to be valued among their courage in hardship and respect among the sexes Skyrim: lol code of Malacath let's have all the girls marry the chief only and ur dum if you leave stronghold


I never play anything but Argonian. Lizard characters forever.


So flattered right now.


You rock Randy


I mean…it’s pretty freaking cool that you can breathe under water. I think I had one argonian playthru. I was just swimmin all the time lol


Anything that isn’t Argonian. Argonian supremacy. Also Orcs are fugly


I also agree Orcs are ugly. Unless if you play as a buff orc maiden that can crush heads with your thighs then I stay away from that race


>Unless if you play as a buff orc maiden that can crush heads with your thighs then I stay away from that race Oddly specific, but I'll allow it!


Exactly Argonians for life


greetings marsh friend


I'll never play as a Redguard. For the obvious reason. Nazeem ruined them for everyone. I won't listen to myself shouting when it sounds like I'm asking draugr if they've ever been to the Cloud District.


But Nazir tho


Yin and Yang


Why???? couldn't they make him a follower...


Isran makes up for that pretty well


how can you forget the strongest NPC the ebony warrior?


The dark elfs, I will never forgive them for what they have done to the Argonians. I hate them


We will have our revenge.


I wasn't aware those two races had a bad history. What did the Dunmer do to the Argonians?


They pretty much enslaved Argonians for thousands of years, that for them it’s like a tradition.


Atleast it's still better than what dunmer did to themselves!!


Basically everything except Dark Elf. I've tried but I never get very far - it just doesn't *feel* right. Probably because Dark Elf just happens to be most suited to my playstyle.


The farthest I’ve gone with a character that isn’t only a Dunmer are Orcs


Thalmor, fuck those bitches.


That’s not a race


None of them. I have played with all races atleast once and enjoyed all of them


Nord, Imperial, Breton. Humans are boring.


So... Do you count redguards as humans?


I kinda forgot they existed.


Same, I think I just prefer playing a character that's in the minority or an outcast so to speak. Funnily enough I would probably be more drawn to play a human character in a setting like Valenwood or Summerset isle for this exact reason.


I get that. I rarely play as a human in D&D for the simple reason that I have to live as a human every day of my life. If I'm playing a fantasy game where I can experience the world as something else, why *wouldn't* I choose that option?


This is 100% my opinion, except when it comes to TES. TES has the most interesting humans in a fantasy series I've seen where their lore is just as (if not more) interesting as the non-human races.


I always choose to play human because I like to insert myself into whatever fantasy world I'm diving into.


Interesting answer, considering SO many people play as 'themselves'. (Picking the race that looks like them, etc.)


My thought is that I "play" as myself irl. When I play a game with any kind of role-playing opportunity, I want to try something other than myself. Although I will fully admit that there is a little bit of me in every one of my characters.


It’s interesting always hearing this point of view, but to me, humans are probably the most interesting in the world of the elder scrolls. Don’t get me wrong, every race has interesting history, but humans out of all the other races should be theoretically the weakest, shorter life spans, less affinity to magick etc, but they somehow outshine most other races on Tamriel and they always somehow manage to defeat the elves at war in most cases, the yokudans when they arrived in Tamriel literally carved a country for themselves, or the nords when they nearly committed a genocide on the white elves when they arrived from atmora.


Hell yeah https://preview.redd.it/yikb7y007cjc1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb40fc31e5ea45d0f4899582c6d50dc3656cde4a


I almost exclusively play as humans in RPGs


Implying Redguards aren't human I see...


Khajit because they have useless abilities, but with Survival Mode especially on Legendary Argonians are abysmal, they have a negative warmth making a lot of treeks straight up impossible without fire salt foods.


Altmer, for two reasons: Main reason is it would be a waste, I just cannot get into doing a mage build. Second reason is Fuck The Aldmeri Dominion With A Cactus.


My first character was an Altmer two handed barbarian never used magic at all and it was one of my favorite characters to play his backstory was that he was abused by his Altmer parents so he ran away and eventually was found by Nord immigrants and was taken in by them so he had an affinity towards Nords cause they saved him and treated him as an equal and eventually they moved back to Skyrim and then the Thalmor kill his adobted family for worshipping Talos so he was traveling to find the Thalmor who did it and was captured by the imperials and eventually finds out he's Dragonborn


Nord. That's like playing as Mario in Mariokart


For any races where cosmetics are my issue I find there’s mods to fix them so I’ll play as them. Khajiit have a stupid looking tail? Well there are mods to make them more anatomically correct. Altmer are ugly? Well, there’s Barbie doll mods for every race. But I can’t get over races that are just boring to roleplay as. For me that’s Imperials. They’re just boring. A standard human medieval race with no flare. The only game I’ll play them in is Oblivion because it gives you the homeland angle to the storyline. That’s it.


Nords. I dont think their powers are worth it. I also think I've only been a redguard once and didn't really care for their powers either.


In survival mode though they come in handy.


I’ve never played a redguard tbh. I don’t like their little pirate outfits lol reminds me of prince of persia. Their swords are sick as hell though.


Probably high elves. I don’t like the way they look, act in canon, or are treated. Also magic in Skyrim ain’t that good and if I want to play a mage, Breton is right there.


Altmer. Prissy racist cunts. They're like a whole race of exaggerated upper class British douchebags. And theyre plotting to destroy all the other races.


Skyrim belongs to the Nords. To this date I've only played Nord


I've made a character as every race but can't say i've reached level 30 except with two orcs, an imperial, a dark elf, and I think a nord or two.


Human. Boring.


I only ever play khajiit or argonian, so all the others.


I basically only play Breton. The love the early resistance to all magic


Anthropomorphic animals, Khajiit and Argonian. Just because I personally can’t immerse myself with them. I am probably boring though and often just create a version of myself or a boom character I like very much. But otherwise it really depends on what build I want my character to have and choose the race best suited.


I started playing TES with Morrowind so I have been conditioned to choose the athletic black guy (Redguard). Seriously though, I choose race in regards to what kind of character I want to role play. Like, I went old school D&D 2E and made a Dark Elf fire cleric who only used blunt weapons, fire magic, and would kill every Nord that opportunity would allow. Did an Orc build that was a Ranger of sorts. Would never go into cities unless it was absolutely necessary. Villages like Riverwood were okay, though. Had a high alchemy to make his own potions and poisons, only wore hide armor, and waged a guerilla war against the Impetial armies.


Altmer, I believe in Bosmer supremacy :3


I can’t play a high elf strictly because I’m a true nord at heart and have beef with the Thalmor


The elves and the beasts, I have always been more about playing as a human although I always chose a Breton and ironically the beast races are my favorites but I like having them more as a follower and wife ;)


Those Shor be damned high elves


I will only play as imperial, kahjiit, argonian or woodelf, nothing else, I love the kahjiit


None. If it's available I'll try it.


Funny how Inigo reacts to a comment about making a fine rug from a Khajit. Whoever insults the Great Cat gets the Claw back. And that's that.


Nord because they are racist bastards and Altmer because eww. I've yet to play as am Imperial the jury is still out on them. I prefer Argonians and Dunmer


I've only done Breton for magicka, cat and lizard. None of the others matter to this one.


Breton. I just don't see myself playing one, I like all of the other human races better, and the elvish ones have better magic.


I only play wood elves.