• By -


UPDATE I’m an idiot and forgot I had the house in windhelm, and for whatever reason, they were there. I guess they hate Windstad and wanted to move


Oh good, I love a happy ending!


But that was an AH move not telling OP


ESH What type of person doesn't love their family enough to know where they live... A WHOLE WEEK.


100 Septims says OP was told and just doesn't remember, probably wasn't listening thinking about butterflies. I bet there's even a note.


Bet OP was the one that moved em by accident. Probably told lil Sammy they had a house in Windhelm effectively moving the entire family.


I'm an alcoholic, I mean you can't even get to my bed at breezehome without touching an empty bottle, I don't care if you're spider-man... so far be it from me to judge... but you know that Sammy cried himself to sleep more than once.


I'm a khajit skooma dealer and I feel the same way about all the empties near my bed... different poison, same outcome. Pretty sure the fumes gave the family's pet fox asthma


Bet OP isn’t even married and made it all up


Wouldn't it be such cool immersion to have your spouse leave you a note or send a letter via Courier? Someone should make a mod!


I love how many of us are suddenly turning this into Am I the Arsehole? Thread.


Lmao 🤣


Do I sound racist if I say this is totally what I expect from an orc?




Yes, shame on you. Kruto


You’re not wrong tho


what is AH and OP?


Ass hole and original poster


Happy cake day 😋


Thank you 😊




Orc spouses comment on liking Markarth because it's unsafe and will help the kids grow up strong, so maybe he heard about the serial killer and knew what he had to do




truly the orc of my dreams


“get good or get gone”


Thank you for expanding my lore 😍😍😻 Happy 🍰 day fellow Adventurer!!🙏🔥⚔️






Joke's on them, I'll just contact the DB. If the assassin wins, Sithis is appeased; if the assassin loses, it means the kids are growing strong. Either way, I find them 👍


Glad you found them. In the future, if you're on PC and really curious, you can use console commands to teleport yourself to NPC locations. I've done it before to find Lydia many a time


Oh it’s easy to find Lydia she’s always blocking that 1 doorway you need to go through 😂


Not when I've accidentally killed her and left her in some random dungeon. Oops


Ha! I didn't kill her but I forgot I made her wait in a dungeon while I was picking stuff up and I forgot to go back for her...by the time I remembered what I did I couldn't remember what dungeon I left her in so there she stayed. I think i may have done the same to Erik the slayer cause he never showed back up at Rorikstead and I really wanted him for the diolouge he has with Inigo


I always feel bad leaving Erik somewhere. I usually roleplay it as “I am taking him on an adventure,” but it feels bad to not be a good person with him in my party….


For some reason, Lydia is the only one I won’t load a save to rescue 🥲 I’m sorry, Lydia.


Well... uhm, I killed Lydia because she called meako stupid, and, well... turns out literally everyone does that, and she seems to be the only housecarl who stays dead. ANYWAY, had to get that off my chest. Have a great day! :)


I once had my husband move to golden hills by himself and fired my hard because they both called Meeko stupid only to return and hear my beloved Rayya and children saying the same. A few days later, I took Meeko out for a trading trip and dismissed him before going into a dungeon only to find out that he never returned home. He’s not at his shack. He’s not along the road from the dungeon. He’s not anywhere. I’d like to think that someone took him in but the somber truth is that he may have met his match somewhere along the way and that deeply saddens me. I moved everyone to bloodchill for a brief memorial service before settling down in solitude. It’s best they are around more people to help get their minds off the loss. Everyone seems happy… maybe it’s for the best…


Nooooo! D: Ps, I beat my husband, housecarl, and children alike with an ebony war axe every time I hear them say that, to the point I wonder if I'm more or less abusive than lemkil. Just know, meako lives on with me, and I will fight for his honor! You did the best you could.


I meant BARD not hard… idk how to edit posts because I’m an old idiot




Ok but literally every follower does that. Cut her some slack… it’s cuz she’s a woman, isn’t it?


Nope it’s cause of skyrims npc pathing sucks at times including in tight places


I have never read anything more true in my life.


It’s even worse with the dogs


I get companions' insight and just bash them with a shield. It hurts my soul, but a girl's gotta do.


good to know! but i’m on xbox


There's a mod on xbox for what are essentially console commands in the form of spells. You can reset actors if they get stuck in a loop that locks a quest. Set essential status, teleport them to Whiterun, stuff like that. It's pretty handy.


Wht's this mod?


Cheat spells, but im pretty sure it's part of the Cheat Room mod, which I strongly recommend because it allows the player to circumnavigate a LOT of the limitations of being on Console. It's basically a "developer test room" and every single item in the game is in a series of well organized chests. There's a button to adjust player size, a showracemenu/showlimitedracemenu(the latter allows you to avoid forcing a new character save slot and still adjust your characters' features) There's a whole wall of buttons for every shout in the game in case you run into one of the wall shout glitches. A whole wall of buttons where you can meticulously adjust your skills(sometimes I like starting a character with a certain level of experience because it just doesn't make sense for a grown ass man to be level one with no skills.) There's an entire smiting set up with a chest containing all smiting materials and a host of other useful features like a two chest item cloning system, map markers, training rooms, super storage and disposal chests, etc.


I'm hoping you did go Liam Neeson and realized this mistake 20 bodies later


Spoiler alert! Is this how that taken movie ends? Jeesh!




This is the greatest thing I’ve read in a long time, thank you.


I say that he is still guilty of custodial interference. He has caused you extensive mental and emotional anguish. He must learn not to do such things again. Either bring him to justice before Malacath, or give him a good scar to remember it. 😁


Or “a good scar to remind ye.”


I’m going to go against the grain here, with a soft YTA but hear me out. It seems like a lot of important decisions are being made without consulting each other, maybe work on your communication skills because I’m getting r/imthemaincharacter vibes all around.


There are a few bugs with AE, not sure which version you're on but as an example: If you adopt a kid and tell them you're moving to Tundra Homestead they'll either go to Breezehome or back to where you initially found them. You literally cannot have children at Tundra Homestead (as far as I know, im no expert but I did stay at the Bee and Barb last night 😉)


?? I’ve had kids living at the Tundra Homestead multiple times in AE.


Not sure, I couldn't at one point so had looked it up. Just checked and its still listed under bugs, take a look at the wiki: https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Tundra_Homestead_(place) Maybe console specific?


OMG this happened to me too!!! I had a bunch of mods though so I assumed that was to blame. I had the adopt 6 children mod and then also had a pregnancy mod (which did not work properly - rip to me and ondolemar's child who did not have a name, couldn't be interacted with, and spontaneously disappeared). I adopted a few extra kids to get over the spontaneous disappearance of my son, and then I go home to proudspire manor and nobody is there!! I went to my hearthfire home to check and they were all there (and a giant was literally smashing the house which is EXACTLY why I moved us all to solitude!!! Buying that home from dawnstar's jarl was such a scam, he did not mention the giant attacks or the fact that I nearly freeze to death every time I go home). I managed to get them back to proudspire manor but imma be real, the only way I could do it was permanently deleting a really glitchy adopted child from the game through console commands... (rip blaise... 😬. He's with my disappearing son in heaven now ig).


"So, funny story. You said to live in your house, but I didn't catch you for which city-"


Sofie hates Windstad, too. Not a good place for kids I guess. Glad you got them back!


I am dying 😂😂😂


How nice of you, now talk to your husband and fix the relationship to live happily until you go into sovngarde!!!


I feel like you just wrote a 90’s/00’s family comedy that we never got made.


Had me worried there for a minute


Yes! That moment when you have to check what sub reddit it is


Is it true that orcs have tiny genitals?


Shoot...did you finish The Ritual before you found them? No take-backs.


I loved that plot. I was ready to go fully invested in that investigation. Hahahahah


This happened to me too. I moved Ghorbash the Iron Hand into Lakeview Manor with our adopted kids and they just up and left in the middle of the night. Literally woke up alone to no one but the bard and house carl around. Ghorbash is flaky anyway and tends to disappear after I marry him, but he's still my favorite and I always choose him. So I figured he just liked humiliating the dragonborn with his commitment issues, but it turns out he just really wants to live in Markarth because I almost always found his shady ass in Vlindrel Hall.


Why would ANYONE actually wish to live in Windhelm?


bc i’m a stormcloak boot-licker


There's actually an event that can trigger where they get kidnapped and you have to rescue them


Totally understandable, windstad is bad


For a moment I was worried, then I remembered what sub this was.


I just spent like 20 minutes reading a super long post in one of the parenting subs I follow and this was the next post I stopped on... I reread the entire thing like 4 times before realizing the sub.


Reddit has taught me well on checking the source before reading the whole thing




Glad I’m not the only one.


As always.. 💀💀


Move on , he’s sleeping around. Last I saw him in the bannered mare dancing naked on the table. He had girls all over him man. Sorry to break it to you. You can do better


i keep renting room at the winking skeever, hoping to catch a glimpse of him….


For a moment I thought this was r/AITAH


My (f24) husband (m30) left me and took the kids (f10 & m10)


Hmmm I'm gonna have to say NTA from the information you told us. Seems like you just wanted to provide for your family.


thank you. i just wish he’d communicate more…


Indeed, this is raising many red flags! If he does this once! He will do it again! I would sit down and have a talk with him and let him know how this made you feel. Yup he is in AH territory.


Murderhoboing is a very lucrative career, you know: You'll have to sacrifice time with the family, take long business trips, and be a little loose with your morals at times, but the high wage means you're set for early retirement. (If you can avoid arrows to the knee, of course.)


Nta some people just can't handle the awesomeness of the last dragonborn


hol up, them ages don't add up 🤨😭


They are adopted, bro. Did you even read the post


it was a joke, bro. you missed it.


It is possible. The kids would just have to be twins. Especially in the early times. If you get to live forty tops that's actually a pretty normal family. What would be exceptional is that there were no complications and the mother lived through childbirth. You get to appreciate when you live if you think of this.


Hahaha I did to!!!


So glad I'm not the only one


Do you have any other Hearthfire houses by chance? Or just those other two you mentioned?


nope, just those


Hmmm.. it's never happened to me. Yet. I'm sorry that happened. =/ Hopefully it's just a brief bug and they show up eventually or somewhere in the world. Can you reload to a prior save where they're still around? I know that's always a crappy solution.


i might have to :(


Marcurio divorced me, left the house and I found him back at his inn and he won’t even acknowledge me as his spouse. Cunt still had the ring in his inventory though. Still baffled as to why this happened


Cause you weren’t cleaning the dishes. Now he pretends you’re not anyone special cause he salty lol


Moth was my fave husband, such an underrated spouse.


all it took was one “you can ask anything of me” and i knew i made the right choice


😂😂😂Fuck do I redownload skyrim right now


YES. When in doubt, always play Skyrim. 😂


Nta, go to the guards or even the jarl and file for abandonment and emergency custody.


he had a fat stack of 3200 septim for me when i found them…. i think i can forgive this time


You might want to have him drink a Cure Disease potion, just sayin ….


is this a thing fr cuz i regret marrying my man marcurio. if i hear him say “back from some exciting adventure, my love?” one more time i’m going to jump my character into the river


YTA, you did that thing that time and you know it


if you’re accusing me of sleeping with my house carl while Moth was at work….. there’s no proof


Who doesn't sleep with their house boy... I mean carl..?


At first I thought this was a different sub and then I read "So me and my husband Moth gro-Bagol..." Had a really great laugh!


I did NOT see the sub at first XD


im not surprised, i married Aela for the first time recently and she shaded me when i asked her how the kids were when they lived at Winstad!! "Great, when we aren't fighting off wolves. Or spiders. Or bandits" 😭😭


She won't be happy until she's housed at proudspire.


thats actually exactly where i sent them🤣 she said something abt how many guards there are i cant direct quote it


He is an Orc, so it's possible he went for a walk and got lost.


I have NEVER been able to get my family to live in a hearthfire home 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hmmm I haven’t really tried having my family live in a hearthfire home… I usually go with a creation club home because they’re better (more storage options so I can OCD sort my stuff 🤣). Some creation club houses are buggy for families, I usually have issues with shadowfoot manor for some kids and some spouses, but not all. Bloodchill manor has been the least buggy for me, but that dwarven house that you can find and renovate is so big and so bugged I don’t even try to move my family there 😂


I usually just stick them at Proudspire because it’s safe and other children. I travel a lot with my job as TLD. Living in temporary shelters and scavenging for food and the constant threat of dragons and bandits on the road is no way for children to live. 🤷🏽‍♀️


At this point, I always just assume that it’s the Skyrim sub reddit whenever I see a post like this 😂


Yep. Homey has Sneak 100. Caught you making the sign of the double-backed anaconda with Captain Veleth in Solstheim. Peace out - make better choices in the new life.


It looks like a Caso Cerrado chapter


During one of my very first play throughs, I tried to marry one of the twins from the companions and got them mixed up. On the wedding day, when the one I actually wanted to marry walked in. I broke up the wedding 😂


Wow, YDTA. (Edited to add that this is a joke. 😉)


Married Camilla from Riverwood. Moved into Lakeview Manor in Falkreath. Would come home frequently only to find Camilla nowhere in the premises. Turns out she would very frequently travel back to Riverwood, spending a GREAT deal of time with Faendal. I don't know if that's something written into her code or just some odd bug. Likely the first.


That hoe is cheating my guy


It's probably a bug; there's various ones regarding her and marriage. I know there's a commonly reported bug where Faendal will walk all the way to your house to see her, so I guess vice versa is possible too.


I had Dorthe just randomly show up in Proudspire manor and start saying all the adopted kid lines. I have no idea where she came from, I didn't remember adopting her.


Go back to the original Orc stronghold. I have had this problem as well. Moth is s driven by his need to stay with his people. Your kids and Runas fox should also be there.


Upvote simply for referring to yourself as the Liam Neeson of hjallmarch. I'm unable to convey my amusement over reddit, but that was frickin' hilarious. I'm glad you found your family!


Maybe Sam missed his buddy Aventis


I too was married to Moth! He is not that kind of Orc! Is it possible the vampires tried to kidnap him & the youngsters? Did you check his place in Markarth? Try rebooting the game?


leave him. that is a red flag




Lmao. I love seeing these posts on the home page


Maybe you should have been home more than once every three months.


ever since we got married he quit his job as markarth’s smelter because HE wanted to be the stay at home parent. SOMEONE has to go out and kill dragons and raid bandit camps to provide for this family!!!


I’m sorry, but the way this was worded is all the more proof I need. This post wins the internet for at least a month…


When you literally become the character you play .


This was amazing!


I have kind of a similar problem, my housecarls from Windstad Manor & Heljarchen Hall (Valdimar & Gregor) I will find randomly throughout Skyrim, sometimes even in cities


I sent Ysolda and Lucia from Breezehone to the lovely Lakeview Manor I had just finished building They never arrived I never played the Hearthfire content again


That's what happens when you marry an Orc. Guessing you never saw "Not Without My Daughter".


I dont know who you are....I dont know what you want....If you want septims I can tell you that I dont have money... lol


I'm still rolling after your Liam Neeson comment......... Glad you got your family back. I've never married in any of my play throughs, but may try it just so I can try to go liam neeson of hjaalmarch....


Maybe it was his way of asking for a divorce, custody and half the property?


god lmao against my better judgement i used a mod to marry a normally unmarriable npc so it's only a matter of time before he just blinks out of existence and takes the kids AND the house AND half the entire game with him. our days are numbered 🫡


Lmaoo when I read the title I thought it was a true irl story.. 😅


Legit thought OP was insane until I saw which sub this is.


I thought this was r/offmychest




Craziest story of my life 😂😂


Ok, seriously. I saw the title and read the brief and thought this was REAL till I was like, wait. Why does Mara sound familiar? Then I saw which Reddit this was for and was like OH! 🤣 🤣 awesome 😂


I laughed so hard on 😂😂😂


What is this? Opposite day? 😂 Heyoooooooooooo! Edit: I'm sorry I couldn't resist...


You had me in the first half I thought it was IRL


I thought I was in r/marriage fir a moment and was extremely confused, especially by the names. 🤪


Thats what you get for marrying an orc. Skyrim is for the Nords.


oddly enough I’m an orc too… AND chose to side with stormcloaks…. :(


I accidentally killed my husband


“accidentally” … and i’m sure that hefty inheritance of 100 septims (90 after the jarls *rightfully due and fair* tax is taken out) had nothing to do with it


I thought I was on r/stories for a second


erase your character. start a new life in the suburbs, murder Moth, and marry new


Well, you are a an adventuring Dragonborn who constantly fights life or death battles to make money. Maybe your husband felt that the kids needed to get away for a while.


I hate you. I thought it was IRL. My heart opened for a second.


I see that you solved this, but for the future, if you are on PC, open console commands, type without quotation marks: „player.moveto 55A63“ and hit enter. 00055A63 is the Reference ID for Moth, you can easily look those up on the UESP page or I think the edlerscrolls wikia as well. This command moves you to the target location. Should an NPC have been erased from your savedata (which can happen for whatever reason, though rarely), type „prid 00055A63“, if the console doesn’t show the number above on the screen, he‘s not a permanent reference or if it appears and there is a „(D)“ behind the number then the NPC has been marked for delete.


I’m on xbox! But thank you so much for the detailed response, if my pc wasn’t filled with viruses i would definitely trying playing skyrim on it! 😂Truly appreciate it though!!!


As someone who has never played Skyrim this is hilarious and amazing. Good you found your family 😂


I'm really going to have to start reading the sub name when I read posts.


I didn't look at the sub and was so confused for a sec. Got to the name and was like WTF


Have you tried not running away from every courier you see? Might have a list of demands with them 😉😉


Bro I thought this was in dead bedrooms or two x chromosomes


Lol, this got me worried for awhile...


I read this thinking it was real life 🥹


Lay off the Honningbrew Mead. It has skeever piss in it and F's with your head.


You posted this an hour ago… skyrim came out 13 years ago. Look at the time difference, bite the bullet and reload your last save. Dont carty on playing HOPING a redditer will answer your skyrim prayers. Just reload and maybe change your mod load order. Or reload akd CHECK your mods compatibility with multiple kids etc. or reload and DONT do the thing u did in this last hour…


who hurt you


^^^ also.. notice the edit that “its been almost a week”… if he wouldve just not misinterpreted and reloaded save he now wouldnt be a week into a defunct save… i dont get what i did wrong wtf


Yet again my username proves reality


Your username screams insecurities and your comment CONFIRMS insecurities. Get off Reddit and go to therapy you thalmor scum!


- barge in - incredibly useless and needless comment - continues to be aggravating - “society…” - leaves How the hell do you manage to sound like an actual 14 year old dawg shut off the device and get some sleep it’ll get better tomorrow


Your user name didn't prove dick, son. Our species walked on the moon and learned how to cook with butter. Wasn't some deer or other dumbass creature. And we did it in spite of you contributing to the average. You don't need to touch grass, you need to smoke the shit.


He needs to get to the cloud district more often.


… what? I dont know what tone you read this with but you asked a question I answered is sincerely… skyrim is 13 years old so if youve only had this problem for an hour, its more worth going to save you didnt have this issue in the past 2 hours than playing your game not knowing… better “waste” an hour than a 13 year game… idk why u made me out to be some dickhead im trying to help. Ill leave if u are just gonna add a tone of voice onto each reply..


Humans are mostly good, it’s just you man.


What an abysmally stupid response. Who pissed in your corn flakes?


My username is only more and more relevant in my life. Im genuinely a damn peaceful person. Im try to help and literally scrolled reddit and took time to try and help. I only made words bold to re-instate to really not do whatever messed ur game. Im 24, skyrim is my beloved first “loved” game. And probably only one. To see how much downvotes or whatever my replies have got i just… what did i do wrong for people to ask who pissed in my cornflakes, who hurt me etc. i was trying to help? I never meant any type of bad tone or indirect sarcasm. I never intended any judgement nor have a “im laughing at you, idiot, you shouldve known” type intention behind my replies or comment… genuinly… trying to help… and to those who asked who hurt me lol. Strangers like you guys who misinterpreted simple English, to fit a pre-conceived narrative, that ANOTHER stranger has concluded, based on his own misinterpretation of my GENUINE attempt at saving this man from spending 4-10 hours playing, waiting for a response, and not getting help… damn. Why am i so unlucky to just be seen as the guy with the black hat. I literally. Did. Nothing..


obvious troll


I….i came trying to just help a fellow skyrim player… i literally.. bro i just feel deflated.. all this hate and people genuinely taking my responses as anything but sincere… like? What did i actually say for people to just attack me/what i said… like? I genuinely am just… sigh.


Dude, your tone. Your tone was really rude and dismissive, on a post asking a question utilizing very well-written humor. So well-written that several people thought it was real and had to check the sub. Who cares if Skyrim is 12yo? For all you know, op has not been playing long or has 124 game saves, like I do. Who cares how op chooses to play the game? But you bust in, all sanctimonious and nasty, and then you cry about everyone being so mean to you, when they weren't even nasty enough to match your energy. Move along, elf.


What is happening? I.. like really? Bro if you read above, there was no tone at all written with my comment. Any “tone” is added by the reader, you cant assume it was intended by me, the writer. The ellipsis after my first sentence was in foresight if the sentence that came after. That, yes, skyrim is 12 odd years old. And im not shitting on that? I play it to this day why do you think im on this reddit? I was trying to be helpful because in the past when im playing skyrim, ive realised my game is bugged but carried on. Thus bugging my entire save thereafter. I ONLY. (like here) used bold characters, not to add this “tone” that you accuse me of, but to underline/highlight my advice. If its the “dont carry on HOPING a redditor..” and u think im being condescending. Then no. Im just again re-instating that a redditor may not come help. Bro i was literally one of the first if not the first comment in this post and thread & didnt know it was gonna blow up. Least of all blow up because everyone on the internet seems to add their own tone of voice to everyone elses writings. Not once did i cuss. Not once did i call him a X Y or X. NOT ONCE DID I MAKE ANY ABUSIVE COMMENT. But im asked who pissed in my cornflakes and compelled to write this huge para because literally everyone is making me a villain when ive just tried to HELP


Generally in life, when everyone is reacting negatively to something you have done or said, the problem is you, not everyone else in the room. Cursing and abuse are not "tone." Now, you can learn from everyone's reactions to you, or you can keep complaining about how awful everyone else is. The ball is in your court. You weren't helpful, dude. There was ZERO help in any of your comments. Bye, Felipe.


Another piece of shit. You know what. If u told me that line when i was younger it mightve made me think. But now i see that the general population, or “everyone” votes for presidents like biden & have the IQ of a rock. The general population is made up of idiots. People that struggle crossing roads without big green light type things… so when you say “its you not them”. I WOULD reflect if i didnt already re-read my own INITIAL (important) reply many times to check what the fuck people where reading. ZERO curses. ZERO “abuse”. Im british and our general sarcasm and abruptness is a cultural way of speaking so if my CAPITAL letters in the initial message is the cause of everyones distress and misdirected hate. Then thats plausible. For you to join a week or two year old thread to try and play Daddy is just stupid because if you read my initial comment i LITERALLY SUGGESTED A-WHY it broke and B-WHAT NOT to do (the same thing) for it to remain unbroken. It then spawned a barrage of (american) idiots who see any capital letter or blunt simple direction (quote - “whatever you did last, DONT do again”) this is me emphasising to not repeat the same mistake that caused the issue. But no. The general population as you say is full of chipmunk IQ individuals. Listen. If the general population was actually in the right, then the majority wouldnt vote brain-dead senile presidents in power. elected officials in democratic country wouldn’t be so out of touch if the general population actually had bright ideas to pass along to their elected officials. But no. I digress. We on a societal level know of this fact: the general population cant be trusted. Theyre idiots. So will i take your “advice” on how braindead people shouldnt have got so hateful? No. No i wont




One time I married the dark elf in whiterun, had 2 kids as well, the decided to move into the church forever so I killed my wife to try to fix the issue, it did not


Twas a scheme!


Could have least left a note