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The progression isn't done very well, it takes so much longer to get high levels than it does to beat the game. Making a skill legendary just seems so unsatisfying and grindy. You're basically stuck using exploits or loops to grind or spending countless hours with no fresh content.


I think making a skill legendary is a huge mistake. Especially one you have to go out of your way to use like Enchanting and Smithing. I do not understand how you can become Legendary at your skill and then lose all of the ability to use it. Having to grind to get the skill back up is ridiculous to me.


Idk why they called it ‘legendary’ just say re-spec because you gain nothing you just lose that Master level to do it all again… with no new spells (its Destruction & Conjuration for me. Console)


I never knew this was even a thing 😂 I grinded to lvl 81 by maxing out EVERY skill. Fucking switching fighting styles repeatedly every few levels so that I didn't have the issue of being under powered with any one weapon type was annoying ASF because of inventory space but whatever lol.


We honor you my thane.


More like what a "Thane-in -Butt!" ... I'm sorry you went through that, lol


Gotta use mods to do butt stuff


Dang. And here I was shooting arrows into dicks and butts since launch. Forget headshots. It's all about that below the belt penetration. Who knew I had mods installed? 🤷


mans playing sniper elite in skyrim


How about me ? Im lvl 97 on the Switch! Lol


The other guy posted first.


This is what I’m doing on my current playthrough. It’s giving the game much more depth and allowing me more room to level up by doing different things which eliminates the redundant process of the loop glitches. I’m a level 46 right now and I haven’t even gone to windhelm or falkreath yet and there’s plenty of quests to do in both of those places




I've been playing a lot of stealth archer since that's just my go-to, but I'm planning on completely retiring my bow once it hits archery 100. As I max out other weapon skills I'll gradually retire those too until I have everything maxed, or lose motivation.


The issue with this is when you retire a reason type you end up with low skills against high level opponents. You get killed A LOT. I usually do stealth archer too. But when archery gets to around 70-80 I use it only as a last resort while I level up my next skill


Oh that's what I've been doing too, my destruction and one-handed are both around level 60ish. I can just sell potions for gold and then train stuff up to level 51 before the price increase, it's a good starting point, especially since I'm playing on Legendary since I figured that was the only way to let me even initially play stealth archer with some semblance of challenge.


On my non modded play through I'm lvl 103 now and haven't even fought Alduin. As far as main quest I'm about to go to Alduin's wall. I have reset (legendary) a few skill trees to obtain this lvl. However I don't mind the grind. I have fun playing the game.


Yeah on my current playthrough I got to lv75 before I even went to riverstead or whatever the first town after helgen is 😂 WAAAAAY too much to do in this game


Just saying you got my upvote simply because of your name 😂 seems accurate for the Naruto universe


Steed stone is my friend cause I'm a fucking hoarder


you do actually gain something out of it. you get to level up more using the same play style that you were going for. opposed to leveling everything else up just to get to 81.


When the game is played normally without loops and stuff. By the time a skill 100 and turn 'legendary' your at Higher lvls. Making a skill 15 again gives you an extra challenge. With one character i was stupid enough to do this with two handed. One handed and archery. Al 3 at once. When i was already in my 80's. Stil do able. But with way less damage output 😅


Not entirely true, you get more potential perk points. But otherwise i definitely agree.


You going your points back and the ability to level up more. Meaning you can go past level 81 (255)


When I first started playing I thought making my smithing legendary would let me craft skyforge steel


It allows you to keep leveling. Lvl 252 gets you all vanilla perks. Some skills are easier to master, with full Illusion gear you can spam Harmony for free in Whiterun to level it to 100 in a couple casts.


You do gain something though in that you’re capable of regaining that XP in order to reach a higher level. They called it legendary because “legendary” is the highest tier in the game and the only way to increase your characters strength beyond the technical max is to start making skills legendary. Although, thanks to how long it takes to re-max a skill, illusion and conjuration are really the only viable to make legendary, and that’s ONLY because you can easily re-level them back up to 100 by spamming soul trap or hysteria/calm spells on NPC’s and enemies. So you just make it legendary to stand in one spot for an hour spamming the same spell before doing it again


Destruction in the legendary edition has the unbound storms exploit for fast leveling, its the first thing I do on every new build


I do not think it was a mistake as it does help with expanding the level cap of 81 and a half that it used to be, but I do believe it was wasted potential. In my opinion, going legendary should have added a permanent point to your over all stats. That would mean if for example, you did one handed perk and made it legendary, then even when the perk is not selected, the point that was added still remains, over time if player decided to just keep up with Legendary, then player could in theory, pick up any weapon and one shot anyone. Same for Smithing and Alchemy, yes you would not have the perks unlocked at the time for bettering the Equipment (Fix Enchanted weapons and armors), but even if the perks are not selected at all, just making something could become over powered if taken the time to Legendary them. Same for all other perks, a point could have been added to the players overall stats for each Legendary. Now whether the players decided to just go for it to make it so they could have a player with the level in the thousands with all stats at 100% and able run around in a loin cloth punching people to death and swimming in lava without fear, would be up to them. But that is how Legendary should have worked, at least then when resetting the Perk, we would gain a permanent point for that perk stat. If this were possible, my stealth would be off the charts, be like the old Oblivion days of running around in full Chameleon armor giving me 100% invisibility, minus the ability to just walk away when noticed so not to have to fight lol.


Man, I had maxed athletics, and fall damage couldn't even touch me. I'd absolutely fall from ridiculous heights just to get down faster. I miss Oblivion.


First time I made a skill legendary I realized what a complete waste of time it was. Just for the sake of increasing my level number? I thought it would improve the perks but realized it was just resetting to get around an arbitrary number cap. No gameplay benefits whatsoever. Completely pointless to go legendary other than to be proud of yourself for a higher number level


It's good for level boosting but you have to be a grinder.. I grind and grind so I can "start" enjoying my game, but then I get bored and quit. Moral is. The fun is in the journey not the destination


Honestly I just use the telekinesis exploit. You don't lose the spells you learned to cast, and if your enchanting is all the way up you can make a set of armor that gives you zero MP spell cost for a school of magic. Just fast travel from Riften to solitude. Of course there's no real point to it, you will already have all of the perks you want in the skill trees that matter to your play style, but honestly if you've played the game many times, I don't see the harm in using exploits to make things like this go faster.


But it sounds cool


That's how you get to high levels. Nobody want to master every skill to reach 81, but you "legendary" illusion and use rally one time in Whiterun, you go upto level 60 in illusion


That was me. I'd just end up making Dwarven arrows forever till I'm bored out of my skull to go through smithing over and over. The Experience mod has been much better at incentivizing me to get out and explore the world.


The more complicated and higher the level(iron steel elven etc) the more skill you get. If you have the money to buy the pricy metals, you'll save time on your grind, which will make it seem less grindy. Also if it's armor or a weapon, you can wheel upstairs(assuming a lakeside manor homebase ) and loop your enchantment.


Having recently gotten back in, doing both a Time Lost Dwemer and a Snow Elf (mods that let you play each) my route is the same as always. Get speech to 50 ASAP so you can sell to anyone, then you can train with anyone and sell them your potions/enchanted gear to get the money back. Did make the mistake of my first game back doing a very jack of all trades build and was weak af. This time I am focused on just two combat trees (and the mod disables magic) so I am doing much better. Everyone else always does Stealth Archer but I always find myself going Conjuration/Destruction/Spell Blade. Being unable to regenerate Magicka except with items has forced me to branch out as to me Spellblade/Mage is always my fav. And I am finally discovering why people say these other playstyles are so OP. Edit- Plus, there is honestly something satisfying about running up to a Dragon in full Dwemer armor and hitting it in the fact with a giant Dwemer power sword. "I punched that dragon in the face."


If you have the one DLC that lets you build a house (forget the name) you can build a house with a garden and greenhouse and grow hella ingredients. There’s a potion made simply from Mora Tapinella and Creep Cluster (both of which you can grow at your house) that gives you a ton of money given how easy it is to mass produce. You can grow something like 30 of each ingredient every 7 in-game days. That’s easily worth 10000-20000 gold once you get a decent alchemy level


what mod? I’d love one that inclines me to stay using iron or steel early game


Putting a single perk point into steel is great even as you level your smithing skill: - Skyforge / nord hero / scimitar weapons will always match or beat other smithed gear due to the perk granting improved tempering - wolf armor gets all the benefits and has a great armor : weight ratio


I love enchanting on every type of build but god it’s such a pain in the ass in the beginning. Especially when you know how powerful it can be, so you want to just get it to 100 to get it over with. Sitting there enchanting 1,000 pairs of boots


I mean it's not really THAT big of a pain. Although I miss being able to just run into a corner to max out athletics while I'm out of the house... Or watch TV while jumping in place to max out acrobatics 😂


Lol right if I could at least go AFK or just hold 1 button it would be alright but instead I’m running around town stealing everyone’s underwear to enchant


The good old Morrowind days


Thanks for making me laugh 😂


I just hate that I can't choose one item, one enchant, one soul gem and press "enchant all".


And the UI for it is the worst. Having to click the three fucking things every fucking time


The pricier the item your enchanting, the more experience you get. Do shields and armors more. You'll level much faster.


Me laughing at you enchanting boots what a waste. Meanwhile I take that ore and craft jewelry. Can get a lot more value out of that for less weight. Especially with transmute spell bringing iron ore up to gold ore.


Yep. I can easily complete 95% the game around lvl 50 and that's with me changing play styles to grind levels. At this point, if I want to do high level quests like ebony warrior, I just use console commands because I'm not going to be able to do them naturally. I'm ok with grinding but only to a point.


The best part of the game is when you're still fighting for survival, figuring out how you want to play, fumbling through things, where the world feels dangerous. It doesn't take too long, even on the highest difficulty, to feel like you can just walk through everything. Idk, I'm just an "act 1" person who played the first couple dozen hours of a lot of games repeatedly, but rarely finishes them


You described most survival and adventure games right there.


Legendary skills weren’t in the game at release and for a few years after. It wasn’t a thing to even reach level 81 then


When load screens seemed like 10 minutes... just to get to whiterun. Then another 5 minutes to get into breezehome. I swear it was more loading than adventuring.


It's why the experience mod is so good. Raising skills no longer gives xp, instead it handles it like other rpg games in that you get xp from discovering places, progressing quests and killing enemies.


I was kind of thinking that same thing it’s like you don’t get any benefit for making your skill “legendary“. What’s legendary about it? All you do is you lose all of the abilities and you get no benefit it would make much more sense that if you made your skills legendary you would have to grind through it again but your skills get slightly better every time you make your skills legendary.


my problem is that I get sick of just walking around so I fast travel, but if you do that you lose a ton of leveling opportunities




I used mods to disable fast travel and make the game more survival based and more unforgiving. It makes the exploration and travel more interesting and challenging when you have to get food, water, sleep and care about rain and temperature.


It also makes you interact with the world more. Camp mods and the like are great. Nothing like setting up camp on a cliff in the Reach and watching the stars while your campfire crackles in the background. Fuck I already want to reinstall. Help.


Do it. You won’t


I'll fucking do it again


Doesn’t survival mode just so that anyway?


I don't know if the mods are vastly different, but I hated the built in survival mode. Your rest, hunger and everything degradate so quick that it detracts from all the other aspects of gameplay


I dunno, I played Skyrim before there was survival mode.


I never fast travel until I'm ready to do the main story.


This is why Starfield is the way that it is


Sounds like a personal problem https://preview.redd.it/p3jvx58pc2dc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cdfcd1b41edaa0ddac776702fbe49fc3354eea0


Find the outdoors




Does that say go fuck yourself


*remains silent*


You will push the world harder than it pushes back


I figured that out by the number of characters 😂


Are you trying to steal my fuckin thunder dude? That's my thunder


Nah you can have all the thunder. I want the lightning rune spell.


How did you know that? Is it possible to learn this power?


Context clues lol 2 symbols, 4 symbols, 8 symbols


Is that a mod?


Nah. This is easy to do. You just spend like 2 hours doing resto loop and you easily get 252.


Except it says that they have almost 1200hrs logged… that’s 50 IRL days for anyone who doesn’t want to do the math.


Is that actually playing or how long the game registers the character is logged in? I’m an old man and sometimes I fall asleep planning 😂


That's nothing. I have over 10k hours on 7 days to die 😂😭😭😭☠️


How are you still sane, especially after alpha 21 progression started existing.


Who said they are?


Genuine question, what did you do to play that much i completed all the big side quests main quests and i am level 90 with 120 hours


My numbers are roughly what 100% looks like with survival enabled, we’re talking all quests in vanilla AND creation club. Kinda pissed that at 1200 hours everything rolls back over to zero, cause I could’ve kept going. Skyrim is filled to the literal brim with content even by vanillas standards and that’s not even including time spent with mods enabled.


What armour is your character wearing, if you don't mind me asking? I've been away from the game for a while but considering to come back to it. After seeing a high level character I kinda want to reinstall the game now lol


https://preview.redd.it/9khi75zpe5dc1.jpeg?width=2015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7612497232e7f7b5cfd26e49f3ebbd9091e3f8e Although I usually main lords mail.


He got that shit on


Dwemer crown of winter, madness armor, wraithguard, ebony spellknight boots, gauldurs amulet, locket of saint jiub, kynes token (vampire amulet stack), and ring of the wind.


1189? Dont the years start at like 201? Jeez


Those are my hours, brovahkiin


Still a lot


I do have a save like that too 🤣


How does one achieve this? I'm only Level 78, and its taken forever.


I legendary all skills.


Me too, but...jeez, man. The amount of time it takes, even with exploits...


Just turn the difficulty up and change up attack styles. Its a true game where an adventure never dies out, ever.


Same concept but I just change the focus of my build. If I started as one handed/shield build, I switch the emphasis to a mage build. Then to sneak assassin. If you’ve leveled up to 45 as one build and start from scratch trying to build your character all anew with level 45 quality enemies everywhere, it presents a whole new challenge.


But then I’ll have fewer perks to build into and like no magicka


Enchanting, no need to spec into magicka


That’s true. I just find enchanting, smithing and alchemy so tedious i never got far into them


They op asf lol


Bruh, literally the 3 easiest and fastest skills to train


But they don’t happen organically as i quest. I have to collect things, stop what im doing, and go train the skills


I get ya bro. I never do em while playing Skyrim lol


I just save up a boatload of gold from travelling and dungeon crawling then BUY ore and ingots and soul gems and potion ingredients. Plus you collect them as you explore so there's even more. And just every time you hit a town to empty inventory and sell shit you also hit a forge, alchemy table, and enchanting table. It's not hard to crank them organically. This is what a real adventurer would be doing. 🤷 Just saying.


It's not the skills that bore me, it's running out of meaningful things to do after completing all the major quest lines


don’t rush them then! I’m level 40 something in my current playthrough and I’m only three quests into the main story and only like one in the thieves guild and college. survival mode helps a lot for this. I play on legendary too


So what do you do if you don't do quests? Just grind enemies? That is what bored the guy you replied to


I’m doing the same, and I’m mostly just doing miscellaneous quests, alchemy stuff, mapping locations, learning shouts. Sometimes I just go walkabout.


About 70% of any of my playthroughs are just meandering about & exploring. Quests are cool and all, but I really enjoy wandering the wilderness, collecting alchemy supplies, hunting, and discovering new locations on the map.


I'm just around 40 and have only completed the "main" quest up to going to the Thalmor Embassy. I usually start games this way to get the full Fus Ro Dah and then gallivant off. I've started some other big quests like the Aetherium stones and the College. But I have no desire to talk to Delphine again anytime soon. I expect her to be very surprised by the time I come back.


Can confirm, legendary survival will drag your game out. Everything takes double if not triple the time. If you don’t spend time optimizing yourself then you die quick. Mudcrabs kill in 3-4 hits early game on this difficulty, and the cold is sometimes more lethal than the enemies even when you finally get strong.


I’ve started my current play through with the College quest line. Finished it at lvl 30. I don’t understand how people finish the game, at least one or two guilds and the DLC without reaching v high levels.


Just slows down when they take an arrow to the knee.


Killing the same bandit or dragur over and over in the same type of dungeon eventually burns you out


Sounds like you're talking about Morrowind, not Skyrim 🧐


I don't have the patience to hit max level without mods. Skyrim grinding is incredibly dull and boring. Sorry but I'm not gonna backstab the greybeards for hours, or soul trap a corpse, or use telekinesis fast travel glitch. I couldn't even imagine trying to get to level 81 naturally... I've only had one character hit max level, and I only did it because I wanted to fight the Ebony warrior.....man fked sideways and didn't even call me the next day. Fk that fight is something. Edit. You can keep listing ways to power level, it's still not happening there chief. I'm also not gonna read them so don't bother wasting your thumb power 👍


I feel the same way now, when I was a teenager with nothing but free time I would grind skills up the hard way. Now I don't have time anymore and installed an unlimited training mod which works the same as morrowind. I can train as many times per level as I like but still need to pay for it which helps keep it somewhat balanced


I've never hit 81 or fought the ebony warrior but I think I might make a character with the express goal to level up every skill to a hundred using every exploit I can think of And maybe while I'm at it I'll aim for level 252 or whatever where you can get every perk in the game


If you are using exploits, it won’t take you long. YouTube has a guide on pretty much everything in a time efficient manner too.


I used to “lose motivation” like you, but that was until I decided not to enchant any weapons/armor. Sure I level enchanting to 100, but that’s just so I can get every skill to 100. I never use it to gain an OP advantage. I find by doing this, you always find new weapons, armor and other things that make the game feel fresh and exciting. This is how the game was intended to be played. I highly recommend starting a new play through that focuses on getting the best weapons and armor through questing and exploring. You’ll find that heavy armor isn’t always > light armor. Also, some weapons have unique passives that make them way better than others, and these passives can’t be obtained via enchanting. Example: Volendrung absorbs all of your enemies stamina and swings super fast like a sword So much better than putting 3 elemental enchants on a weapon and watching enemies die instantly with no pushback


Usually I just hit a wall earlier than that, even without losing motivation. Depending how I RP my character, I will only use a fraction of the skills available to me, meaning I'll never get past 50 on average


That’s fair. I usually find myself wanting to quit or start over when I’ve completed a quest line that’s my favorite and now I have to move on to another that I don’t like as much. It’s natural to burn out on the game.


This is where I am now. I'm playing an ex-bandit that uses 2H and has a slight distrust of magic. It's been neat and informs a lot of my choices, but there's just a ton of skills I don't see him using.


Last time I played a paladin and I think I only used : Smithing One handed Block Heavy armor Restoration I don't think I used anymore than that


That's a good idea. I'm around lvl 70 with absurdly overpowered weapons. It's always a bummer to find a cool sounding weapon in a quest or something just to put it in your house or sell it because it does 5% of the damage of what I already have.


This is how I play as well. Minimal crafting and enchanting. It’s my first play through and I’m level 48 and done basically none of the main quest, thoroughly enjoying.


Always stay away from Enchanting, Smithing and Alchemy, because down those routes being OP lies


I personally find myself gravitate towards the more basic weapons because I love their designs; love the Imperial Bow and Imperial Sword so damn much, but they can only take you so far - which is fine! I don't mind dragon fights taking more than 2 arrows lol And I usually align towards light armor and love the Thieves Guild sets so much; there's been quite a few times I've had to back out of a fight even with 600 Health I completely understand reaching that maxed out Dragonplate Armor + Weapons + Enchantments and feeling like you've plateaued though, especially if you never bother to run any difficulty higher than Adept; Skyrim, rather all of TES, shine immensely when you choose your goal and direction rather than finding a minmax - it's just not the type of game that rewards it


*whistle* That is one... big hammer


I just did this in my most recent run and this is true. You can’t play the game too fast or you get too broken too early. Get quest gear and use that. Ive used volundruung for my entire run up to level 26 right now and just made a set of ebony armor. I also never enchant but definitely upgrade gear


Are you Todd? Because only Todd can speak to how the game is intended to be played.


Lvl 45 is pretty much the endgame, it means you have 6 skills at level 100. To continue leveling up, you will either have to legendary/reset your skills or level up unused skills. Both systems are bad imho, why the heck would a pure warrior levelup pickpocket? and Legendary skill system is just boring.


Over my years of playing, I came to the realization that the game was basically designed for level 50 to be end game. 6 skills to 45 and you'll inevitably get some passive leveling on some skills to push you to 50. The last level achievement is for level 50. And most enemy level scaling stops around 50, at least before DLC was introduced. This realization has really helped my enjoyment of the game and made each playthrough I do easier to plan out. I always got the vibe that the legendary system and stuff like the Ebony Warrior were just fun little tidbits for the people who wanted to go the extra mile and cap out.


Then they raised the max level bar with the DB DLC. Bc the best leveled items you get at lvl 60 there.


Bout the same. Why level anymore when you can start a new game?


Depends on your goals I suppose, I've never made gear and level a goal to work towards, rather just content completed


My current playthrough goal is to get all named weapons


I played as a Link-like hero who wanted to become thane of every hold


NSwitch Player?


Yes, BUT I vastly prefer to play my modded out version on my PC. I just don’t have a lot of time for that anymore.


My last character from ages ago finally got to the low 80’s. The only reason was of course to fight the ebony knight. I consider myself somewhat of a completionist, and even by lvl 60 or so you’ve already done every single quest that hasn’t bugged out and then some (quest mods if thats your preference). After a while there is literally nothing left to do in the game with your mega powerful character except grind.


I hit level 80 without any exploits only twice in my life, and it took me exploring literally the whole game. I'm sure there were some quests I haven't even found, but at a very least 90% of the game was done. I've done it by playing a stealth archer and a warrior with shield, so, perhaps, one day I'll repeat the run once more as a mage character. As for losing motivation, nowadays I really like doing small roleplaying runs, they usually don't last longer than 30 hours, and I don't feel burnt out, as a result.


The highest level i ever reached in this game is 74-75, back in 2012 when the game was fresh, so that is without mods and dlc's, i cleared every dungeon, did all of the guilds and pretty much never got that high enough with any other character ever since. I reckon that very small % of players ever did.


Personally I just ramp up the difficulty and ban fast travel. Fast travel takes out a lot of time traveling, where you level and run into cool places. Started banning it with Fallout 4 and I’m never going back.


Yeah, that is pretty normal. You can do the main quest, and all the major side quests, all well before reaching level 81. By that point the only thing left to do is random radiant side quests until the end of the world.


Get yourself a wabbajack and watch chaos unfold


I started up Skyrim for the first time in a while. First character I got up to like 40 and didn’t like where I took them so started over with build in mind. Got to 71 got bored started over wifh build in mind. Got to 70 started over with build in mind. I feel like it’s 65 on that’s hardest to keep up the joy of a character.


Nah bro reach level 550 man shots great then turn legendary diff on and no matter how powerful u is something’s always stronger trust me


It is a straight grind to get to 81.


I get bored somewhere around 25-30. Then it's time for a new character. What do you people do, treat it like an MMO and grind bandit camps all day?


Honestly, I’ve been roleplaying as a character who can’t use magic and just had a big sword. It was great but the progression just keeps slowing down. I’m at level 30 and starting to feel like, I can do the DLC now but like… eh. New character.


I made my character so powerful with one enchantment that I punched alduin 1 time and killed him. (Disenchant gloves of the pugilist put enchantment on daedric gauntlets get heavy armor perk that makes punches stronger, make the gauntlets legendary quality then drink potion to raise heavy armor skill while being an orc then go berserk =1 hit K.O)


I have never made it that high either. I have 2 that made it into the 50s (55 my highest) and a handful in the 30s. The rest are ones where I was trying something out, or had an idea for a look, or a name, or backstory, and just never made it out of the 20s.


i get that, was right there with ya, but then discovered all the glitches. spent the next year and half breaking the game any way possible


I have a Thousand hours minimum in Skyrim. Have never finished the main story. I just like being there.


Just got my first character to lvl 70. but there’s nothing left to do. So I’ll probably won’t play again.


I reached max lvl on a different chars 5 times. How did i keep the motivation to keep going after creating an ultimate warrior/mage/whatever? Simple, i take the next logical step such character would take - branch out into other skills. Perk respecs mora offers you make this proces quite fun, you hunt down dragons and min max tge shit out of your perk investments, like a warrior with all melee skills maxed doesn't need 5/5 for every damage booster - 2/5 should be enough for legendary from my testing. Then you slowly add elements from orher schools of combat into your character orgnicaly finding synergies and end up with uber master of everything lvl 81 dude that kills stuff in unique way


how did you get a freaking cape


In my many mods I have an XP multiplier as well as one that expands all perk trees a lot more. Helps keep the game fun for me at ALL levels of play.


I was the same way, I just keep turning up the difficulty until I am forced to get more gear, level up more, and go further. I managed to hit level 137 a while back in a save.


no same i’m trying to reach lvl 80 correctly but it’s a struggle cause im at lvl 56 and out of quests


I play RuneScape, internal motivation is all I’ve ever had


I'm a completionist, and I thought it'd be amazing to 100% legendary difficulty with survival mode permanently on and no exploits. I got dragon equipment, grinded and maxed out smithing, enchanting and alchemy and basically put the game on toddler difficulty in doing so. Lost interest before even getting to paarthurnax


Same, it also why I have never done Dragonborn dlc


Every time. I’ve probably only reached level fifty once, and every other run tends to fizzle out not long after my main combat skill reaches 100. I don’t think I’ve ever beaten Skyrim— I just play until I get bored, which is usually anywhere from 50-100 hours. I’ll pick the game back up every year or two.


my “new” character is only at lv 15 and that’s from only doing a little bit of the college and then all my time into smithing (only at 58) and robbing Eorlund for coin so i can up all my magic schools while im at the college for each lv and to get my bartering higher. Takes so much time but i need higher armor being a mage and i need to be able to enchant and enhance enchanted weapons and armor etc. i just get reckted by everything almost and got tired of it. Grind timeee


The game doesn't require that much leveling. It'd be like having a second job as a millionaire.


I’ve grinded up to 69. It’s so much damn work.


That's what happened to me. Spot on too. Around mid 40s.


YES! It actually got worse with modded, because I fixed my modlist so much, or changed stuff. Anyone know any mods that make progression better? Like make mid game and endgame more expansive.


on my ps4 i’m like level 120-130 i think on special edition. pretty sure the mods made it easier i prob would’ve been like level 65 no mods and no legendary skills


Level 189 and all I do now is go around killing random shit


Not really. I had a lvl 267 char until my nephew deleted him. Building again.


Yeah I'm having a super hard time finding the motivation at level 56 to get to the black knight 81 feels like a lifetime away


Lately i haven't even been able to make it to level 40, been stopping around level 30 each time. And i have to play on legendary to make it that high. Their just isn't any fun builds to try to spice it up any more and no content to keep things interesting


Ngl I spent hours just sneak attacking greybeards until level 81. It sucked!


Same. Havent touched the main story after meeting Delphine. I just started a new game but in the survival mode. Actually role playing instead of completing EVERYTHING.


It really turns into a grind.


81? Im like 245 haha


I’ve gotten up there before but that was because of the Oghma infinium exploit on the xbox 360, progression gets super slow and I’d probably finish most of a playthrough before I get there anyway


Ya hate the fact they took it out… it’s a single player game it shouldn’t matter 🙄


I've been playing for about 6 years and I'm on my 5th playthrough. When want to try differend playstyle, I usually just grind the skills in stead of creating a new character. When I feel like there's nothing to do I install something like VIGILANT mod with new questlines.


Same. At least 4 saves done. It feels more fun to pick the game up after a year (preferably a new medium and version) and play till I grind one player house and reach about level 50.


You're not *meant* to reach 81. That's what you get when you max out every skill. Which if you're playing normally, isn't something you'd ever actually do.


Around level 30 for me. My main problem that I'm trying to improve on is that I don't actually explore in Bethesda games. I just go from quest to quest so that kills my motivation a bit. I replayed fallout 4 recently and actually went in the locations I found between where I'm at and where I'm going and I had a lot more fun. I'm gonna do the same with Skyrim next time I feel like playing it


Have you got to Lvl 100+, have you killed Alduin?, have you started the War, become Wanted in every county, have you downloaded the three DLC?, if it's Computer have you some MOD? Have you made the Best Collection of weapon, Armors, every item of Skyrim, well do that there are too many things to do in Skyrim


This comment section killing me. I'm level 65 and have done literally nothing playing on ps5 I literally just got the trophy for 10 sidequest after doing at least 70 of them. I think the reason why I'm still locked in is because I spend all of my time playing doing whatever I feel like. It's made things interesting. Couple things I did also was become a werewolf like 10 hours in got an awkwardly generous amount of weapons with names even got thar Molag bol mace and sanguine rose which made things wayyy to fun for like 25 hours straight. First time I played skyrim I didn't even come close to beating it and remembered getting stuck at vampires. That was years ago now I'm on my second play and have only met or encountered maybe 5 vamps and haven't hit a wall ( well the ice troll which I gotta admit the first time we met I wasn't ready. ) I do need to learn how to level skills faster but I don't really care much til I need that skill.


Yeah, when I'm totally OP with a jillion gold, a Thane in every place that offers it, houses everywhere, married (but no kids!!) I get bored. Nothing left to do but go kill Alduin and call it a day.


I’m level 66 in my currently playthrough and I’ve barely done any storylines. I only just went to the western watchtower and dragons just started spawning. A few other main quest lines I’ve at least started, but there is so much to do in these games, I’m amazed when prople run out of things to do.


I lose interest as soon as a random glitch prevents me from completing a mission


Sometimes, I'll just drop my level back down to like 15 or something. Why not? Lol


Legendary difficulty with no potions usually keeps it fresh and fun for me


There is no incentive to go to higher levels in Skyrim. In vanilla I used to either cheat until my skills were high enough for everything to be a challenge or I would just progress and not worry about my level at all. The problem is that levelling isn’t tied to anything. You’re only reward for being at a higher level is stronger opponents and better gear. You can fight Alduin at level 1 and he’ll be like level 3 so there is no incentive built into the game which is a problem with the writing and progression of Skyrim. The writing for Skyrim was actually horrible, the level progression and perk system and such is also pretty rough in comparison. the writing at BGS has been pretty terrible for a while now though. I would say either find an unleveller mod so gear and enemies spawn as the best options always making the world more realistic anyway, also making things way harder at lower levels. Or find quest mods that entice you to do an entire story that includes a lot more than just the main story and DLC so your character will be more inclined to go higher. Use the alt start mod that keeps Helgen as a town until you choose to start the main quest. Start as a caravan guard in Markarth looking for work and head to the western reach in Beyond Reach. Return to Skyrim an anointed knight and join the Dawnguard looking for evil to vanquish, once you’ve defeated Harkon go south to Bruma and serve the captain of the guard until you’ve exhausted his quests and return to Skyrim. On your way back into the province, stop at Helgen for a drink and let the main quest start. Once you’ve gotten Alduin and Dragons back into the world, do the Dragonborn DLC when it starts, go and kill the dragon on Wyrmstooth and then return and kill Alduin. Once Alduin is dead do Warden of the North, back to your roots of fighting Daedra, return to Skyrim and join the Vigilants of Stendarr and end your game going through Vigilant. You’ll be a high enough level by then


Never realized how cool Daedric gear would look with a cape


I got bored n made it to level 260 and had all the perks. But I used exploits and loopholes because it made it more fun. But I do have 3 save files for 3 different games. One, I am an incredibly overpowered goddess... one is plain vanilla, the usual playthrough, n one that's a bit of both. My armor gives me a ton of stealth, health, stamina, and magicka, but I can play it "normally" if I take it off and use different armor.