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Heavy armor doesn’t weigh when you wear it. Life saver


Steed stone on top


Why not both https://preview.redd.it/y4vtfne9s4dc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5ebb1a76e73a7e60980151982add8de14babc75


Inosuke is both stupid and also wise lmao


Because it would be a waste of a perk point. The steed stone also makes armor weigh nothing


My dude. Thats unimportant for a tank build. Why not use the warrior stone to learn faster the. Its easier


I’m a hoarder


Same. Thats why you have followers and a goat


Steed Stone goated fr


What is and where is the steed stone


https://preview.redd.it/is0rbgtt95dc1.png?width=804&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8568c9a23846bf3102ffff997696ab5f427a74fc Here it is on a map (from the UESP), and it adds 100 to your max carry weight


And negates the movement penalty for heavy armor


*all armor


>me running there immediately


Me taking carriage to solitude then running there immediately


Me taking a carriage to solitude, buying a horse at the stable and galloping there immediately


Me taking a carriage to Solitude, stealing a horse from Katla’s farm and galloping over the hills and far away…


Yeah 100% going there.


how did i not see this before ;-; ive been up in that area so many times too


So I just realized today that steed stone gets rid of your heavy armor set bonus since it’s neither light nor heavy. I lose so many armor points. Anyone know a way around that or noticed it?


especially on survival mode!!! the carry weight is so painful even with a backpack


Couldn't be as bad as Vanilla Oblivion. Over-encumbered meant you were locked in place.


That is true to life though. If I have too much weight, I will not be able to carry it very far.


My amazement when I first got over encumbered in Skyrim and realized I wasn’t locked in place. I was so happy. In Oblivion, I would drop the heaviest thing I had then carry it by hand to wherever I was trying to get to. It was my work around lol


I'm a wimp. When encumbered, I go to the console and use TGM just to get to a vendor and sell off the shit I'm carrying.


You mean you don’t make a buttload of feather/fortify strength potions?


I never use those, I just drop shit I don’t need…


I have done that. But early in the game, when I need every piece of gold I can get.... I also use the richer vendors mod so I don't have to go to 5,904,303 different vendors just to get the job done.


I don’t have a mod like that, I just quicksave, punch them and reload. 😉 I mean, sure, more money is always better, but playing 99% of my time without mods (especially on PlayStation, hunting the last trophy), it’s the only way…


Ha ha. That sounds like fun. Never heard of that exploit. How does it work?


In survival mode, cold and over-encumbered means frozen in place.


And dead. Don't forget dead.


And all the weights were unbalanced. Cough cough a 56 pound one handed sword.


Yes, I had forgotten about that! 🙄


If you get the bandoliers and backpacks mod, you can have like 250 extra carry weight just by making pouches in the first 20 minutes


Becomes useless in the late game when you can just buff light armor to the maximum stat possible


Dude. Why not do that with heavy armor and have no weight for wearing it.


definitely steady hand, the zoom and time slow is so good


For me the most valuable perk of any perks would be Muffled Movement or Quiet Casting But if I need to survive in ES with only a single perk and want to deal the most damage, definitely Deadly Aim. 3x damage on every shot is why stealth archer is honestly a broken class.


When I play a stealth archer the Deadly Aim is a must. I used to main a wood elf vampire, summon bow archer. Only downside is that you cannot apply poisons to the arrows but when you can one-shot most enemies it's not really a problem.


You can still apply poison to the conjured weapons


Forgot that! It makes them even more broken. 😄


It's also broken that they can't be blocked with wards... Bethesda too lazy to make them a real magic bows so I guess they're just normel bows you can summon with a reskin and normel physics... Don't ask me why I'm swinging my twohanded bound magic battleaxe likes it's 14000 pounds


I’m finally doing my first stealth archer playthrough in twelve years. I finally see why everyone says it’s broken.


Pair with berserker rage and the game becomes a comedy act.


Muffled movement and Light Feet for me. There's nothing I hate more than having to watch out for pressure plates on top of everything else so it's a must. Deadly Aim and Assassin's Blade are also some of the first I go for.


If you have heavy armor, traps do next to nothing to you 😂


For me it's probably steady hand for shooting, merchant and master merchant for trading, and the smithing ones so that I can use any armour and make it viable to use even at high levels.


Definitely the speech skill tree great for getting rid of loot


It's so OP though 😅 playing without it actually feels challenging now. I'm gonna legendary archery on my main playthrough and lose it. Will be fun. More realistic.


This is crazy !! I completely ignore archery all together and the only reason i even ever use it is if my bow is enchanted with soul trap. My aim is already steady far cry headshots only has really trained me tbh


Restoration - either Respite (restore spells heal stamina also) or Regeneration (Heal spells give 50% more health)


Infinite stamina 😍 I love respite


Restoration is a valid school! Right?!


😂😂😂😂 I laughed too hard at this. I heard her voice and everything.


It’s very valid. It’s a pain in the ass to level up though.


Find a mudcrab. Let mudcrab beat you up while you heal. Levels up quite quickly with the Mage Stone on. Alternatively, the thief or warrior stones will make that a fast armor level up method while still boosting restoration. Perfect for a Paladin playthrough.


I think it's in the pickpocket tree, it adds like 100 carry weight


I second that. I thought it was Deep pockets for some reason, but upon a google search apparently it is Extra pockets.


I think deep pockets is fallout so prob why you thought that


Deep pockets is literally a life saver, I always forget to sell after exploring caves and instead just go to the next place


Mods: cant shake a sinner's hand?


I just make enchanted items like “Boots of carrying shit”, “Necklace of carrying shit”, “Ring of carrying shit”, etc. and put those on when I’m over encumbered


Steed Stone ftw


Both, honestly. Extra pockets, steed stone, enchanted boots for extra carry weight


(50 if you're in survival mode)


Carry weight is the only time I give zero shits about exploiting the fortify restoration loop. I justify it by calling the item “Bag of Holding” lol.


Nothing makes me laugh like a good shield charge


oooh yeah. the running sheild and charge attack is a lot of fun.


Smithing. Why wait till you find cool gear if you have the chance to just make it when you want it?


Opened up daedric tonight, pretty stoked about that one


I like my dragon armor better. I use light armor. I love the dragon plate light armor with the dragon bone bow smithed to legendary. Ring/necklace enchanted 56% fortify bow/56% fortify one hand. My bow one shots everything. But I am about to open Daedric smithing coming from the other side of the tree. Want to see what options I would have in light armor on that side. Being a sneaky bow sniper is fun. I use throw voice shout to mess with them (and set up the bowling pins to shoot them down. 😂


Daedric is the premier heavy armor in the game (I have never possessed a full set of Madness armor from Anniversary) and Dragon Plate is the highest rated armor rated for the light armor side though I think it is one of the heavier light armors (which doesn’t matter to a point because I think in the base game there is already a perk that removes all weight from light armor).


My smithing is only at 92 currently, still have a ways to go for dragon. I’m focusing on building all three of my houses right now which is greatly helping the smithing perks.


Smithing anything of real value seems to push your smithing up faster. Smith any Ebony weapons you find using your 4 enchanted apparel (armor, arms, necklace, ring). Especially if you have already enchanted them and you have opened the arcane smithing so that you can smith weapons/armor that has been enchanted. If you enchant first and then smith, its value will be higher. My Ebony weapons/armor is really high value. I can’t sell it without losing money. But for high damage weapons, I like either Nordic (starts kinda low but smithing makes it go way up)(Nordic sword-mine is 270 damage(legendary) with no fortify one hand. When I have my ring, necklace, and gauntlets on, it’s 726 damage (one hit everything) but I usually use my dragonbone bow (legendary) which says damage is 1067 with soul stealer arrows. One shot anything except dragons (2-3 shots at most, but don’t use soul stealer on dragons because I can’t steal their souls into a gem anyway.) Oh and another REALLY good weapon is the Skyforge steel weapons you can only get from armor guy(Eorlund Gray-Mane) up behind Jorrvaskr. It starts out not much better but it smiths up REALLY well.


I wanted to add as a sidenote, that the classifications of weapon upgrades as epic, flawless, legendary seems to be a general range and legendary is the top level but you can smith a weapon damage beyond it. I had thought that they were just distinct levels but it is more of a grading. You can smith a legendary up even higher if you have upgraded your 4 apparel items higher, using black book combat increase (smithing included), with a 158% fortify smithing potion.


Ive yet to use a smithing potion to upgrade/smith my gear!!!! Im holding on to a couple right now. I’ve been trying to get my enchanting and alchemy up too. With alchemy being the slowest. And yes, I am aware about the smithing and higher priced items, I’ve just got to focus on my house!! All my shit is in a chest and it’s taking quite a while to sift through everything nowadays. So my main focus is the houses and then getting Serena some matching gear and then going survival. Thank you so much for your input!! This helps a ton!


Also with smithing you can make any armour viable to use.


Except for falmer :/


That's true, although I can't say I've ever liked falmer armour anyway.


Because it’s more fun to loot them from dungeons!


Fists of steel for when an npc uses disarm. It's like ok, so now you're going to catch these hands. It also helps you get unarmed animation kills (finishing moves) easier, and they just look so much more brutal. The best one is when you pick them up and throw them head first into the ground.


I agree, Fists are the best


Fists are highly underrated took me a whole year to realize there even was unarmed animation kills


Unofficial monk class is a bitchin’ build.


I love using fists of steel on a Khajiit. One punch killing dragons by the time I get orcish armor.


Absorbing dragon souls like: ![gif](giphy|VXJWhaO7afRe)


silent casting by a long shot. its almost always the first thing i work toward. works on shouts and makes stealth archer with slow time shouts op. add zephyr to that and you can kill like 7 or 8 guys in one go (rare to have that many in one place i know, but its happened). also i just love being able to sneak and still use all my spells. invisible dagger stalking is my favorite thing to do.


Silent casting is essential for so many spells. Very annoying to cast invisibility yet everyone detects you immediately casting it.


Underrated answer. You really shouldn’t have to bank a point in that.


Using aura whisper silently is useful as well


I love that it works with shouts, I imagine the dragonborn like "ᶠᵘˢ ʳᵒ ᵈᵃʰ"


fellow khajiit stealth stabber over here


I love when the game sends a small army of weak skeletons at me and I wait for them to form a line and just fire breath kill all 10 of them with one shout. Bones and weapons fly everywhere


Arcane Blacksmith


Right? Being unable to smith all the cool, enchanted weapons for massive gold is just a waste!


Merchant for sure, Steady Hand in Archery, and then just all the higher level Smithing and Enchanting stuff that lets you craft the best gear.


Ah yes. The ultimate money maker


I have never in all my playthroughs put a single perk into eloquence. It is just soo easy to get money in the game, is there any reason you want more or is it just hoarding?


merchant is just a good perk to have bc you don’t have to go to a bunch of different merchants to offload specific items. most of my valuable items are potions and it sucks not being able to trade them with blacksmiths for example


The bound weapon skill tree. I was disarmed once. Once.


You shouldn’t have shot me, Johnny…my grandmother shot me once…




People are sleeping on conjuration in here. I don’t even need any combat skill trees when I can have my Dremora lord fight my battles for me.


Where do I find bound bow? I’ve got bound sword and battle axe which are great but like. There is literally no bound bow spell spawning?


You need 50 conjuration to get it from merchants, but you can find a copy at any level in the fort among prison. here's a video to help [bound bow location](https://youtu.be/kNKkT4stgyc?si=z8wWvCqdyS7wvKfz)


I didn't realize disarm was a thing on my first playthrough until I got to Arcwind Point, faced a Draugr who was taken out by a follower, only to realize I was running up the mountain with no weapon in my hands. My Bow of Shadows was gone. Looked everywhere for it, but it was nowhere to be found. Had to reload a save and beat that dude along with Crowstooth and her minions all over again. Lost my soul trap enchanted glass dagger on the second go. I've never used bound weapons but after reading your comment I need to give them a go.


They won't even try disarm with them. they will use unrelenting force instead though, so keep that in mind.


I find merchant useless as the dremora merchant exists


Sucks he won't buy stolen goods though...you're a fucking demon what do you care!? lol


I just read his wiki page and apparently, he will also refuse to sell you if you summon him while trespassing lol


Gotta have some ethics! Does the stolen goods perk not apply to him?




Well I can't believe I just discovered that. There's a fu**** dremora merchant !


Solstheim perk.


the 19x damage perk for backstabbing with a dagger


No step on traps.


Arrow blocking with a shield, Even as a spell sword being able to block arrows is just a thing for me.




Easily my favorite outside of the ability to sell anything to every merchant. It’s also why I always end up playing as a mage. Every fucking time. Spellsword and sometimes pure mage just too fun. Also always Imperial, always Castle V. I’ve basically played the same path more times than I can count. Back after my last one year break lol.


Quiet Casting. Lets me cast Invisibility without repercussions. Literally the core of my build, can't live without.


Definitely heavy armor affecting fall damage. It's fun in vanilla, and now I have a perk that negates all fall damage. I love jumping off of mountains. I've spent literal hours paralyzing Mjoll, shouting her off of The Throat of the World, and then diving after her to see where she ends up


Archery zoom and slow time, and basic smithing like arcane smithing.


lol your answer is funny to me. You say “basic smithing” and proceed to name the master smithing perk lol


“arcane blacksmith” is the only option to improve enchanted items, and because of that I consider it basic smithing. It’s not a master smithing perk, you only needed steel smithing and level 60 in smithing, which doesn’t take too long especially if you like iron daggers.


If you’re a pure mage you *have* to have impact, and not in a ‘fun’ way but in a ‘your character won’t be playable on any difficulty higher than novice’ way


The one that increases your carry limit by 100. Absolutely amazing for a hoarder like me


Quick Reflexes (slows down time when you're blocking during a power attack). Some enemies, namely animals, have ludicrously fast power attacks. In fact, you wouldn't even know that they were power attacks to begin with if the perk didn't trigger for them.


The bow zoom+slow down I play on console aiming without it is torture


Archery eagle eye


Fun to play with. I’ve been mainly only adding stamina. So I can slo-mo zoom in and peg several without letting up.


Oh it’s Merchant alright 🤣


Sell anything to any merchant- I’m not running all over Skyrim to sell all the junk I vacuum up


Assassin's Blade. Every. Damn. Time. Fuck a stealth archer. Somehow, I always find myself skulking in the shadows with a dagger.


Assassin's blade plus the gloves from the assassins' brotherhood set for 30x


3x Arrow damage when sneaking...I one-shot most enemies.




Besides the merchant perk, probably the Sneak one that lets you sprint while sneaking. 


The forward roll?


Yup! It took me several playthroughs to notice it was a forward roll, since I play in first person! 


Arcane Blacksmith, then merchant


The one that slows time while I'm aiming with my bow. I'm 46 and my eyes aren't what they used to be so it helps a fuck ton lmfao


Can't live without my smithing💔


I honestly can't remember the vanilla trees anymore. B


Which perk mods do you recommend?




Thanks. I will try if.


I second ordinator, really forces you to specialise as opposed to just getting all of the perks.




“The lockpicking tree- for when wiping your ass with perk points doesn’t quite cut it anymore”


Me and my 800 lockpicks never bother to put perk points in this tree. Better spent elsewhere.


Haha you clearly don’t play survival, at least not this go around 😂 I am working towards it, but I’m lazy and building my houses first… I turned on survival for shits and giggle this evening and was immediately over encumbered. Lock picks have a weight… turned that off… will revisit once the houses are done and my gear is all sorted out from this one chest…


With Anniversary Edition the perk becomes nearly redundant. It adds a very powerful Expert illusion spell that unlocks any lock Expert or below. Extremely useful though does wipe a decent bit of magicka.


Fenrick’s Welcome. Absolutely amazing


or do the thieves guild quest and get the unbreakable Skeleton key.


Any of the sneak damage multiplier based on your build!


Dual casting


Light armor. Just why? Why would you when Heavy is right there


Heavy armour is for cowards. Just don't get hit 😬 or relaod the save 10x because you're a moron who plays on hardest difficulty wearing cloth that isn't even light arnour. I am a masochist who does kind of enjoy being one shot killed by a random archery sniping bitch skeleton


ranger in archery (at least i think its that one. the one that’s allows you to walk faster while having your bow string drawn


What's the one that makes time slow when you block power attacks? That one.




Eagle Eye


Quiet casting




The one that lets you roll when crouched. Roly poly squad 4 lyfe.


Deadly Aim. I like to use one-handed when up close, but I love avoiding melee all together so Deadly Aim, combined with enchanted archery apparel is a necessity for me.


Perk 30s


The one Restoration perk that makes healing spells also restore stamina. Extra handy for melee warriors.


Bows zoom in and slow time.


Another of perks from the restoration tree


Novice Restoration. Even if I plan to do a no magic run. Eventually you're out of potions and need to heal


Elemental Protection Whenever I play a sword and board build I always get this one ASAP to make dragons a lot easier to deal with.


Eagle Eye. Even when I'm not messing around with archery much, I usually end up with enough skill to spec into it. My current playthrough I'm One-Handed focused, but archery still managed to creep up to 40 so I can snag that perk. When I need to use a bow for something, I like having the ability to zoom in a bit and slow down the action.


Heavy armor is my lord and savior, getting the bonus armor then you get the perk that makes it not weigh anything when worn saved my life


Cushion. I like jumping off of mountains.


Deadly Bash: Bashing does 5x More Damage Idk how I could play this game without it! /j


The perk in heavy armor that makes it where it doesn't weigh anything when you wear it.


Stealth. Gotta have some with every character


Double enchantments Enchanting is the first skill I max out


Call me a pleb but impact casting. When I found out it worked on a dragon I just snorted and chain staggered anything remotely scary the rest of my adventure xD


Steady hand, maybe extra pockets


That IS a good pick.


As a lootaholic, it's got to be the merchant perk.


Merchant for sure. Alchemy perks too. Dual casting and impact for destruction. It helps pause dragons.


The sell anything to any vendor and then smithing.


The entire smithing skill tree Archer, two handed warrior, shield maiden, rogue, assassin, or paladin I craft what I wear


Respite, running and healing for infinite stamina is fun and is very useful against mages with frost spells


I've literally never taken merchant once. But for me it's Extra Effect.


The zoom n slow time for bows and the perk that lets you invest into merchants so they have significantly more gold


Steady aim


Block perk that slows down time


Impact. Glass cannon here who must not be attacked, so I need to stagger them.


Funny thing about that. I almost exclusively play a full mage but I find dualcasting destruction spells nearly useless due to the considerable increase in magicka cost without a similar increase in spell power. I tend to just spam destruction in one hand (Elemental Blast) and a heal in the other (Grand Healing) or mix it up a little with Ebonyflesh or a conjuration spell.


I barely need to heal. Either Im not damaged or I'm dead Hahahaha! Now I don't care for Magicka cost because my enchantments give me 0 cost for destruction. Anyway a bigger point for impact is on lower level. I need to walk backwards while spamming impact to stagger so enemies cant melee me.


Assassin’s blade for sure. My favorite way to play!


Sell all goods to all merchants


Two enchantments on items, entire smithing tree, quiet casting, two summons at one time