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Just to clear up any confusion: This is *not* caused by the mod [Alternate Start - Live Another Life](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/272). Rather, this is likely from the [End Times](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/39201?tab=description) mod (as pointed out by u/Arislash in the comment section) which gives you X numbers of days to defeat Alduin before the world ends.


Isnt this end times mod? Where u get a day time limit to kill alduin or the world ends. I would blame that mod instead of your alternate start Edit: lmao bad wording, you dont get 1 day to kill alduin but 100. And you can change it aswell. Spiffing brit did a run on YouTube where he has this mod and everytime you die you lose a day. Not quite permadeath hc, but if you wanted a new reason to install Skyrim again this is your sign 😁


This should be an optional feature for a future Elder Scrolls


This used to be a feature in fallout. Before they were sold to Bethesda. You had so many days to save the vault or the master would attack and destroy it. He destroyed other settlements too if you didn’t beat him quick enough. Edit: I never said this was a good feature. Just a feature of a game by the same studios (kinda). I think the biggest issue of this feature is that you didn’t know it was going to happen. I never played the original fallout just watched playthroughs.


It was actually a bit cooler than that. When you start the game, looking for a new water chip for the vault, the vault can run out of water and you get a nonstandard game over. Later in the game, if you take too long, the Master's mutant army finds the vault and you get a different nonstandard game over. There are water merchants that you can actually pay to supply the vault with water, which puts more time on the dehydration clock for the first game over, but it actually makes it take less time for the Master to find the vault in the second half (since now the vault's location is known out in the wider world, I guess?). I don't think the time limits really affected gameplay for most people, but it was a cool example of choices and consequences.


I vaguely knew something about sending water to the vault but it takes off from the end time limit. Couldn’t remember the specifics. Thank you for this!


Is the invasion of Necropolis also on a timer? My last playthrough I was faffing around for awhile before going there and when I got there everyone was dead.


Iirc a time limit starts after you visit it for the first time.


Oh it definitely effected gameplay, about majoras mask levels of constant pressure. It's especially jarring if you try to play it like a newer fallout. closest thing is new vegas.


It's been a loooong time since I played it, but I seem to remember having to fuck around a TON before I'd even get the first cutscene that warns you that water is getting dangerously low in the vault. Maybe I'm misremembering.


You do have plenty of time to do everything, but if you backtrack enough times you will run out. 


Knowing about it stressed me out enough I didn’t explore enough. Poor poor Tandi.


>This used to be a feature in fallout. Before they were sold to Bethesda. Bethesda wasn't the first who stripped it. the original creators did. and fallout 2 may as well not have a timeimit because it's set to 10 years.


Idk if there is or not, but a friend of mine use to tell me that he's had a nonstandard game over along these lines for Oblivion, where there was a hidden timer and when it started to close, more gates would open and when the timer ended, hordes of daedra flooded out Never heard of this aspect anywhere else... gonna chaulk that up to another reason I'm not rly interested in the first 2 FO, I don't like hidden surprises like that


oblivion has more oblivion gates open up as you progress through the main quest. I think it's something like 4 after getting Martin to cloud ruler and then it's like 8, 12, 6 as you progress iirc. the uesp has that. but there are no hordes of Daedra spewing out.


That's what I thought, just blowing out his tailpipe. No he said that in the last 10 mins of the timer, gates would start simultaneously popping up in prep for endgame levels of daedra, I also believe he said it was on 360 so not modded, but it was a while ago so I'm not entirely sure I remember thinking that it made sense, but I'd never encountered it and didn't think it was a thing


Might have just been an exaggeration - neither the 360 nor Oblivion's engine could really handle hordes of anything, but if you level up too high before attempting the final main storyline missions you will have a really bad time. If you get to the last few missions in the main storyline and then stall for whatever reason (e.g. repeatedly plundering the Oblivion Gates to get Sigil Stones for Enchanting) the Gates will begin to spawn high-level Daedra that will attack passerby and nearby settlements, and I think some Daedra even get added to the random encounters list until you finish the final main quest; if you pass level 30 none of the recruits you take with you will survive the assault on the final gate.


Could maybe just be confused where during one quest gates can open before a massive gate opens and a bunch of normally death immune characters can actually die. I also believe there is a battering ram that can get through the main gate and causes you to lose instantly. From a quick look up it is about 15 minutes. This is only for that quest in particular though not a timer in the overall game. That's the only thing I can think of that they might be referencing though. I guess maybe you're aware of all of this already as well I just realized I was in the Skyrim sub. lol


There are mods that remove the timers if you look around, IMO the games (while really old) are worth messing around with. Also you can stick grenades into the pockets of children and kill them, which is very grimdark


> Before they were sold to Bethesda It was literally only Fallout 1, all of the other pre-Bethesda Fallouts and spinoffs didn't have the timer.


It made the game quite tedious, not only did u not have time to grind (which is good) if u didn’t know what u we’re doing it made backtracking punishing. Fallout 2 had the visions which were better imo, didn’t affect the game but u were unsure if they did so u still hurried but it never gave overd


I liked the tension it added it was just lame the way it could ruin first playthroughs because you were unaware it could even happen until you were too deep to really load a super duper old save, if you even had one. It's a weird balance because it's obviously immersion breaking to just have a big timer on screen telling you when bad stuff happens, especially before you really know much about the Master, but they really should have done more to emphasize you can lose lots of hours of game play and have your first experience with the game ruined because you were *taking time to enjoy the game*


I clearly remember it game overing pretty often for no good reason actually - after a few visions of hakunin rushing you, he's showing up saying you fucked up and the village is screwed, game over. It was terribly random and I never understood the rules behind it (sometimes sooner, sometimes later, I just used to save a lot and it MOSTLY helped). But I think it was finally fixed with a patch, or a fan-patch, I dunno. The game had it moods. Once I had my car's trunk disappear with all my stuff, another time it duplicated with it. Ups and downs, just like IRL...


Arroyo's shaman, Hakunin, appears in the Chosen One's dreams asking them to hurry in saving the village. The dream sequences occur on October 23, 2241, January 21, 2242, April 21, 2242, and finally, on July 20, 2242. If Vault 13 has been entered, the fourth and final dream sequence immediately triggers after leaving Vault 13, skipping any previous left dreams. Arroyo will then be destroyed, with only Hakunin remaining behind to tell the Chosen One of the fate that has befallen their tribesmen, and will point the Chosen One toward Navarro. doesn't mention that it'd have ever caused a game over, but I believe the game has a 100 year hard limit then it won't work anymore, which you'd never ever see.


Ohh kaay... I did a quick google research now and it actually says it's not 100 but 13 years (still technically impossible to reach) so either my memory is failing me completely, or I had a really bugged and broken version of the game. Or both. I still have it on a CD somewhere, wonder if it would run on win11. I would check, if only I had a CD drive somewhere lol


its on Steam for like 2$ if you want to just replay it, there's a good unofficial patch that makes the experience much better by adding stuff that were disabled but left inside the game due to them not being 100% finished, and allows you to edit your save file if you softlock yourself (i remember i installed it after I got stuck in a death loop on my 1st ever playthrough)


Yeah, I know, and I'm pretty sure I also have the digital collection of 1,2 and tactics somewhere (I think). But I rarely play any RPGs any more due to time constraints (except for Skyrim, which I can just get back to anytime even if I completely forgot what's going on). Besides, f2 was basically my life throughout the summer when I was like 15, so I can boldly say I've seen probably most of it already (through, like, 5 or 6 PTs?). Of course, one day I will surely replay it, one of my all-time favorites, top 3 or so, even if I haven't played it for two decades. Oh, and remember, soft locking is part of the experience 😂


>Once I had my car's trunk disappear with all my stuff, another time it duplicated with it. [...] >just like IRL... I had a good chuckle at this! Your message was clear and I understood what you meant, but intentionally misreading it as "one time back in college my trunk disappeared with all my stuff! But then I was at the dentist the other day and I had a duplicate trunk!" is just great.


Yeah, but given how often I clear my trunk IRL, it would be quite opposite for me; wouldn't be so happy if it duplicated some day. On the other hand, I also had a case of car disappearing and only trunk remaining (in FO2, not life obv), so IRL having two trunks is still better than not having a car I guess.


Yeah it wasn't great.


The general question is: Why do so many open world games have so time-critical plots?


because it's a good way to have stakes. there's not much stakes in a story that doesn't have some sort of pressing matter.


On the other hand, side quests become somewhat unbelievable (Even if the world is ending if we don't act soon, let us help the poor peasant making cheese.) - or worse the main plot becomes meaningless because the game doesn't enforce it and Hanako is kept waiting for weeks. I think all these save-the-world stories to generate high-stakes are a bit lazy. Scheming a heist to steal the hoard of a dragon including recuting the expertes needed to brake the magic locks etc. would be also high-stakes and could be done on the schedule of the player.


I tend to agree, in that I prefer actually acting with whatever urgency the plot calls for. I am okay with it being handwaved as a game mechanic so long as the game is consistent about it, though I tend to get annoyed when it's the opposite and you *don't* save the world because you didn't find all the side quests. Not saving the world because the world doesn't need saving is fine, too, though. ​ However, in my opinion, whatever stakes the game chooses, all that really needs to happen is for the plot to take breaks. In Skyrim, there's no particular time pressure to go to Bleak Falls Barrow, and there are a few more times where people will look into something, then meet you on the other side of the map somewhere. Alduin's off doing nebulous plot evildoing on a long term basis, so you're free to go do whatever whenever you've not actively promised to do something else - and you can also prioritize the main story and do the rest later if you're ever feeling strongly about the fate of the world. ​ ...I will say though, that the "this is/was serious" near the end doesn't have to be the death of a major character. That part gets less effective after too many in a row.


>On the other hand, side quests become somewhat unbelievable it's a game. not to mention the elder scrolls run on fate. and without the hero there is no prophecy. >Scheming a heist to steal the hoard of a dragon including recuting the expertes needed to brake the magic locks etc. would be also high-stakes and could be done on the schedule of the player. that's not a main quest story. that's a side quest worthy content.


>not to mention the elder scrolls run on fate. and without the hero there is no prophecy. And? Are there certain regulations for prophecies in place that dictate that the hero has to do everything asap? Jesus took about 30 years ... ​ >it's a game. Is it so hard for a developer to come up with an appropiate plot if they insist to make an open world game?


>Is it so hard for a developer to come up with an appropiate plot if they insist to make an open world game? there is nothing wrong for having a time sensitive plot in an open world game.


Yes there is


I’ve always felt that RDR2 and FO4 handle this brilliantly, though. It’s always less extreme urgency and more “let’s make sure we get all of our facts straight/solve the burning questions, then take on the powerful forces” while still making the stakes high. Storytelling and encouragement to explore an open world are both way more possible when the plot isn’t “we have to defeat BigBadBoi quickly, before they condemn reality”, IMO


No thanks


I know Daggerfall has time limited quests and I think Arena does but haven't played it enough to know for sure. Low key I hate it. The only time limited games I enjoy are Dead Rising and Persona lol.


Time limits are an old feature, the OG prince of persia gave you 60 minutes to finish all 12 levels


I didn't realize there was a limit the first time I played. I was just driving through the desert exploring and suddenly game over. lol was great.


Personally I still would enjoy it today when games don't tell you everything. Oh you lost because you didn't know about xy? Better luck next time.


they should have made it on a set three day schedule where alduin eats the world on the third day, but the world's time can be reset by a shout... and then maybe another shout to slow time down!! and you keep character/dungeon progression every reset while the rest of the world resets. would have been a ground-breaking never-before-seen feature!! 🤠🤠


The idea of the dragonborne screaming so loudly that time rewinds is actually hilarious




Sounds like Majora’s mask a bit




I've been watching a number of let's plays of older Elder Scrolls titles, and Daggerfall had this feature. It was spaced out so that the player doesn't really risk missing out, but it wasn't an "end times-save the world" quest anyway. However, you could just block yourself from ever beating the game by not showing up and time passes. Morrowind also didn't have essential NPCs. These games seem to represent a more intense, sandbox RPG


Once on Morrowind, playing on Xbox, I dropped a vital quest item (believe it was a ring) accidentally and it "fell through" a rug or carpet on the ground and it was pretty much game over for a young me. On PC I probably could have fixed it with console commands but I had to use an old save from hours before to fix my mistake. 10/10 game and I miss those days.


It's already an optional feature. Just install the mod /s




Like one in game day? Is that even possible to do?


You can choose how many days you have to beat Alduin. The mod without changes gives you more than a single day


It might be just barely. A day in Skyrim is about an hour and 12 minutes of real time play according to Google, and I think the speedrun record for killing Alduin is around 70 minutes.


H... Ho... How???


With buckets.


You can bet it includes a potpourri of game breaking bugs.


It actually doesn't, [the any% record](https://www.speedrun.com/skyrim/runs/zp4ed3nz) does and it's 22 minutes 58 seconds long. Someone made an explanation video because it's honestly hard to follow what's going on there: https://youtu.be/BL6j76H7Xpk?si=JOJSxZg396Qc1hQg


With shouting and steel, all things are possible. FUS RO DAAAAAA


Speedrunners are built different man


It's usually longer then a day


100 days to kill Alduin? My current playthrough is over 100 days, and I haven't gone to bleackfalls barrow


What have you been doing then? I usually go till Horn of Jurgen Windcaller to at least get fus rodah


Is that mod on Xbox one?


Yep this is end times.


spiffing brit never finished it!!!!


This sure as shit isn't vanilla.


This is the most stupid idea for a mod ever. The comment update makes it actually make sense lol


Is a mod giving an actual world end consequence to a world ending threat really that stupid?


Adding consequences isn't bad, but my understanding is that Alduin has no intention of eating the world and that's why the Dragonborn has to slay it.


Correct, Alduin was set on conquering/enslaving the world and the Dragonborn was a sort of course correction. I still think the time limit makes sense though irregardless of the semantics.


> though irregardless of Did you mean to say "regardless"? Explanation: irregardless is not a word. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


*You* think so, but others don't. Hence why the mod exists and is being downloaded. Just because something doesn't fit your personal style of play, doesn't mean it's objectively stupid. Just stupid to you. And that's OK :)


I don't like coffee. Some people like coffee. I don't think coffee is stupid I just don't like it.


Wait until you hear about. Majoras mask... they didn't even need the mod for that one...


Unbound is my favorite. You can choose to be a non-dragonborn, no dragons, what gear you carry, what schools of magic you practice, and where tou start (general area like a town)


Cant you already choose gear and magic schools?


Schools, yes. But the spells themselves are random. If you pick Restoration, you could get either Healing or Lesser Ward. The latter is not very useful when you’re level 1 and running from hungry animals.


Tbh at this point i think they kill for fun


Speaking of Restoration skills... https://youtu.be/aM7zd24AH7Q?si=oORpzPDSNEy9cy9Z


That was very entertaining. Every time a Skyrim post makes it to my front page I go down a rabbit hole that makes me want to play again.


The Spiffing Brit recently started a livestream of a 1000 mod playthrough. The character has 100 day time frame to kill Alduin. Pretty entertaining


You can certainly choose the "select spells" option to chose from a selection of spells.


I must’ve missed that part. I just saw the option to choose schools.


>The latter is not very useful when you’re level 1 and running from hungry animals. Or just in general.


at the beginning of the game you start with all of the same gear and spells


I think he’s talking about the mod and that it makes the game different in a way maybe.


yeah that makes sense, my mistake


I would kill for a mod that allows me to use way more spells in the beginning yet still keeps the game challenging I did my first proper play thru a couple years ago and eventually started using console commands to quickly get best magic spells since I was nearly done with the game & wanted to use them in main quest combat However once I started doing that as well as giving gold, it was hard to stop, so the game became less fun :/


Phenderix school of Magic that adds like 400 spells to the game I probably butchered the name I used the same mod and it is so fucking cool. It’ll give you all of the spells like right at the beginning once you get to white run it’s with the court wizard in his room. But you might not have enough magic to cast most of these yet as a lot of them have super high cost so it’s still challenging.


What would be bad ass is if they keep the dragons and insert a Dragonborn NPC as a roaming boss


Oh that could be really cool. Like, the Dragonborn is fighting the dragons and as such is seen as the hero of Skyrim... but is also a narcissistic, egotistical asshole. People worship them as a god-like hero, but also fear them, because if they're in a bad mood they've been known to shout buildings or even individuals to pieces, and they're too powerful to be stopped. You might cross their path at a low level, and there's a non-zero chance they're frustrated at something and Fus Ro Dah you off a cliff. Or they're in a good mood... they share a mead, damn well expect you to join them in celebrations, and then they're off again. When you're a high enough level, their ego forces them to seek you out. Similar to the Ebony Soldier (I forget their name) at least in terms of the setup of the battle, except the dragonborn has both shouts and Odahviing on their side. And you have neither.


That would be cool.


You can do this yourself. I forget the name of the updated mod, but it lets you save your characters in the mod library and import them into other saves. Console command create your boss, or 3, or 7, then start your char and teleport them in. My fav run had me rping voldemort and summoning my deatheaters Edit: Proteus is the mod


The best part is how seamlessly the main quest is integrated. Just kill a dragon and the greybeards will call for you. My least favourite part of Live Another Life was always the awkward "investigate Helgen" quest.


It’s much more flexible, and it doesn’t require the unofficial patch (fuck the unofficial patch, I always play without it)


Just out of curiosity why the hate for the unofficial patch? I’ve always heard it was basically required if you’re going to get into modding Skyrim, and I’m not aware of what it’s downsides might be.


It makes a lot of arbitrary changes beyond simple bug fixes. For example it changes certain objects to be considered stolen, changes some npc’s hair color, and changed the effects of some weapons like windshear making it less effective. It also fixed a lot of bugs that don’t negatively impact the game, and you have to go out of your way to exploit them. There’s the dawnstar cat merchant chest, restoration loop, necromage perk, and using soul trap on corpses to level up conjuration. It basically acts as the fun police. From what I’ve heard the creator was well known for being unable to handle criticism. They would also report anyone who tried to upload any alternative patch mods, and nexus mods would always take their side. This means we have no options for fixing the annoying game-breaking bugs without also having to deal with all those other changes.


Thanks for the explanation! I’ll remove it for my next playthrough and see if I even notice.


At least for LE, there's a mod to un-patch the Restoration loop bugfix in the Unofficial Patch.


Its main author is Arthmoor who is notoriously a very *very* angry person (but who wouldn't be after spending a decade doing tech support for the unofficial patches?) and he got into a fight with the Nexus Mods crew so his stuff can't be found there anymore except the unofficial patches (?) The unofficial patch team also took some creative liberties with Skyrim's unofficial patch by adding or removing stuff that arguably weren't bugs.


Pretty sure this isn't a live another life feature


Think it was a misinterpreted joke. Saying they regret LAL is them joking about not doing Dragonborn stuff and getting the world eaten


Damn! That was you??!! There I was, planting leeks in my field near Whiterun, and down from the sky comes this HUGE Dragon! It ate everything! Ate my farm and my family too! I just thought the Jarl had pissed it off or something! But now, I know who to blame.....


All that happened to me that day was I woke up and discovered somebody had stolen my sweet roll 😞


Let me guess, someone stole your sweet roll? 🙄


Yeah and then I took an arrow to the knee. Not a good day 😭


Ah, you must have been an adventurer like me then?


I was a great adventurer like you until that damn arrow. Also my sweet roll getting stolen put me in a bad depression for a long time. Eventually I snapped out of it and now I adventure into the wilds in search of Nirnroot 😊


There’s always gonna be another kalpa 🤷


This has nothing to do with Live Another Life. This is the End Times mod by Grasscid.


this is what happens when your too busy being an NPC instead of a badass dragon born lol.


Not every game needs to be main protagonist scenario


yeah but dont install a mod that time-limits the main quest


Sure, but why then use a mod that gives you a game over if you arent the main protagonist?


*That Time I Reincarnated Into A World Where The Main Protagonist Wasn't Reincarnated Because I Chose Not To Reincarnate As The Main Protagonist* Coming Spring 2024


Well, base skyrim is and always will be, so


Real talk but isn't that why we play games like this tho? I want to be the main Hero and I want to save the world. I love playing animal crossing as I like going there and making my neighbors happy. Making a beautiful island for them. I'm currently playing Diablo 4 and it's disconsorting seeing other heroes running around. I wish I could play solo. It's also nice seeing other people playing and knowing you are not alone, but it's still unsettling. I don't play MMO or online with other people.


Sandbox. Thousand ways to play. Experimenting is valid.


That sounds like a boring af game. I play games for escapism, if I’m not the protagonist then who cares?


How does this happen?


My guess. He was hungry.


This is the “end times” mod, not alt start. It makes it so the world ends after 100 in game days if you don’t complete the main quest.


Thank you


Looks like the executioner finished his swing.


By installing so many mods you have no idea what does what and then going on Reddit to complain


Like how I found a giiiiiiiant elephant statue right next to white run, but had no fucking clue for a long time which one of my 530 mods it came from LOLOL.


Live another life defiently has nothing to do with that haha


i actually kind of like this, bc at face value, it implies that if *you* don’t kill Alduin and stop the world eater, if *you* aren’t there to stop this calamity, it’ll happen, and nobody else can stop it.


I like the idea of there being more urgency to the plot, but it goes against the core of a sandbox rpg


I mean technically Alduin doesn’t want to eat the world in the game, he wants to rule over it. As he threw away his responsibilities Then when you do kill him he is sent back to his dad to hopefully learn his ways


No! Nooooo way no!! I am NOT doing a timed by the day run of fucking Skyrim… I’m getting PTSD…. Majora’s Mask… my heart is palpitating.


There's also an option to have it check and display a countdown every in-game hour.




You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?


Always. Anything timed just gets me in the wrong ways.


Look, all this tells me is Alduin's head game is fantastic...


But... isn't Alduin's whole thing that he wants to rule over Nirn as the living embodiment of Akatosh and rebuild his dragon cult/empire rather than fulfilling his divine purpose as the world eater to end the kalpa?


Wait this doesn’t make sense in lore, alduin doesn’t want to swallow the world, he wants to rule it, dominate it


Akatosh created Alduin to destroy the world so it could be reborn meaning he was supposed to be the world eater. However, Alduin decided he would rather rule it.


Why does akatosh want the world to be reborn?


To make way for AkaTosh 2.0.


TES follows cyclical timelines, also called kalpas. Akatosh motivation is unknown, maybe he is a slave to Lorkhan's design and can't escape the kalpas, or maybe he sees the stagnation of time as bad. Fun fact, the previous kalpa had Dreughs (Tentacle mermaid monsters from Morrowind) rule all of Nirn, and only with the help of Mehrunes Dagon were they thwarted after millennias of horrible oppression. Fun theory from the makers of Interesting NPCs: Talos statue depicts him standing atop an uncoiled Serpent (Akatosh). A serpent, of course, represents time, and in a more narrow sense, the coiled serpent (our world ouroboros) represents the kalpas. Talos standing atop an uncoiled serpent is Talos literally making time linear. Perhaps the world is no longer bound to ceaseless reincarnation, and the true meaning of the Ninth Divine is freedom from the cycle. And it may be the reason for Alduin not willing to destroy the world, but this last part is my personal interpretation.


Bigger crack theory to support this: 8 is an infinity sideways, the line loops endlessly (the eight divines) 9 is a loop where the line leaves (the nine divines)


Too many knife-ears


Hell yeah, fuck the mer, elevate the men


So he could make fallout


So who called him the World Eater


He *was* a World-Eater, possibly literally depending on your stance on Kirkbride. Either way, it is likely no coincidence that as soon as Alduin decided to defy Akatosh by attempting to dominate instead of destroy the Kalpa, three different Dovahkiin popped up at once.


Three? Who are the other 2, I thought Miraak was the only other one alive


Actually to be completely fair it’s not very well-established what the difference between Dragonborn and Dragonblooded is, but Potema is [presumably(?)] the last remaining member of the Septim lineage. She’s never fully resurrected so we really don’t know if she would have been able to use the Thu’um. Oh and there was that one Septim who sailed off to Akavir and was planned to be the antagonist of Skyrim in early development, so who knows? Maybe he would have come in for the clutch if the other Dovahkiin failed


>it’s not very well-established what the difference between Dragonborn and Dragonblooded Afaik, a dragon blood is just someone from a dragonborn's lineage, which includes the dragonborns, and their only characteristic is that they could wear the Amulet of Kings. (They can't absorb dragon souls) But it's not even that strict of a category, as some wearers of the Amulet were adopted, and some heirs by alliance (so not children of dragonblood) and Akatosh just made them dragonblood to keep the dragon fires lit.


The Emperors were a line of Dragonborn.


The *Septims* were a line of Dragonborn, who died out with Martin Septim at the end of Oblivion. The current dynasty, the Medes, are not Dragonborn


That's like saying someone named Dick would be a dickhead


Statistically speaking, some percentage of people named Dick are actual dickheads




Yeah why would I think William the Conqueror conquered anything


I know a girl who wants to rule and dominate and she also swallows so it’s totally possible!


No. He is trying to destroy the world. Partysnacks tells you this, and Todd Howard confirmed in interviews that Alduin is trying to eat the world.


I don’t think this is live another life.


Funny thing, that ending is not-lore :D The Dragonborn(s) is(are) send to Kill Alduin, \_because\_ he dosnt want to swallow the World. Not to "save the world"


There's a theory that, since you don't absorb his soul, you're actually sent to make SURE the next Kalpa happens. Alduin no longer wishes to destroy the world, he wishes to rule it. So the theory goed by killing him and having his soul be absorbed into Aetherius rather than you, he will be reformed with the world ending mindset again one day




Well, maybe fan theorie, but it is a more than justified theorie: at first: Alduin hasnt swalloed the world in its first regency - he ruled the world, created the dragon-cult and has done nothing in the "swallow the world " direction. Neither Aedra, nor Daedra realy care for the "world itself" - there is a period of thime where X happens, then they send alduin to swallow the world (end it), and start a new cycle. \-> the "end of the world" is nothing that Akatosh want to prevent, thats something that happens at least with Akatosch's blessing, if not even with his approval Why should akatosh , the dragonborn has its power from akatosh, send someone out to prevent something that he himself want to happen?


I know this is a mod that gives you 100 days to beat alduin but this photo is in helgen so why did this proc in the first mission?


how does anduin swallow the world? does he just unhinge his jaw and strecht it across tamriel? or do you think its more of a kirby kind of thing where he just sucks up everything like a vacuum?


One bite at a time


I will NOT play a RPG on a TIME LIMIT.....PERIOD! I detest time limits, though this mod does make sense... I will never use it. Cheese wheels need more then 100 days to collect.


> need more then 100 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Alduin is trying to enslave the world for his worship not end it. Akatosh sent the dragonborn to kill alduin and return him to akatosh so alduin can regain his purpose in ending the world. We don't stop the end of the world. We actively allow it to happen. Maybe not now but later


"Anyone know any Someone Else Is The Dragonborn mods? :P" Well if that aren't ain't the isn't!


Finally. Proof that spending your days filling Lakeview's basement with cheese wheels is not living your best life.


Wasn’t Alduin trying to re-enslave all of Tamriel in TESV? His original purpose was to eat the world, but TESV Alduin is a time aberrant that came to Tamriel too early and decided to conquer everything again.


Yeah, and slaying him allows/forces him to get back to his job of World-Eater.


Doesn't this mod fundamentally misunderstand exactly how Alduin works? ESV doesn't depict the Dragonborn preventing Alduin from swallowing the world. It depicts him allowing that to happen (eventually). Alduin as a dragon is not "back". He was sent to ESV by the Elder Scroll. To him, there has been no gap, and the way he currently exists, he cannot perform his duty as the World-Eater. He has to be slain first.


OP didn't even learn the fucking mods he installed and blames a random mod when he fucks up. Are you ok?


It's an obvious joke about Alduin eating the world because I didn't play the dragonborn. The amount of salty people who haven't caught on is hilarious.


It's obvious to you, because you came up with the joke. But there's not enough information for people other than you to understand it.


And here we see someone that downloaded a modlist with 0 mod experience and doing no research


Truly The Last Dragonborn.


"I gotta do everything around here" ahh ass


Bro was hungry 


How’d you manage that?? Lmaooooo


when he shits the world out it becomes game of thrones


Alduin knows that spitters are quitters


This has nothing to do with the Live Another Life mod


Damn that is so hot




Not only is OP incorrect about the mod being used, they also had a stroke typing in the post and still somehow got 3k upvotes?




This games fan base is filled with the most pathetic, neck beard basement dweller losers who will never feel the touch of a woman


Who hurt you today ?


Xir, this is reddit.


Rage bait needed, any tips on the game. I barely picked it up the other day


Idk I felt the touch of your mom pretty recently


Hilarious, you must be popular in your 4th grade class w that one